
chietahow to show the firefox on the desktop number 3 and 4 only?05:19
lubot<ctisme> on openbox... afaik only all desktop or specific desktop05:50
mistar_freshhello people,,, i wanna ask : Will there be a 32bit release of Lubuntu/Xubuntu 20.04 LTS???10:34
tomreynmistar_fresh: hi. there won't be. there'll be 64-bit releases only, those will support some 32-bit libraries.10:36
mistar_freshtomreyn : are the system requirements going to increase if i install 64-bit version?10:37
tomreynyou'll need a 64-bit compatible CPU and other than that your system will need to match the system requirements, which i assume are documented on lubuntu.me10:38
mistar_freshtomreyn : whatever man ,,, thanks for help :) I will wait until it is released...10:39
mr_freshcan someone tell me the minimum system requirements for lubuntu 19.10 64-bit ???19:08
mr_freshnobody knows :D19:14
lubot<HMollerCl> 64bit and 500mram will make it boot19:28
lubot<HMollerCl> But won't be able to do much things, for example, surf the web19:28
kc2bezI think they left @HMollerCl19:28
lubot<Dreamingwolf> Not sure, but Telegram seemed to indicate that I had managed to unpin that post, thus I pinned it again just in case.21:57

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