
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Regori have to put bionic on dell but i want same settings/apps (vlc, weechat,mupdf,rhythmbox,pychess,sagemath.....etc) that i am using on desktop . what is best way to do it?08:18
well_laid_lawnRegor:  check if they have their configs in dot files in your home directory08:25
well_laid_lawnand copy them over08:25
BuSdRiVer320I have to say, in 10 years of using linux, I have never come across a NON-LTS release to be so pleasing on the eye and so stable10:38
BuSdRiVer320seems like an LTS release10:38
well_laid_lawnxubuntu looks good in blue11:04
Regori have done it successfully ... few errors i had ..but finally all went well.17:02
Regorbionic is excellent !17:03
jdwwattsfresh install seems to work fine18:59
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=== Guest48570 is now known as freenumber
i3erndYOU GUYS ARE GREAT !22:16

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