
mupPR snapd#7598 closed: test/lib/names.sh: make backslash escaping explicit <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7598>05:04
mvomborzecki: good morning05:19
mborzeckiyay 7536 landed :P05:20
mupPR snapd#7536 closed: gadget: accept system-seed role and ubuntu-data label <Created by cmatsuoka> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7536>05:20
mborzeckimvo: thanks!05:20
mvomborzecki: yes, finally :)05:20
mborzeckii've updated #759305:24
mupPR #7593: recovery-tool: add sfdisk wrapper <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7593>05:24
mborzeckiand there are some comments from zyga too05:24
mborzeckihmm, new kernel, i better reboot05:24
mborzeckiand back on 5.3.6 kernel05:28
mupPR snapd#7599 opened: gadget: refactor ensureVolumeConsistency <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7599>06:50
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mvopstolowski: hey, good morning!07:08
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:18
zygais this thing on?07:21
zygaI think I connected now07:21
zygasorry for starting late, lucy was sleeping hugging me all the time and got grumpy the second I tried to put her to bed07:23
mborzeckizyga: hey07:24
zygamborzecki: hey, question on how to proceed for you07:24
zygamborzecki: I removed the guts of snap-update-ns so that I can create other tools with the same logic07:24
zygamborzecki: I moved it to system/mount for lack of a better name07:25
zygamborzecki: some bits can go to sandbox/cgroup07:25
zygamborzecki: but most has no good place to go07:25
zygamborzecki: ideas?07:25
zygamborzecki: I'm mainly after plan-writable-mimic and execute-writable-mimic07:26
zygamborzecki: this pulls in change, assumptions, restrictions and tresspassing07:26
zygamborzecki: along with loads of tests07:27
mborzeckimvo: i'm looking at 7593, perhaps our consistency checks are too strict, in particular the len(volumes) != 0 only counts when constraints are used, but once there's a system-seed structure defines and SsytemSeed is not true, then we bail out, why not allow this case?07:27
mborzeckizyga: that's part of mount related logic though?07:28
mborzeckizyga: or hmm we call it namespace (or whatnot) often07:28
zygamborzecki: mainly yes07:28
mborzeckizyga: system/mount/namespace?07:28
zygamborzecki: I'd go for system/mount really, it would help abbreviate the API names and would look nice07:29
mborzeckisystem/mounts stgm too07:29
zygamy main question is: can we use main :)07:29
zygaor is that too vague07:29
zygaI want to have this because otherwise debugging some issues is very hard07:29
zygaand having an interactive tool where you can do stuff is very useful to understand things misbehaving07:30
zygaand sadly it's forbidden to import from "main" packages07:30
mborzeckizyga: hm we have osutil which kind of is system like already, and there's some mount related stuff in there too07:30
zygamborzecki: yeah but any existing package may trigger import loops07:31
mborzeckizyga: osutil/mount ?07:31
zygaI can tryt07:31
zygalet's see if that works07:31
zygamborzecki: do you know if go has some rules on what is in a binary07:31
zygaif there's a package foo/bar07:31
zygaand I use only bar.Symbol07:31
zygadoes it include all of foo?07:32
mborzeckizyga: no, bar is bar, foor is foo07:32
zygamborzecki: so foo does _not_ bloat a binary using bar?07:33
zygamborzecki: and the reverse case?07:33
zygamborzecki: is presence of foo/bar affecting a binary that only uses symbols from foo?07:33
mborzeckizyga: same, no effect unless you import it, or it's imported internally07:33
mborzeckizyga: or you created an import loop :P07:33
zygaok, let's give it a try07:34
mborzeckimvo: simply put, if i have a gadget yaml with system-seed and system-data, and use an empty ModelConstraints (just want to have consistency checked), this will error out07:37
mvomborzecki: I need to look, could you please add a note in the PR? maybe we are too strict .) it seems like the refactor helped to reason about this easier07:44
mvomborzecki: I'm in the middle of 7593 right now07:44
mborzeckimvo: ah ok, started to play with thhis code too, i'll leave a comment in the PR then07:44
mvomborzecki: or feel free to propose a pr on top if you feel this should be ok, either way is fine with me :)07:48
mvoackk: hey, in snapd 2.42 we improved the fuse performance in lxd, I heard maas is using this a lot, did you see improvements?08:02
zygahello Chipaca08:08
zygamborzecki: the easy branch https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/760008:09
mupPR #7600: sandbox/cgroup: move freeze/thaw code <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7600>08:09
mupPR snapd#7600 opened: sandbox/cgroup: move freeze/thaw code <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7600>08:09
Chipacapedronis: 👋08:26
Chipacapedronis: did you see my question about the quotes in the repair script?08:27
pedronisyes, but I didn't understand it08:27
pedronismaybe mvo does08:27
Chipacapedronis: you didn't understand the question, or the origin of the quotes? :)08:28
mvoChipaca: good morning! I did not see the quotes at all08:29
mvoChipaca: oh, fun!08:29
Chipacamvo: snap known --remote repair brand-id=canonical repair-id=108:29
Chipacamvo: the script has typographic quotes08:29
pedronisChipaca: I think it's copying from a gdoc08:29
mvoChipaca: haha - I see it now08:29
Chipacamvo: that might be intentional, but I doubt it08:29
pedronisthat did that08:29
mvoChipaca: yeah, it was not08:30
Chipacayeah, that would do it08:30
mvoChipaca: we need to improve the way we sign assertions08:30
mvoChipaca: or let assertion sign :)08:30
mvoChipaca: THANKS for spotting this08:30
Chipacait's silly that I worry about this, but I worry because although "echo" doesn't care, there's not a lot more that is as amicable08:30
mvoChipaca: oh, totally08:30
mvoChipaca: we need to improve our process here08:31
Chipacathat's all i needed to hear to stop worrying about it :-)08:31
mvoChipaca: I'm editing a gdoc now so that we don't use gdocs for this :)08:31
mborzeckimvo: added a bunch of comments in #7593, i think some relate to how the seed/recovery is supposed to work, can you take a look and maybe we could discuss that with whoever is interested before/after the standup?08:34
mupPR #7593: recovery-tool: add sfdisk wrapper <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7593>08:34
zygamborzecki: I'm stuck08:36
zygamborzecki: the challenge is as follows:08:36
zygamborzecki: there's lots of tailored mocking going on08:36
zygamborzecki: in osutil/ snap-update-ns and now in osutil/mount08:36
zygamborzecki: then there's the general mocking all syscalls that are used in snap-update-ns08:37
zygamborzecki: if you try to reconcile all of that it's a big mess08:37
zygamborzecki: thinking about it, I see the following way forward and perhaps out of the problem as well08:37
zygamborzecki: we can make a new package syscalls/ that has just the system calls and a means to mock them08:37
