
rafaeldtinocoi was going to ask if you were aware that dnsmasq doesnt provide a leases file for uv-kvt so uv-kvt ssh <machine> is broken (at least in disco). im thinking fixing it by using nss_libvirt_guest for nsswitch00:10
rafaeldtinocono rush though00:10
rbasakI tested uvtool against Eoan recently when doing the Python 3 porting work. It seemed to work there.00:31
rbasakuvtool reads from either /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status or /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.leases00:33
rbasakSee uvtool/libvirt/__init__.py in the source00:33
rbasakStart from the mac_to_ip function00:33
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
ailionHello, every one.07:31
ailionI have followed this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch07:32
ailionand also this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization07:32
ailionNow I am trying to combine these two together.07:34
ailionInstead of `apt-get install ubiquity-frontend-gtk`, I use `apt-get install subiquity`.07:35
ailionAfter rebooting, subiquity runs but stucks at `Network Connections`.07:36
ailionIs there any tutorial on this topic?07:37
ailionThank you!07:37
cpaelzerrbasak: was it you that had come up with a helper to check the d/copyright information or was that ahasenack?10:23
cpaelzerI only want to make sure d/copyright in a package is up to date10:23
rbasakcpaelzer: it was a task for me to write up a spec, but that never bubbled up to the top of my TODO10:23
cpaelzerok using the common tools then10:24
rbasakcpaelzer: I think lintian checks for files not covered in a dep-5 copyright file10:24
cpaelzerI think they all use https://wiki.debian.org/CopyrightReviewTools10:24
rbasakWe get that happening in new MySQL upstream releases quite a bit10:24
cpaelzerbut I'll run a pedantic lintion to be sure10:24
rbasakSkuggen: could you take a look at bug 1853144 please? I think this needs an upstream fix, and in the meantime a patch to the test should be fairly trivial in a distro patch.12:34
ubottubug 1853144 in mysql-8.0 (Ubuntu) "main.mysqlpump_basic_lz4 dep8 test fails with a false positive" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185314412:35
rbasakThis is currently holding up proposed migration of lz412:35
rbasakWhich we could force since it's not a regression in lz4, but we'd still be stuck with mysql failing dep8 in the future so it would be easier to just fix it :)12:35
mdeslaurrbasak: I just uploaded a mysql to fix that issue, and am about to upload a fix to the fix13:40
mdeslaurSkuggen: ^13:40
mdeslaurwait a few minutes, and I'll let you know13:40
rbasakmdeslaur: ah. Thanks!14:02
rbasak2>&1 > $LZ4_EXEC_LOG14:03
rbasakShouldn't that be the other way roun?14:03
rbasakOr are you intentionally outputting stderr to stdout and leaving only stdout to go to the log file?14:04
=== ricab is now known as ricab|bbl
rbasakIn this case it'll work either way I think14:05
rbasakSince stderr presumably no longer outputs anything14:05
rbasakBut it won't work with older versions of lz414:05
mdeslaurrbasak: yes, I inverted it by mistake, so it only worked with the new version...with it inverted it should work with both versions14:06
mdeslaurI keep inverting it, and I keep using 2&>1 by mistake14:10
mdeslaurI suck :)14:10
cpaelzerkanashiro: squid LGTM and got sponsored, as usual please track migration in a few hours please14:24
cpaelzermdeslaur: those who do nothing do no mistakes :-)14:25
kanashirocpaelzer, ack, thanks for reviewing and sponsoring :)14:31
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: I have fixed the qa-regression-tests for strongswan14:33
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: I have lnked the MP and with the change the test completes as expected14:34
cpaelzerso this part of your feedback is handled14:34
rafaeldtinocofinishing up14:34
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: continue to come up with whatever you find14:34
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: on the Breaks:14:38
rafaeldtinocowe have 5.7.2-1ubuntu2 and ubuntu314:39
rafaeldtinocowouldn't those be broken as well ?14:39
rafaeldtinocotrongswan-tnc-ifmap (<< 5.7.2-1ubuntu1)14:39
rafaeldtinocohum.. << and not <=14:39
rafaeldtinocoah ok.. got it #)14:42
cpaelzerthis is of Eoan14:42
rafaeldtinocofrom eoan and on14:42
rafaeldtinocotransitional pkg for 1 release14:42
cpaelzerfor LTS->LTS upgraders it will trigger with 20.0414:42
cpaelzerfor 19.10->20.04 it already happened14:42
rafaeldtinocoyep, this type of concern is new to me14:43
