
OerHeksi am sure the kernel driver will be improved, if possible00:02
OerHeksbut i think it stutters with youtube00:02
Vieiraallright, tanks for the support, i'll look for more information, i believe unfortunatly the 3rd generation is too old00:07
tomreyni don't think they target anything pre skylake now00:13
tomreynthe others are still supported but dont get new features such as higher opengl version support00:14
roracle"no new release found" is the console message i keep getting, is there a server problem?01:05
valorieupgrade has not yet been turned on01:18
valorieperhaps this next week it will be01:19
valorieroracle: ^^^01:20
valoriethat's up to the ubuntu release team, not us01:24
casualHello there01:30
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hello all02:47
roracle@valorie thank you for the information.  i just saw a number of articles talking about the upgrade with all the ways to do it, just had the impression it was up and at 'em lol03:47
valorieharder to check the upgrade path, and it's not like we can test and flip that switch for us alone04:10
valorieit's got to be the same for the whole distro04:10
benjamin_fuck you!Nivida05:24
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kubuntu|93981is it possible to update from kubuntu 19.04 to 19.10 yet?06:13
valorieof course06:21
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TomyWorkon kubuntu 14.04 i used to be able to write krunner plugins in python. that is no longer possible since the package for that ( https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/python-kde4 ) was discontinued some time between 16.04 and 18.04.10:07
TomyWorkI have 4 krunner plugins like that that I would like to use again. What should I do?10:09
RikMillsyou might have to re-implement in c++10:11
TomyWorkstrangely enough i find it here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/python-kde4/4:4.14.2-0ubuntu810:11
TomyWorkRikMills, i haven't quite given up yet10:12
RikMillsthis is really not the place though. #kde-devel or #plasma would10:12
TomyWorkthis seems to be an ubuntu package problem10:13
TomyWorkand Maintainer says "Kubuntu Developers"10:13
RikMillsyou need to work out how to make it work with Qt5/KF5. that is KDE development stuff10:14
TomyWorkRikMills, is that a guess or do you know what you're talking about?10:19
RikMillsalso that package was removed from bionic before it was released. the reason being it was obsolete and useless10:19
RikMillsTomyWork: I am a Kubuntu developer. as far as I know, python krunner scripting was depreciated. however, to be 100% sure I suggested you checkwith the upstream Plasma devs10:21
TomyWorkyeah i just googled that too, sorry if that sounded rude, but it wouldn't have been the first time someone told me something that sounded like they know it and it turned out to be a guess :)10:22
TomyWorks/that/that you are a kubuntu developer/10:22
RikMillsYeah, I *think* the only way to make a runner now is to write c++. If I am wrong, upstream plasma devs will know10:24
TomyWorkthat would be unfortunate, i really liked that you could just write some python code, easily load it and reload it easily if you messed up. I'll try and contact them10:25
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IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Good morning11:07
user|81284I wanna upgrade my kubuntu 19.4 to 19.10. how can i proceed ?11:14
tomreynuser|81284: wait a couple more days until it's supported11:14
tomreynuser|81284: you can use "update-manager -c" or "do-release-upgrade -c" to check whether the upgrade is available11:17
user|81284Thanks. I'm waiting....11:17
TomyWorkRikMills, fyi there is another way to write non-c++ runners: http://blog.davidedmundson.co.uk/blog/cross-process-runners/11:32
TomyWorkall hail mighty dbus11:32
RikMillsinteresting. I guess it depends on whether the info you need is accessible by it11:34
TomyWorkthe interface looks similar11:34
TomyWorkpreviously i had def match(self, context) and def run(self, context, match), now with this interface i'll have def Match(self, query) and def Run(self, matchId, actionId). I assume i'll get the information i need from that11:36
viewer|67Hi - is anybody here?12:22
diogenes_viewer|67, 1 op and 278 users.12:24
viewer|67This is my first time here so please be patient with me...12:25
diogenes_!patiecne | viewer|6712:26
viewer|67I installed the new Kubuntu 19.10 from the live USB stick onto another USB stick - 128 GB - using my Macbook, following the tutorial on how to use the partition manager12:26
viewer|67patience -.... sorry12:26