zygamborzecki: as things move out of snap-update-ns, they get updated to use this package over the private mocking code used locally08:38
zygamborzecki: then some parts of snap-update-ns, for example all the mk{dir,file,symlink} and openpath code move to osutil/08:38
zyga(or osutil/mk... if that helps to scope it)08:39
zygamborzecki: while the real essence of mount, like secure bind mount, mimic logic, can move to osutil/mount08:39
zygaor even osutil/mimic08:39
zygamborzecki: moving everything in bulk might help in the short term08:39
zygamborzecki: but won't change how those things are messy internally when considered along with the rest of osutil08:40
mborzeckiheh, if you move some of the calls to osutil there's probably going to be some funky import dependencies08:41
zygamborzecki: there already are, much of the code uses osutil already08:42
zygamborzecki: how would you feel about the syscalls package?08:43
zygamborzecki: the public API would be various system calls08:43
zygamborzecki: and a means to mock them all (e.g. with the recorder already present in another package)08:43
mborzeckizyga: there's stdlib syscalls already, could those wrappers just live in osutil instead?08:44
zygamborzecki: yes but I'd like them not to08:44
zygaosutils is already kind of large08:44
zygabut most importantly it already has a number of them and some mocking08:44
zygamborzecki: (mock-this, mock-that, not in general)08:45
zygamborzecki: the idea is that eventually, over time, code could move to use the new pakcage08:45
zygaand drop its own mocking08:45
zygamborzecki: this is why I think a new package would help08:45
zygamborzecki: if we move them over to osutil right now you will see a number of separate mocking systems that need to be reconciled08:45
mborzeckizyga: osutils/syscalls? with a godoc that 'here lie the syscalls we can mock' ? :)08:46
zygamborzecki: that works for me08:46
zygamborzecki: importantly, mock in bulk08:46
zyganot one by one08:46
Chipacamborzecki: osutil/sys08:47
mborzeckiright, avoids a name clash with stdlib's syscalls08:47
ograwould gadgets on top of debian work or is there any special-casing-code that only allows them on ubuntu classic ?08:48
zygaChipaca: would you prefer if this was in osutil/sys?08:49
Chipacazyga: i'm not sure quite what you're asking, but, probably? the difference between osutil/syscall[s] and the existing osutil/sys escapes me09:12
pedroniszyga: what are the changes to snap-update-ns about ?09:19
zygapedronis: being able to expose the internals for interactive debugging09:28
pedroniszyga: what's the context? are you chasing a bug?09:28
zygaYes, correct.09:29
pedroniswhich one?09:29
zygaI did that yesterday and thought that some of those could land09:29
zygaNot all changes are easy though09:29
pedroniszyga: I fear I still don't have enough context, maybe you need to propose the mess as is, and I can look what to do with it09:31
pedroniswhen I have a bit of time09:31
zygaI think some bits are easier than others but the main value already exists. In a branch I can build mimic-tool to experiment and see where the kernel behavior is coming from09:33
pedroniszyga: still no context09:34
zygaFinishing breakfast, I’ll be back soon09:39
mvomborzecki: I addressed a bunch of your comments in 7593, I am looking into using "-apend" now09:41
mborzeckimvo:  thanks! btw. that's an interesting find about blockdev09:42
mvomborzecki: thank you for pointing this out!09:43
mvomborzecki: blockdev seems to be part of busybox fwiw09:43
mborzeckimvo: ah, that makes sens09:43
mvomborzecki: also thanks for the comment about -apend, I was wondering about this myself but wasn't aware of -append :)09:44
mupPR snapd#7601 opened: overlord/ifacestate: use SetupMany in setupSecurityByBackend <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7601>09:44
pedronismborzecki: what's the status of #7079, is it being absorbed by the snap-recovery work?09:45
mupPR #7079: [RFC] cmd/snap-image: tool for building UC images <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7079>09:45
mborzeckipedronis: not really, parts of it probably affected snap recovery work, but iirc claudio did not pull in any patches directly09:47
pedronismvo: are we going to do a 2.42.1 ?  mvo, pstolowski: when should we try to land #7092, it's unblocked now?09:47
mupPR #7092: packaging: use snapd type and snapcraft 3.x <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7092>09:47
mborzeckipedronis: though, the sfdisk parts should be consolidated into the gadget package since we alredy have some code there09:47
pedronismborzecki: it sounds like we would redo it on top of the recovery work at this point, no?09:48
pedronisshould it be closed?09:48
mborzeckipedronis: other than that, the tools are run in different environment and differnt part of the cycle09:48
mborzeckipedronis: i can close it for now and we can discuss what to do witht he tool separately09:50
pedronisok, sounds good09:50
pedronismborzecki: to be clear, the medium term plan is still for ubuntu-image to be a thin wrapper around snapd code, but I don't we want to land two codebases doing partions into snapd, we probably want to get to one codebase surface maybe in two slightly diffferent ways09:51
mupPR snapd#7079 closed: [RFC] cmd/snap-image: tool for building UC images <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7079>09:52
pstolowskipedronis: yes i think we should land 7092. going to deconflict it09:53
* Chipaca brb09:54
mvomborzecki: I think 7593 is good for now, I want to do a followup with some real sfdisk tests but that will probably become quite a bit bigger09:55
mborzeckimvo: do you think it'd make sense to move the code that creates a LaidOutVolume out of sfdisk dump into gadget/partition.go ?09:56
mupPR snapd#7222 closed: tests: show just the last log as part of the debug output when check journal logs <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7222>09:57
pedronismvo: mborzecki: volmgr is a strange name, it makes one think LVM10:00
ogramakes me think of androids vold ... :)10:01
ograpedronis, do you knwo off the top of your head if it is seamlessly possible to use gadget snaps on debian systems (i.e. to attach to a brand store or add certain interfaces)  or does snapd currently restrict this to ubuntu systems ?10:03
mvopedronis: we could move it to osutil/fdisk ?10:06
mupPR snapd#7600 closed: sandbox/cgroup: move freeze/thaw code <Created by zyga> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7600>10:06
pedronismvo: probably not osutil given it uses types from gadget10:07
pedronisit could be under gadget10:07
mvopedronis: good point10:07
mvopedronis: or just cmd/snap-recovery/fdisk ?10:08
pedronisthat's fine too10:08
pedronismostly against the volume manager terminology10:08
mvopedronis: cool, I will rename to fdisk for now, I think it will later grow luks and stuff but even that seems to be ok to put under fdisk10:09
pedronismvo: gadget/partition ?10:10
pedronis(I'm fine with fdisk as well)10:11