rafaeldtinocothats why I ask14:43
rafaeldtinocomakes snese14:43
cpaelzerI made snese, snot all around - I'll get you rafaeldtinoco14:46
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: +1 for u14:52
rafaeldtinocoi think there is still a merge left14:52
rafaeldtinocofrom the 4 you mentioned yesterday14:52
* rafaeldtinoco checks14:52
rafaeldtinoconope, i think libseccomp was done already14:54
rafaeldtinocolet me know if i missed a MR you'd like a review of14:54
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: I'm good  for now, thank you14:58
seb128are autosync happening atm?15:18
seb128I was looking at fontforge that got an update in Debian 2 days ago, should it have been synced since?15:19
cjwatson[Updating] fontforge (1:20170731~dfsg-2build1 [Ubuntu] < 1:20190801~dfsg-2 [Debian])15:36
cjwatson * Trying to add fontforge ...15:36
cjwatsonI: fontforge -> fontforge_1:20170731~dfsg-2build1.15:36
cjwatsonI: fontforge -> fontforge-nox_1:20170731~dfsg-2build1.15:36
cjwatsonI: fontforge -> fontforge-common_1:20170731~dfsg-2build1.15:37
cjwatsonI: fontforge -> libfontforge-dev_1:20170731~dfsg-2build1.15:37
cjwatsonI: fontforge -> fontforge-doc_1:20170731~dfsg-2build1.15:37
cjwatsonfontforge_1:20190801~dfsg-2 is trying to override modified binary fontforge-extras_0.3-4ubuntu1.  OK (y/N)?  n15:37
cjwatson[Updating] fontforge (1:20170731~dfsg-2build1 [Ubuntu] < 1:20190801~dfsg-2 [Debian])15:37
cjwatson * Trying to add fontforge ...15:37
cjwatsonOops, sorry for second bit15:37
cjwatsoni.e. the new source is taking over a binary package that currently has Ubuntu modifications.  This needs a developer to check it15:37
cjwatsonThough that modification is a bit odd.  There's no need for a source change to change the section of a binary package - that's done via overrides anyway15:38
cjwatsonSo IMO you could sync that manually and disregard the Ubuntu modification15:38
cjwatsonseb128: ^-15:39
seb128cjwatson, ah, thanks for checking! can you remind me where is the log for the autosyncs so I can maybe try to look myself before asking next time15:40
cjwatson15:37 <cjwatson> https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/auto-sync/current.log15:41
seb128arg, can't read, sorry :(15:43
seb128cjwatson, thanks!15:43
cjwatsonnp :)15:44
rbasakxnox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1853164 looks right to me. Please could you take a look?15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1853164 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd: /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/resolved error" [Undecided,New]15:54
seb128next 'reports" question, sorry channel :/15:54
seb128glib2.0 (2.62.1-1 to 2.63.1-2) in proposed for 0 days15:54
seb128    Regressions15:54
seb128 pango1.0/1.42.4-7: amd64 (log, history)15:54
seb128but http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/p/pango1.0/focal/amd64 has no failure15:55
seb128does anyone know what's going on?15:55
seb128I guess maybe they don't refresh real time and I need to wait a bit longer...15:57
rbasakrafaeldtinoco: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~uvtool-dev/uvtool/trunk/revision/93 was the fix I'm referring to16:07
=== ricab|bbl is now known as ricab
rafaeldtinocogreat. let me re-check16:08
rafaeldtinoco$ uvt-kvm ssh strongswan-test-116:09
rafaeldtinocouvt-kvm: error: no IP address found for libvirt machine 'strongswan-test-1'. Has it had time to boot yet?16:09
rafaeldtinoco$ virsh net-dhcp-leases default16:10
rafaeldtinoco Expiry Time           MAC address         Protocol   IP address        Hostname   Client ID or DUID16:10
rafaeldtinoco 2019-11-19 13:52:38   52:54:00:3a:02:05   ipv4   ubuntu     ff:b5:5e:67:ff:00:02:00:00:ab:11:13:da:41:eb:da:62:95:1916:10
rafaeldtinoco 2019-11-19 13:52:47   52:54:00:dd:ca:94   ipv4   ubuntu     ff:b5:5e:67:ff:00:02:00:00:ab:11:95:f1:d8:ff:c1:31:e8:5f16:10
rafaeldtinocothe hostnames are ubuntu because of cloud-init (as these 2 machines were just provisioned)16:11
rafaeldtinocolet me check after a reboot16:11
rafaeldtinocoI have no /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.leases file16:14
rafaeldtinocoall leases are queried by libvirt but no leases file16:14
rafaeldtinocois that expected ?16:14
rbasakrafaeldtinoco: do you have a /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status file?16:15
rbasakAre you using a virbr0 bridge with dnsmasq?16:15
rbasakOK so that's why16:15
rafaeldtinocokvm is my default16:15
rbasakuvtool doesn't have support for that configuration16:16
rafaeldtinocoalright, makes sense now16:16