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.12:26
viewer|67the install went through and I thought I could use the option key on bootup to boot from the USB stick I installed kubuntu onto - but nothing happens'o12:28
viewer|67I clicked to use the FAT32 500MB bootable partition to install the EFI into - but it seems to have written it onto my Mac HDD12:29
viewer|67now my mac boots whith BRUB saying - no entries.... and no boot from the USB stick... any ideas on how to fix that?12:29
diogenes_viewer|67, so what now? you can't boot your macos?12:29
viewer|67I can only boot it when I press the option key which gives me 3 EFI entries - one MAC HDD - One Linux and the recovery HDD - but I can't boot into Kubuntu - and as I said - in standard boot mode it quits leaving me with a blank black screen saying missing GRUB entries..12:31
diogenes_let's see if bot has anything about macs because i've never touched a mac and i doubt i will ever do.12:32
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages12:32
viewer|67I already looked over that but couldn't find anything helpful...12:37
viewer|67ohhh, there is some more info in your  link...12:40
viewer|67 but this will take hours to find out .... ouch......12:40
viewer|67well, thanks anyway13:03
BluesKajHey folks13:20
gunavaraHello, can anyone help me with some weird error when i try to rightclick create desktop shortcut on any icon from my kde menu? It says: "Could not create symlin /home/google-chrome.desktop. Please check permissions. I cannot create any shortcut on my desktop. Info: fresh Kubuntu 19.04, plasma version 5.15.413:38
tomreyngunavara: i don't know the answer to your question. but... since you did a fresh install, wouldn't make more sense to install 19.10? 19.04 only got another 3 months of support.13:58
gunavaraI have no idea. Should i upgrade ?13:59
tomreynthat's also an option, but if you'd not loose data i'd just do a fresh install of 19.1014:00
tomreynyou know those release versions are actually release year + month? 2019 + 10 as in october14:00
tomreynand once you know that there are two releases each year, one in april and one in october, it gets pretty easy to tell when the next one will be ;)14:01
gunavaraoh! didn't know that, i'm coming from windows myself and i dont like gnome but this kde is pretty annoying to setup (or atleast for me)14:01
tomreyni haven't ued kde much during the past years, but recentely ran it in a VM and it looked good to me.14:03
gunavarawhat kind of desktop do you prefer?14:03
tomreynbut there are yet more flavours if you'd like to try something else14:04
tomreyni liked gnome2, but i'm starting to adjust to the gnome-shell.14:04
tomreynif you liked windows 7 better than 10, you might enjoy xubuntu and ubuntu-mate14:05
tomreynbut... we're in #kubuntu here so i guess we should stay on this topic. ;)14:06
gunavarayea i suppose, although i think i've found something cool. Thanks for your help tomreyn14:08
tomreyn:) you're welcome14:09
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IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Tomreyn: I received the first updates today on Kubuntu 19.10. It's all working now :)18:52
tomreynnice :)18:54
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IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Today I had a problem with bitwig and compatibility with a 64bit VST hosted with wine and Airwave.. My pc freezed in the middle of a professional studio recording. I solved the problem using the 32bit version. This is the only vst that gave me this problem. Any suggestions?18:59
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> @Franzpow this doesn't seem like a Kubuntu problem as such. Since you are doing recording and such, I would check out the #ubuntu-studo channels and see what they say19:25
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> that is their speciality, and you can run the kubuntu desktop while also having the -studio functionality19:25
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> sorry, do not know if they have a telegram chan paired with their IRC channel19:26
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Ok I will check it out on IRC! Thanks19:28
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enkeyzhey! any plans on moving to 5.17 in 19.10?21:15
enkeyz(finally native night mode implemented in 5.17)21:16
IrcsomeBotkabufidowesho195 was added by: kabufidowesho19522:34
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IrcsomeBotkucaegovugyrae4690 was added by: kucaegovugyrae469022:42
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