mvopedronis: yeah, partition works for me, shall I keep it under cmd/snap-repair for now or do you prefer gagdet?10:13
pedronismvo: as your prefer, discuss with mborzecki10:13
mvopedronis: thanks, will do10:14
pstolowskigot ubuntu-core-18-64:tests/core18/snapd-failover failure in one of my PRs: 2019-10-15T10:05:40Z INFO Waiting for restart...10:26
pstolowskierror: cannot perform the following tasks:10:26
pstolowski- Mount snap "snapd" (unset) (remove /etc/systemd/system/snap-snapd-x2.mount: no such file or directory)10:26
pstolowski- Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap "snapd" (there was a snapd rollback across the restart)10:26
mupBug #1835024 changed: Links triggered within most snap apps open in a separate browser session <snapd:Incomplete> <xdg-utils (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1835024>10:46
mupBug #1801201 changed: Installed snap icons missing if using pixmap <Snapcraft:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1801201>10:50
mupBug #1809729 changed: Removing a snap triggers 'Starting scheduled backup' notification <amd64> <apport-bug> <cosmic> <third-party-packages> <udev> <wayland-session> <snapd:Triaged> <deja-dup (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1809729>10:50
mupBug #1773416 changed: Interface from Thunderbird/Firefox to LibreOffice/VLC <snapd-interface> <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773416>10:56
mupBug #1797745 changed: "ln: failed to create symbolic link" in deepin 15.7 <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1797745>10:56
zygait is frustrating when lxd and snapd use different bug trackers10:59
zygaand that launchpad does not automatically ping-back the other bug when an URL is mentioned.10:59
zygastgraber: hello, could you kindly look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1773044 and if appropriate, convert it to an LXD bug on github please.11:00
mupBug #1773044: Can't get snap gui apps (notepadqq and firefox) to run in LXD/LXC container <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773044>11:00
mupBug #1773044 changed: Can't get snap gui apps (notepadqq and firefox) to run in LXD/LXC container <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773044>11:02
stgraberzyga: doesn't look like a bug, just misconfiguration by the user. I suspect they've bind-mounted the X11 socket which works fine for everything but snaps as snaps need the abstract Unix socket instead11:05
mupBug #1763071 changed: Error message installing a paid snap as unauthenticated user <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1763071>11:05
mupBug #1765979 changed: snap applications icons missing in launcher wayland <wayland> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1765979>11:05
mupBug #1766079 changed: ripgrep installed via snap fail to work in /lib/systemd/system folder <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766079>11:05
Eighth_Doctorzyga: I kind of wish that snapd didn't use launchpad as the bug tracker11:06
Chipacadiddledan: Dear Tea., … ?11:06
Eighth_Doctorit's surprisingly difficult to locate bugs in launchpad11:06
zygaEighth_Doctor: that makes 1002 of us11:06
zygaEighth_Doctor: at least we're looking now :)11:07
zygaEighth_Doctor: progress!11:07
Eighth_Doctorthe only really useful feature of launchpad is multi-tracker aggregation11:07
Eighth_Doctorthat's actually a powerful feature if it worked more...11:07
mupBug #1758465 changed: snapd doesn't upgrade on bionic when a local installed snap mount is failing <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1758465>11:08
Chipacadiddledan: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/need-to-add-our-product/13694?u=chipaca11:08
diddledanyeah, I think they missed an M11:09
Eighth_Doctorzyga: but does this mean I need to clone rhbz bugs to LP to get them fixed? ☹️11:09
zygaEighth_Doctor: why would you do that?11:10
zygaI see11:10
zygaare you saying that we should look at RHBZ bugs as well?11:10
mupBug #1750856 changed: snapd on s390x tried to run locationd tests, which does not exist on s390x <britney:Fix Released> <Snappy:Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu):In Progress> <snapd (Ubuntu Bionic):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750856>11:11
mupBug #1752916 changed: Desktop interface should allow accessing to recent files and xdg dirs <snapd-interface> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752916>11:11
Eighth_DoctorI've been doing some of the triage for a while now, but if there's an actual code problem, it's a bit difficult to escalate because I don't know how to get people's attention on it11:11
Chipacazyga: we do look at ubuntu/+source/snapd bugs, so why not rhbz bugs?11:11
zygamvo: could you kindly check if the bionic task of this bug is still valid https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/175085611:11
mupBug #1750856: snapd on s390x tried to run locationd tests, which does not exist on s390x <britney:Fix Released> <Snappy:Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu):In Progress> <snapd (Ubuntu Bionic):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750856>11:11
zygaChipaca: I agree, it's just a matter of manpower and gardening the mess first11:11
zygaEighth_Doctor: we have a recurring triage work, at some point we'll run out of overflowing NEW bugs and can look at existing bugs11:12
zygaEighth_Doctor: can you point me to the list of snapd bugs in RH bugzilla please11:12
zygaEighth_Doctor: I'll add that to our laundry list11:12
Eighth_DoctorI need to write a script to mass-close all these SELinux bugs11:13
diddledanWONTFIX :-p11:13
Eighth_DoctorI'm pretty sure a large chunk of those are from before the policy rewrite that mborzecki did in May11:13
Chipacahow do we feel about snaps that tell users to do things that could easily trick them to run things unconfined?11:14
mupBug #1748510 changed: shell's test gives false positive on readability of files <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1748510>11:14
diddledanChipaca: that sounds dirty11:14
diddledanzyga: you'll never believe what happens next11:14
zygadiddledan: I know, I know11:14
Eighth_Doctorzyga: protip, all Fedora packages actually have a BugURL property set on them ;)11:14
zygasudo wget | sh11:14
Chipaca'loopchain' (brought to my attention by requesting a track) is like this11:15
zygait's always like tat11:15
diddledanlove those instructions appearing everywhere because macOS11:15
Eighth_Doctor`rpm --query --queryformat "%{BUGURL}" snapd`11:15
Chipacait doesn't seem to be immediately bad, but it makes me feel a little uncomfortable11:15
Chipaca"to install, first snap install this, then apt install rabbitmq, then run thesnap.init, then run the scripts it wrote in $SNAP_COMMON11:16
Eighth_Doctorzyga: thankfully all these Fedora 29 bugs go away when F29 EOLs next month11:16
* Chipaca would NOPE out of that really fast, but some users are perseverant... 11:16
diddledanor "run `$(thesnap.init)`11:16
