
didrocksgood morning06:58
dufluMorning didrocks07:23
didrockshey duflu07:29
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:51
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seb128gooood morning desktopers08:07
dufluMorning oSoMoN and seb12808:08
seb128hey duflu, how are you? had a good w.e?08:08
seb128lut oSoMoN08:08
dufluseb128, sore from excessive weeding :) And also have a trio of birthdays... You?08:09
seb128I'm good, we had a (mostly) relaxing w.e08:10
seb128we went to see the 'Cirque du soleil' on saturday which was very nice08:10
dufluThat's usually great!08:11
oSoMoNsalut seb12808:13
oSoMoNhey duflu08:13
didrockshey oSoMoN, seb12808:22
seb128lut didrocks, oSoMoN, did you have a good w.e?08:23
didrockswas good, thanks!08:23
oSoMoNyeah, bbq in the sun on Saturday, and welcome party for new families at the school on Sunday, a very good week-end08:24
dufluUgh, I meant "had" not "have", obviously08:28
jibelon focal, gnome-shell hand when I press a shortcut eg ctrl+alt+t, anyone seen that?08:36
jibelhm, and now I cannot log in08:37
seb128I'm not using focal yet, still have eoan SRUs and fixing to do and focal opening hasn't even be announced yet08:39
seb128I would recommend against using it before at least the initial sync went through and thing have a chance to settle down a bit08:40
jibelyeah but the machine didn't boot in eoan, so I had to try focal08:43
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers08:47
oSoMoNgood morning marcustomlinson08:47
didrockshey marcustomlinson08:47
Laneyhi ho09:02
RAOFAnd a fine day to you too, Laney!09:02
dufluMorning jibel, marcustomlinson and Laney. Evening RAOF09:04
seb128hey Laney, marcustomlinson, how are you? had a good w.e?09:06
seb128no willcooke anymore in that round of greetings, feeling weird09:06
Laneyhey RAOF duflu seb12809:11
Laneyi'm doing alright thanks!09:11
Laneywent away with friends for the weekend, was nice09:12
Laneythe place we were staying had cats09:12
didrockshey Laney ;)09:12
RAOFFor some reason that sounds like “the place had vermin” 😀09:13
RAOFBut I presume that's not the intended reading!09:14
Laneytry as I might, I can only read it as a delightful experience09:14
Laneyyo didrocks09:14
WimpressMorning o/09:15
dufluMorning Wimpress09:17
seb128hey Wimpress, how are you today? had a good w.e?09:20
didrockshey Wimpress09:20
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WimpressYep, good weekend thanks. Filled with Lego and swimming 🙂09:37
WimpressAnd you?09:38
seb128w.e was good09:39
seb128went to see the 'cirque du soleil' on saturday, impressive show, I recommend it if you have the opportunity09:40
WimpressOoh. Something I've wanted to see.09:42
marcustomlinsonoooh fancy09:49
WimpressHad a bit of turbo lag this morning.10:33
WimpressHelping pack the car, my girls are going away for a few days.10:34
didrockspopey: hey! zsys fix should now be published on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/zsys/+packages, I changed the bug description with the 2 use cases (for people being impacted and people installing the fixed version directly). Tested locally and it works. Would welcome a confirmation :)10:47
didrocksI managed to get both use cases addressed (uploaded to focal already)10:48
Laneydid we rls the bug about the wrong audio device being selectd?10:53
Laneyah yeah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1847570 cool10:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1847570 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Eoan) "PulseAudio automatically switches to HDMI sound output on login" [Medium,Triaged]10:53
popeydidrocks: on it10:56
didrocksthanks :)10:59
popeydidrocks: confirmed and commented11:01
Laneyperhaps that is what was breaking the firefox thing I whined about last week11:01
didrockspopey: thanks! (and I tested on a broken system, dancing on a tty and upgrading, and it works as well) :)11:02
popeyThanks for the quick fix11:02
didrocksuploading to eoan-proposed once autopkgtests for focal pass11:02
didrocksthanks for finding this!11:02
popeynp. sorry for ruining your monday :D11:02
didrockshaha, well, better for having it spotted ;)11:02
seb128Laney, wasn't your about streams being muted?11:03
Laneymight just be that they were outputting on the hdmi device11:04
Laneyand that is how this situation is represented in g-c-c11:04
Laneylast comment on https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/issues/74911:04
seb128yeah, could be I guess, though in theory there is no reason they should show as muted if they output on another port ... I guess we fix the first bug and see if the other one is still an issue11:09
