
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
phunyguywhat's the supported way to add exclusions for apparmor?00:21
tomreynphunyguy: /etc/apparmor.d/local/README00:33
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Mcl0vinI am running Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS 4.15.0-64-generic why when i do apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) i get "E: Unable to locate package linux-image-extra-4.15.0-64-generic"01:25
Bashing-omMcl0vin: Name change to "linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-64-generic" . See what I have installed: https://termbin.com/ukij .01:30
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knoknohi there all-could anybody help me i have an iphone-id like to import the pictures on the iphone to a folder with shotwell, in the past i just opened shotwell or plugged in the phone gave trust permissions and the pic import did its thing. While on 19.10 this isnt working as in the past any suggestions (am currently downloading 18.04.3 LTS hoping it will work02:25
knoknoalso when i go to file within shotwell i cant select import from folder as iphone is only showing a documents folder02:26
knoknoim unable to browse up the tree from documents (documents iphone) as nothing is there (tried from terminal and cd ..02:27
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sn00phello, I just installed the latest ubuntu 18.* something i installed chronium and i've been experiencing some freezing of my  system anyway how I can find out what it is?03:37
cybercryptoHi there, is the new experimental zfs feature, allowing zfs on root + cryptfs (like lvm over crypto) ?04:13
cybercryptoI know that using Luks (very common nowadays) we can have lvm structure on top of luks. I am wondering if it is possible to have it based on zfs (instead of ext4, currently)04:13
pragmaticenigmacybercrypto, seeing as zfs was only recently added to Ubuntu as an option, I'm guessing that all the extra features may take some time before they're available. If you're looking for a stable system, I would encourage you to consider using more common file systems as there is a greater chance of someone being able to help you.04:24
phunyguytomreyn: thanks, I ended up finding it right after I asked.  ☺04:30
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NagerstHow do i disable ESM if i do not have a subscription?05:41
Nagerstoh, i found the problem. The sneaky file was in sources.list.d05:46
shachafIs disk encryption with dual boot practical yet? When I tried to get it working a couple of years ago it was a big mess.06:13
tomreynshachaf: it's certainly possible. personally i consider multi-boot to be a mess, maybe a bit less so with uefi.06:16
shachafMulti-boot has worked fine for decades. You set up a partition and you boot into it.06:27
slimjimflimhi just restarted 16.04.4 and my audio stopped working. alsa says levels are good. volume is up on multiple websites including youtube but nothing. can't upgrade/update rn for unrelated reasons. any ideas?07:30
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slimjimflimnevermind. fixed it with alsamixer07:33
sloppyjoei have a overscan issue on my resolution. The auto resolution is 1920x1080i but sadly with 30hz, the tv cant handle higher hz, if i lower the resolution to 1280x720 i get 60hz which is fine, though i get overscan issue and i cant fix this on tje tv. Its too old, from 2008 or so. I am connected to the tv over HDMI08:23
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renn0xtk9 rm -rf ./build/figures09:28
renn0xtk9rm: cannot remove './build/figures': Directory not empty09:28
renn0xtk9anybody understands that?09:28
renn0xtk9oksay sory never mind09:28
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enriois there any alternative to adobe premiere pro on ubuntu?10:11
enrioi'm looking for auto music extend feature10:11
lotuspsychjeenrio: blender, shotcut, pitivi, openshot10:12
enrioshotcut and openshot doesnt have that feature.10:12
lotuspsychjetry a few out perhaps10:13
ngmRecently i installed 18.04 and the bluetooth audio skips 4-5 sec of audio. Previously on 16.04 it used to out of sync audio. I came across threads suggesting to disable coexist attribute for wifi dirvers. But that was for iwlwifi and lspci shows iam uisng rtwpci/ r8822be. So not sure how to go about adding the coexists disable config for this.10:47
enriolotuspsychje, almost none gives that feature10:48
mystictor browser wnt start.. please advis10:51
enriocontact #tor10:55
mysticim asking in here as im runing ubuntu.10:59
mysticif u cant help me be quiet, someone else will.  'contact tor'   .. how sweet11:00
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tmrolandim trying to install ubuntu 19 10 on imac 2013 but my magic mouse and kb dont work at all12:08
lotuspsychjetmroland: let me give you an existing bug to try, holdon12:09
