
=== ecloud is now known as ecloud_wfh
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
seb128gooood morning desktopers07:38
jibelSalut seb12807:38
seb128lut jibel, en forme ? tjs pas trouvé de release blockers? ;)07:39
jibelseb128, en forme, et pas de release blocker.07:39
dufluMorning seb128 and jibel07:40
jibelI'm wondering if we should change the swap to use a partition instead of a zvol since that's the main feedback from the short experiment07:40
seb128hey duflu, how are you today?07:40
jibelnot a big change but lot of retest07:40
dufluseb128, average I think. You?07:40
seb128is there a bug with the details?07:40
jibelhi rest of the world07:40
jibelseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1847628 it's a known problem upstream under high memory pressure07:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1847628 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "When using swap in ZFS, system stops when you start using swap" [High,Incomplete]07:41
jibelwhich on desktop summarizes to using gnome-shell ;)07:41
dufluThat's odd. RSS really should default to and stick below 300MB07:42
duflufor gnome-shell07:42
seb128GNOME isn't usable in a 2G vm07:43
jibelI was kidding about gnome-shell but if you have eg 8G of RAM it's quickly used with the shell, a webbrowser and a couple of apps07:43
seb128even with 2.607:43
seb128and I mean standard desktop, like I couldn't get an install done in a such vm with ubiquity only07:43
seb128the shell would freeze/hang before the end of the install07:43
dufluI think it's the web browser mostly. Even a leaky gnome-shell should stay in the MB, not GB07:44
jibelyou cannot start a live session with 2G07:44
dufluBut there might be new leaks?07:44
jibelduflu, start a live session with 2G in a VM, start ubiquity and you'll see that OOM killer is triggered preetty quickly07:45
jibelno webbrowser needed07:45
jibelanyway the minimal requirement is 4GB for a reason07:46
seb128it's not the shell only, just GNOME07:46
jibelright sorry07:46
seb128like gnome-software as a service07:46
dufluMake sure you're not looking at VSIZE07:46
seb128Im' not looking at anytthing07:46
jibelme neither, it is just that the system is not usable with 2GB07:47
seb128I've a virtualbox vm with a 2G RAM allocation07:47
seb128which used to work fine at the unity time and is getting worth every cycle07:47
seb128I could get through the 19.10 install with it07:47
dufluIt should be clear which process(es) are to blame so if that's known then bugs should be created07:48
seb128I should have a look to that yeah07:48
* duflu looks07:49
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:50
seb128lut oSoMoN07:50
jibelthis tool was very useful to analyze memory maps https://www.eqware.net/articles/CapturingProcessMemoryUsageUnderLinux/index.html07:50
dufluMy live session uses 729MB of RAM07:50
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:50
jibelno sure it still works on recent ubuntu07:51
dufluMorning oSoMoN07:51
oSoMoNhey duflu07:51
oSoMoNsalut jibel07:51
dufluand zero swap07:51
jibelhola oSoMoN07:51
seb128duflu, unsure what's going on then why it hangs in a 2G env07:51
seb128you czn try to see if you get the same experience?07:51
dufluAdmittedly 200MB is gnome-shell07:51
jibelduflu, where do you get this number from?07:51
duflujibel, ps command RSS07:52
dufluor 'free -m'07:52
jibelduflu, you cannot use RSS directly to get the amount of memory used by a process07:53
duflujibel, it's the most accurate measure available other than digging deeper in /proc/PID/status07:54
jibelfor me gnome-shell uses 290MB of RSS07:54
dufluYes you can07:54
dufluWell close enough07:54
jibelbut with all the libs it loads it uses 3.3GB07:54
jibel(output of pmap)07:54
dufluThat's a beginner's mistake... it's not real memory. Ignore VSZ07:54
dufluAlthough it is a mistake our users keep making so I'm mindful of it07:55
jibelsorry for being a beginner in memory analysis :)07:55
jibelI'm out for now, minimum requirement is 4GB :)07:56
dufluvirtual memory is not real memory it's just address space requiring no RAM or swap07:56
dufluThough the real memory usage is within that07:56
duflujibel, the best measure I can suggest is the VmSize value in /proc/PID/status07:57
dufluSo yeah for me that is 300MB07:58
dufluI mean VmRSS, plus VmLib etc07:59
dufluI made the beginners' mistake07:59
dufluThough I am assume VmLib includes shared memory and that might also be wrong08:00
dufluAnyway, providing the 'free' command tells you you're not using swap then you can just measure processes by the RSS value08:01
seb128bbl, I've an appointement at 10:30 (souldn't be long) and then going to the hackfest08:07
dufluMorning Laney08:12
oSoMoNmoin Laney08:19
oSoMoNgood morning tkamppeter08:19
WimpressMorning o/08:35
oSoMoNhey Wimpress08:41
dufluMorning Wimpress08:44
dufluseb128, I am enjoying eoan on the Pi09:31
dufluIn the end it only needs power and ethernet09:31
seb128duflu, ah, nice, did you resolve the password problem?09:31