mupBug #1747200 changed: console conf crashes on dragonboard <subiquity:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1747200>11:17
Chipacadiddledan: sudo $(thesnap.ok)11:17
Eighth_DoctorChipaca: you didn't think snaps would actually stop people from doing dumb things, did you? 😶11:17
zygaEighth_Doctor: that's a bit annoying on the user side but that's very convenient for the developer side :)11:17
zygadiddledan: they will all need to change to curl | zsh11:17
Eighth_Doctorwell, it's the only way I maintained my sanity with snapd bugs11:17
zygaand sudo won't help since macos is locked down more than ever now11:18
Eighth_DoctormacOS has become an annoying platform to be a developer on11:18
ChipacaEighth_Doctor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL0dfzK3Aqs11:18
diddledanlove that song11:19
Eighth_Doctorit's a good song11:19
Eighth_Doctorand very appropriate here11:19
mborzeckiEighth_Doctor: i'm quite sure there's still a bunch of things popping up when installing snaps :/11:19
zygais lxd security.nesting enabling nested apparmor?11:20
mupBug #1744584 changed: Exclude Snap .cache from Dejadup backups <Déjà Dup:Fix Released> <Snappy:Invalid> <deja-dup (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1744584>11:20
Eighth_Doctorit's a lot less nowadays, thankfully11:20
Eighth_Doctorand some of the warnings I don't want to fix11:20
mborzeckiEighth_Doctor: i should try installing some snaps on my wife's lapotp to catch them all :P11:20
Eighth_Doctorthere are cases where it's actually bad behavior it's blocking, and I'm okay with the denial status11:21
mvozyga: sure, done11:21
Eighth_Doctormborzecki: the issue right now is that Silverblue users are upset that snaps using the "home" perm fail to start because of `/var/home`11:23
Eighth_Doctorthere's a symlink for `/home` to `/var/home`, but that isn't enough for snapd, I guess11:24
zygamvo: thank you11:24
zygaEighth_Doctor: there's been some patches to make /var/home work already11:24
zygaEighth_Doctor: though we obviously lack the full test11:24
Eighth_Doctorzyga: oh cool, can I cherry-pick that into 2.42 release for Fedora?11:25
zygaEighth_Doctor: it's not the full fix yet, just initial patches11:25
Eighth_DoctorI haven't pushed it yet because this bug just came up as I started working on it11:25
zygaEighth_Doctor: base snaps will have /var/home so we can start binding onto it11:25
Eighth_Doctorah, I see11:25
Eighth_Doctorwe'll need to keep that in mind for fedora base as well11:26
mupBug #1732494 changed: Impossible to manage package after Trusty --> Xenial upgrade <apport-bug> <i386> <third-party-packages> <xenial> <snapd:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732494>11:26
zygamvo: do you have access to launchpad.net/snapd project description?11:26
zygamvo: it would be good to change the first line11:26
zygamvo: now it reads "code hosted at URL"11:26
zygamvo: but if you re-assign bugs between projects all you get is "code hosted at" period11:26
zygamvo: we could change it to say something nice, like "snapd is the best way to manage snap packages" :)11:27
mvozyga: updted11:28
zygamvo: super, thank you11:28
zygacan you edit again to replace the word "snap ..." with snaps11:29
zygathe message gets cut off at "snap"11:29
mupBug #1647333 changed: adduser misses extrausers support for group management <patch> <snapd:New> <adduser (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <shadow (Ubuntu):In Progress by ogra> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1647333>11:29
zygasorry :)11:29
mvozyga: done11:30
zygahaha, now it says: the best way to manage snaps. Code\n11:30
zygaand that's all :D11:30
zygaoh well, it's good enough11:30
ogra"a good enough way to manage snaps" ?11:31
mupBug #1662452 changed: snap install squid-gary failed on Ubuntu Core <snapd:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1662452>11:32
* Chipaca breaks all the tests again11:35
zygawhere are ubuntu-image bugs reported?11:35
zygaogra: "a good enough way to"11:35
zygamborzecki: do you know? ^11:35
mborzeckizyga: lp? or github project maybe11:36
Chipacazyga: snaps@canonical.com ?11:36
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/ ?11:36
Chipacapopey: does email to that address reach you?11:36
Chipacaor who?11:36
mborzeckizyga: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-image apaprently11:36
zygano issues there11:36
popeyChipaca: no, mvo11:37
zygaoh the horror11:37
mborzeckizyga: yeah, there's this message that points to LP11:37
Chipacazyga: it has no bugs! \o/11:37
zygaChipaca: I wish it was easier to find :)11:37
mborzeckiChipaca: no reported bugs :P11:37
zygaChipaca: ship it!11:37
* Chipaca ships everyone with everyone11:37
popeyChipaca: i lamented this back in malta11:37
zygaChipaca: do you remember when I first wanted to join the team11:37
zygaChipaca: I was supposed to create ubuntu-image11:37
zygaChipaca: and maybe help with "resources" aka "capabilities" aka "skills"11:38
Chipacazyga: my memory is a two-week round-robin database11:38
zygaChipaca: what?11:38
mborzeckiChipaca: journalctl --vacuum-time=2w ? :P11:38
zyga<gif of hampster on a treadmill>11:38
mupBug #1649839 changed: unknown snap and snapd version when image created via ubuntu-image <Ubuntu Image:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1649839>11:38
mupBug #1655060 changed: snapcraft doesn't support the dbus daemon type <Snapcraft:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1655060>11:38
Chipacaactually it's more like rrdtool but close enough11:39
Chipacapopey: was your lament about the fact that the email is there, or that it only goes to the m of the v.o.?11:40
popeyit should go to a project github page, or home page11:40
popeysee lxd for the pinnacle of snapcraft store pages11:41
mupBug #1655593 changed: chattr code (tests/main/chattr/task.yaml) fails on ppc64el <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1655593>11:41
mupBug #1659523 changed: console-conf doesn't work well if using screen on Mac <subiquity:New for wangliming> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1659523>11:41
zygamvo: can we put the snapcraft logo on snapd?11:42
Chipacamvo: WDYT about having snaps@c.c also go to advocacy?11:42
diddledanzyga: that's far too sensible11:42
Chipacamvo: and, WDYT about pointing ubuntu-image's contact to something better than an email address?11:43
Chipacazyga: the snapcraft logo but in asciiart11:43
zygaChipaca: in black and white11:44
zygamaybe that's too sad though11:44
Chipacawe have one of those11:44
Chipacanah, sad is grey on grey11:44
Chipacaor is that depression11:44
cachiomborzecki, hey11:44
mupBug #1679739 changed: System-User Assertions and the system time <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679739>11:44
mupBug #1683823 changed: snapstore returns multiple instances of the same publication (was snapcraft list-revisions showing multiple publications in the same channel) <apw-snappy> <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1683823>11:44
