[13:13] hello all! [13:17] we have ltsp clients that not show a good resolution (only 640x480), after help was indicate to install "old" xorg server in ubuntu 18.04 lts to fix (or accept) the resolution at clients. My doubt: installing this pacakge can broke something, or its secure to install it? [13:18] what do you mean by old xserver? [13:19] that mean that accept old cards to run in 1024x768 [13:19] video card [13:20] no, which version [13:23] well? [13:24] was indicate to follow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [13:24] anyway, installing a package from an older distro will likely break, yes [13:24] and what about that? [13:25] that I want if can give me error or broke something [13:27] I don't understand [13:33] let me tell: there are two clients that maybe do not have support resolution screen (only 640x480), so, was indicate that install follow steps in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack that after this, the ltsp client can work fine (1024x768). Is it secure to install package at the server side [13:34] but you're saying "install older xserver" [13:36] you have two choices; either use the stock one that 18.04(.1) shipped with or use the HWE version from a newer ubuntu release [13:37] but more interesting is knowing the display hw, because usually it's the kernel driver that says what resolution to use [13:37] so, is it intel or amd or what? [13:44] S3 UniChrome Pro [13:46] what does 'apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core' say? [13:50] ... [13:51] I'm assuming you don't have xserver-xorg-core installed, so you'd need to downgrade to it.. 'apt install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-openchrome' should be a start [13:52] that gpu needs -openchrome [13:53] pt-cache policy xserver-xorg-corexserver-xorg-core: Instalado: (nenhum) Candidato: 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4.3 Tabela de versão: 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4.3 500 500 http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4.2 500 500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/main amd64 Packages [13:53] 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4 500 500 http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Packages [13:54] nothing [13:54] so, roll back to non-hwe X stack [13:56] intalling that you tell yeah