[11:05] good morning everybody [11:06] RikMills: ping? [11:06] santa_: pong [11:06] hey, nice to see you [11:06] I have been resuming my test rebuild routine I got frameworks and plasma done, good job [11:07] so I'm now aiming @ apps [11:07] great [11:07] there's still a couple of missing git repos: kirigami-gallery and kipi-plugins [11:08] kirigami-gallery is available @ debian sid already, passed the NEW queue [11:09] https://packages.qa.debian.org/k/kirigami-gallery.html [11:09] I thought I made those? [11:09] maybe not got the right branches? [11:10] ah, maybe. let me check [11:12] not sure why kirigami-gallery did not sync. done taht now [11:12] that [11:17] in new queue [11:20] RikMills: indeed, missing branches was the problem I see now kubuntu_focal_staging for kirigami-gallery, but not for kipi-plugins [11:20] yeah, I just did that [11:21] hmm. our daily iso failed [11:25] one of these years I should get involved with isos and such [11:26] btw I have been updating my zillion VM for kubuntu testing. I'm still not finished XD [11:40] RikMills: so are you going to push that _staging branch to kipi-plugins or should I? :P [11:41] I mean I don't mind to do it, but I guess you want to get it right in your local clone as well [11:41] santa_: please do if you want. I've got sidetracked with this failing iso [11:42] ok, just remember to make sure you local is ok ;) [11:43] santa_: I had taken it out of my apps clone folder so I did not build it and upload by mistake :P [11:43] so I have nothing at the moment [11:43] allright [11:44] kdeconnect depends sshfs, new sshfs depends fuse3, fuse3 breaks fuse. nice! [11:49] XD [11:52] I think I'll demote that to a recommends for kdeconnect for now [11:53] let debian sort their mess out, then change it back [12:17] Howdy al [12:18] all [12:37] hi [17:20] RikMills: FYI, I've just seen they are replacing in debian's kdepim the moronic "Bump group breaks" with something else [17:21] santa_: the virtual packages? [17:21] RikMills: yeah, I'm inspecting the thing [17:24] santa_: would get rid of symbols files in PIM, which would be a big pain gone. possible be able to bump epochs and get rid of abix libs in future as well [17:25] I have been keeping an eye on progress for last few weeks [17:26] aha, ay toughts you want to share about it? [17:26] s/ay/any/ [17:28] santa_: not much on a technical level. if it works, as it seems it is, would certainly be easier. I have already merged the small pkg-kde-tools change required [17:29] ok, thanks [20:02] RikMills: so ... the change seems cool, what's the required pkg-kde-tools change? [20:15] santa_: this IIRC https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/pkg-kde-tools/commit/74235691f8fb9194dea361a88ffd73b1b8c5ff41 [20:26] ah, ok [20:27] RikMills: so if we both have time this week maybe we could discuss how to implement the virtual packages change in our kdepim packages? [20:28] not today because my brain is fried [20:38] santa_: ok