[09:47] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2019-October/040834.html [09:53] (Photo, 755x596) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/AknNKunN/file_19430.jpg [11:40] Howdy folks [15:05] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ImDFjiq28 [18:35] * clivejo wonders if this is the cycle Rik will finally go for MOTU [18:36] clivejo: I already have MOTU [18:38] oupppss [18:38] DD then! [18:40] core-dev? [18:40] I forget the name for it [18:40] Archive admin [18:40] DD is not realist (or needed) [18:40] clivejo: funny you should say that.... [18:40] sponsoring packages for the mere mortals [18:41] I been out of the loop for so long I forget the terms! [18:45] RikMills: You need to make Qt great again [18:46] that would require killing off wenengine [18:46] *webengine [18:46] LOL [18:47] Hi there [18:48] I cannot run akonadi because of apparmor; anybody know the issue? [18:49] vip: on what release? [18:50] if 19.10, you need to switch to mariadb [18:50] eoan + kde backports [18:53] apt install install mariadb-client-core-10.3 mariadb-server-core-10.3 [18:53] only one install though. duh [18:54] vip: akonadi doesn't work with mysql-8, even if you completely disable apparmor [18:54] thanks [18:55] we have a bit of an issue there where if people use akonadi, and must have the official mysql installed, one or the other will break [18:55] which is why I didn't try to force mysql off people's systems [18:59] clivejo says akonadi works better with mariadb [19:00] unfortunately I need mysql for my local development [19:02] vip: I think mysql have an apt repo? maybe you can install 5.7 from that for the time being? [19:02] sadly Ubuntu removed 5.7 from the repo here [19:04] KDE PIM devs only seem to use mariadb to test nowadays [19:05] hmm, apparmor complains about mariadb, the daemon does not start [19:05] I want to install server too, instead of mysql [19:06] I tested with mariadb. akonadi started ok