
IrcsomeBot1<Schyken> I'm curious. Currently, Kmail is unable to integrate with Gmail accounts/inboxes as it doesn't meet the Google's auth/security requirements, which means I'm unable to use things like Kmail/Korganizer and such, but I know this is being worked on (and I appreciate ❤️). If these things are fixed during the lifetime of an existing and supported Kubuntu release, what would be the plan for delivering these fixes to users? I don't think02:07
IrcsomeBot1backports are a sufficient method as this is a rather specific critical issue and not quite tied to things like the desktop as a whole.02:07
IrcsomeBot1<Schyken> Right now I'm using Mailspring as my email client and I have to use the browser for my Google Calendar as well as Google Contacts.02:07
valorie@Schyken yes the devels are working on that issue03:05
valorieI just read a blog post from the devels that mentioned that in kdeplanet03:06
IrcsomeBot1<Schyken> Sweet! :D03:06
Guest_97Hi, having trouble getting networking going on an old pc, net-setup is the only thing that gets it working, is there a way to get that on kubuntu? if someone knows what the program/script net-setup does that would help too04:53
IrcsomeBot1a1batross was added by: a1batross04:57
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> O hai.  … I just noticed that kwin packages in staging-plasma are failing to build. Not that I'm asking for anything, I know that using staging repos may kill my dog, just want to know what's blocking it to be fixed?05:00
valorie@a1batross I'll ask RikMills to look at it06:01
valorieif you are running staging you might want to join us in #kubuntu-devel06:01
valoriemaybe learn how to find blockers and fix 'em?06:02
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> Oh, thanks for pointing me. It's on freenode?06:04
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> Yeah, that would be good. It's debian ABI checker seems failing.06:05
valorieor I can invite you to the telegram chan if you prefer06:07
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> No, IRC is fine, I have XMPP transport.06:07
valoriewelcome to the testing team06:08
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> thanks! :) I'm on staging for years actually. Just never noticed actual problems... maybe I'm just lucky.06:09
valorieas long as you upgrade wisely06:14
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> Indeed~06:14
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RikMillsvalorie: there are no packages in staging-plasma ???07:07
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> @a1batross, That PPA is empty07:08
valoriewell then kwin is def. not building!07:18
valorieI guess I coulda looked07:18
* valorie hangs head in shame07:18
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BluesKajHowdy all12:13
user|68384Hey community ! French helper for me ?12:26
BluesKaj!Fr | user|6838412:27
ubottuuser|68384: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:27
user|68384thank's ! ;)12:27
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IrcsomeBot1<Linuxophil> This week Kubuntu 19.10 is the distro challenge on BDLL! Is anyone from the Kubuntu team gonna join the discussion next saturday? @RikMills @Valoriez @MichaelTunnell13:39
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> @Linuxophil, Not me. Maybe someone else can though?15:01
IrcsomeBot1<Linuxophil> @RikMills, Would you ask around within the devs, please? I think it would benefit Kubuntu greatly!15:03
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> Ok15:04
IrcsomeBot1<Linuxophil> Great! I will ask Michael Tunnell as well.15:04
TuorHi, I'm looking to deactivate the mouse acceleration in Kubuntu 19.10 and can't find out how. I found the mouse settings, but there I can only choos between "Flat" and "Adaptive" acceleration. I would like no acceleration at all...15:09
BluesKajTuor,  why?15:32
TuorBecause I'm used to it.15:41
TuorThe speed with which I move my mouse shall not change how far it goes. Lets say, 1cm on my mouse pad is 10cm on my screen. If I move my mouse fast or slowly it should always be 10cm on my screen. That's what I'm used to and I like it.15:45
TuorI have generally a low sensitivity on my mouse, and moving my mouse fast to get to the other end of my screen is normal. I'm not used to do shorter fast movements to get it to the other side of my screen. ;)15:46
* BluesKaj shrugs, no idea, i just use the default settings 15:48
TuorBluesKaj: I think most people are fine with the default. ;)15:49
BluesKajyup :-)15:49
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IrcsomeBot1<Swift110> Hey18:42
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user|92715Hi, I am new to Kubuntu. Installed 19.10 just today but when I started, I just get fuzzy lines and no display. I got kubuntu logo and then just black and white boxes. Something to do with video drivers I think.19:08
user|92715I have Radeon driver19:08
geeblumswhats this21:42
IrcsomeBot1<Swift110> Hmm22:06
IrcsomeBot1CaptainMirror was added by: CaptainMirror23:49
IrcsomeBot1<CaptainMirror> Hi folks. I just installed Kubuntu
IrcsomeBot1<CaptainMirror> How do I use the widgets? I’m new to Linux. I installed Event Calendar, but where is it? I can’t see or use it.23:51
IrcsomeBot1<CaptainMirror> Thanks.23:51
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> @CaptainMirror, Hewwo! :) … Widgets here are called plasmoids. Actually same thing. To add a plasmoid, press floating button on desktop(shown as three horizontal lines) and press Add widgets... in menu.23:54
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/431tnXTR/file_19783.png23:54
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> it showed like this23:54
IrcsomeBot1<CaptainMirror> I added it already. I’ve verified I have the right version and that it is installed.23:54
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> You can't find it in list, right?23:55
IrcsomeBot1<CaptainMirror> Right. Where is it? How do I get to it?23:55
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> It may depend on your system language. You can install "Event Calendar" but in list it may be called in your language.23:55
IrcsomeBot1<CaptainMirror> My language is English, and “Event Calendar” is English. What buttons do I press. Is it in the status bar? I have gone to Applications and searched, but can’t find it there either.23:57
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> It will not appear in Applications menu because it's a widget. Do you have actually tried to open "Add widgets..." menu?23:58
IrcsomeBot1<CaptainMirror> Yes. I added it that way.23:58
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/OolpShuO/file_19785.png23:59
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> I tried do the same.23:59
IrcsomeBot1<a1batross> Works for me.23:59

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