cachiomborzecki, I m with the #755111:44
mupPR #7551: tests: fix the how the systemd-journald.service is restarted during the prepare <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7551>11:44
ograChipaca, isnt u-image foundations child now ?11:44
Chipacaogra: je ne sais pas, je ne sais plus, je suis perdu, etc11:45
zygapedronis: something for your awareness: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1679739 -- perhaps assertions should be loaded and only re-validated (and actually take effect) once we have system time synchronized11:45
mupBug #1679739: System-User Assertions and the system time <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679739>11:45
mborzeckicachio: do you have more details about those journal failures?11:46
cachiomborzecki, yes11:46
mborzeckicachio: i have a hunch that it's the stop that fails11:46
cachiomborzecki, basically what happens with restart11:46
cachiois that it stops11:46
cachiobut sometimes it makes a flush11:47
cachioduring stop11:47
cachioand while it is flushing11:47
mupBug #1679210 changed: snap install --revision tracks stable by default <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679210>11:47
cachioit tries to start11:47
cachioand it can't11:47
mborzeckiyeah, probably when there's a lot of data bc snapd is chatty with debugs enabled11:47
cachioso retries many times until it reaches the starts limit11:48
mborzeckicachio: w8, so it didn't stop, is still flushing and nother journald instance starts up?11:48
cachioand fails11:48
cachiomborzecki, it doesn't finish the stop and it is trying to start11:48
cachiomborzecki, if you see the log there, the error is Active: failed (Result: start-limit-hit) since Thu 2019-10-0311:49
cachiomborzecki, it is just happening on core18 and sometimes on core1611:49
cachioI could not reproduce is on classic11:50
cachiomborzecki, I am creating a debug session now11:50
zygawhat on earth is "ubuntu-snappy" source package11:52
cjwatsonOld name for the snapd source package11:53
mupBug #1657552 changed: [spread] install-sideload:reexec0 failure <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1657552>11:59
mupBug #1662772 changed: systemd[1]: Failed to start Set the hostname to the value stored on the writable partition <snappy-set-hostname.service> <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1662772>11:59
ograzyga, dont kill it in case you want to go back to a python based snapd :P12:01
zygaogra: maybe one day we can snap install snapd0 ;)12:02
mupBug #1684343 changed: For candicate release is appearing on dragonboard the message "ERROR hal_remove_bsskey response failed err" <subiquity:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684343>12:02
mupBug #1671778 changed: failover:emptysystemd test fails <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1671778>12:05
mupBug #1679432 changed: Bluetooth SCO connections don't work on Dragonboard 410c <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679432>12:05
mupBug #1679747 changed: Cannot send bluetooth SCO packets with Raspberry Pi 3 internal bluetooth module. <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679747>12:05
* pstolowski lunch12:07
mupBug #1666690 changed: Dependency issues when sharing a library through content interface <personal> <Canonical System Image:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1666690>12:08
mupBug #1705985 changed: snaps fail to install on juju1 deployed lxc container <canonical-bootstack> <snapd:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1705985>12:14
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
zygakenvandine: hello, could you please enqueue this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1661626 -- there's some things related to gsettings and dbus signal for notification on changes. I could use some help in understanding how the desktop stack works in this area.12:43
mupBug #1661626: GSettings/dconf reports incorrect values on setting change under confinement <desktop> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661626>12:43
mupBug #1661626 changed: GSettings/dconf reports incorrect values on setting change under confinement <desktop> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661626>12:44
mupBug #1662962 changed: 'snap find' does not allow channel specification <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1662962>12:44
mupBug #1665683 changed: Strictly confined snapped desktop applications can't toggle Launch at Login <isv> <snapd:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665683>12:48
mupBug #1689302 changed: Can't set program_usb_boot_mode pi-config option <ce> <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1689302>12:51
zygasil2100: could you please enqueue this bug to your list https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1740655 -- I'm not sure what to do about it12:51
mupBug #1740655: Using dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt to disable Bluetooth results in unbootable system <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1740655>12:51
* Chipaca stands up12:59
ijohnsonmorning folks, I think that https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7431 is basically ready, if folks want to take a really quick look and see if there's anything obvious that I could split out into different smaller PRs that would be great13:00
mupPR #7431: overlord/snapstate: don't re-enable and start disabled services on refresh, etc <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7431>13:00
mupPR snapd#7602 opened: overlord/many: extend check snap callback to take snap container <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7602>13:04
kenvandinehey zyga13:10
zygahow are you? :)13:11
kenvandinei'll look at it13:11
mborzeckiweird failure with current master https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8P6hYK5PcJ/13:11
kenvandinegood, recovering from a long weekend :)13:11
zygakenvandine: thank you, it's not urgent, just something that came out of our bug gardening13:11
zygamborzecki: two comments13:12
zygamborzecki: how big is that deb?!?!13:12
zygamborzecki: and maybe systemd became a virtual package somehow?13:12
mborzeckizyga: idk13:12
zygacachio: can you please look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1847665 -- it seems one snap that we get from the store is not published for i386 - perhaps we need to nuke the test or perhaps we need to publish the test snap but it looks like it should work (the test snap name is multi-arch)13:16
mupBug #1847665: snapd autopkgtest fails on i386 <snapd:Triaged> <snapd (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1847665>13:16
zygacc mvo ^ not sure who has access to those13:16
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: can you look at bug 1661626 ?13:18
mupBug #1661626: GSettings/dconf reports incorrect values on setting change under confinement <desktop> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661626>13:18