lotuspsychjetmroland: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe/+bug/182277012:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1822770 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "Apple magic mouse 2 does not work by default" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:10
tmrolandits magic mosue 1 i beleive. still applies?12:10
tmrolandso i should try another distro if i expect them to work by default at install time ?12:10
lotuspsychjetmroland: this bug applys the magic mouse 2, i didnt test 1 myself12:11
lotuspsychjetmroland: and no, we dont reccomend another Os as we try to focus on solving issues on ubuntu here12:13
lotuspsychjetmroland: did you doublecheck: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/AppleMagicMouse12:14
tmrolandproblem is i dont have another mouse to od that12:16
lotuspsychjeyeah you will need another mouse if it doesnt work by default tmroland12:17
__ijv__Hello! Any ideas how to get touchpad working on Ubuntu 19.4? Touchpad buttons seems to work just fine and by enabling/disabling touchpad I can set buttons to work/not-work. So is the touchpad hardware broken?12:25
__ijv__xinput lists Synaptics Touchpad so I guess the driver works just fine?12:28
lotuspsychje__ijv__: could be an acpi issue too, what brand is your laptop?12:29
__ijv__It's Lenovo g 50-70. Pretty old machine :)12:29
lotuspsychje__ijv__: have you tryed to update bios to latest?12:29
__ijv__Nope. Maybe I'll try it.12:30
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | __ijv__12:30
ubottu__ijv__: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate12:30
__ijv__Thanks! I'll try that and get back to the issue if it doesn't help.12:31
lotuspsychje__ijv__: see also the fwupd method, some computer brands will offer bios/firmware updates there12:31
lotuspsychje__ijv__: feel free to share your dmesg aswell in a pastebin12:31
jeremy31__ijv__: Is there a little button above the touchpad to enable/disable?12:33
=== satanist is now known as Erzaehler
=== Erzaehler is now known as satanist
circleI'm having an issue. I just installed Ubuntu, but it's playing sound through my monitor. The only device I can select in the output devices section of the sound settings is "HDMI Audio" which is my monitor.13:31
circleIt won't show any other possible output device. I use the onboard sound on my motherboard which is realtek.13:32
BluesKajHowdy all13:36
ledencircle, run 'alsamixer' in terminal and F6 select sound card or install 'pavucontrol' and check configuration13:44
circleleden, the soundcard is in alsamixer and it's listed above the hdmi audio13:45
circlerealtek ac892, it shows up as the default device in alsamixer13:47
circleit's just not selectable in the ubuntu sound settings menu13:47
ledencircle, then select it in alsamixer and see it will pick up13:48
circleleden, what do you mean? the display port HDMI audio thing isn't even listed in alsamixer, whereas that's what the sound is actually playing through and the only option in the sound settings13:49
circlei can open alsamixer and mess with all the levels but it doesn't change the sound, which is coming out of my monitor.13:51
circleand there's not even a listing in alsamixer for the displayport sound13:51
ledencircle, check F5 could be just mute your internal speakers13:51
circleleden, nothing is muted13:54
ioriacircle, may sound silly, but try to reconnect the hdmi cable13:55
circleioria, just did that13:56
circleno luck, sound still playing out of the monitor13:56
ledencircle, can you install pavucontrol13:56
circleleden, already installed13:57
circleit only shows one possible output device13:57
circlewhich is this hdmi / displaport device13:57
ledencircle, check configuration profile13:59
circleleden, where do i do that?13:59
ledencircle, check on right side you got > press with mouse botton that it will slide to configuration14:01
circleleden, ah, i see what you mean14:01
circlethere doesn't seem to be any other options here14:02
circlewell, nothing that would suggest i could set my motherboard as the output device anyway14:03
circlea notice a bunch of "dummy audio" listings14:04
circlei might try this14:04
circle". You need to add options snd-hda-intel model=generic at the end of the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file"14:04
circlewill report how it goes14:04
tommy``i've a problem with gnome-language-selector i presume.. some menu of my gnome have the language changed14:10
circleIt didn't work.14:12
circleHow is it possible that Ubuntu isn't recognising my motherboard as an output option?14:13
circleIt's not a rare motherboard.14:13
circleMaybe I need to install third party drivers.14:13
ruicruzmorning. I got ths error while installing a package. I install most of the missing libs but this ones I can't install via apt-get. any idea on how to solve this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3qVd7WF9QK/14:27
circlehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS this page is saying there's .deb files available but when I go to look there's only .tar.gz packages14:29
cybercrypto   //TimeToStruct(TimeLocal(),horario_atual);14:58
kostkoncybercrypto, wrong paste?14:59
cybercryptokostkon: Yeap, sorry about that.15:00
doug16kcircle, ignore the "failed to build" ones15:01
doug16kunder Builds look for a green checkmark15:01
doug16kcircle, for example, oem-audio-hda-daily-dkms - 0.201806070316~ubuntu17.10.1 has a deb file15:02
circledoug16k, can you find a package for ubuntu 19.04?15:04
doug16knope. they broke the build15:05
doug16khttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/432173583/buildlog_ubuntu-disco-amd64.oem-audio-hda-daily-dkms_0.201907080246~ubuntu19.04.1_BUILDING.txt.gz   ->   error: too many arguments to function ‘acomp->ops->put_power’15:06
doug16kit won't compile15:07
doug16kthat plus a few other errors15:07
grim210hi all: straight-forward question: When I try to switch to a virtual TTY, there's nothing there.  So I've got GDM, and then when I do Ctrl+Alt+F2, I'm greeted a black screen15:10
grim210I'm accustomed to seeing a tty there I can login to15:10
grim210I've got 19.10, UEFI install, if that matters15:10
grim210intel graphics15:10
doug16kgrim210, did you try F3 or F4 etc?15:11
grim210they're all just black except for the GDM screen15:11
grim210single blinking cursor in the top-left15:11
doug16kfor me F3 thru F6 are all working text consoles with a login prompt. F7 does what you described15:12
grim210now that i'm logged in i've got one that's running my gnome session, one running gdm, and the rest are black with the blinking cursor15:12
grim210yes, i'm aware of what's expected behavior15:12
grim210do i file a bug?15:12
grim210or am i an idiot?15:12
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution15:13
grim210super helpful15:13
grim210read a thing online about adding nomodeset to the cmdline via /etc/default/grub, but I don't think (?) that would hav eanything to do with it?  As I don't care about the resolution of the terminal, I just want one15:14
doug16knomodeset is usually the workaround for failure to boot at all with endless black screen15:15
SecurityIntelHi all, I need to make my swap partition bigger (its 1Gb it needs to be 32Gb). I want to be able to enable Hibernate... Does anyone have reference to read (My partition are LVM)15:15
grim210yeah, i typically have to do that with closed source graphics. since i'm using intel, i didn't think that would do much for me15:16
Wulfif people were just a bit more patient...15:18
WulfSecurityIntel: welcome back.15:18
WulfSecurityIntel: got some free space in your LVM?15:18
SecurityIntelWulf, closed the wrong window :P15:18
SecurityIntelWulf, 450Gib15:18
doug16kgrim210, I uncommented GRUB_TERMINAL=console in my /etc/default/grub - no idea whether that will fix it for you though15:18
grim210i'll give that a shot. I just thought that only worked on biosboot, but that's an easy thing to try15:19
WulfSecurityIntel: lvextend on your swap logic volume15:19
doug16kgrim210, I thought so too15:19
grim210welp, going down for reboot. brb15:19
WulfSecurityIntel: and then I'm not sure. If in doubt use swapoff, mkswap, swapon.15:19
SecurityIntelWulf, I dont have free space (I need to resize my install partition first right)^15:27
grim210no luck on commenting out GRUB_TERMINAL=console15:42
grim210actually wouldn't boot after that change15:42
grim210i nearly chrooted in and regenerated to fix it, but re-installing would be just as fast15:43
grim210but, i picked full installation this time, and now I can get to a terminal on Ctrl-Alt-F{3,4,5,6}15:43
grim210so i'm not sure if there was something wrong with the install last time, or if there's a package in full installation that's not in minimal that gives you virtual ttys15:43
akkOh, interesting, someone else having trouble with virtual ttys. Ubuntu seems really weird and inconsistent about them.15:45
grim210i was going to file a bug, but running ubuntu-bug is weird. i can't actually type up a bug report15:46
lotuspsychjegrim210: before filing bugs we reccomend to ask your ubuntu issues here first15:46
grim210okay, so i did15:47
grim210it was recommended that i comment out GRUB_TERMINAL=console and regen my grub.cfg15:47
grim210system wouldn't boot15:47
grim210so i reinstalled15:47
grim210now i have virtual terminals15:47
akkI found ubuntu-bug confusing because it doesn't tell you that it's going to pop something up in a browser tab15:47
grim210i picked full installation instead of minimal, which is what i'm guessing the problem may have been? because the last install was fresh as well15:47
akkso I thought it had just refused to file a bug until later when I went to the workspace with the browser and discovered an ubuntu-bug tab there.15:48
doug16kgrim210, really? wow15:51
