[02:11] Hi. I am looking for some advice or tip to buy a computer in order to work with music in UbuntuStudio. [02:12] I have seen Intel and AMD but I am not shure what will be better. If somebody has any idea, thanks to share it with me. [02:13] !polls [02:14] Oh, sorry. Wrong window. [02:18] Eickmeyer: Any advice to buy a computer to work with UbuntuStudio in order to produce music? [02:20] DirtyEar: As this is a support channel (and that's not a support question), questions of that sort aren't allowed. You're welcome to ask such questions in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntustudio-offtopic. There are also plenty of forums. Look at https://linuxmusicians.com or https://linuxaudio.org as well. [02:20] DirtyEar: There's no easy answer to that question, it's too broad. [02:21] You'll just have to do the research for yourself. [02:21] Excuse me. I will write in that channel. Thanks [02:21] DirtyEar: Don't be surprised if you don't get an answer. [02:22] Ok. I just see a lot of things and I am very confused about it. Thanks for the links you share. [11:18] bfzoli was added by: bfzoli [11:47] hey there, I just made a fresh install of ubuntu studio 19.10 and tried to fire up OBS studio. It says "Failed to initialize video. Your GPU may not be supported, or your graphics drivers may need to be updated." I installed Mint before, and obs seemed to work there. Can anyone please tell me how to proceed? I am quite noob on Linux. [11:48] ...or maybe this channel is not used like this, for support? Please let me know. [11:54] cfry: i know next to nothing about OBS, but a little bit about ubuntu in general. this (you can run this in a terminal) let's you check which graphics card you have: lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999 [11:54] it will post a few lines to termbin.com for sharing it [12:00] alright, thanks [12:00] https://termbin.com/x3o2 [12:01] cfry: does this computer have a dedicated graphics card / chipset? [12:03] no I do not think so, it is an dinosaur that I got for free... intel core 2 duo, 2 gb ram, a hp compaq thing [12:04] I did these two steps: [12:04] http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/graphics/updatelinux.html [12:04] doh, that's old, might not be the best video editing platform [12:04] and then I googled up this: [12:04] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1065852/how-to-upgrade-intel-graphics-driver [12:05] you dont need to (cannot) upgrade the graphics driver. [12:05] ah, thanks [12:05] i'm just looking at https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/failed-to-initialize-video-your-gpu-may-not-be-supported-or-your-graphics-drivers-may-need-to-be-updated.86284/ [12:06] cfry: coment 7 at https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/failed-to-initialize-video-your-gpu-may-not-be-supported-or-your-graphics-drivers-may-need-to-be-updated.86284/#post-357686 ... [12:06] ... seems like what may have happened [12:06] make sure you find and use their PPA rather than using the "snap" [12:07] if, on a terminal "snap list" lists OBS, you'll want to "snap remove " it [12:11] great, I am not sure what PPA exactly is. Should I unistall OBS and download install from their website? [12:11] terminal says no snaps installed [12:11] hmm then it's not this issue [12:12] how did you install obsstudio? [12:12] it seems it's available in ubuntu, maybe it's even preinstalled on ubuntustudio [12:13] i'm just an ubuntu user, don't really know ubuntustudio well [12:13] !PPA | cfry [12:13] cfry: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [12:14] so i guess what you can try is to either install their PPA as discussed at the https://obsproject.com/wiki/install-instructions#linux has installation instructions for ubuntu [12:15] or, if you're already using this now, you can remove this PPA and instead use the ubuntustudio version of obs-studio [12:15] i got to leave for now, good luck! [12:17] thanks, its a fresh its alright if it doesnt work out :) [15:06] tomreyn: Thanks for handling that one. You kinda hit the nail on the head: even OBS Studio isn't guaranteed to work with all hardware. [18:37] Eickmeyer: :) it did not seem like the perfect video editing hardware. [18:39] Hmm, actually https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/wiki/System-Requirements looks like it could at least start with an intel, though [18:52] Yeah, looks like it *should* work. Even if poorly. [19:09] i'm not sure whether intel gpu's still pretend to do OpenGL >= 3.2, this dropped a while ago (to 3.1?), i think. [19:17] https://askubuntu.com/questions/850900/why-is-my-opengl-version-stuck-at-3-0-despite-new-hardware-software [19:24] tomreyn: To be clear, OBS isn't for video editing, it's for recording and streaming. [19:24] But, yes, it requires some beefy hardware to be any good. [19:28] One of these days I may even get around to actually using it. :) [19:29] I launched it once or twice, so that's something. [19:29] wonko: I use it for livestreaming to Mixer. [19:30] I was going to try to do some youtube stuff, but that's been added to the list of "maybe one day i'll have free time" [19:31] it seemed to work ok on my older (these days) i5 with intel onboard GPU [19:51] Eickmeyer: oops, thanks for telling me, you can tell i never used OBS. [19:52] tomreyn: No worries. :) [19:52] OvenWerks: so it can work on older intels, nice. [19:52] It works on my Intel i5 just fine, but I'd be leery of using it on anything older, tomreyn. [19:53] (a repurposed 2011 MacBook Pro) [19:55] i wouldn't recommend any GPUs for actual video work, though i guess with current ones it could actually work somewhat satisfactory [19:58] Greets from Venezuela... [19:59] OBS streaming is not really what I would think of as "video work" And I will note that I have pretty low res monitors (what OBS is based on) so that may make a difference as well [19:59] Happy with the new announcement, preparing for a Dual Boot w/W10 (just for precise work). [20:00] Video streaming is generally a lower res solution