
IrcsomeBotAlexia VITALE was added by: Alexia VITALE00:18
IrcsomeBotsetiyawaneko777 was added by: setiyawaneko77701:38
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
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IrcsomeBotSaunish was added by: Saunish05:18
lordievaderGood morning06:25
pragomerHi. I get this error when trying to burn an ISO file to cd-r with k3b on kubuntu lts: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hfjxFZbkDh/06:47
pragomeris this a know bug?06:47
isomarigreetings, what is the best way to upgrade kubuntu disco to eoan ermine07:54
lordievader19.10 hasn't been released, right?07:56
lordievaderIn that case it is a bit more tricky, and not really recommended.08:48
IrcsomeBot<rscholar> Pragomer: It is a known bug, K3b no longer works without elevated privileges. Look here for more info/workarounds: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrkit/+bug/176984810:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769848 in cdrkit (Ubuntu) "wodim no longer works from non-root accounts" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:36
BluesKajHowdy folks11:27
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isomarigreetings, I'm trying to install kde on a fresh insallation of ubuntu 18.04. When I run sudo tasksel instal kubuntu-desktop, I get tasksel: apt-get failed (100).13:19
lordievaderisomari: That is the full error?13:25
lordievaderCan you use apt-get without issue? (For example to update your system)13:26
lordievaderDid you try the sugestions from https://superuser.com/questions/1280568/tasksel-apt-get-failed-100 ?13:34
tomreynisomari: use this (including the caret cahcacter) instead:   sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop^13:36
tomreyn* character13:37
tomreynso find out why these packages are not installable and you'll make progress13:45
tomreynyou probbaly removed some essential apt repositories13:45
tomreynisomari: ^13:46
tomreynapt policy software-properties-kde13:47
isomariI'll try that now but I didn't remove anything. This is a virgin 18.04.3 installation.13:51
isomarido I have to add some repositories?13:55
isomariI don't normally work with the default ubuntu installation. I normally use kubunut direct.13:56
zactswill Kubuntu 19.10 be released simultaneously with Ubuntu 19.10? Or might there be a delay?15:26
OerHekszacts, same day, maybe 1 minute later/sooner15:27
OerHeksjoin #ubuntu-release-party to find out what time15:28
zactsoh nice cool15:29
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
tomreynisomari: oh, i missed your reply there. be sure to address me with "tomreyn" so i don't miss it. looks like your software is generally not up to date, you need to    sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade16:06
neoncontrailsIs there a way to bind a hotkey to toggle a particular window's visibility with KWin?18:35
neoncontrailsIn particular I'm thinking of Yakuake/Guake-style hide/unhide with f12... that behavior, but for generic application windows18:36
airmen55air force veteran all greets from aan atypical <20:02
airmen55- who is now a dual national brit. a n d Hunn religeon = kubuntu20:03
user|86319i'm just need to know what is the different between ubuntu and kubuntu20:15
user|86319which one is better for beginners20:16
DragnslcrThe only difference is which desktop environment is installed by default20:16
DragnslcrYou should try out both and see which one you like better20:16
user|86319Thanks a lot20:17
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ZrLhi there, no ZFS support for Kubuntu 19.10?21:30
RikMillsZrL: no. it all landed very late, with no time for us to adapt the KDE front end to the installer21:32
ZrLRikMills: Thanks :)21:33
DragnslcrRikMills- so is the ZFS support the same as in 19.04?21:43
RikMillsDragnslcr: depends hat you mean. the newer version of zfs-linux and other stuff gives better 'zfs support'. it is just that our installer does not allow the install that the gtk frontend does.21:47
RikMills*what you mean21:47
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest12967

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