doug16kdidn't expect that!15:51
grim210lol, there's a clear warning that said "grub-pc only" which is clearly meant for bios systems. mine is uefi, so i was definitely expecting disaster15:52
grim210it was a fresh install anyway, so i wasn't concerned15:52
doug16kmine is uefi booting and works fine with that uncommented15:52
grim210hmm, odd15:52
grim210welp, vttys are there15:53
grim210still unclear whether i should file a bug report or not. getting a lot of mixed signals around the channel15:53
doug16kI'd prefer the scrolling to be 261x more efficient, given a choice15:54
haasnwat. I removed the nouveau.ko, blacklisted nouveau in modprobe.d, rebuild initramfs and rebooted and my system is *still* loading nouveau15:54
haasnWhere the heck is it even getting the driver from if the nouveau.ko is deleted?15:54
grim210i had a similar problem on centos recently15:54
grim210do you have a blacklist.conf? how are you blacklisting?15:55
grim210i've had mixed results modifying the kernel cmdline15:55
haasnI'll try the kernel command line as well I guess15:55
grim210seems straight forward15:56
haasnif it helps, this is a live USB (unetbootin) and not a "normal" system15:56
haasnmaybe it's loading the driver off the RO filesystem before it even gets to the RW overlay..15:56
grim210i've had luck doing "nouveau.modeset=0" appended15:56
grim210very possible15:56
haasnI also tried unloading the module at runtime but it complains about it being in use15:57
haasnif I try unbinding the device from the driver it just kills the terminal with spam in dmesg about kernel null pointers15:57
grim210yeah, and trying to unbind it while in use will probably bork the system as well. is the RO system a squashfs?15:57
grim210i don't know much about unetbootin15:57
grim210if so, you could try opening that up and removing nouveau. but that's going to be a pain15:58
doug16khaasn, you say you deleted the kernel module. from which directory? you must have removed it from the wrong kernel's lib directory15:59
grim210good point. verify that /proc/version matches the modules directory you removed nouveau from16:00
haasnThere is only one modules directory. this is a freshly installed liveUSB system16:00
doug16khaasn, find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name 'nouveau.ko'16:00
haasnBut I suspect the solution is the fact that "deleting" it from /lib/modules on the booted system is only deleting it from /cow/work and not the squashfs image it's booting from16:01
jeremy31You cannot delete anything on Live16:01
doug16koh, live boot. forgot that bit16:01
haasnI'll try figuring out a way to input a kernel command line, I guess. A problem for another day16:02
doug16khaasn, modprobe.blacklist=nouveau   IIRC16:02
grim210i'll let doug16k handle this. i'm just a drive-by today. thanks for your help everyone!16:03
haasnThe problem is I'm not sitting in front of the PC and cannot physically input a command line, all I can do is reboot and ssh back in :p16:03
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haasnand updating grub config doesn't work when the grub config is in a RO squashfs..16:03
haasnA problem for another day, as I said16:03
haasnThanks for the help16:03
AppAraathello, I'm trying to run Raspbian (2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-lite.zip) in a VM on a Ubuntu 16.04 host but as of now I've followed 4 guides but none of them seem to work. The QEMU window appears but it's just black and nothing is happening on it. Here's the terminal output: https://paste.debian.net/1113390/16:04
AppAraatthese are some of the guides I tried following: https://www.unixmen.com/emulating-raspbian-using-qemu/ - https://blog.agchapman.com/using-qemu-to-emulate-a-raspberry-pi/ - https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspberry/310-how-to-emulate-raspberry-pi-on-kvm-2/16:04
akkAppAraat: I got it working following a tutorial at this URL, except it doesn't seem to be loading for me right now: https://wiki.evergreencoin.org/wiki/Solar_Staker/RPI_Image/Creation16:06
akkand ugh, I didn't copy down all the details because they were all there, so I hope the site comes back or there's an archive.org backup of it.16:07
xjkxUsing Snaps. A software I want has both beta and edge versions. Which one is newer/has more features ? I know beta is testing, maybe with some last features, but what is edge ?16:08
akk(sadly, no, archive.org doesn't have it)16:08
AppAraatsadness :(16:11
AppAraatI too learned the hard way to archive all links that go in my notes16:11
coz_xjkx, I believe in order  stable, candidate, beta, then edge16:11
coz_xjkx, let me get a link16:12
coz_xjkx, not sure this is about "snap" specificallt, however,   https://ubuntu.com/blog/controlling-snap-releases-with-channels-tracks-and-branches-part-116:13
coz_I guess it is about snap16:13
xjkxcoz_:  thanks a lot :)16:14
coz_xjkx,  no problem, ")16:14