zygamvo: can you please look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1844498 -- you were participating in the discussion there and I'm not sure if the snapd package task is something that is still accurate - should it change to triaged or invalid?13:19
mupBug #1844498: 18.10+ cloud images have the LXD group as gid 1000 <id-5d84bb1ca26b0679a708dc40> <cloud-images:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Invalid> <livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu):Fix Released by mwhudson> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1844498>13:19
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: ok13:19
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: thanks13:19
sil2100zyga: yes, something related to it is actually in the works13:24
jdstrandpedronis: hey, would you mind giving me an updated list of pulseaudio.snap-ids? if you don't have time, perhaps describe the query to roadmr (or me and I can find someone if he can't do it)?13:24
zygasil2100: excellent, thank you13:24
sil2100zyga: so how it's most probably going to be resolved is for us shipping two different image flavors - one with bluetooth enabled, one with disabled13:25
sil2100Since from what I've been told on most pi's you can't actually have both serial and bluetooth enabled at the same time13:25
zygasil2100: you can, it's just shifting the serial around to other pins13:26
jdstrandpedronis: I don't need it *immediately* since I can look in the snap usns dump and continue working, but I want to make sure I didn't miss any new ones13:26
zygasil2100: AFAIK13:26
zygajdstrand: hey :)13:26
zygajdstrand: welcome back13:27
sil2100zyga: I'm not a pi expert so I can't really say, waveform would have more info about that13:27
jdstrandpedronis: plan is, get through all current ones, propose a pr to manually connect, then right before 2.43 lands, do one more query and fill in any more13:27
zygacool, I'm sure he knows more than I do13:27
jdstrandhey zyga, thanks! :)13:27
zygajust happy to see progress13:27
pedronisjdstrand: I can try to look tomorrow morning13:28
cachiozyga, I'll take a look13:28
jdstrandpedronis: thanks13:28
zygacachio: thanks!13:28
zygaChipaca: something that feels like a papercut and I agree with the reporter13:29
zygaChipaca: related to how we log13:29
mupBug #1830183: Absence of updates is labelled a critical error in syslog <snapd:Triaged> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1830183>13:29
Chipacazyga: papercut, indeed13:29
zygaChipaca: though not sure how to technically solve it13:30
Chipacaeasily :-)13:30
zygaChipaca: maybe we should talk to journald natively so that we can send those nice log properties13:30
Chipacazyga: maybe, possibly, if there's a reasonable library for it, but that's not this bug13:31
mupPR snapd#7603 opened: dpdk and hugepages interfaces <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7603>13:31
Chipacathis bug is just "don't log no-refreshes-available with INFO" probably :)13:31
Chipacazyga: that's what makes it papercut13:31
zygaChipaca: IIRC the format is simple so it's just about formatting the error "text" correctly, I think we'd prefer to carry that code instead of depending on it13:31
zygaChipaca: yeah :)13:31
zygaChipaca: (and talking over the right FD)13:31
Chipacayeah, and keeping up with changes, and and and13:32
roadmrmvo: are you around?13:32
mvoroadmr: yes13:34
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
zygaChipaca: no, it's not like that actually13:38
zygaChipaca: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/journal-submit.html13:39
Chipacazyga: are you really advocating for NIH'ing a systemd library13:39
zygaChipaca: not a systemd library, a public protocol13:40
pstolowskii got lxd spread test failure again on 18.04, fails with "snapd : Depends: systemd but it is not going to be installed", has anyone seen this? 18.04 image needs updating?13:48
zygapstolowski: maciek did IIRC13:53
zygamaybe apt database is empty?13:54
zygapstolowski: this is interesting13:55
zygapstolowski: udev netlink hotplug panic13:55
zygathe bug behind it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/182416213:55
mupBug #1824162: /usr/lib/snapd/snapd:11:runtime:runtime:runtime:runtime:runtime <artful> <bionic> <cosmic> <xenial> <zesty> <snapd:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824162>13:55
zygacan you please enqueue looking at it13:55
zygamvo: can I close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1824237 now?13:56
mupBug #1824237: snap 'core' broken/missing and causing autopkgtest failures <snapd:In Progress by zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <snapd (Ubuntu Cosmic):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824237>13:56
mvozyga: yes, all autopkgtest related bugs can be closed13:59
zygamvo: _all_? I found one that looks like a real bug14:00
* zyga is done with triage for the day14:02
* zyga -> break / food14:02
cachiozyga, I dont have test-snapd-hello-multi-arch under my control14:03
zygacachio: it probably belongs to mvo14:03
cachiozyga, not sure who created this one14:03
zygasomeone from the store can probably help you move it?14:04
pstolowskizyga: hmm, i think i see where the problem is on the very high level.. go routine running in the background. will check, thanks for pointing out14:04
zygaroadmr: ^ test-snapd-hello-multi-arch, do you know who is in the collaborators?14:04
roadmrI can check14:04
zygapstolowski, roadmr: cool, thank you for looking14:04
zyga(one messgage, two topics, take that tracking AI overloards)14:05
roadmrzyga: nobody 🦀14:05
zygaoh crab :D14:05
zygaroadmr: can you please give it to cachio and mvo perhaps, following all protocol14:05
roadmrzyga: the current owner (the "canonical" account, not sure if this is mvo?) has to add collaborators. I can't do it administratively :(14:06
zygaI see14:06
zygais there an email address?14:06
zygamvo: are _you_ secretly all of canonical? :D14:06
ijohnsondoes anybody have an example of scanning journald in spread tests for something specific in the logs? is there a helper for "discard everything in the log from x point later on" to just check something in the logs happened after a certain point?14:07
zygaijohnson: plenty14:07
zygawe nuke the journal between tests14:07
zygaso anything that uses 'journal' helper functions is likely a candidate14:07
ijohnsonright but which journal helper there are several14:07
zygaI can find a specific example but the main principle applies14:08
zygabut they all do the same thing14:08
zygawith various quirks on how14:08
zygaI agree that multitude of functions is confusing14:08
ijohnsonall I need to do is check for a certain message in the log happening after a certain line in the test14:08
ijohnsonthanks btw!14:08
zygaI think this is a buggy area14:08
zygaand the helper that we use most often has some loops inside14:08
zygasome journal versions have a marker concept14:09
zygaso you can cat the whole log since a marker was emitted14:09
zygathen grep that14:09
