
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
pjotterHi people. I'm trying to chat on #ubuntu-nl but it says I first need to register my nick. Does anyone know how and where to do that?11:25
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.11:29
well_laid_lawnpjotter:  ↑11:30
pjotter:D Thanks!11:30
pjotterI may have another question for you people...11:30
pjotterMy computer is a bit dated. It's still fast enough to run xubuntu, but the onboard videcard is not supported anymore.11:31
pjotterSo I would like to buy a new videocard that will be supported (out of the box)11:31
pjotterpreferable something that will work well with the standard drivers.11:31
well_laid_lawnintel is best - next is nvidia11:33
pjotterI recently tried an ASUS (nvidia) GEFORCE 710, but had a horrible experience with 18.04. I eventually had to abandon this card.11:34
well_laid_lawnwith nvidia the proprietry drivers are better11:34
pjotterIt had all sorts of problems lock-ups and atrifacts on screen. It was just a big mess to be honoust.11:34
pjotterThe problems were both with standard drivers and the nvida driver.11:35
pjotterSO, I now like to try an ASUS, amd GEFORCE11:36
pjotterThis is actually what I already have onboard and it works flawlessly. Although 3d is very slow.11:36
pjotterI recently saw a video with Linus given Nvidia the finger. So, what does that tell us about Nvidia and Linux?11:38
pjotterOn various places, nvidia is recommended for Linux. But I also see a lot pages with people that are experiencing problems with nvidia cards. I'm not too sure how well nvidia actually works with Linux in general.11:40
diogenes_pjotter, actually Linus kinda had to do that because only after that finger, nvidia started to make drivers for linux.11:42
tomreynpjotter: personally i'd prefer amd over nvidia any time, since they make open source drivers and fast hardware, too.11:43
pjotterWell, I don;t know what the problem is. I tested the systemn for about a week. Tried all sorts of configurations/settings etc. NBut I couldn;t get the nvidia card to work properly. So, eventually I just ahd to give up.11:43
diogenes_pjotter, first of all if it's working well under nouveau then i'd prefer nouveau over nvidia.11:44
tomreynintel is fine for low budget, and for integrated gpu (amd's *integrated* gpu's are still a little flakey on some boards, though it's getting bette rnow)11:44
pjotterWhen I looked for the problems I was experiencing, I saw a lot of other people are struggeling with the same problems aswell. For instance. I could get the card to work with stand video driver, but then I had a hell of a time getting rid of screen tearing.11:44
diogenes_there are ways around tearing so if that's the main problem then it's not a problem.11:45
pjotterIt could only be done with some kind of 'dirty fix', by issuing a command at startup.11:45
diogenes_pjotter, THE NEWEST XFCE 4.14 has no tearing by default.11:46
diogenes_dammit, sorry for caps :))11:46
pjotterIs that in 18.04?11:46
diogenes_it should come with 19.1011:46
pjotterThat would be great :D11:46
tomreynyes eoan has 4.1411:47
pjotterI'm not in need of some fancy videocard. Something that will work reasonably well and have it's own videomemory will do just fine. So I'm looking at the cheapest and most common cards here.11:47
tomreynso you want to assemble a desktop?11:48
pjotterI already have a desktop. I just need a new, better videocard.11:49
tomreynand you have none right now?11:49
pjotterThe onboard one is a bit outdated, not supported by amd and does not work too well with the standard drivers either.11:49
tomreyndo you have integreated graphics?11:49
diogenes_pjotter, if you want a PC to run linux on, i would recomment to buy something at least 6 month old or better 1 year old, if you buy the newest hardware, chances are you gonna have to still wait some time till it gets fully support or if it even get it.11:50
tomreynnot supported by amd? must be reaaaaly old then11:50
pjotterDon;t worry, my computer is old enough :D11:50
pjotterIt's a radeon 32.. someting11:50
tomreyncurrent graphics card may not actually work well with a very old computer11:51
pjotterIt used to be supported with catalyst driver until they suddenly killed the support.11:51
tomreynlspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999911:51
tomreynactually you should start by determining the mainboard11:52
