=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [04:14] infinity: tseliot: also rebuilt and submitted to my ppa in https://launchpad.net/~vicamo/+archive/ubuntu/backport-iwlwifi-dkms-proposed [04:43] vicamo: Did that intentionally clobber the stack-clash changes? [04:46] vicamo: Also, your changelog mentions updating a copyright, but I see no such change actually in the diff. [05:39] infinity: the stack-clash patch is for compiling under gcc-9 [05:39] infinity: it's also landed to mainline kernel as https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=29be86d7f9cb18df4123f309ac7857570513e8bc [05:40] infinity: for copyright change, it's in debian/copyright [05:40] infinity: it's managed in git in https://code.launchpad.net/~vicamo/ubuntu/+source/backport-iwlwifi-dkms/+git/backport-iwlwifi-dkms/+ref/for-focal/bug-1848922/fix-build [05:41] infinity: the first time 7906-0ubuntu1 is uploaded, sponsor helped me to correct that copyright directly, and it's now also updated in my local copy. [05:42] infinity: that's why you won't find such diff [05:43] infinity: I can remove that line from changelog if that would be more appropriate [05:48] mitya57, working on qt is really not in my wish list :) [06:32] hi again, let me repost it here now [06:32] there seems to be a lot of unaccepted translations for Slovak at Launchpad, they’ve been there for many years: https://translations.launchpad.net/apport/trunk/+pots/apport/sk/+translate?field.alternative_language=cs&field.alternative_language-empty-marker=1&show=untranslated&memo=10&start=10 [06:33] what can I do to help change that? is there a translation team or something I can become part of? [07:34] also: who should I talk to to get necessary permissions to edit the wiki? [08:17] Hello everyone. I'm experiencing a weird behavior regarding TCP and sendmsg system calls. Here is my scenario: I have a TCP server wainting for a certain number of clients to be connecting before sending them a batch of 128 bytes messages, 100 messages every batch, and then sleeping 1ms between each batch. I'm then measuring the time it takes to [08:17] send a message to all clients. On Ubuntu16.04, kernel 4.4 with TCP_NODELAY enabled, I get a 50th time of ~750ns. On Ubuntu 18.04 with kernel 4.20 I'm getting ~5000ns with TCP_NODELAY and 1000ns without TCP_NODELAY [08:17] Any idea why ? I can share my server and client code if needed [09:13] Need to get 418 MB of archives. [09:13] After this operation, 1425 MB of additional disk space will be used. [09:13] this is not a lightweight package build then! [09:33] LocutusOfBorg: did you report the problem with odb-api 0.18.1-8 to the maintainer? [10:19] rbalint: ddstreet: do you at all remember if we tried to backport/include https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/9158 in bionic or not? [10:19] xnox, i can't recall that [10:19] i dont remember backporting it [10:23] * xnox ponders why my brain remember it as a dejavu [10:36] rbasak: I see you answers to the uvtool merge coming in one by one - please consider all that I do not answer as "ok" [10:41] ack, thanks [11:50] Hello, good people. I'm trying to build a .deb package using pbuilder-dist, for my local use (curl is the package), and I'd like to skip tests, as I don't care much for them. Is there a way to tell pbuilder (or sbuild, for that matter) to skip tests and just build the package? [11:54] Mmike: you should adjust the debian/rules file for that [11:54] Mmike: you could try setting DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck [11:58] dupondje, yup, I was trying to avoid that. [11:58] amurray, thnx, trying now [12:12] amurray, seems nocheck is being ognored :) I'll adjust debian/rules === ricab is now known as ricab|lunch [12:29] is andreas moog here by chance? or someone knows him? [12:29] amoog@ubuntu.com after all [12:30] or maybe someone else can fix it in debian and sync it to ubuntu? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libbinio/+bug/1839038 (i need it for ocp(opencubicplayer)) [12:30] Launchpad bug 1839038 in libbinio (Ubuntu) "adplug+libbinio+memory mapped = crash on some files" [Undecided,Confirmed] [12:49] slashd: o/ when will be the next developer membership board meeting? [12:49] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda [12:50] i would like add my application https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SahidOrentinoFerdjaoui/PerPackageApplication [13:19] sahid: they follow a pattern: every two weeks, alternating between 1500 and 1900. [13:19] sahid: please feel free to update the wiki with current meeting dates - we only have them listed there to save others from working it out. [13:20] (just take care to follow the pattern though please to avoid confusion) === ricab|lunch is now known as ricab [14:13] rbasak: ok thank you i will do that [14:35] I just moved bug 1849325 to curtin as I came across it, and that's more correct than for the bug to be against Launchpad. Not sure if that's correct for triage though. [14:35] bug 1849325 in curtin "18.04 Server Install - Software RAID setup crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1849325 [14:39] rbasak, give it was during subiquity and had a curtin trace I'm good with that [14:43] Thanks! [15:07] mwhudson, reopened the bug report [15:08] sorry for not crediting you for the patch i found you had already told also that fix to the maintainer after crafting the same fix... [15:09] how can it be *that* difficult to just apply a patch? :/ [15:36] rafaeldtinoco: on block-proposed- for SRUs, I don't understand your second paragraph with your questions. [15:36] What do you mean by "finishing the next SRU"? [15:37] Actually reading again I think I might understand what you're asking, but am not sure. [15:37] Do you mean what someone driving a future SRU who wants a further uploader to land needs to do? [15:38] Do you mean what someone driving a future SRU who wants a further upload* to land needs to do? [15:53] yes [15:53] sorry for not being clear enough [15:54] No problem. I'll respond to the thread, thanks [16:09] bdmurray, hey. Did you manager to have a look at why eoan retracing are failing? Half of the top 19.10 reports on a weekly view are missing symbols/failing retries [16:09] e.g [16:09] https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/fd929348e8a0d94304efaa3c0e86de13ed2acfe8 [16:09] https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/3e80e42b3076f09542c1c3654871c897bbd1f12e [16:09] https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/99ee014259e65652496f09ed33b4d8f2d7de2f08 [16:10] https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/50762846c553232d8fc30227e07ba39ff996418a [16:10] https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/50762846c553232d8fc30227e07ba39ff996418a [16:10] https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/b706258a6f378ab07c3e84f1f63aaa504743f214 [16:11] well, most of 19.10 starting errors it looks like :/ [16:59] Hey! Can I get some SRU love on bug 1849168? [16:59] bug 1849168 in carla (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Missing build dep libsndfile1-dev discovered" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1849168 [17:16] seb128: Not quite yet but I have some free time today and Friday [19:41] LocutusOfBorg: thanks, and no worries about credit :) [19:42] LocutusOfBorg: some worries about reading comprehension, yeah [20:46] :)