[05:19] !info wine32 focal [05:19] wine32 (source: wine): Windows API implementation - 32-bit binary loader. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.2-1 (focal), package size 194 kB, installed size 643 kB [05:19] wine32 (4.0.2-1, focal): Windows API implementation - 32-bit binary loader. In component universe, is optional. Built by wine. Size 195 kB / 643 kB. (Only available for any-i386, any-powerpc, armel, armhf.) === MasterScript is now known as Guest54297 === MasterScript is now known as Guest10628 === MasterScript is now known as Guest72655 [20:44] thanks about !bootlog, d@x [20:45] actually much better than what i suggested [20:52] *nod* was already poking at it when you put in a suggestion, ended up making a mix of both [20:59] oh, i noticed you saying something about it in #ubuntu, but i didn't understand what you were saying then === MasterScript is now known as Guest56635 [21:10] mostly making fun of the factoid name :s [21:10] (i added some aliases to it too) [21:10] !-bootparm [21:10] not that one [21:10] !-kernelparm [21:10] kernelparm aliases: kernelparam, cmdline - added by hggdh on 2019-01-08 19:23:03 - last edited by hggdh on 2019-01-08 20:06:45 [21:31] nice! === MasterScript is now known as Guest98614