dufluseb128, yeah I hacked one in. But our policy for the live image is apparently that you need to boot first with ethernet to be able to change it normally. I did not, so it got confused and then reset my password09:32
seb128duflu, don't spend weeks on the libffi issue though, if it's too challenging maybe we can plan B to build without neon on armhf or something?09:32
seb128duflu, ah, I see09:32
dufluseb128, it's fine. I plan to finish today/tomorrow09:32
dufluseb128, I just wish I found out that the pi3 image supports Pi 4 earlier09:33
dufluThe Pi 3 is limited to 20MB/s on the SD card :(09:33
seb128it's probably something we should write about09:33
seb128discourse or blog09:33
seb128so users who google find that they can (easily?) get ubuntu working on it and how09:34
dufluI think I found out from the 19.10 release notes. It's not on the download page09:34
dufluseb128, also many people have blogged about Pi SD card performance already09:36
seb128duflu, I doubt that people will end up on the release note section if they google for "ubuntu pi 4", I still think a blog post or discourse would give us a more reliable/visible page09:40
dufluseb128, I would just change "For Raspberry Pi 3 boards." on  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/19.10/beta/09:41
seb128ah, willcooke just when you need him :)09:42
dufluOf course that's not the final URL09:42
seb128willcooke, hey! how do you feel today? better?09:42
dufluMorning willcooke09:42
seb128going to09:42
seb128going to/already in London?09:42
willcookejust arrived.  Better than yesterday, but not 100%09:42
seb128willcooke, hopefully you are fixed tomorrow for the release beers :)09:44
willcookeanything I should be testing on the haunted laptop?09:44
seb128willcooke, duflu was mentioning that http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/19.10/beta/ should perhaps mention that the raspberry image also work on the pi4?09:44
seb128it does mention the 3 version only atm09:44
dufluAs the release notes already do/does09:44
willcookeI've just this second seen that the webinar that Prod. Man. are running will include that topic09:45
seb128also I was suggesting that a blog on the topic might give us some visibility to users who have a pi4 and google for what to do with it09:45
dufluSimilarly the common kernel is called raspi2 :/09:45
dufluSo the image is called pi3, it works on Pi 4 and the kernel is called pi209:46
seb128that's probably more busy work to change for little benefit09:46
dufluYes, you still need to be a hacker regardless09:47
willcookeseb128, duflu - sil2100 will add it09:48
sil2100duflu: yeah, we wanted to actually rename the raspi3 subarch for the images to raspi, but we backtracked it as we weren't sure if we can support the pi4 with the same image10:39
sil2100And we only landed the full support recently, so we deemed it too late to do the whole rename dance - this should happen for 20.04 tho10:39
duflusil2100, thanks10:53
dufluseb128, OK that's enough of my life spent on that... https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/fftw3/merge_requests/111:15
seb128duflu, great, thx!11:17
dufluseb128, it got to Arm assembler being generated from C macros and that's where I stopped. Not sensible for me to learn the intent there. Just avoid the bug location11:19
dufluIt might be gcc's fault but other bugs in fftw3 prevent me from verifying :S11:19
seb128yeah, I think the solution makes sense, no point spending tons of efforts trying to fix neon on armhf11:20
dufluAlso, there's an upstream bug suggesting Neon is slower than non-Neon11:20
Laneywe're looking to do a re-spin to fix the nvidia:i386 stuff btw11:24
Laneydon't know if anybody said yet11:24
seb128Laney, did anyone talk about the zfs/swap thing jibel asked about earlier?11:25
Laneynot hearing anything about it11:26
seb128can you bring the topic?11:26
Laneywhat are you after?11:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 1847628 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "When using swap in ZFS, system stops when you start using swap" [High,Incomplete]11:26
LaneyI mean - you want someone here to fix it or what?11:26
RikMillsLaney: nice. I just added the nvidia thing to my release notes, so I can get ready to remove it again :)11:27
seb128if I understood jibel correclty he seemed to point out something that we might want to change/fix before release11:27
seb128or if we respin11:27
WimpressI'm ready to test nvidia when new isos drop.11:28
seb128now I don't understand the topic enough to know if that's something we should or how important that is11:28
seb128Laney, basically I would welcome other people to have a look and state if they think it's a release problem in their opinion11:28
seb128and if it is then we need to figure out what we do I guess?11:28
Laneyinfinity: please read the above11:29
infinityseb128: If there's a fix in the pipeline that's clear and reviewable, I'm all for reviewing it and letting it in, if not, release note it.  It's an experimental feature, we don't expect perfection.11:32
seb128jibel, ^ do you have a candidate fix?11:32