Laneydunno how it works11:10
Laneybut if it's like this it would make complete sense to me11:10
Laneysend to one output -> 0 volume on the others11:11
seb128Ah, seen like that11:12
seb128I was expecting non-active-device to just not be listed but it's another valid way to have them showing but having the sound to 011:13
LaneyI'll just try turning off that module11:18
Laneyif the theory is true then I think g-c-c / gnome-shell got confused about the state because they were still controlling line out11:23
Laneyso maybe it doesn't make sense :-)11:24
clobranohey all 0/13:02
seb128hey clobrano, how are you? how was your weekend?13:03
clobranohey seb128, I'm fine, and the we was good, I went yesterday to see some stars and planets with ta telescope :D13:03
clobranoseb128, how about you?13:04
seb128I'm good, w.e was nice, we want to see the 'cirque du soleil' which was a nice show, otherwise some small works in the house and relaxing time13:04
seb128weather also starts being cold here, going to almost freeze at night this week brrrrr13:05
clobranowow, I'd love to see the Cirque to soleil13:09
clobranoI think I broke something on yaru's deb package with this https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/1578as reported here https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/issues/159113:13
clobranoThe PR above changes the installation path to /usr/share/themes/Yaru/gnome-shell and creates a symlink to /usr/share/gnome-shell/themes/YaruDid I miss to update something in the Yaru/debian folder?13:13
marcustomlinsonhey clobrano13:15
seb128clobrano, https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/blob/master/debian/yaru-theme-gnome-shell.postinst13:15
seb128is the css from line 7 still existing on disk?13:16
clobranoseb128, yes it exists13:18
clobranobut I thought that the installation script would create the symlink as installing from source does13:18
clobranoand then I expected the path to exist13:18
seb128it seems to not exist in the deb13:19
seb128how do you do the symlink?13:19
seb128didrocks ^ you probably know their build machinery better than me, maybe you know directly what's wrong?13:19
clobranothe symlink is made here https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/blob/master/gnome-shell/src/install-shell.sh, as  meson's install script meson.add_install_script('install-shell.sh', meson.project_name())13:21
seb128clobrano, from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/448541820/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.yaru-theme_19.10.4+201910260248+04f5461~ubuntu18.04.1_BUILDING.txt.gz13:28
seb128lrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2019-10-26 02:48 ./usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Yaru -> ../../themes/Yaru/gnome-shell13:28
seb128clobrano, I didn't debug on a real system and might be overlooking something but one reason could be that the target doesn't exist because the other package isn't installed (yet)13:33
seb128is that file new in the other deb? in which case it might be that you need to ensure the target is installed first13:35
seb128the g-s binary should at least Depends on the binary which ships the symlink target13:35
seb128marcustomlinson, I guess you have been pinged about that/it's on our backlog, but you are looking at the focal/libreoffice/autopkgtest failure?13:39
* clobrano checking the file13:40
marcustomlinsonseb128: I may have been pinged and missed it... I've been away since Wednesday, let me check excuses13:41
seb128marcustomlinson, new cycle opening so half of the world changed13:41
clobranoseb128, yes this symlink is new and in fact, /usr/share/themes/Yaru is created by the gtk part13:41
seb128marcustomlinson, http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/libr/libreoffice/focal/amd6413:41
clobranoseb128, installing first yaru gtk deb and then yaru shell deb it seems to work on my VM, not on the guy who opened the bug, don't know why13:42
seb128clobrano, I've asked for some debug details on the issue, let's see13:44
clobranoseb128, thanks!13:44
seb128marcustomlinson, you probably got bitten by some depends changing while the world was being replaced behind your feet13:45
seb128oSoMoN, https://trello.com/c/cbm9DllY/237-thunderbird-6812-update and https://trello.com/c/UnkgODhV/244-thunderbird-6820-update should we merge the card or do you still plan to go through .1 first?13:52
oSoMoNseb128, I'll jump directly to 68.2, so the 68.1.2 card can be marked done, as it's already in eoan and focal13:55