rafaeldtinoconot a bug16:16
rbasakSo "uvt-kvm ip" and therefore "uvt-kvm ssh" won't work.16:16
rbasakIf you can implement something more generic, then I'll happily accept a patch16:16
rbasakThis is all about uvt-kvm's capability of guessing heuristically16:16
rafaeldtinocoperhaps a query for the default16:16
rafaeldtinoco$ virsh net-dumpxml default | grep bridge16:17
rafaeldtinoco  <bridge name='kvm' stp='off' delay='0'/>16:17
rafaeldtinocorbasak: ^ something like it16:17
rafaeldtinocowill give it a try16:17
rafaeldtinocolet me open a bug for not to forget16:17
rafaeldtinocoill flag it as a wishlist16:17
xnoxrbasak:  tagged for foundations to pick up16:17
rbasakxnox: thanks!16:17
rbasakxnox: I pinged because the bug report claim seemed correct in principle, and it's a trivial fix, patch provided. Not checked the patch itself for correctness or anything.16:18
rafaeldtinoco#1609072 uvt-kvm assumes network is on virbr016:18
gpiccoliHi rbasak, how are you doing? Were you able to check LP #1847924 ?16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1847924 in mdadm (Ubuntu Focal) "Introduce broken state parsing to mdadm" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184792416:31
gpiccoliWe are waiting on a consensus to move forward hehe16:31
rbasakgpiccoli: sorry I was out last week and have barely caught up16:55
gpiccolino problem rbasak =)16:59
rbasakgpiccoli: I replied in the bug17:29
gpiccoliTHanks Robie =)17:30
rbasakgpiccoli: I also want really hard testing for this SRU. I don't think causing users hassle because of a regression in the process of landing this will be very excusable.17:33
rbasak(which is why I want a second SRU team member opinion)17:34
rbasakIt is only just on the right side of the line to qualify for an SRU IMHO17:34
gpiccoliok rbasak, thank you !17:35
Son_Gokucyphermox, could you please look at doing this soon? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/182424518:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1824245 in grub2 (Ubuntu Xenial) "Can't create a bootable disk by doing image creation on a loop device" [Medium,Triaged]18:05
cyphermoxSon_Goku: ok, looking now; but could you please follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure to make sure the bug includes test cases? I don't know what steps need to be taken precisely to verify this; it would be best if it was clearly described19:19
Son_Gokucyphermox, let me see if I can make a test case for this19:25
Son_GokuI don't know if I can guarantee that I can make one, given the logic is kinda tangled in an internal business tool :(19:26
Son_Gokubut I'll try19:26
cyphermoxSon_Goku: if there is no test case, this won't pass for SRU.19:26
Son_Gokulet me see if I can make a minimal test case19:28
* Son_Goku grumbles at the fact this tool is written in spaghetti PHP code19:28
blahdeblahRAOF: Hi - any chance you can give some general advice on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1852170 ?  It is a regression from disco to eoan, and the wiki doesn't really give much guidance on how to troubleshoot.20:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1852170 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Severe screen corruption" [Undecided,New]20:23
RAOFblahdeblah: Hm. My guess would be mesa (since I've seen there's a critical regression there).20:53
RAOFAh, no, different version.20:53
RAOFBut trying with the disco version of mesa would be a fine start.20:55
tjaaltonor kernel20:55
blahdeblahSo downgrading just mesa packages might be a viable option?20:56
tjaaltonit's more messy to downgrade mesa than to try an older kernel20:56
blahdeblahtjaalton: indeed20:56
blahdeblahI have vague memories of a really old wiki page or similar which used to recommend different acceleration options to start disabling to see where the problem lies, but the current state of the X troubleshooting page on the wiki doesn't seem to include anything about display corruption.20:56
blahdeblahI'd guess that most of the old advice about acceleration options doesn't apply on modern systems anyway.20:57
mwhudsonhow much ram do buildds have? (arm64)20:57
bdmurraycpaelzer: Where did "we agreed to regularly backport those to the latest LTS." from bug 184483421:19
ubottubug 1844834 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu Eoan) "open-vm-tools 11.0.0 released" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184483421:19
blahdeblahthanks tjaalton & RAOF - I'll make sure the bug gets updated with things tried.21:42

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