
wallyworldkelvinliu: hpidcock: free now00:49
thumperwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1073801:38
wallyworldanother one down, many to go01:41
thumperat least the number is finite01:44
babbageclunkquick, everyone start adding more workers02:32
kelvinliuwallyworld: got this pr to enable `cluster` scope rbac, +1 plz thx https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1073903:06
wallyworldok, looking in 503:06
timClicksFeature Highlight: Cross-model relations https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/feature-highlight-cross-model-relations/222803:06
jamrick_h: nammn_de: I would actually say "../relative/path/not/under/cwd"03:59
wallyworldthumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1074003:59
jamI could go either way, but the goal is to make sure we are looking up "what .git is containing the charm" and *not* "what .git contains CWD"04:00
wallyworldkelvinliu: sorry for delay, lgtm04:05
kelvinliuwallyworld: np thx04:06
thumperbabbageclunk: thanks for fixing my typo in PR04:15
thumperwallyworld: I'm assuming you tested against IAAS models ?04:15
babbageclunk:) I figured it was simpler to fix it than point it out04:16
thumperwallyworld: code changes look good04:16
wallyworldthumper: yeah, sorry, i did but forgot to mention, will update PR04:16
thumperI'm sure this will be helpful in tracking issues with k8s controllers04:16
wallyworldyup, just had to get shit working in the first place04:16
kelvinliuwallyworld: still there?05:53
wallyworlddepends who's asking05:54
kelvinliuwallyworld: aha, can i get some idea from u  about the addrs of binding stuff 😆05:55
wallyworldsure, standup05:55
timClicksjam: thanks for responding to that bug report (I didn't mean to imply that I didn't know what juju trust does!)07:35
anastasiamacwallyworld: PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10742 - 'juju credentials' changes08:31
nammn_demanadart achilleasa mornin guys, let's say I have a file in packages (core, apiserver, worker) which uses a common function to create a logfile, where would you guys put the function? Afaict currently those things are in the juju utils. Not sure about adding one additionally there though08:43
manadartnammn_de: Jump on HO?09:12
nammn_demanadart: sure09:12
nammn_dejam rick_h stickupkid does this test make sense? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10744/files Wanted to open that one quick to discuss whether i understood correctly what was wanted11:53
rick_hnammn_de:  close, I think the test_deploy_local_charm_revision is missing the sha/version check though12:43
nammn_derick_h: great added. Let's wait for stickupkid pr first makes testing easiert 👍12:49
rick_hnammn_de:  rgr12:49
stickupkidjust need someone to OK it :D12:49
rick_hstickupkid:  done12:49
nammn_destickupkid: rick did12:49
rick_hstickupkid:  sorry, started but didn't finish it last night :(12:49
rick_hstickupkid:  looking at the refactor out deb one now12:49
rick_hstickupkid:  but have questions on what a property.file is12:50
stickupkidrick_h, it's like a env var file that we can pass around12:51
stickupkidrick_h, it allows them to be passed around between jobs12:51
rick_hstickupkid:  ok12:51
achilleasamanadart: if I juju add-machine, I do hit the provider address change path in the instance poller (going from 0->1 addr); no need to tweak lxd profiles ;-)13:50
manadartachilleasa: Great.13:50
hmlachilleasa:  I won’t be able to get rid of NewBindings completely without ripping apart the bundle export code which uses EndpointBindings() from the description package.  Also, not convient in the upgrade step.  I will enhance the constructor to handle the cases you’ve brought to light13:54
stickupkidnammn_de, when you get back, my PR is landed :D14:20
manadarthml: Can you mark any of achilleasa's comments as resolved if they are addressed?14:26
hmlmanadart: I did that yesterday… there was one i couldn’t for some reason, regarding the file name change14:27
manadarthml: OK. Ta.14:27
hmlmanadart: updating a few more with current status, though they are not resolved14:29
achilleasahml: sure thing. We can create a followup card to patch description at a later stage14:44
manadarthml: Made a first pass over the space ID patch. Got some thoughts on the new Bindings type which I'll elucidate tomorrow.15:13
hmlmanadart:  i’m in the middle of changes now… that’s a bit late from my point of view.  any chance of a conversation quickly?15:14
hmlmanadart: i know it’s late for you15:14
manadarthml: I have a ride waiting downstairs. There can always be a follow up if you think you'll see to landing it in your day. It's just re-org stuff.15:16
hmlmanadart:  I have more Bindings changes almost done.  EndpoingBindings() is becoming a constructor based on conversations with achilleasa15:17
hmlmanadart:  so if there’s a big change on top of that… i might be wasting my time today15:17
hmlmanadart: understand the ride part.  we’ll see how it goes tomorrow15:18
manadarthml: That'll be fine. Got to run.15:18
nammn_destickupkid: great thanks :D16:29
nammn_destickupkid: still around? Got a minute?17:10
nammn_derick_h: coming back to the acceptancetest https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10744 , it shows that we expect charm version to be empty if no git was found. Right now it is working as expected. Given the bug report from manadart, we can tell it is not. Should we change the debug message to be of warning/error?17:48
rick_hnammn_de:  no, I don't think we want to stop the user on that17:56
nammn_derick_h: if thats the case we could elevate the message to be a warning (?)17:57
nammn_deright now its showing on debug level "no version system found, charm version is empty"17:57
rick_hnammn_de:  right, but do we know for sure if it's that way because we don't see a .git?17:58