seb128oSoMoN, k, thx, let me know if you want me to do the trello triage or if you do it13:55
oSoMoNI'll do it, thanks13:59
seb128oSoMoN, thx13:59
didrocksclobrano: seem, you mostly figured it out, correct? Do not hesitate if you need me14:10
clobranodidrocks, probably :D, otherwise I'll ping you later14:21
hellsworthgood morning everyone14:57
kenvandinegood morning hellsworth14:57
hellsworthkenvandine: did you resolve your linker issue?14:58
marcustomlinsonmorning kenvandine and hellsworth15:01
kenvandinehellsworth: no...15:04
kenvandinei decided to try gnome-calculator as a first example instead :)15:04
kenvandinebut that's failing to find valac15:05
hellsworththe staple test app :)15:05
kenvandinehowever... it's there15:05
kenvandinemeson.get_compiler(valac) fails15:05
hellsworthi'm picking back up with gnome-clocks, tyring to get a consistent failure15:05
kenvandinenot sure how this works in marcustomlinson's snap and fails here :)15:06
kenvandinei'll get back to it in a bit15:06
hellsworthmaybe it's some general path problem since gnome-3-34-1804-sdk def builds vala15:06
kenvandineit's in the PATH we set in build-environment15:06
marcustomlinsonI'm just magic15:06
kenvandinebut i'm not sure how meson finds valac15:06
kenvandinemight not be checking the path15:07
kenvandinei'm working on something else this morning, will get back to it in a bit15:07
hellsworthsounds good15:08
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: what's the issue? meson not finding vala with the gnome-3-34-1804-sdk build snap?15:09
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: yes15:09
ricotzmeson respects a VALAC envar pointing the valac executable15:10
kenvandinericotz: thanks!15:10
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: here's my expanded yaml15:10
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: see line 71 - gnome-3-32-1804-sdk should be gnome-3-34-1804-sdk15:12
kenvandineoh geez, missed one :)15:14
seb128tjaalton, hey, sorry that took a bit, but I've added  intel-gmmlib, intel-media-driver, intel-compute-runtime to https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/xorg.html now15:38
RikMillso/ popeytesting16:00
tomreynnot registered :)16:02
tjaaltonseb128: cool, thanks16:03
tjaaltonseb128: looks like it's checking against eoan and not focal?16:11
seb128tjaalton, yeah, that was just fixed, next refresh should have it16:12
seb128sorry :)16:12
tjaaltonheh, there's time16:12
seb128Laney, do you know of any example of a package that opt-ed out of systemd-auto-enablement created by dh_installsystemduser? or how to do that best?16:20
Laneyseb128: doesn't it have a parameter to do that?16:21
Laneyyeh, --no-enable, is that what you want?16:21
seb128Laney, that works for new installs but isn't going to disable it for upgraders16:22
seb128it's just removing the snippet that does the enablement from postinst16:22
Laneyoh, didn't understand that you wanted to fix up existing systems16:22
seb128I guess I need to copy the prerm snippet to the postinst of the new package or something16:22
Laneyguess you get to call deb-systemd-helper disable16:24
Laneyor whatever it is16:24
seb128the autogenerated postrm does16:25
seb128deb-systemd-helper --user mask ...16:25
seb128on remove16:25
seb128deb-systemd-helper --user purge16:26
seb128deb-systemd-helper --user unmask16:26
seb128on purge16:26
Laneynot sure what these commands do exactly16:26
seb128I guess I want to purge/unmask if I want to pretend the enablement never happened?16:26
seb128Laney, thx, last question for now ... any opinion on what's the right maintainer script to do the cleaning? preinst of the new package?16:29
Laneypostinst probably, then you don't have to worry about if the dependencies are right16:31
Laneyprobably before #DEBHELPER# and guarded by a version chekc for only only upgrades from the buggy versions16:31
seb128Laney, thx16:32
kenvandinehellsworth, marcustomlinson: I have gnome-calculator built with the gnome-3-34 extension and the build snap16:39
hellsworthkenvandine: would you mind pelase sharing with me your calculator yaml?17:00
hellsworthmaybe it will help me with clocks17:00
kenvandinehellsworth: evince built too17:00
hellsworthwow that's great to hear!17:01
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: trying to open the about dialog in evince built with the gnome-3-34-1804 build crashes the same way drawing is17:03
kenvandinehellsworth: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Wj72kJk8tq/17:03