pjotter01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS780 [Radeon HD 3200] [1002:9610] Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. RS780 [Radeon HD 3200] [1043:82f1] Kernel driver in use: radeon Kernel modules: radeon11:52
tomreynjournalctl -b | grep 'DMI:'11:53
pjotterIt works pretty well. Even no tearing and all. But 3d is completely laggish with the standard driver.11:53
pjotterDMI: System manufacturer System Product Name/M4A78-EM, BIOS 2102    12/15/201011:53
tomreynthis graphics chipset was introduced on 04.06.200811:54
pjotterIt has a beard growing out of it's CD-bay11:54
tomreynhave you considered replacing the system?11:54
pjotterIt;s fine11:54
tomreynshould i wait while you do?11:54
pjotterStill fast enough11:54
pjotterDoes everything I need with very reasonable speed.11:55
pjotterSo thats not the problem.11:55
diogenes_pjotter, put win10 on it :)11:55
pjotterI use a lot of graphical applications that have support for 3d functionality. But the standard driver, for some reason, doesn't work very fast with 3d stuff.11:56
pjotterdiogenes_: Are you even serious?11:56
tomreynso it's got a 16x PCIe slot, that's good11:56
* diogenes_ pjotter hasn't notices my sarcastic smile at the end11:56
diogenes_i don't think you can even boot win10 on it.11:57
diogenes_so linux is the only option, maybe bsd too.11:57
tomreynhow much ram is installed?11:57
pjotterA staggering 8 Gb11:58
tomreynthat's still enough11:58
pjotterI would think so.11:58
diogenes_DDR2 probably.11:58
diogenes_hence the lag and probably a slow HDD.11:58
pjotterSystem is just fine. No resource problems at all. Processor does almost nothing most of the time. And memory is never used up.11:58
diogenes_maybe if you get an SSD it would run mych faster.11:59
tomreynit just doesn't make sense to buy a graphics card whihc is too powerful to match the other parts11:59
pjotterI already have a SSD installed11:59
pjotterThe onboard videocard is using the normal RAM, so that could be a problem in terms of speed.12:00
tomreynand maximum 256 MB of it, yes12:01
pjotterNo ehm, 1024 I think12:01
diogenes_pjotter, there are still tricks to improve performance and RAM usage by disabling and masking unneeded services.12:02
tomreynmainboard https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M4A78EM/specifications/   chipset https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_700_chipset_series#780G/780V12:02
tomreynso that's a PCIe 2.0 x16 slot12:02
pjotterIt had one free slot of that kind.12:03
tomreynit's really difficult to buy factory sealed PCIe 2.0 gpus nowadays.12:05
tomreynbut you may find some leftovers. maybe better buy a pre-owned one.12:05
pjotterI used to be able to play tuxkart game and it was very fast. I also used compiz with the rotating cube and all. No problems at all. Until they dropped support for the videocard and the only thing left was the standard driver. It works so slow, that I cannot use these thigs anymore. But the system is otherwise very usable.12:05
tomreynmaybe a Sapphire Radeon HD 545012:06
tomreynit's also passively cooled12:07
Noboru55Hello, when i installed Xubuntu, and just installed some games and few software like vlc rhythmbox inkscap,  my hard disk was 32% used of 273,1 GB12:07
Noboru55so i did run the bleachbit and i got 9% used of disk12:08
Noboru55what happened? i had no cache... nothing...12:08
Noboru55language support maybe?12:08
udzguruhi everyone.16:59
udzgurumy settings-menu (xfce4-settings) is empty. anyone got a hint on what this might be and how to solve it?17:00
xubuntu9w121212i have installed mate-system-monitor trough terminal and it runs ok but why there is no icon in the programs menu???18:35
diogenes_xubuntu9w121212, most likely you have to run: sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor18:36
xubuntu9w121212diogenes_ : that doesnt solved the problem18:37
diogenes_xubuntu9w121212, re-log.18:38
xubuntu62wrelogging again doesnt solved the problem18:40
diogenes_xubuntu62w, ok then as the last thing you can do, is to explicitely specify an icon.18:42
xubuntu62womg,,, i installed caja from the software center and again there is no icon18:43
diogenes_xubuntu62w, maybe try to change the iconset?18:44
diogenes_settings > appearence > icons18:45
xubuntu62wit seems that i will need to manualy create launchers for newly installed programs18:47
uRockOddly, gnome-system-monitor had no problem with icons.18:50
xubuntu62wi see that there are icons in /usr/.../share/applications18:50
carlos_memory leakage 40%19:37

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