
guivercfirst BIOS & first EFI clean install of 2019-10-14 daily ISO00:02
wxl@guiverc @kc2bez perhaps we should modify the testing checklist for final?00:55
guiverci've been updating it; 20191014 is current-final... it's messy yeah, but info there00:56
wxloh okie, i'll tweak it00:57
lubot<kc2bez> tweak away01:02
guivercwxl you removed a 20191014 (yes,bios,yes), reason?  and why should new iso impact do-release-upgrades?01:21
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Need a lil help here: … https://phab.lubuntu.me/P4802:52
kc2bezWhat prompted that output The_LoudSpeaker ?02:54
kc2bezIs this on a fresh install?02:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALe04a7b0b1a03: Spellcheck lxqt-panel] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALe04a7b0b1a0302:58
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> What prompted that output The_LoudSpeaker ?], I was running debuild -b —no-sign on default settings. for the screensaver task.02:59
kc2bezHave you ever had locale issues building any other packages?03:00
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> yup! had them for rARTWORK also. but that build fine. locale issues are due the fact that I am devloping in a chroot03:01
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> any suggestions?03:08
kc2beznot offhand03:09
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Also, what is the "install with an existing partition" option here https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/release-team/testing-checklist/ ?03:09
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @The_LoudSpeaker [Need a lil help here: … https://phab.lubuntu.me/P48], wxl:03:10
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @The_LoudSpeaker [Also, what is the "install with an existing partition" option here https://phab. …], is this about the replace existing partiotion option?03:10
kc2bezFairly certain that is replace an existing partition.03:16
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Should have seen it a bit earlier.🤦🏻‍♂️ Just did a whole erase disk install. Would have done that instead.03:18
kc2bezIt doesn03:20
kc2bez't hurt to test again03:20
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> I will do that on my test system now then.03:20
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> 't hurt to test again], Yup! Will do.03:20
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Also, guiverc and kc2bez great work with testing. It's only been few hours since the spins arrived and majority of tests are done. Leave something for me also bruv. XD03:21
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALec8cdaa34c5f: Fix capitilization] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALec8cdaa34c5f03:46
lubotprinceofclay was added by: princeofclay04:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL44645e3be77f: Spellcheck Discover] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL44645e3be77f04:19
The_LoudSpeaker[09:20 am] <90d7floganleethe latest version of lubuntu looks great05:14
The_LoudSpeakerFrom #ubuntu 05:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T21: Our xscreensaver theme is too old] The_LoudSpeaker (Raman Sarda) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T21#248405:19
lubot<tsimonq2> @The_LoudSpeaker You use sbuild, right? :)12:28
The_LoudSpeakerNope. Just a chroot environment. Following the packaging tutorial12:29
lubot<tsimonq2> Ours?12:29
The_LoudSpeakerYup! Whose else?12:30
lubot<tsimonq2> @The_LoudSpeaker [<The_LoudSpeaker> Yup! Whose else?], Use this to build your packages: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild12:32
The_LoudSpeakerokay. will do tonight.12:33
lubot<tsimonq2> Thanks12:33
The_LoudSpeakerUgh!! I hate you sophos! My full disk installation with encryption and internet failed. Coz connection refused. -_-12:38
The_LoudSpeakerI just completed a successful full-disk encrypted installation while connected to internet. 14:09
The_LoudSpeakerOn closing the installer and rebooting, it remained quite a long time on plymoth reboot screen. on checking, I noticed it was timing out some stop job. 1min 30 sec.14:09