anyway than rendering a video off line. [20:01] MusicoGeek: enjoy. While I dual boot, it is linux, linux and linux. I have no windows experience to give [20:02] Thanks, I've been using dualboot a while, just decided to migrate my studio to UbuntuStudio, but you know, while we get the AATranslator, been in this transition a while. [20:21] OvenWerks: When you put OBS in streaming mode does that reduce the resolution or crank up the compression? [20:21] The little big I used it was for saving videos for later and I get the feeling it doesn't compress heavily doing that [20:21] s/big/bit/ [20:21] but that probably wouldn't be great for streaming [20:26] What I did with it was very basic, No recording just local stream with a window view and a webcam. Audio direct to/from jack [21:05] OvenWerks, tomreyn, wonko: OBS is fully capable of 4K streaming, which would require a very beefy setup indeed. Most people I know that use it do 720p or 1080p (I mod for 10 Mixer streamers and 1 Twitch streamer, all of which use OBS in one form or another). We're talking broadcast quality in most cases. [21:06] broadcast quality? sounds like a moving target ;) [21:07] * OvenWerks remembers working in a TV station when NTSC was king [21:07] PAL OR GTFO [21:07] NTSC? means Never Twice the Same Colour [21:07] :-P [21:07] hah, that's a good one [21:08] Eickmeyer: does it compress more heavily for streaming vs recording? That's just what I assumed but never really looked into it. [21:08] wonko: That all depends on the bitrate that is specified. [21:08] Obviously, the lower the bitrate, the higher the compression. [21:08] I don't know a ton about OBS, I just know it has those two options [21:09] It's H.264 or hardware encoding. AMD and Nvidia cards are automatically detected and can be used to process the encoding if the user prefers. [21:09] never bothered looking into the difference since it was never my intention to stream [21:09] I use it for streaming, and that was only recently (and after we made the decision to add OBS to the seed). [21:12] Did you set it to Wumbo? [21:13] @SomeIrrelevantPerson0000 [Did you set it to Wumbo?], I don't know what that means. [21:14] https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=set+it+to+wumbo%3f&view=detail&mid=62D2BE561E895DAA69A362D2BE561E895DAA69A3&FORM=VIRE [21:18] If I go to OBS settings under Encoder it only shows me Software (x264) and no hardware options. Is something missing? [21:19] wonko: What display processor? [21:19] english please? :-P [21:19] GPU [21:19] GTX 1080 [21:19] Interesting. Proprietary drivers installed? [21:19] yep [21:20] 435.21 [21:21] Two possibilities: 1) OBS doesn't support hardware encoding from Linux, or 2) They do, but only from the version in their PPA. [21:21] Latter is most likely because it might require proprietary blobs not included in the repo (upsream Debian) version. [21:21] wonko: ^ [21:21] https://intellectualcramps.wordpress.com/2017/06/08/obs-studio-and-hardware-encoding-for-linux/ [21:21] " Unfortunately, obs-studio doesn’t support this right out of the box, but since it is open source, several people have made the necessary files available." [21:22] so just not by default [21:22] wonko: It might be in the PPA version. [21:22] that being said, it's not like I don't have free cores. :) [21:24] wonko: With your setup? Yeah. With my setup: need corz. Plz send corz. [21:28] we need a downloadmorecores.com like downloadmoreram? :) [21:29] libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/nvidia_drv_video.so [21:29] so you aren't seeding libva? [21:29] or is that something that would be provided by the nvidia drivers? [21:29] Next we need to recompile OBS-Studio with the necessary support plugin [21:30] ok, i'm done with this post. :) [21:30] oh [21:30] hmmm, looks like you just leave it set to software [21:31] ffmpeg does the acceleration [21:31] unless i'm reading that wrong [21:32] Oh! Yeah, that would make sense. ffmpeg does do the accelleration. [21:33] Rather, ffmpeg will use hardware accelleration if it's available. [21:33] Because ffmpeg > ALL [21:33] and ffmpeg is required for OBS [21:33] wonko: Also, our OBS comes from Debian, so the Debian Multimedia Team is who packaged it. We did nothing except add it to the seed. [21:34] but that actually shouldn't matter in this case [21:34] because it's going to use the system installed ffmpeg [21:34] True. [21:35] $ ldd $(which ffmpeg) | grep libva [21:35] libva.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libva.so.2 (0x00007f5f9b726000) [21:36] so yeah, nothing to be done [21:36] that's a little misleading though [21:36] True. [21:36] some sort of note there would be nice [21:36] maybe i'll open that as an issue with OBS [21:36] I think they're covering their bases. I checked and sure enough, libva was installed. vainfo was not, but not exactly an issue there. [21:36] yeah, I had to install vainfo [21:36] which also doesn't actually work [21:37] so i'm not sure what's going on there [21:37] Article is 2 years old, and OBS has come a LONG way since. [21:37] yeah, I didn't think to check the date at first, once I saw "now you rebuild OBS from source" I scrolled up. :) [21:38] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q3kcbJ657t/ [21:38] no idea what that's about or if I even care [21:41] Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. ffmpeg should be doing the job. [21:41] stream ogg [21:41] OvenWerks: That's not an option. [21:41] Not on Mixer or Twitch at least. [21:42] yes it is. [21:42] oh the server ya. [21:42] Actually I guess it would be theora [23:29] How would I go about upgrading to 19.10 from 19.04? Do I need to reinstall everything from a live usb? [23:36] @Go_Diego_Go [How would I go about upgrading to 19.10 from 19.04? Do I need to reinstall every …], There will be a notification once the powers-that-be feel upgrades are safe and tested. [23:36] Oh okay, awesome. The Eon Ermine logo is beautiful BTW [23:36] @Go_Diego_Go [Oh okay, awesome. The Eon Ermine logo is beautiful btw], Thanks! :)