
ChmEarlSo, ub1910 kernel is using legacy lz4 compression, yet qemu, pvgrub2, and xen:xl fails to decompress it, then ubuntu kernel team needs to find out why00:09
compdoctoo bleeding edge for me00:23
mybalzitchdoes anyone know how I tell dkms to use more than 4 cores? it's supposed to get data from nproc but on my 32 thread system it only compiles with 4 threads05:43
mybalzitchsorry that was other load, it does it single threaded05:44
mybalzitcharg, feels like ssh x11 forwarding broke in 19.10 server10:32
mybalzitchyeah seems like it. my clients work just fine on ubuntu 18.04 hosts, and this 19.10 install worked fine for x11 forwarding when it ran 19.0411:01
mybalzitchI get 2 error messages, first wrong auth, then connection refused11:02
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