
mwhudsonis it possible to turn off sbuild's log filtering?00:47
mwhudsonah you can do it in sbuild.conf at least00:47
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seb128cpaelzer, hey, thanks for the tpm2-tss review, does it include tpm-udev / bug #1852347 ? it looks like that was split out on the way to address some issues08:45
ubottubug 1852347 in tpm-udev (Ubuntu) "[MIR] tpm-udev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185234708:45
cpaelzerseb128: that is separate and IIRC on tuesday cyphermox said he is gonna look at that MIR09:07
cpaelzerseb128: my statement only focsussed on tpm2-tss itself not the further dependency chain09:07
seb128cpaelzer, k, I though we had fwupd unblocked, seems we are back to square 1 and need a new MIR fully reviewed then :-/09:09
seb128will wait for cyphermox then09:10
cpaelzerI personally haven't kept track ot the tpm-udev part is that huge or rather big discussion?09:10
seb128cpaelzer, I've no idea about it, but looks like it was still part of tpm2-tss when the review started, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tpm2-tss/+bug/1841595/comments/6 covers it09:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1841595 in tpm2-tss (Ubuntu) "[MIR] tpm2-tss" [Undecided,Fix released]09:11
seb128and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tpm2-tss/2.1.0-4 from eoan has it09:11
seb128it was only split as a new source in focal09:11
seb128cpaelzer, which is why I was wondering if the MIR review covered it09:11
seb128well, hopefully it's a trivial one09:12
cpaelzeroh it is for sure09:17
cpaelzerlet me help09:17
cpaelzerseb128: done, please pick it up09:25
cpaelzerthe process exists to ensure quality and maintainability not to feel inhibited by it - and in that case no new full review cycle was needed09:26
seb128cpaelzer, great, thanks a lot. I've promoted it now09:27
sil2100vicamo: hey! I see two backport-iwlwifi-dkms uploads in the eoan queue - one with version 7906-0ubuntu1.1 and one with 7906-0ubuntu2~19.10.1, which one should I review?10:02
cpaelzerseb: FYI 185343610:08
seb128cpaelzer, right, I just saw it, we will fix that, thx for reporting!10:15
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: is the format you used in mysql-router MIR something MIR team uses ?12:30
rafaeldtinocolike a checklist for acceptance criteria ?12:30
rafaeldtinoco(just curious)12:30
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cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: yes12:37
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: if you consider me being the team12:37
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: it is what is docuemented on the wiki pages12:37
rafaeldtinocooh you're the only one ?12:37
cpaelzerno but everyone has his own style12:38
rafaeldtinocoi like yours12:38
cpaelzerI converted the wiki + anything that came up since then - into a template12:38
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: also I like to be transparent in case anybody wonders later on and want to share, therefore https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/+git/MIR/+ref/master12:39
cpaelzerwhich includes templates for filing as well as for review12:40
rafaeldtinocosuper nice12:40
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vicamosil2100: please do the one with 19.10.1 postfix14:17
coreycbsil2100: Hi, I think we now have everything verified for nova and cinder in disco-proposed (1849192 and 1833406) so they should be ready to release if you have cycles14:52
bdmurrayseb128: Have you seen bug 1851918?15:54
ubottubug 1851918 in python-imaging (Ubuntu) "`hp-check -r` crashes with "AttributeError: module 'PIL.Image' has no attribute 'VERSION'"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185191815:54
seb128bdmurray, I did, I subsribed tkamppeter to it 10 days ago16:06
seb128tkamppeter, ^ is that on your list of things to investigate?16:06
seb128bdmurray, do you believe it's important issue by user feedback/stats?16:06
bdmurrayseb128: I gather its a regression so yes16:08
seb128bdmurray, k, thx, hopefully tkamppeter have some time to have a look soon16:10
tjaaltonhow can I get a snap to access a mountpoint under root?16:55
tjaaltonnevermind, installed the deb16:59
ograthe removable-media interface allows access to /mnt and /media and the mounted bots underneath (assuming the snap packager enable that interface in the snap)17:00
tjaaltonwell, I have a zfs mirror elsewhere, and ~400GB worth of photos for darktable, but I'll just use the deb for now17:12
tjaaltonmigrated to a new install, home is on a smaller disk and doesn't hold the photos anymore17:13
ograyou could just set up a bind mouont to /media17:14
ginggsxnox: i see your pyfftw upload now FTBFS with 'ResourceWarning: unclosed running multiprocessing pool'20:12
ginggsI'm seeing the same now in python-xarray autopkgtest, where it passed previously20:13
ginggss/the same/very similar/20:13
mwhudsonah i was just wondering what the secret to getting the python-xarray autopkgtest to pass was20:58
mwhudsonah ah 0.14.1 is out now20:59
ginggsmwhudson: well this works https://launchpad.net/~ginggs/+archive/ubuntu/testing/+sourcepub/10752226/+listing-archive-extra21:00
ginggsbut i'm wondering where the problem came from (it wasn't present when I sync'd) and now pyfftw has something similar21:01
mwhudsonginggs: hmm but i see failures of a different sort with the test triggered by numpy21:02
mwhudson(and the numpy change is trivial and can't possibly have broken xarray)21:02
mwhudsonmaybe that needs the pandas from proposed21:03
ginggsmwhudson: see http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/p/python-xarray/focal/amd64 - the 2019-11-21 18:04:49 UTC test was with all-proposed21:03
ginggsfrom what i can see, all tests passed, but autopkgtest failed due to stderr output21:05
mwhudsonginggs: ah!21:11
mwhudsongosh this is all such a mess21:11
mwhudsonmaybe we can make one big python data science package :(21:11
ginggsand then RM it?21:11
mwhudsonwell at least we'll stop building and testing them on x87 soon21:11
mwhudsonhmm maybe its dask that's using multiprocessing?21:11
mwhudsondoes pyfftw use dask?21:11
mwhudsonoorrrrrrrrr maybe this warning is new in python 3.821:12
mwhudsonding ding ding we have a winner21:12
ginggspyfftw does use dask, or at least can replace dask's fft21:12
mwhudsonyeah i see the string "dask" in the build log21:12
ginggsmwhudson: i need to sleep, have a good day!21:16
mwhudsonginggs: i think given that the warning is new in python 3.8, changing the autopkgtests to allow-stderr is probably ok21:16
mwhudsonginggs: good night!21:16
ginggsmwhudson: i can upload that quick21:17
mwhudsonginggs: +121:18
ginggsok, done21:19
mwhudsonuh pandas has a breaks: on skbio but skbio thinks the problem is ok with new scipy which ubuntu has (but debian does not)21:25
mwhudsonthis calls for more coffee21:25
mwhudsonhm is there a ppa with gcc 6 (or newer) for xenial?22:30
mwhudsonah https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test22:31
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