
IrcsomeBot1<Anarchotaoist> On one of my Kubuntu machines when I stick in a SD card the pop up device notifer offers to open Digikam. I have another machine which does not offer this option. How do I set the device notifer to offer the digikam option?09:58
vguastalkubuntu 19.10 installation not successful12:45
BluesKajHowdy all13:37
emmaI keep having this problem with libreoffice where basically it won't start at all.  When I run it from terminal with soffice it also does not start and it gives this error: QPaintDevice: Cannot destroy paint device that is being painted14:38
emmawhen I go into .config/ and mv ./libreoffice ./libreoffice-bkp  to force libreoffice to make a new config directory it will then start but only for a while before it stops working again.14:40
emmathere are so many packages installed for libreoffice im not sure which one should be purged to try reinstalling either.14:42
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IrcsomeBot1<Boudreau Auguste> (Photo, 894x884) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/rSsTlBXb/file_19615.jpg Jоin - 3 рlaсеs left!➡️ https://upohicavisyd.cf/AB496g …  ⚠️⚠️🔥️️️️️️15:33
dankerd3hello there.... it is possible install/upgrade to kde 5.17 on Kubuntu 18.04?...thanks16:56
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> 18.04 lacks the dependencies for plasma 5.17 (I think QT and possibly other packages are current enough to support).19:56
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> are NOT^19:56
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> Yep.20:00
RoeyHi I ran dist-upgrade and now I (a) don't have a background image; (b) don't have a desktop pager.. what cna I do to find out what is not launching correctly?20:58
Roey<Roey> I go tot systemsettings5 and in the Input Devices panel, it says "the shared library was not found".20:58
valoriewhat version of Kubuntu are you using roey?21:11
valoriewhat version of Kubuntu are you using roey?21:13
valorieyou pinged out21:13
Roeyeoan, valorie21:13
Roeyyeah for some reason the connection dropped21:13
valorieand are you running backports?21:13
Roeynot that I know of?21:13
valorieI advise you to do so if not21:13
valorieplasma 5.17 is pretty awesome21:13
Roeyhow do I check the version of plasma that I have now21:14
Roeyplasmashell 5.16.521:14
Roeyhow did that happen!??21:14
valoriebecause the release was after feature freeze21:14
Roeyit's not available in the latest Kubuntu release, vlaorie?21:14
Roeyohhh hok.21:14
valoriebackports were out in a day21:15
valorieRikMills is quick21:15
Roeyok just added that PPA here21:15
valorieit was just bad timing, and I don't know why it can't be done in regular upgrades21:15
Roeyah and valorie, what does full-upgrade do that dist-upgrade does not?21:16
valorieyou will want to at least log out of plasma and back in once you run run sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade21:16
valorieit's just the new clean way to do it21:16
Roeyoh, ok.21:16
Roeythank you21:17
Roeynew as of when21:17
valorietakes awhile to get the fingers used to the new21:17
Roeythe latest Kubuntu release?21:17
Roeyyeahhhh I know I know heh21:17
valorieDebian rolled it out at least a year ago21:17
Roeyoh wow.21:17
valorieif not two21:17
valoriefingers still want to type apt-get sometimes21:17
Roeyapt updeate21:18
Roeyyes I see that.21:18
RoeyI issued "apt-get full-upgrade", heh21:18
Roeyapparenlty that worked too21:18
valorieyeah, you need to update your sources before the upgrade can happen21:22
valoriewhich is why I always do them in one line; so I don't forget either half21:23
valorieanyway, hopefully an upgrade will catch whatever missing library link you had earlier21:24
valorieI think I need to go outside and work in the sun a bit21:25
valoriettyl and good luck!21:25
Roeyvalorie: hi21:40
Roeynow KDE doesn't start for me at all21:40
Roeyfor one thing, there is no startkde command anymore21:40
Roeynot that I can find, at least.21:40
valorieI have no clue how to deal with that Roey - I've heard of one other person say that, but I don't think they were using kubuntu22:11
valorieso I would ask in #plasma tomorrow -- euro-working hours22:12
Roeygot it, thank you22:12
* valorie did get two wheelbarrowloads of leaves transported onto the borders22:12
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> Roey: still here?22:47
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> Nope22:50
jfariasfhey my guys22:51
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> they are in #plasma on IRC currently22:51
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> Nvidia box apparently22:51
jfariasfis anyone having issue then alt+tabbing or moving a window to the top (so it expands). my kubuntu freezes for some seconds when I do that22:51
jfariasfmy ubuntu is 19.0422:52
jfariasfthe only fix to this day is to use compile and use the kernel 5.4.0 (still RC)22:53
jfariasfin my case*22:55

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