
lubot<JBBgameich> Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask. Currently I build my own qtbase package for gles devices, but I noticed you introduced qtbase-opensource-src-gles with Qt 5.12 in debian. Can I use your libqt5gui5-gles package with the KDE Frameworks from debian? It doesn't seem to replace libqt5gui5 but only to conflict with it, is that11:12
lubot<mitya57> @JBBgameich For it to be completely useful, all Debian packages should be rebuilt with Qt 5.12 to get a dependency on `libqt5gui5 | libqt5gui5-gles`. Most KDE Frameworks packages have not been rebuilt yet. See https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/libqt5gui5-gles.html11:14
lubot<mitya57> I think it will be the best to wait until the next KDE Frameworks upload in Debian.11:16
lubot<JBBgameich> Okay, thanks for the quick answer. I'll continue building my own package then for now, but it's great to see that supporting gles devices will become easier in the future :)11:18
lubot<mitya57> I'm going to write a blog post about this when I have time :)11:18
* lisandro gives mitya57 a cup of time ;-)22:20
lisandroIf it where that easy...22:20

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