The_LoudSpeaker@guiverc you noticed this?14:09
The_LoudSpeakerDoes the replace existing partition option work on systems having separate /home and /boot partitions?14:42
The_LoudSpeakerIf I select only to replace the / mount point. Will it work?14:43
lubot<princeofclay> Lubuntu installation instructions same as Mint Cinnamon?15:28
lubot<princeofclay> Where is the sha256 for 64 bit desktop16:21
lubot<princeofclay> @tsimonq216:38
wxl@princeofclay for the 20191014, which is our current final image http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/20191014/SHA256SUMS17:12
wxlincidentially it's in the same folder as the image itself.....17:13
wxl@princeofclay also no, we're totally unrelated to cinammon or mint, so no.17:16
wxl@The_LoudSpeaker you can see here the WIP for new testcases. this should explain "install with existing partition" as "replace an existing partition" https://code.launchpad.net/~guiverc/ubuntu-manual-tests/lubuntu-calamares/+merge/37203917:19
wxlif someone wants to redo the upgrades from normal release, i won't complain17:20
The_LoudSpeakerJust installed 19.04 disco btw. Will test the TUI upgrade.17:21
wxlthough a new ISO itself shouldn't have an effect (as guiverc mentioned above), it represents a different state of the frozen archive, so could have different results17:21
The_LoudSpeakerWhat do you mean by "Redoing the upgrades from normal release" ?17:21
wxlwell guiverc had done them before and when i updated the testing checklist, i removed his old results (since they weren't with 20191014)17:22
wxlso i guess technically they haven't been done for this release17:22
wxlso it's not really a "re"-do17:23
wxlhey The_LoudSpeaker ! did you do that disco install in a vm?17:24
wxlk nevermind then17:24
The_LoudSpeakerHad to scrap the hackintosh I had set up.17:24
The_LoudSpeakerCheck your phab notifs btw.17:25
lubot<princeofclay> @wxl [<wxl> oh?], Thanks for the help bud17:27
The_LoudSpeakerCan't build default settings while trying to fix xscreensaver. Been 2 days now.17:27
wxlyeah i've got some great advice on that one17:27
lubot<princeofclay> I was about to give up on Lubuntu17:27
wxldon't use a chroot XD17:27
The_LoudSpeakerbud ? wxl is an old man princeofclay.17:27
wxli don't know that they were speaking in botantical terms17:28
The_LoudSpeakerYup! Everyone seems to have the same suggestion. But I don't want to clog my daily use system with unnecessary debs. I will try schroot now.17:29
wxlmaybe you should try specifically setting locale variables before moving on?17:29
wxlAs environment variables can affect the building  of  a  package,  often  unintentionally, debuild  sanitises  the environment by removing all environment variables except for TERM, HOME, LOGNAME, GNUPGHOME, PGPPATH, GPG_AGENT_INFO, FAKEROOTKEY, DEB_*, the (C,  CPP,  CXX, LD  and F)FLAGS variables and their _APPEND counterparts and the locale variables LANG and LC_*.17:30
wxl^ from debuild's manpage17:30
The_LoudSpeakerHow do I set locales?17:31
The_LoudSpeakerBut rART built nicely in the same env.17:31
The_LoudSpeakerThe issue might not be locales. 17:32
wxlhuh http://www.iasptk.com/ubuntu-fix-locale-issue/17:32
wxlwell if that's not the issue perhaps it's some weird permission issue17:33
wxlcan you give me your patch and i can try to apply and see if i can reproduce?17:39
lubot<princeofclay> Why don't you guys get Telegram17:40
lubot<princeofclay> Its on Linux too17:40
wxlum, you are on telegram17:40
kc2bezSome of us have Telegram as well.17:41
lubot<princeofclay> @wxl [<wxl> um, you are on telegram], Yes17:41
wxlso what do you want us to get that we don't already have?17:41
kc2bezThe_LoudSpeaker: for another test you could try building it before you patch it too.17:41
lubot<princeofclay> @wxl [<wxl> so what do you want us to get that we don't already have?], Multiple groups of different distros to import stuff and get help from17:42
lubot<princeofclay> Not just Ubuntu based17:42
wxlwhat does that have to do with telegram?17:42
The_LoudSpeakerkc2bez: noted.17:43
