
=== mkv is now known as m4v
hggdhtoday is the last day for votingfor the IRCC election. Voting will be closed at 18:00 CST, give or take some minutes14:58
dax(that's about 8.5 hours from now, for anyone else who forgets what CST is)15:28
tomreyncentral space time?15:45
tomreynor celestial?15:46
hggdhConsolidated Subjective Time17:08
daxi assume it's not a coincidence that it's midnight UTC :P17:09
hggdhan unexpected coincidence (I wanted it to be near to new-day UTC, but was quite lazy, and hoped for +/- 1 hour. Got bullseye, so...17:11
hggdhUnit193: yes, you can say it :-)17:11
hggdhbah,it is there for us to look at...18:32
hggdhVoting: 47 voters registered, 18 votes so far, 18 persons did not receive the email (cuz their email is hidden on LP)18:32
daxhow come it's 18 but there's only 4 people on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2019-October/001906.html18:33
dax(or did you repeat the number by accident)18:33
hggdhbecause the folks listed in my mail got there by an error on copy&paste, added by a Gnome crash18:34
hggdh(the original email did not have the four listed but, after the crash, some magical thing happened; the four were listed in a previous election email, that I had copied)18:35
hggdhfor completeness, the hidden emails are here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ndW62cTzY9/18:39
=== m4v- is now known as m4v

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