
studiobot<designbybeck> well it edits music and you can script it with Python...but doesn' look like it is on Linux.. Might be a cool concept for other programmers for Ubuntu Studio:) https://youtu.be/00SbsgX9LG800:18
Eickmeyer@designbybeck: We don't actually program anything in Ubuntu Studio aside from ubuntustudio-installer and ubuntustudio-controls. In fact, the majority of the packages in Ubuntu aren't programmed by Ubuntu developers at all.00:20
studiobot<designbybeck> well yeah, I just figured there might be some of those audio programmers here that might be interested in that concept00:21
Eickmeyer@designbybeck: Not likely here, but a good spot might be #lad in Freenode IRC. (Linux Audio Developers).00:29
ubottu#ubuntustudio is the Ubuntu Studio support channel, #ubuntustudio-devel for discussion regarding development of Ubuntu Studio, and #ubuntustudio-offtopic is for random chatter. Thanks!00:29
studiobot<designbybeck> ah nice! hadn't ran across lad before00:29
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sakrecoerhi, upgraded to 19.10 and my GPG stopped working... can't find a fix out there... anybody has a hint?14:00
sakrecoerhaving quite some trouble with the screen locker aswell... 2/3 times i have to press "change user" or whatever it says (not in front of my studio machine rn) and then it actually unlock the screen in a ... not so safety feeling inducing manner...14:01
sakrecoeri've had the change to edit some audio with it though, and everything was working fine there :) so that made me very happy :)14:02
Eickmeyersakrecoer: If you haven't done so, remove xscreensaver and light-locker. They tend to double-up with xfce4-screensaver which is the new method introduced with xfce 4.14. Other than that, I don't know.14:59
Eickmeyersakrecoer: As far as GPG, I didn't have that problem, and I don't know how to help with that.14:59
tomreynsakrecoer: maybe you can be more specific on how gpg stopped working.16:57
sakrecoer[m]thanks Eickmeyer ! i'll try that17:27
sakrecoer[m]tomeryn: unfortuneatly, that is why i can't find a fix; i have nothing to go about: absolutely nothing is happening... as if it wasn't installed anymore... Reinstalling it didn't help though...17:28
sakrecoer[m]tomreyn ^ (sorry for typo in your nickname)17:29
sakrecoer[m]i appreciate you aksing though... :) any hint about how i could go about to locate the error in these conditions?17:30
tomreynsakrecoer[m]: no worries about my nick, many get it wrong (and of those nmost don't notice ;-) )19:23
tomreynsakrecoer[m]: how did you run gpg and what did you expect to happen?19:23
tomreynyou say "absolutely nothing is happening", but i don't know what you ran to see nothing happening as a result, and what result you actually expected.19:24
sakrecoer[m]Thanks :) Running `gpg` in cli simply does nothing. Not even an error message. Just a new line. Trying to invoke it via enigmail in Thunderbird just crashes Thunderbird.... `apt install gpg` says "you have theblatet version" remove reinstall same result... I might have broken something. But I don't remember doing anything exotic other than (famous last words) upgrading from 19.04 to 19.1020:15
sakrecoer[m]The famous last words being "but... But... I swear I didn't do anything exotic" :D20:17
sakrecoer[m]It's just too weird... I think I'll just reinstall from scratch.20:18
OvenWerkssakrecoer[m]: maybe try just using the live iso first to see if that actually helps...20:49
OvenWerksAnother question would be have they moved the placement of config file, keys or something from one version to the next?20:50
sakrecoer[m]Hmm... I have been rolling it since 18.04 and I haven't exactly let it be as was out of the box. I was just curious if it would be some known change. i am most probably the source of my own problem here lol :) but I'll give it a last try tonight see what I can squeeze out.21:05
OvenWerkssakrecoer[m]: we don't know for sure that that package doesn't just have a bug in 19.10... We hope it doesn't, but better to find out with the iso than a whole reinstall.21:07
sakrecoer[m]Do I read between the lines that it still hard to find testers?21:14
OvenWerkssakrecoer[m]: I don't think it would matter how many we had... something would always not get tested. Yes we could use more testers, but for packages like this we just hope that bugs will show up on testing the vanilla iso...21:15
tomreynif gpg was broken, it'd affect the other flavors, too, and it had certainly been reported and likely been fixed by now, too.21:17
tomreyndon't you think?21:17
OvenWerkstomreyn: I would expect that yes... but I would not rely on it if I had a problem.21:17
tomreyntrue, me neither, i'd also search the existing bug reports, use strace etc.21:18
sakrecoer[m]Good point ovenwerks. I was thinking the same as tomreyn, that's why I checked here first.21:18
tomreynit could just be a full file system, too.21:19
tomreyni just tried gpg on default ubuntu 19.10: when run without any arguments, it does print two lines then waits for input, as expected.21:20
sakrecoer[m]It could be anything we shouldn't waste time speculating. :) But thanks! It appeared yesterday end of my session when I needed to sign something.21:21
sakrecoer[m]Will investigate and report back :)21:21
tomreyngood luck!21:21
sakrecoer[m]Many thanks! :)21:22
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