kenvandinehellsworth: and my diff to your extension https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XJ5S2qh2tg/17:05
kenvandinehellsworth: we should refactor the platform and build snap paths out into a variable17:06
kenvandineso it can be more easily updated for the next version17:06
hellsworthken thanks! i only see build snap paths (which we can def put in a var).17:08
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: yeah sorry haven't gotten to the bottom of that yet. I did try a build of gnome-3-34-1804 last week and same issue with epiphany17:09
kenvandinehellsworth: look closely, it's both build snap and platform snap paths :)17:15
hellsworthah ok i see the platform snap path wayy down the LD_LIBRARY_PATH line :)17:16
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: correction... not opening the about dialog but opening the menu17:17
hellsworthwhen should you use build-snaps to point to the build snap? any part that would include build-packages that is already built by the build snap?17:17
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: why does the build environment need to know anything about the platform contents?17:21
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: something i was planning to talk to you about17:22
kenvandinethere are libs in the runtime that aren't in the build snap17:22
kenvandinewhich is odd17:22
marcustomlinsonpossibly from stage-packages17:23
kenvandineyeah, we should probably stage them in the build snap too17:23
kenvandinesnapcraft does ensure the platform snap is installed during the build17:24
kenvandineso it might be fine17:24
marcustomlinsonmight as well move whatever is staged that is needed for build over17:25
marcustomlinsonthose find -exec rm commands ensure the dups are dealt with so _should_ be simples17:25
oSoMoNpopey, shall I mark bug #1850174 invalid, or is there something you wanted me to look into?17:42
ubot5bug 1850174 in firefox (Ubuntu) "This is not a bug, please ignore - just testing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185017417:42
popeyYes please17:43
popeySorry, I should have17:43
oSoMoNnp, thanks17:44
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kenvandinemarcustomlinson: so yet another victim of the crasher you are hunting.  it seems everything that uses gtk crashes when build with either gnome-3-32-1804 or gnome-3-34-180418:09
marcustomlinsonyeah :/ a little less than ideal18:10
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: I'll hit this head on tomorrow, got a little distracted with libreoffice autopkgtests18:11
kenvandineno worries18:11
kenvandinewell, at least it's obviously broken18:12
kenvandinenot subtle runtime issues18:12
hellsworthkenvandine: i had to restart my system so i missed it.. what is the other victim of the same crasher? clocks?18:14
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: I think kenvandine was still referring to the evince crash18:16
kenvandineyeah... evince18:16
kenvandineit starts the app though18:16
hellsworthah ok thanks18:16
kenvandinei think this is something related svg loading18:16
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: If you switch to highcontrast theme it will probably not crash18:17
hellsworthoh right some themes caused the crash while others didn't18:17
marcustomlinsonany theme with svg icons is the guess18:18
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: confirmed, works with highcontrast18:18
marcustomlinsonalright good to know it's the same issue and not a new one at least18:18
kenvandinesame for calculator18:19
kenvandineit crashes loading the about dialog18:19
kenvandineit's fine until then18:19
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mitya57Wimpress: hi! Can you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~muktupavels/compiz/+git/compiz/+merge/374783?20:28
mitya57Ubuntu MATE no longer ships compiz, so maybe we can remove that config altogether? Or better move it to some other package?20:29
jdstrandkenvandine: hey, I know that firefox isn't our snap, but I'm wondering if you've seen the issue where on 19.10 wayland, firefox works fine and has proper theming in one profile, but not another20:56
kenvandinejdstrand: i haven't used wayland recently21:15
popeyrobert_ancell: why does ubuntu software have two login options in the burger menu? Is this a known bug? It was like this on 19.04 and 19.10 too21:30
robert_ancellpopey, hmm, the Ubuntu One login should be unused since we switched to ODRS I think? I hadn't noticed that, thanks for pointing out.22:04

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