dpsgood morning everyone16:15
akkAppAraat: The interesting thing is that the connection is timing out, not giving a 404 or unknown host. So maybe there's hope for the link reappearing.16:16
AppAraatcrossing all of fingers16:16
akk(if so, I will definitely make a copy this time! I had tried other tutorials before but this one had parts they missed, only I can't remember the details)16:16
mystichow to use ubuntu ?16:25
dpsdo you have a more specific question, maybe one that involves a specific thing youre trying to do?16:26
mysticusing it16:27
mysticits installed so when i turn on my computer it comes on16:27
AppAraatakk: I want to try and set an infinite timeout, and then ring a bell if there's a response, I wonder if it's possible by setting --connect-timeout to 016:27
akkAppAraat: Or you could do a while true; do wget ...16:28
mysticcan it run aby finereader ?16:28
AppAraatI guess16:29
akkI'm not entirely sure I trust an existing connection with an infinite timeout, I think retries might be more likely to work.16:29
AppAraatmakes sense16:30
mysticits ok, gve it a go16:30
IlgazInteresting that I can't find my message to linux-acpi mailing list on the web, did it happen to anyone else?17:07
IlgazIt should be here: https://marc.info/?l=linux-acpi&r=1&b=201911&w=217:09
matiHi, I have a folder full of files, which names look like this: Video #1 - some text, Video #2 - different text and so on. The last number is #250, but there are only 237 files, which means some of them are missing. What's the quickest way (either a script or command) to find which files with which number are missing?17:32
cybercryptomati: what do you mean by "missing?"17:37
cybercryptomati: from inside the directory you mention, what is the output for the command:  "ls -lrta | wc"17:39
cybercryptomati: and what do you see when you list only the files starting with # (like this: ls -la ^# )17:41
maticybercrypto: it's 237 3954 27594. As to the other command: the files don't start with # but with Video #17:44
alikmati: if I understand you correctly, and you want to find what (numbered) videos are missing, you can use something like this: for i in {1..250} ; do grep -rq "Video $i" . || echo "$i missing" ; done17:44
alikOr rather "Video #$i" if the name actually includes hash17:45
cybercryptomati: so list them like: ls -l "Video*" | wc -l17:45
matialik: The issue is that they aren't numbered at the beginning. They have the word "Video" at the beginning and after that there's #1, #2 etc.17:46
alikmati: this is fine. in the example I gave the grep looks for 'Video ...'17:46
sirriffsalothpGparted is insanely slow in 19.04... any ideas?17:48
cybercryptomati: have you tried the loop suggested?17:49
maticybercrypto: I'm getting some errors. Give me 1sec17:56
matican the "#" interfere with the script?17:58
alikActually it was wrong17:58
alikfor i in {1..250} ; do find . -name "Video \#$i *" | grep -q 'Video' || echo "Video #$i is missing" ; done17:58
alikThis should work17:58
ubottuInformation about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports18:02
matialik: This kind of worked, but the output is all the files in the directory and in between them are the missing videos. Is it possible to clear all the lines without the word "missing" or something like that?18:04
alikmati: just append '| grep missing' (without quotes) to the command18:06
tommy``how can i check which package are missin in my ubuntu?18:09
matialik: it still outputs everything. The entire command looks like this: for i in {1..250} ;18:11
matido find . -name "The \Occult \#$i *" | grep -1 'The \Occult' || echo "Video #$i is missing" | grep missing ;18:11
tommy``apt gave me this (appstreamcli:3780): GLib-CRITICAL **: 19:11:14.070: g_atomic_ref_count_dec: assertion 'g_atomic_int_get (arc) > 0' failed18:11
alikadd -q to grep18:11
matialik: It worked! One more question. I see you used two pipes " || ". Does it differ from a single | or is it just for clarity?18:15
alikmati: || is not a pipe, its an "or". It combines two commands like "foo || bar" and if foo returns non-zero exit code it executes bar; if foo returns 0 it doesn't execute bar. In your example, if grep is able to find "Video ..." it returns zero and thus echo is not executed. If it doesn't - it returns non-zero and then echo '... missing' is18:17
`misthey guys, i started a script with & and now i can't find it to shut it down =D18:18
`misttried runnings "jobs" and ps auxwf to find it and fg18:18
`mistit's nowhere to be found but i can see that it's still generating output18:18
`mistas in, it's downloading a file and putting on disk18:18
alik`mist: when you started it with & it should've printed PID.18:20
`mistit doesn't, but i've found it and killed it now. Thanks anyway18:21
matialik: ok, I get it now. What does -1 do in grep -1? Does it mean18:21
`mistit appeared as just "bash" in the ps output18:21
matione per line?18:21