lubot<princeofclay> @wxl [<wxl> what does that have to do with telegram?], Pros not working on Ubuntu and noobs usually prefer Telegram instead of dedicated platforms. This helps programmers to get input from users from each domain, and users to gain different linux' perspectives. I myself am a former Custom ROM maintainer for Android, and XDA which17:46
lubot is popular pro platform comes nowhere in terms of reach compared to Telegram17:46
lubot<princeofclay> Just a suggestion17:46
wxl@princeofclay i know lots of "pros" that wouldn't touch telegram with a ten foot pole.17:47
The_LoudSpeakerlocale-gen package not found. lol!17:48
lubot<princeofclay> @wxl [<wxl> @princeofclay i know lots of "pros" that wouldn't touch telegram with a te …], Good for u then17:48
wxl@The_LoudSpeaker you might be right that it is a red herring17:51
The_LoudSpeakerLite. Internet is legit dead rn. Apt update is taking 5-7 mins. I will look into it tomorrow morning.17:53
The_LoudSpeaker74.3 kbps 17:53
wxlso just send me the patch silly17:53
The_LoudSpeakerGood idea.17:53
The_LoudSpeakerOne sec pasting.17:54
The_LoudSpeakerTyping from phone so link NA.17:55
The_LoudSpeakerShould be saved as /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver17:56
wxlthat's the WHOLE patch?17:56
wxlyou just added the file and called it good/17:57
The_LoudSpeakerContains flurry as default with water preset.17:57
The_LoudSpeakerThat's the screensaver config. Only that is required afaik for changing default screensaver theme.17:57
wxli'm not talking about that, but about packaging17:58
wxlclearly that's not enough.. you'd have to at least change the changelog17:58
wxlpossibly more than that17:58
The_LoudSpeakerOhh yes. So you want a patch from my local commit?17:58
wxlthat's why i said "patch" incidentially XD17:59
The_LoudSpeakerOne sec.17:59
The_LoudSpeakerBah! Cloning from phab at 7kbps18:02
The_LoudSpeakerActually make it 518:02
kc2bezNear the speed of light.18:04
wxl@kc2bez do you know what caused the geoip issue to become fixed?18:05
kc2bezOne/all of the commits between here https://github.com/calamares/calamares/commit/88fc6685ba1037664c429b34421d28be3850c5d3     and   Here https://github.com/calamares/calamares/commit/0ee8427d5a310a568263f1493d573b888b28661a  18:09
kc2bezThere could be more. It is tough to keep up with [ade]18:10
The_LoudSpeakerUmm how do I create a patch from a commit using terminal ?18:11
lubot<princeofclay> @princeofclay [Where is the sha256 for 64 bit desktop], Any input on this18:11
The_LoudSpeakerA bit off sync rn. Please help.18:11
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @wxl [<wxl> @princeofclay for the 20191014, which is our current final image http://cd …], Here @princeofclay18:12
apt-ghettoIf it is the last commit: git show > outfile.diff18:12
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Aren't patches .patch files?18:13
wxlyou can call them whatever18:13
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> K.18:13
apt-ghettoEverything is a file18:13
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> P5018:14
apt-ghettoThere is also `man git-format-patch`18:14
wxlyep can't replicate18:16
wxlcan `debuild -{b,S} --no-sign` without issues18:16
The_LoudSpeakerGg Chroot!18:16
kc2bezwxl: I missed a commit https://github.com/calamares/calamares/commit/0a1dc77f9be6b4c696e05fe218f7ff525d5bc70218:17
The_LoudSpeakerChroot will be executed tomorrow at dawn.18:17
wxli guess that doesn't rule out the locale thing18:18
kc2bezI think I missed some more18:21
wxloh don't worry about it18:21
wxli got enough of the idea18:21
kc2bezA ton of change there.18:21
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Eoan Final] has been updated (20191015)18:24
kc2bezMoar testing!^18:24
The_LoudSpeakerAah! Gg!18:26
lubot<tsimonq2> Home stretch, guys18:48
lubot<tsimonq2> Keep it up :)18:49
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 @N0um3n0 One thing we should figure out is how to do translations natively in Wordpress and how to give translators access20:17
lubot<N0um3n0> @tsimonq2 [@teward001 @N0um3n0 One thing we should figure out is how to do translations nat …], maybe with a plugin like this? https://wordpress.org/plugins/polylang/21:46

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