
Eickmeyerteward: I know it's late, but added a patch to fix the hard error.03:16
OvenWerkswonko: hmm, it would be really nice if I could save a list of lists to config :)06:44
OvenWerkswonko: for example a list of pulse [[port names],[endpoint]]06:46
OvenWerkswonko: it looks like I will have to have a "none" place holder06:47
OvenWerkswonko: so two params: pulse_in: name1 name2 and then pulse_in_ends: end1 end206:49
OvenWerkswonko: if the name does not have an end (connection) then it will be "none" cause "" will not work.06:50
OvenWerkswonko: but the gui will have to show "" (blank)06:50
wonkoYou could make your life a lot easier if you got past your dislike of yaml/json and used that for the config file. :)14:50
wonkoSorry, work got super busy. Next week's calendar is very light so I'll shoot down and do some work on this with you.14:51
OvenWerkswonko: I have been slow as well. autojack now takes a list of names... controls still needs to generate that list.16:27

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