alikmati: I didn't tell you to add -l to grep. As for what it means: man grep :)18:21
matialik: Right, I copied something from a different line somehow. Thanks for help, I really appreciate that!18:23
FaTaL_Gthanks for the help tjsimmons oerheks jeremy31 & doug16k with the wifi using broadcom, I can report I get better speeds on the brcm+kernel than I did previously, and the speeds are ~ 10MBps faster on the local network than they are even with my Netgear R7000 or R8500.18:27
tommy``i can't understand why i've language selected italian for my gnome3 but windows and other menu are in english18:33
tommy``Region and language are in italian too18:35
tommy``locales are in italian18:35
tommy``can't find a solution18:53
Apachezare the dvdimages for latest LTS only updated when a new revision is released like LTS 18.04.4 or whatever the last digit is today?19:08
mattflyHow do i disable DST time ?19:15
mattflyThis no longer exists on my country19:15
sonOfRaThat's generally up to the timezone-data package (not sure if it's called exactly that on ubuntu)19:16
sonOfRaI don't know if that gets updated in ubuntu after a freeze, but I'd assume yes?19:16
Apachezor change the timezone to a UTC one19:16
sonOfRaYeah, package tzdata, the most recent revision seems to be 2019c19:16
Apachezlike you can select either UTC+1 or you can select (for example) Europe/Stockholm19:17
sonOfRamattfly: so you should check if your tzdata package is the most recent version, and if it is not, run an apt update and then apt upgrade to install the most recent version. That might already fix the problem.19:19
jayjodoes anyone know a way to exclude minimized/hidden windows from 'hot corners' on ubuntu 19.10 ?19:19
NewToLubuntuwhile I'm online at the moment, I'm wondering if anyone could help troubleshoot why I seem to frequently lose the ability the detect and connect to modem-routers in the surrounding area19:21
NewToLubuntuit's really strange, like right now it seems fine and I get 3/4 bars for the one we use downstairs... but I can also detect 5 other ones (I assume from neighbors) although they are at 1 bar each19:22
NewToLubuntubut when this weirdness happens, suddenly my computer detects nothing at all19:22
NewToLubuntuso I know it can't just be a problem with my modem/router especially since others seem to be able to continue to use it just fine19:22
NewToLubuntusometimes turning the computer off and restarting it an hour or so later seems to fix it, other times not19:23
NewToLubuntujust seems to randomly happen in the middle of casual browsing19:23
NewToLubuntuthis is why I'm wondering if it's possibly a software issue19:24
tommy``sonOfRa: you know how to fix language issue on gnome?19:27
ubottuI have no seen command19:37
tomreynhi there19:59
BarrelAgedHamI just got ubuntu 18.04 installed on my windows 10 PC. when I first got the shell open, it prompted me to enter a username, then when i tried to enter my password, my keyboard was not working... i opened and closed the program, and it now reads root@'my_computer_name': ~ $. I have tried to reset it with no luck. and I tried adding another user with20:15
BarrelAgedHamthe adduser command but the same thing happens, my keyboard will not work when trying to enter the password. Has anyone here experienced this before?20:15
ikoniahow do you know your keyboard is not working ?20:17
ikonia(or what makes you think it's not)20:17
BarrelAgedHamI think it is not working because when i tried to type my password into the user shell, nothing shows up. Does it have an auto hide password or something?20:18
BarrelAgedHamhot damn20:18
ikoniaimagine how bad security would be if it actually put your password on the screen20:19
BarrelAgedHamthats a good point. Thank you for your help20:19
ikonianot a problem20:19
BarrelAgedHamand tips on what i can use ubuntu for as a noob? I have been hitting the books on Python for a little while, and I am taking a friends advice to get familiar with linux, Right now its  a little intimidating and I am having trouble envisioning what i can use it for when i get my feet wet20:21
ikoniaBarrelAgedHam: the best advice I can offer is just try to use it as your desktop,20:21
ikoniayou'll hit problems, overcoming those problems will educate you and give you a wider range of problems to look into and learn from20:21
ikoniaand it will grow20:22
BarrelAgedHamalright cool. I was trying to install ubuntu on my raspberry pi 4. but i found the main guides on google to be kind of confusing becuase of my lack of experience. Can anyone recommend a ubuntu on raspberry pi 4 for dummies?20:24
mystichwo to take a snapshot and copy and paste it?20:24
mysticwhy is it so hard ot do anything on linux for god sake20:24
ikoniamystic: it's not20:24
mysticjust want to to a wuic ksnapshot and upload it20:25
mysticneed a degree to even do that?20:25
ikoniaBarrelAgedHam: what part is confusing, talk to people and we can help20:25
