
OvenWerksEickmeyer: Is avldrums on the list for being packaged for debian?16:44
OvenWerksAVLdrums is just fluidsynth with with preloaded sound fonts16:45
EickmeyerOvenWerks: It is, and I meant to get it packaged for eoan, but it slipped through the cracks as I ran out of time before Feature Freeze & my vacation back in August.16:45
OvenWerksIt is one of the easiest to use drum kits to use, just load the LV2 and play, no SF to load or anything else.16:46
studiobot<teward001> ... I do believe 19.10 Carla is FTBFS something fierce :/17:17
Eickmeyer@teward001: I'm working with the upstream developer. Something in WINE apparently broke it.18:14
studiobot<teward001> ah heh18:14
EickmeyerI think he worked around it in the upcoming 2.1 release, but I need that to actually release before I do anything with it.18:15
studiobot<azbulutlu> I forgot to put it here but release post is mirrored on mastodon. Also commented on the new website layout. overall with the last nitpicks that this looks great. I hope all is well with you guys, grats on the release! :)19:08
OvenWerksEickmeyer: what was the really small monitor size we were trying to get controls to fit in?19:46
OvenWerks880x627 (wxh) right now.19:48
OvenWerksmy screen is 3200x900 so tyhat is what size I have been working with19:50
OvenWerksI am running with my buffer size set to 16 so I can see xruns often enough to count19:51
OvenWerksI will say this machine, with this kernel does not seem as stable as my old P4 was. I used to be able to run at 16/2 for 24hours with no xruns... 19:54
OvenWerksnot possible right now. I think I will try liquroix to see if there really is much of a difference19:54
OvenWerksPlaying a session on Ardour is like playing an old record with all the clicks and pops19:57
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Probably 1200x800.21:30
EickmeyerThanks, @azbulutlu!21:30

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