seb128Laney, infinity, if I upload an ubuntu-settings change to follow https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gcr/commit/b841b1f29ae6 can we still get that in or should I rather turn it into a SRU?11:40
seb128well, gcr needs updating as well11:41
seb128just let me know if the upload needs to include a bug reference if it's turned into a SRU11:42
jibelseb128, no I don't11:49
seb128jibel, would it be easy to do the change or do you think we should just aim for release note at this point?11:49
jibelas I said earlier it's a lot of test because it changes the partition table. I think we should release note it11:50
jibelthen release the fix first thing when 20.04 opens11:51
seb128k, what you wrote earlier sounded like you were pondering if that was worth going through the new round of testing11:52
seb128like you were not decided it was not worth it11:52
seb128seems like you are now :)11:52
jibelyeah while working on the fix I realize it's a significant change and didrock is not here today to do a review11:53
seb128Laney, infinity, sorry, we had the gcr change (I did backport it some weeks ago), but I overlooked at the time that we had a settings overriding which is basically undoing it :/11:54
seb128it's a schemas change which is used by one app afaik so should be pretty safe11:54
seb128I've a feeling London left for lunch :p11:54
seb128Laney, infinity, k, I uploaded ubuntu-settings, up to you to approve/reject11:56
Laneyseb128: thanks12:06
Laneydidn't but we are pair programming atm, not got full attention on irc12:07
willcookejibel, added to release notes known issues re: swap & zfs12:48
willcookefeel free to edit12:48
willcooke*I added12:48
jibelwillcooke, thanks13:10
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:49
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth !14:50
hellsworthhow's it going oSoMoN ?14:50
oSoMoNI'm doing alright, how are you yourself?14:51
hellsworthoh i'm ok. kinda tired but nothing coffee can't fix :)14:51
kenvandineha... i think the swap on zfs bug has been what's been annoying me15:26
kenvandinei was trying to figure out what was causing the hangs yesterday, but couldn't find anything interesting in the logs15:26
seb128going to teach you to real stop opting in for experimental filesystems ;)15:27
kenvandineseb128: yeah... i said i wasn't going to do it... but then my ssd failed and had to do a fresh install15:29
kenvandinewhich perfectly alligned with the experimental feature being enabled and i caved15:29
kenvandine<- will never learn15:29
kenvandinei guess reducing swapiness would help, i was using small bits of swap even though i had plenty of free memory15:33
jibelif no one use experimental features, we don't find bugs and they stay experimental forever15:34
jibelso thanks kenvandine for being so brave15:34
kenvandineand i am happy now that i know what was causing it15:35
hellsworthis there a way i can have more than one snapcraft build going on the same system at the same time? like if i have two gnome-sdk clones on my system and i want to build them at the same time, that doesn't work (maybe because the multipass vm would have the same name).15:47
hellsworthif i use lxd, does that enable me to run parallel builds of the same name?15:48
hellsworthbeing confined to one build at a time on a system, i have all 4 computers at home running builds but would be more convenient if i could do it all on one system15:49
hellsworthif it is one build per system, then i could add a couple of rpis to my build cluster.. does snapcraft and multipass work on arm64?15:50
hellsworththat's maybe a stretch..15:50
kenvandinehellsworth: ask in #snapcraft16:22
kenvandineit would be handle to be able to name the multipass instance16:22
kenvandineor rather override the default name16:22
hellsworththanks kenvandine16:32
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
WimpressEvening hellsworth o/18:03
hellsworthwhat's up :)18:03
hellsworthok lunchtime!!18:08
sarnoldYAY LUNCH18:09
* kenvandine needs lunch18:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1848394 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "software properteries shows "open source" for proprietary nvidia driver" [Undecided,New]22:28
popeyanyone got an nvidia 19.10 machine to confirm that?22:28
RikMillsWimpress: ^^22:32
RikMillspretty sure Martin is going to test the nvidia install anyway for the steam/i386 bug22:32
WimpressYep, I will test an install on nvidia now.22:49
gQuigspopey  you using the graphics-driver PPA?23:11
WimpressRikMills popey I can't reproduce https://pad.lv/184839423:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1848394 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "software properteries shows "open source" for proprietary nvidia driver" [Undecided,New]23:15
gQuigsIIRC the graphics-driver PPA shows up as open source because it is not in  restricted, not sure if this is definitely that  issue though23:17
gQuigsWimpress: popey yup, they have at least one package from a system76 PPA - LP-PPA-system76-pop, I'm guessing that is it23:20

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