mysticif its easy do share?20:25
mystic\the obvious prntscreen method doesnt work20:26
ikoniasorry - I don't want to engage with you, while you're just rangint20:26
mysticthanks twat20:26
ikoniamystic: don't use that language please, and don't call people names like that please20:26
mysticshove it up your ass20:26
cybercryptomystic: are you trying to get a screenshot?20:26
mysticno shit20:26
cybercrypto:-) do not feed the trolls...20:27
ikoniamystic: please stop20:27
mysticshut up nerd20:28
mysticcould ahve just told me isntead of leaving me to deal with this nerdy crap system20:28
BarrelAgedHamikonia: i really appreciate everyone in this community's willingness to help. I think the first thing that through me off was in the raspberry pi's terminal window, i used the sudo apt-get update command, and it only got Get : 1-420:31
ikoniaBarrelAgedHam: update just updates the software catalogue for you20:32
ikoniaBarrelAgedHam: what did you expect to see happen ?20:32
BarrelAgedHamikonia: i think i just am getting confused becuase what i am seeing on my screen doesnt exactly match the video I am watching. I am most likely being impatient20:33
BarrelAgedHami might do some tinkering for a bit more and come back if i am still stuck20:33
ikoniaBarrelAgedHam: so personally - I don't watch a video, as you're just watching someone else type, you're not doing anything20:33
ikoniagrab an introduction / document and read it, so you don't have to cut and paste commands blindly20:34
ikonia(that's just my opinion though)20:34
BarrelAgedHamikonia: okay that makes sense20:34
seednodeGood afternoon20:34
seednodeDid I hear someone mention raspis20:34
dpsi love me some rasp pie ;)20:35
BarrelAgedHamseenode: yes i am the noob who mentioned them20:35
seednodeEverybody's a noob about something20:35
dpsi actually REALLY love the orange pies though20:35
seednodeIt's not a very useful label20:35
seednodeI personally prefer chocolate pudding and french silk pies, as for the food. For the single board computers, I like raspi because they're available off the shelf everywhere, well documented, and tend to function20:35
seednodeSo I have many of them in use for various things20:36
dpsim a tad bit experienced when it comes to using the rasp pi. did you still need some hekp @barrel?20:36
BarrelAgedHamseenode: what do you use them for? I have an idea for a project but i think i will need way mroe experience before i will be able to actually do it20:36
BarrelAgedHamdps: Not particularly, I bought it thinking it would be fun to tool around on, but now that i have it im kind of at a loss to what i can actually use it for20:37
akkBarrelAgedHam: Mostly they're for playing around with. :) But I have one that's been reporting temperature and pressure from an upstairs bedroom for about a year now as part of a weather system.20:37
seednodeI use them for a few things; temperature monitors, with sensors hooked up to GPIO pins; Wireguard VPN clients and occasionally servers as an interim solution until I set up something more powerful (Though they do that job just fine), remote desktop "Thin clients" for a few clients who didn't want to buy full computers20:37
dpsits most def a tool to be used, thats for sure. especially once you understand how to use the gpio pins, from within your operating system.20:38
dpsi primarily use diet pi on my pi zero's ( i have nofull sized ones :( )20:39
BarrelAgedHamI have these phillips hue lights at home, I was thinking it could be cool if i could use my to read an HDMI inputs colors from like my ps4 or tv or something, and then have my raspi instruct my hue lights to match the TV colors somehow20:39
dpshave you heard of home assistant?20:39
seednodeI've mostly used dietpi as well, which in retrospect isn't quite on-topic for this channel. In my defense I thought I had the -offtopic branch of the channel open :<20:39
BarrelAgedHami know phillips sells something that does that now for like $260 but i could save the money and try to make a hobby out of it20:40
BarrelAgedHamyeah sorry i totally brought this chat off topic20:40
akkBarrelAgedHam: You could definitely do that, with a pi camera.20:40
dpsim thinking that you could still control the, via your gpio pins, from within ubuntu, iirc20:40
BarrelAgedHamakk: meaning i would ahve to have a pi camera pointed at my screen to read the color data?20:41
BarrelAgedHamdps: what is a gpio pin?20:41
dpsits the pins on the side of your board, stands for general purpose input/output pins20:42
seednodeGeneral purpose input/output, it's a user-configurable signalling pin20:42
BarrelAgedHamgot it, I have my fan plugged into a couple of those little pinners20:42
akkBarrelAgedHam: Right, though if it could talk to whatever computer is running the screen, that would be another way.20:43
akkBut that's probably hard with a commercial TV.20:43
