=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [11:10] Unit193: does bug 1821364 need a fix? [11:10] bug 1821364 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "xfce4 install on Ubuntu 18.04 has no polkit agent" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821364 [11:13] Debian #843224. I wouldn't diverge from Debian on it. [11:13] Debian bug 843224 in xfce4 "[xfce4] xfce4 metapackage should probably depend on policykit-1-gnome" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/843224 [11:17] (We don't actively maintain 'xfce4' as it is, it'd likely be quickly forgotten and get stuck in an old state. We've never actually touched that package.) [11:20] alright [11:21] thanks for looking into this [11:28] ...If you install that you should get policykit-1-gnome via thunar, anyway. [11:29] So, that's valid for Bionic but in later releases should be fixed by extension. [11:34] 'xfce4' might technically be more important here than in Debian as Debian has task-xfce-desktop which doubles as the standard way to install Xfce, as well as the vanilla. We have 'xubuntu-(desktop,core)' methods, but those are much more configured. One could argue that going outside of those methods the user should know what they're doing a little more.