
ricotzRAOF, thanks!07:43
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kanashiroI am checking lm-sensors package before do the merge of the latest version we have in Debian and I am not sure if I agree with the delta we carry in this package. It basically replaces a "Breaks" with a "Conflicts" in debian/control with the justification that "Breaks" shouldn't be used without version12:29
kanashirohowever, this is not mandatory and "Breaks" is preferable most of the times12:29
kanashirocould someone take a look and give me a second opinion on this?12:30
cjwatsonWhat is the semantic purpose of the Breaks or Conflicts relationship here?12:32
rbasakI found https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lm-sensors/commit/?id=a7a21eead36e463e665bea74cd98ab400014c22912:33
rbasaklibsensors4 last existed in Bionic12:33
ubottuDebian bug 915873 in libsensors-config "libsensors-config: removal of libsensors-config makes files disappear from libsensors4" [Serious,Fixed]12:34
kanashirocjwatson, you were faster than me :)12:34
cjwatsonIt does seem to me that this should probably be spelled Breaks, but Conflicts+Replaces is special and so are configuration files.  I'd suggest specifically asking infinity (who made this change) for the background12:36
kanashirocjwatson, thanks for taking a look, let's see infinity's feedback12:41
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* rafaeldtinoco created a ubuntu-server-ha project and ~ubuntu-server-ha team -> subscribed all HA related packages. feel free to subscribe ubuntu-server-ha to any HA related bugs13:57
rafaeldtinocoand sorry for the noise on ubuntu-server as many of those bugs were also ubuntu-server subscribed13:59
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
rbasakdannf: o/16:16
dannfrbasak: hey16:16
rbasakdannf: in your Bionic upload of gdb, shouldn't the changelog message say "Fix breakpoints in 32-bit programs" or something?16:17
rbasakThat's what's really being fixed, right?16:17
dannfrbasak: i suspect it goes beyond breakpoints, but i'd be fine w/ mentioning that explicitly16:18
rbasakdannf: if it's quick for you to fix up please.16:18
rbasakJust that users reporting affected are holding on the package and it seems appropriate to tell them their bug is being fixed :)16:19
rbasak(and the bug description referenced doesn't match the current description)16:19
dannfrbasak: ack16:19
dannfrbasak: done - thx for the feedback!16:26
rbasakPerfect - thank you!16:28
RikMillsmwhudson: hi. will there be eoan docker images any time in next week?16:39
dokojbicha: https://lists.debian.org/debian-gtk-gnome/2019/10/msg00001.html  is this agreed upon in Debian?17:19
Skuggenmdeslaur: One comment about the php issue with mysql: One reason to have used skip-grant-tables would have been if php has|had any tests that actually tried to connect remotely, since by default mysql will only create a root@localhose user.19:06
mdeslaurSkuggen: yeah, I'm not sure since the php mysql tests don't seem to actually run19:08
mdeslaurI'll have to investigate...I did remove skip-grant-tables, and that made it build19:08
mdeslaurthanks for the hint19:08
kanashiroinfinity, did you see our discussion earlier here about lm-sensors? If it's possible I'd like to know why do we need Conflicts instead of Breaks here https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lm-sensors/commit/?id=a7a21eead36e463e665bea74cd98ab400014c22920:11
infinitykanashiro: Conflicts/Replaces means "remove A to install B", Breaks/Replaces means "files in B overwrite files in A".  The latter should be versioned, the former not.  What you wanted was the former.20:16
infinitykanashiro: If what was actually intended was to overwrite files, then it should have been versioned with the version when the file moved.  I didn't look at history deeply to decide that when I made the fix, I was just fixing the case where our frontends (like update-manager) refused to perform the upgrade because an unversioned Breaks pretty much *is* a Conflict, but it won't do the swap without Conflicts/Replaces being in play.20:19
kanashiroinfinity, okay, so this delta fixes an upgrade issue you faced, that's enough for me20:22
kanashirothanks for the reply20:22
infinitykanashiro: Okay, looking at the original Debian report that caused this, yes, it should have been a Conflict.  It would have been a (versioned) Breaks if a newer version of libsensors4 existed that didn't ship the file, but that's not a thing.20:23
infinitykanashiro: Anyhow, we only need this delta through the release of 20.04 (to keep things smooth from 18.04), then it can go bye-bye.  So adding a comment like that in debian/control above the Conflicts line might be a helpful hint to future mergers.20:24
kanashiroinfinity, good point, will add this comment for future merges20:25
mwhudsonRikMills: do you mean focal? there have been eoan images for a while20:33
RikMillsmwhudson: yeah, I do. still easy to make that mistake!20:34
mwhudsonhm no images at https://partner-images.canonical.com/core/ yet20:35
jbichadoko: please be more specific with your question22:38
jbichapygtk may be dropped from Debian Testing by the end of this year22:40
jbichamitya57: would you like to rebuild gnome-panel and gnome-applets for https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/libgweather.html ?23:03
mwhudsonRikMills: https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/pull/688823:40

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