tommy``anyone could help me resolve the issue i have with gnome language?20:45
BarrelAgedHamlast question for you fine chaps: I got ubuntu installed on my windows 10 PC, it prompted me for a unix username and password. I did not realize that the characters of the password not showing up on the screen was a security feature. so i quit out and now i am at a root user. can i use the adduser command and call it a day? or do you guys think20:47
BarrelAgedHamquitting out during the setup messed up the intializion?20:47
ikoniawhy do you need the adduser command ?20:51
BarrelAgedHamikonia: quit out during the initial setup in the shell. I thought i was supposed to get a username and password set up because the shell originally prompted me, and the person in the guide i was following had done it20:53
kostkonBarrelAgedHam, is it a server install?20:54
ikoniaBarrelAgedHam: so my advice to you would be do a clean install again a.) it's more learninging now that you know more b.) you don't know if it was the last step of the install, what else did it not setup if you quit out20:54
kostkonUbuntu server*20:54
BarrelAgedHamikonia: okay, so to do that do i only have to uninstall ubuntu? or is linux now installed on my computer and i also have to uninstall that too?20:55
ikoniaBarrelAgedHam: no, just install it again and it will install over the top20:55
BarrelAgedHamkostkon: i dont think i even got that far20:55
BarrelAgedHamikonia: alright i will give that a shot. Thank you again for all your help. I would never been able to get started on my programming journey without the help of people like you on the internet.20:58
ikoniaBarrelAgedHam: if in doubt, just ask20:58
=== akem__ is now known as Akem
rsullyI have ubuntu server 18.04 installed and I'm trying to setup a user systemd service to run on boot. The service is in ~/.config/systemd/user/ and it is enabled, I enabled lingering for my user, but on boot it isn't started - any tips?21:54
rsullywhoops let me repost to ubuntu-server room21:55
oerheksmake a proper systemd service file , that will autostart on boot, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/systemd21:57
oerhekstons of howto's https://www.shellhacks.com/systemd-service-file-example/ ---  https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-create-systemd-service-unit-in-linux21:58
MxMaxhi, can someone point me to the official doc on how to build an ubuntu package?22:01
MxMaxgoogling around, it looks like the build systems are too fragmented, a few guides use bzr, others apt, and build commands are usually different, builddep, etc.22:02
MxMaxI want to download source from repository, make a few changes and build deb package22:02
CarlFKMxMax: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb  (not at all official, kinda hacky)22:04
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:05
MxMaxthanks CarlFK , let me try that. I've tried a few other instructions without luck :). http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/fixing-a-bug.html  and https://askubuntu.com/questions/81870/how-to-download-modify-build-and-install-a-debian-source-package22:06
tomreynwhat didn't seem to work there?22:09
MxMaxoerheks, I did come across that webpage, but that's for software using autotools / configure script, not building deb packages the Ubuntu way.22:10
MxMaxtomreyn, issues with debuild executable, might be related to this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/+bug/176479922:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1764799 in devscripts (Ubuntu) "debuild clean fails on bionic" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:11
oerheks debuild -- clean as a workaround, #322:14
BlueProtomanI just moved a hard drive to a new laptop.  The Linux partition (Ubuntu 19.10) doesn't recognize the audio hardware, but the Windows 8.1 partition does.  I'm using a CyberpowerPC Fangbook EVO HX7-137.  Any thoughts?22:24
oerhekssudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop # might do the trick22:29
litheummpg123 as a regular user (who is in the "audio" group) appears to be playing a file without any complaints, but there's no sound. if i execute sudo mpg123, i hear sound. what gives? lubuntu 18.04.322:29
BlueProtomanoerheks: Me?22:30
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cgihttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4pGfTMFDZS/ - can anyone look at my apt-update output and tell me how to fix this?23:12
litheumcgi: what's this packages.ros.org repository you're trying to use? evidently their key is not available from the keyserver?23:18
litheumcgi: https://www.google.com/search?q=NO_PUBKEY+F42ED6FBAB17C654 has a couple links specific to this vendor, maybe someone in one of those has a good solution for you23:19
=== Guest15247 is now known as catalase
cgilitheum, that worked, thanks!23:46

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