[09:55] Morning peoples, critters and everything else [20:38] I need a simple command to benchmark single threaded CPU performance. Anyone have one? I don't have access to any benchmarking utils. [20:57] Someone tell me how long this takes: time for i in {1..10}; do sha256sum 2&>/dev/null <<< $(dd if=/dev/random bs=1M count=128); done [21:02] It takes about 1s on my 4 year old laptop. [22:26] It's nearly instantaneous on my mac, and hangs on my newish desktop. [22:29] I think on linux /dev/random needs entropy [22:32] Did you run that on ubuntu? [23:42] Yes, on Ubuntu. I should have used urandom. /dev/random is slow in virtual machines. [23:44] Also I realized I could have written a simpler statement and just adjusted the size of the random data without increasing the memory requirement.