* zyga needs to break for some back pain relief14:09
ijohnsonthat feels like the right thing, do you have an example I can look at zyga?14:09
ijohnsonor maybe cachio knows14:10
zygaijohnson: sorry, leaving now14:10
zygaI can later14:10
zygaif you don't get it before14:10
ijohnsonzyga: np get better I can figure it out14:11
cachioijohnson, what we do in some scenarios14:11
cachiois to count the number of ocurrencies before and after14:11
cachioand compare the number is iscreased14:11
zygaijohnson: just ward of caution, it's all good except on 14.04 :D14:12
cachioijohnson, take a look to test catalog-update14:12
ijohnsontrusty seems not so trustworthy anymore with respect to features :-/14:12
cachioperhaps it could help14:12
ijohnsoncachio, thanks looking14:12
ijohnsoncachio: that looks like the easiest way to check this, thanks14:13
cachioijohnson, yaw14:13
* Chipaca takes a break14:16
mvoI saw some failures in current PRs related to the lxd test, looks like systemd was not installable in there, anyone know more ?14:34
pedronismvo: what's the public interface of 7593 ? most things seem unexported14:45
pedronisyou create a SFDisk manually?14:46
pedronismvo: I put some questions there14:51
* cachio lunch14:51
mvopedronis: public interface is just partition.NewSFdisk() and you go from there, two exported methods on it, DeviceInfo and CreatePartitions15:02
mvopedronis: I will check in the PR15:02
pedronismvo: that new is private atm15:02
pedronisanyway see comments15:02
mvopedronis: yeah, everything is spot on - I think we don't really need the interface, *might* be handy for tests later, I check the full branch from claudio - but we can always add it back once we need it so I'm +1 to remove it15:03
threshwhat does "grandfathering" mean in context of https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/upcoming-pulseaudio-interface-deprecation/13418 ?15:05
mupPR snapd#7604 opened: many:  address issues related to explicit/implicit channels for image building <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7604>15:08
pedronisChipaca: mvo: ^15:09
pedronisthresh: that a declaration will be setup in the store to keep them working (for now at least) with pulseaudio as they did so far15:09
threshpedronis, good, thank you!15:14
thresh(i suck at idioms)15:14
mvothanks pedronis15:21
pstolowskizyga: i think i found the bug in the upstream go-udev code that causes the crash15:51
pstolowskicommented on the bug16:16
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
mupPR snapd#7605 opened: tests: configure the journald service for core systems <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7605>16:17
mupPR snapd#7551 closed: tests: fix the how the systemd-journald.service is restarted during the prepare <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7551>16:19
zygapstolowski|afk: woot, great16:20
zygamakes bug gardening worthwhile :)16:20
pstolowski|afkyes :)16:21
pstolowski|afkslightly terrible we had this bug for a while16:21
mvocachio: can you please have an eye on master in travis? I just noticed some failures in recent PRs related to lxd. would be great if we can get master green again (if its something real and not just transient)16:25
mvopedronis: I updated the sfdisk PR now and addressed your points16:25
* ogra notes pstolowski|afk must have looong arms16:41
jdstrandChipaca: hey, you gave me a cool command for downloading the snap.yaml (with caveats) of a snap in the public store. do you happen to know a command otoh to get the snap decl for a given snap name?16:58
jdstrandChipaca: snap download would do it, but I don't want the snap, just the decl (I'll be doing hundreds of downloads)16:59
* jdstrand looks at 'snap download'17:09
pstolowski|afkogra: now you know ;)17:11
pedronisjdstrand: which revisions do you need ?17:14
jdstrandpedronis: the latest17:15
jdstrandpedronis: well, I just need the snap decl, which is shared across revisions17:15
pedronisjdstrand: ? do you nee the snap.yaml or the snap decl?17:15
pedronisnot the same thing17:15
jdstrandpedronis: the snap decl17:15
pedronisjdstrand: do you have the snap name or the snap id ?17:16
jdstrandpedronis: both17:16
pedronisjdstrand: something like: snap known --remote snap-declaration series=16 snap-id=KTe2wdAu5JKdRDUgYBuXXGjDXyzobvFI17:17
jdstrandpedronis: that is perfect, thanks! (cc Chipaca)17:18
mupPR snapd#7606 opened: tests: run apt update in lxd containers <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7606>18:01
ijohnsoncachio: have you been able to figure out the issue with the lxd tests? I see it keeps failing consistently, and mvo's patch apt update still failed19:33
ijohnsonerr, mvo's patch to call apt update before doing the install of snapd in the container still fails (see #7606)19:34
mupPR #7606: tests: run apt update in lxd containers <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7606>19:34
cachio ijohnson working on that19:34
ijohnsonack ok19:34
cachioijohnson, I just finished a task and started with that one19:36
cachioijohnson, currently debugging19:36
ijohnsoncachio: I looked into it a little bit but didn't find anything if you weren't looking into it I was going to, but if you're on top of I'll work on other things19:38
cachioijohnson, I'll try to fix it19:38
cachiootherwise I'll ping you in case I need help19:39
joedborgjdstrand: will you have some free time this PM?19:41
ijohnsoncachio: ack sounds good19:42
jdstrandjoedborg: if by 'this PM' you mean now, sure :)20:11
jdstrandzyga: hey, it looks like solus is still at 2.39.3 and parrot os at 2.37. curious when you think they'll get updated to 2.41+20:12
jdstrandpopey, Wimpress: hey, can one of you talk to electron about https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/4234?20:14
joedborgjdstrand: excellent.  Very basically, I'm still seeing times where containers are getting filesystem permission denied20:18
jdstrandjoedborg: what are the denials? shall I login somewhere?20:18
joedborgjdstrand: let me copy your ssh keys20:20
joedborgjdstrand: ubuntu@
jdstrandI'm in20:24
joedborgjdstrand: we can move this to 1:1 if we're worried about spamming.  Basically, this is an EKS node where I've ripped out the EKS provisioned kubelet and stopped docker, replacing it with our snap20:25
jdstrandok. yes, let's privmsg since this isn't interesting to others20:25
joedborgjdstrand: the only pod that's having a problem is the aws-node pod, which tried to create `/host` in its namespace20:25
mupPR snapd#7607 opened: tests: taunch the lxd images folowing the pattern ubuntu:${VERSION_ID} <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7607>20:26
cachioijohnson, if you want to take a look, there is a PR to fix the lxd issue20:27
mupPR #7607: tests: taunch the lxd images folowing the pattern ubuntu:${VERSION_ID} <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7607>20:28
jdstrandjoedborg: I privmsg'd you20:28
jdstrandijohnson: hi!20:55
ijohnsonjdstrand: hey20:56
