
jibelhi all06:00
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:07
didrocksgood morning07:08
jibelsalut didrocks07:09
didrockssalut jibel, รงa va ?07:13
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, jibel07:15
didrockshey oSoMoN07:18
jibeldidrocks, รงa va bien et toi?07:23
jibelsalut infinity07:23
jibeloSoMoN, ^07:23
jibeltoo quick at tab completion07:23
didrocksjibel: รงa va :)07:26
oSoMoNjibel, that wouldn't have happened with a bรฉpo layout :)07:32
jibelI'd have pinged someone starting with a P07:33
jibelor you mean you cannot type quickly with bepo? ;)07:34
jibeldidrocks, i merged the advanced dialog and the installer fixes are ready for review07:36
jibeli'm rebasing the mp07:36
didrocksjibel: yeah, I already started reviewing it07:38
jibeldidrocks, I am not fully happy with it and there are rough edge so don't hesitate if you see improvements07:40
jibeli'll push an update in a min to not break on kde07:41
jibeldidrocks, than I'd like to test the proposal from upstream for swap on zvol and revert the last minute change made in 19.1007:44
jibeldamn keys moving on my keyboard07:44
didrocksjibel: yeah, discussions is still ongoing upstream as I see :)07:48
jibeldidrocks, yeah but for the moment I think the best way forward is to create the swap as described by ryao07:53
jibelthen i'll do some tests07:54
WimpressMorning desktoppers o/07:56
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marcustomlinsonmorning jibel oSoMoN didrocks Wimpress08:24
didrockshey marcustomlinson08:24
seb128goood morning desktopers08:42
marcustomlinsonmorning seb12808:43
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you today?08:43
marcustomlinsonseb128: good thanks :) you?08:43
seb128marcustomlinson, I'm good, stomach recovered!08:44
didrockshey seb12808:55
didrocksgood for your stomach :)08:55
Laneyhi de hi09:02
didrockshey en hey Laney09:05
marcustomlinsonYo Laney09:09
Laneyhey didrocks marcustomlinson09:28
ricotzhey desktopers :)09:39
ricotzmarcustomlinson, hi, do you expect libreoffice 6.3.3 to be accepted in eoan this week?09:40
didrockshey ricotz09:55
marcustomlinsonricotz: not this week no. Once it's been approved, I'll verify, then 7 days from then09:57
marcustomlinsonsil2100: could you put libreoffice for eoan on your radar for today pretty please?09:58
sil2100marcustomlinson: suar10:01
marcustomlinsonsil2100: :) thank you10:05
Laney29% battery10:07
Laney100% at 09:0010:07
ricotzmarcustomlinson, ok, I mean the queue approval so eoan-proposed, this would be this week?10:08
marcustomlinsonricotz: right10:08
ricotzotherwise I am going to push a ppa build10:08
Laneythat's in control of the SRU team, not the uploader, but as you can see he just requested that from them10:08
marcustomlinsonthat ^10:08
ricotzmarcustomlinson, good10:09
ricotzLaney, afaict from my own experience, it is pretty much in control of the uploader to ping appropriate sru team members10:11
LaneyI almost never do10:15
oSoMoNSRU team members do go through the queue even when not pinged, but they also have lots of other responsibilities so sometimes patience is the answer10:25
jibelwhen is planned next release of mutter in focal to unbreak the live image?11:01
Laneyjibel: now, was probably working on it when you asked11:51
Laneythe fix got merged last night11:51
sil2100marcustomlinson: just double confirming - the gcc-9 in eoan is good with the new LO, right?12:11
sil2100Poking since I saw all the build-conflicts for those various, newer gcc-9 versions12:11
marcustomlinsonsil2100: yes the gcc-9 in eoan is no problem12:15
marcustomlinsonthere's just a range between 9.2.1-12/15 that was broke afaiu12:16
sil2100Ok, thanks ;)12:17
marcustomlinsonand we're likely to jump to 9.2.1-17 for eoan as is in focal12:17
marcustomlinsonsil2100: I did build this in a ppa and test on Eoan if that eases your mind a little :)12:18
sil2100Now I just need to somehow accept libreoffice, it's always a pain, both the API calls and LP times out when doing it12:21
sil2100Requires multiple tries12:21
marcustomlinsonsil2100: just lately? or has been for some time?12:25
marcustomlinsonyay thanks sil2100!12:28
marcustomlinsonricotz: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:6.3.3-0ubuntu0.19.10.112:29
jibelLaney, thx13:00
ricotzmarcustomlinson, \o/13:12
sil2100marcustomlinson: since always for me at least13:24
hellsworthgood morning everyone15:20
marcustomlinsonmorning hellsworth15:24
hellsworthhow are things marcustomlinson ?15:25
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: not too bad :) you?15:25
hellsworththings are good. it's cold and foggy here which makes me extra love my coffee15:25
hellsworthwhile i polishing my talk for las. im a bit nervous about it15:26
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marcustomlinsonhellsworth: what's the talk on?15:26
hellsworthGNOME Deskop Snap Applications: Introducing GNOME extensions15:27
hellsworthi basically want to say hey look at this cool thing you should all use :)15:27
marcustomlinsonnice :)15:28
hellsworthi gave a practice talk to my husband last night and got some good feedback15:29
hellsworthapparently i need more on what are snaps15:29
hellsworthare there some slides already out there somewhere that i could borrow from?15:29
marcustomlinsonWimpress: ^15:31
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: though, it sounds like igor will cover this in his talk15:33
hellsworthright and i thought about that (his talk is going before mine) but i figured if folks came to mine that didn't come to his i should have a little blurb15:33
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: steal a slide or two from him15:34
marcustomlinsondo a recap15:34
hellsworthyeah a recap. good idea.15:34
ograor steal him to say a few sentences to summarize his talk at the beginning of yours ;)15:34
hellsworththat would be weird15:35
kenvandinemvo: any thoughts on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/slack-opening-file-browser-firefox-and-chrome-in-the-snaps-context/896916:34
* Laney stares at nusakan16:48
Laneynew iso isn't syncing out16:48
mvokenvandine: in a meeting, sry16:51
kenvandinemvo: when you have a chance.  It affects classic snaps.16:56
mvokenvandine: (still in a meeting) - is there something we need to fix or do we have a design problem? (again, sorry that I didn't managed to look at this yet)17:04
kenvandinemvo: i think the real problem is essentially env leaking to apps started via an action in the classic snap17:07
kenvandinelike in the slack case, clicking a link in slack when the default browser isn't running.  The default browser process is started in the context of the classic snap17:08
mvokenvandine: thank you, I will ask someone in my team to investigate17:08
kenvandinei'm not sure what the right thing to do there is... but perhaps xdg-open ?17:09
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Laneyits there now17:21
Laneyjibel: you can try pending if you want17:21
Laneyseems good to me17:34

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