
zzarrI'm trying to configure qt (Src/configure), I'm building it for cross compilation x86-64 to armhf, it works if I don't have -ssl or -openssl specified13:51
zzarrbut if I specify -openssl I get ERROR: Feature 'openssl' was enabled, but the pre-condition '!features.securetransport && (features.openssl-linked || libs.openssl_headers)' failed.13:51
mitya57zzarr: that's a question for #qt14:11
mitya57But maybe installing libssl-dev:armhf will help?14:12
zzarrmitya57: it says unable to locate package libssl:armhf (is it only arm, do I need to add the architecture manually)?14:27
zzarrI was sent here from #qt14:27
zzarrlisandro told me to ask in this channel14:28
zzarrhe said that you where the one to ask too14:28
zzarrI have a chroot with arm in (I use qemu-arm-static), would the openssl lib (libssl.so.1.1) from that help?14:30
lisandrozzarr: ahh, you did not told me the chroot part14:31
lisandroback to#qt14:32
mitya57You are building upstream source, not Debian package, that's why it's better to ask upstream and not me.14:59
mitya57In case packages are uninstallable, that maybe our problem though. But there is no package named libssl. Why are you trying to install it? You need libssl-dev.15:00
* mitya57 was not on #qt until now so doesn't know if you have already resolved it15:01
mitya57zzarr: ^^^15:01

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