jdstrandijohnson: joedborg and I are looking at a denial when running kubernetes-worker under strict mode on EKS20:56
jdstrandOct 15 20:31:57 ip-192-168-91-85 audit[21757]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="snap.kubernetes-worker.containerd" name="/app/install-aws.sh" pid=21757 comm="sh" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=0 ouid=020:56
jdstrandijohnson: containerd is triying to run /app/install-aws.sh which corresponds to https://github.com/aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s/blob/master/scripts/install-aws.sh20:56
jdstrandijohnson: the fact that it is at /app (and later /host) means we can't use a layout20:57
jdstrandijohnson: and I thought I remembered you facing similar issues with greengrass20:57
ijohnsonyeah so first I'll say what we did for the docker snap is that we patched dockerd (in your case probably containerd) to not run pivot_root and instead just do a chroot20:58
joedborgijohnson: this is what we were talking about with perhaps needing to patch containerd's app armor template20:58
ijohnsonjoedborg: jdstrand: is there a reason why you need to do pivot_root?20:58
* ijohnson goes and finds the dockerd patches20:59
jdstrandijohnson: I don't know what is doing a pivot_root21:00
jdstrandjoedborg: ^21:00
ijohnsonjdstrand: when the container is launched, it's rootfs is actually somewhere writable like `/var/snap/.../storage-drivers/....`21:00
jdstrandjoedborg: is this a pivot_root or does EKS actually ship /app and /host?21:00
ijohnsonjdstrand: and to start the container containerd/dockerd will do a pivot_root into that storage-driver dir21:01
joedborgjdstrand: that's what containerd does when the kubelet asks it to run a workload21:01
ijohnsonthis is all behind the scense21:01
jdstrandijohnson: I should also reiterate this is classic, not core21:01
ijohnsonjdstrand: same problem on core as classic though21:01
jdstrandah ok21:01
jdstrandso, in theory, container do could mv /var/snap/.../storage-drivers/..../app, then symlink from /var/snap/.../storage-drivers/..../app to /var/snap/.../storage-drivers/..../somewhere/deeper/app21:02
ijohnsonanyways the issue that happened with the docker snap is that if dockerd ran pivot_root then all of the container fs accesses that the container thought were at `/app/...` were really actually at `/var/snap/.../storage-driver/some-big-uuid/app`21:02
ijohnsonbut how we solved that was do instead just not do a pivot_root and instead just do a chroot21:03
jdstrandijohnson: right, makes sense21:03
ijohnsonthen apparmor doesn't see the container processes as accessing /app it sees /var/snap/.../app21:03
jdstrandijohnson: is the chroot a configurable thing?21:03
ijohnsonno :-(21:03
jdstrandijohnson: yep21:03
ijohnsonhence why we had to patch it21:03
ijohnsonhere's the patch we did: https://git.launchpad.net/~docker/+git/snap/tree/dockerd-patches/snappy-real-chroot.patch21:03
jdstrandijohnson: ah, so you patched docker to do that21:03
ijohnsonI'm trying to find where in containerd you would do the same patch21:03
jdstrandijohnson: cool, thanks!21:04
ijohnsonit might be in runc actually, it's been a while since I've looked at thsi stuff21:05
joedborgijohnson: jdstrand: just as a (probably stupid) question, is there no way for apparmor to know that a process is being containerised and to  apply different rules?21:06
joedborgijohnson: yeah it'll almost certainly be runc21:06
ijohnsonwell for dockerd it is in fact in github.com/moby/moby aka "real dockerd"21:07
ijohnsonbut there has to be an equivalent thing in runc/containerd21:08
jdstrandjoedborg: re apparmor: apparmor absolutely knows stuff, but containerd/runc is doing things to complicate things21:08
jdstrandjoedborg: ie, it is containerdc/runc that is putting the container into the cri-containerd.apparmor.d21:09
ijohnsonjoedborg: do you know offhand if containerd just runs the `runc` binary directly? or does it use the opencontainers go library ?21:09
joedborgjdstrand: ah i mean can't apparmor be told "this proc is being called by containerd so should be allowed free range of the FS"?21:09
jdstrandjoedborg: and that profile is what your snap is loading21:09
joedborgijohnson: almost certain that it calls the binary21:09
ijohnsonjdstrand: but for that specific denial you showed me with /app that's for a snap ?21:09
ijohnsonjoedborg: ack thanks21:09
joedborgbecause the runtime binaries are dropped in via config21:09
jdstrandjoedborg: so you can put whatever is needed for the container. *but* this denial is not for the container, but for containerd, and its doing something post pivot_root(). depending on your pov, apparmor doesn't handle pivot_root well21:10
joedborgjdstrand: yeah, i guess that was me question; can't it handle pivot root like it does chroot21:11
ijohnsonyeah I can see apparmor's pivot_root handling being a bug right now but being a savior in other cirumstances so yeah ... I dunno21:11
jdstrandjoedborg: it cannot21:12
jdstrandijohnson: we have an upstream bug on it21:12
* jdstrand is trying to find it21:12
ijohnsonI think I've seen the bug before21:12
jdstrandijohnson: iirc, I think we want full mediation of the whole path with something like an alias mechanism to make it convenient and flexible21:13
ijohnsonyeah that sounds right21:13
ijohnsonI haven't been able to find the bit in containerd you need to patch, but I have to EOD now, I will resume looking tomorrow, if you can't wait, I found that there's already an option to specify disabling pivot_root when creating a container, referenced in the oci options21:17
ijohnsoni.e. https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/master/runtime/v2/runc/options/oci.pb.go#L27-L2821:17
ijohnsonI'm not sure how to use that, but that might avoid needing to patch things21:17
jdstrandthis is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/179171121:17
ijohnsonanyways good luck, I will resume looking tomorrow to try and find the stuff y'all need21:17
mupBug #1791711: path-based AppArmor controls for snap-confine are ineffective due to pivot_root <AppArmor:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1791711>21:17
jdstrandI thought there was another one21:17
jdstrandbut that is what we reference in the snapd sources too21:18
joedborgthakns ijohnson, i'll ask on their slack21:18
joedborghave a good evenign21:18
ijohnsonthanks you too21:18
jdstrandijohnson: big thanks!21:18
jdstrandjoedborg: ok, so with the plugs changes we discussed and this, I think we are set for the moment21:19
joedborgjdstrand: yeah, thanks for pointing out the k8s-support needing to be with containerd too, i'll test that tongiht21:19
Chipacagot a PR this PM as promised \o/22:24
mupPR snapd#7608 opened: o/snapstate, etc: SnapState.Channel -> TrackingChannel, and a setter <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7608>22:24
* Chipaca had *more than half an hour* to spare before it was no longer technically PM22:24
* Chipaca now goes to wash the dishes22:24

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