rick_hnammn_de:  I mean do we know it's an error vs we got it wrong somehow?17:59
nammn_derick_h: i cannot say 100% but from the acceptancetests and debugging i found this to be the case of the cases i tested.  AFAICT we use this function to generate the archive https://github.com/juju/charm/blob/v6/charmdir.go#L249 and then in there we create the version string https://github.com/juju/charm/blob/v6/charmdir.go#L41918:05
nammn_deif one could add a test where we would be outside of the expected boundaries we can be more sure18:05
nammn_deI could be wrong though, if we use another lib/method instead of ArchiveTo, but could not find so. At least not for the use-case of deploy local charm "juju deploy ~/charms/ntp-nogit --debug"18:06
rick_hnammn_de:  no, I think you're on track. I just wanted to make sure that we're not erroring when we "don't know" vs we're sure it's a real error18:07
nammn_derick_h: Yea makes sense, I would say elevating the log level in this case is in any case a win18:09
rick_hnammn_de:  sounds good18:09
nammn_deIf a version could not be generated, it is a warning, not error, right?18:09
nammn_derick_h: ^18:10
rick_hnammn_de:  not if there's no .git though is what I was wanting to double check.18:10
rick_hnammn_de:  not every charm will have to have it18:10
rick_hnammn_de:  let me know if you're free to chat and we can walk through it18:18
nammn_derick_h: yeah, HO?18:18
rick_hnammn_de:  k, meet you in daily18:18
nammn_derick_h: yeah just  tested the deploy. Debug message is: "20:35:11 DEBUG juju.charm charmdir.go:429 charm is not in revision control directory" and "charm-version" does not even exist. Could it be that we never parsed those local "version" files? :D18:39
rick_hnammn_de:  I would hope not, keep going though and see if we load it in a different path perhaps18:39
nammn_derick_h: tested : relative path (deploy . | deploy ./designate), absolute path (deploy ~/workspace/charms/designate) https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/qVjYqK2dVd/18:47
nammn_derick_h: no charm_version18:47
rick_hnammn_de:  ok, so there's our bug then I guess18:50
rick_hI thought that worked...18:50
nammn_derick_h: Good, now I learned that charms are using that. I thought vcs was the only way I can work on this next (?)18:51
nammn_derick_h: added additional information to the related launchpad bug18:58
rick_hnammn_de:  k, ty19:45
rick_hmorning thumper19:55
babbageclunkthumper: approved21:44
timClicks_babbageclunk, thumper: we need a rubber stamp22:23
timClicks_wallyworld, kelvinliu, hpidcock: is there a spec/reference for k8s bundles?22:24
babbageclunktimClicks_: that's thumper's job! ;)22:26
=== timClicks_ is now known as timClicks
kelvinliutimClicks_: found this https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/bundles-now-supported/36522:26
babbageclunkI mean, any indication of what needs stamping would be good too.22:26
timClickskelvinliu: thanks - I'll update the jaas.ai/docs bundle page22:27
kelvinliuand here https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/charm-bundles/105822:28
wallyworldtimClicks: sorry was on a call, what we have in discourse is the best source of info22:30
timClickswallyworld: all good22:30
wallyworldbabbageclunk: i don't quite get your question on the PR? what do you mean by job?22:30
wallyworldwhen you call a charm function, the default is sync (blocking). the progress messages for the resulting task are printed as they occur22:33
wallyworldwhen the task ends, showing the task also has all the log messages in the result yaml22:33
babbageclunkI mean, will the logging be both in the stdout of the task and the list of log messages? It looks like no, from reading the code more.22:58
babbageclunkwallyworld: sorry - I didn't see your question until now.22:59
wallyworldbabbageclunk: no, stdout is what the actual action/function code itself writes to stdout23:01
wallyworldjuju tracks the log progress messages separately23:01
babbageclunkwallyworld: I'm confused by the log message handling - shouldn't Run wait for processLogMessages to finish?23:02
babbageclunkMaybe I've missed it.23:05
dmitri-sHello fellow Jujuers. :) I am new to the tool, interested in trying it on LXD. Running into the `ERROR Get Unable to connect to:`. However, when I connect to the IP in my browser, it outputs JSON status. Only thing I am thinking is that I don't have a certificate, as browser shows a cert warning. Is there way to pass parameter to JUJU to ignore cert warning or is this issue related to23:27
dmitri-ssomething else. I will be very thankful for any advice.23:27
timClicksdmitri-s: out of interest, what does `curl`do?23:29
dmitri-scurl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate23:32
dmitri-sBrowser returns: {"type":"sync","status":"Success","status_code":200,.... But I had to click ignore cert warning. My understanding (or lack there of) is that is not the Juju controller, but LXD network bridge.23:38
babbageclunkdmitri-s: can you pastebin the full output you're seeing?23:41
babbageclunkI think I've seen it when the juju code can't get to the port from inside the container (which it needs to be able to launch new ones).23:43
babbageclunkIf you launch a container yourself, can you curl that address?23:43
dmitri-sFull output of the bootstrap process or the JSON from LXD?23:43
babbageclunkdmitri-s: from bootstrap (ideally with --debug)23:44
dmitri-sBootstrapping again with debug will post in a minute.23:46
babbageclunkhow about launching a container with `lxc launch ubuntu:`, then going into it with `lxc exec <name> bash` and running `curl --insecure`?23:47
dmitri-sConsidering how long the output is, especially with debug I put it on github: https://github.com/dmitri-s/juju-learn/blob/master/jujubootstrap.log23:55

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