[03:20] hpidcock: here's that huge PR for rc6 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10937 [03:20] on it [03:20] uh [03:20] this is too big [03:23] ty [03:23] np [10:26] Good Morning Juju! === parlos_ is now known as parlos [12:27] morning Juju party people [12:35] Good Afternoon rick_h [12:39] manadart: what do you make of this? https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/develop/provider/maas/maas2_environ_whitebox_test.go#L926-L939 [12:42] rick_h: ^^^ is this example realistic? [12:47] If a 'bug' is discovered in a charm, where should that be reported? [12:48] achilleasa: thinking, trying to make sense of it. it is that the device has multiple nics, and the children are possibly bridged addresses or something? [12:49] parlos__: charm show cs:xxxx bugs-url is the best start [12:49] parlos__: or look for the bugs url link on the jaas.ai/xxxxx page [12:54] achilleasa: I am up against the limits of my networking knowledge, but I can't see how this can happen. Particularly as the VLAN is on the interface = same for all links... [12:55] rick_h thanks. [12:56] rick_h: manadart I have no idea; strong my maas-fu is not :D [12:57] according to the implementation the last address wins there [12:59] achilleasa: You can have multiple subnets on a VLAN, but everything I am reading discourages it. [13:00] Have a nice day! [13:06] achilleasa: And Netplan appears not to support virtual interfaces: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nplan/+bug/1743200 [13:06] Bug #1743200: No support for interface labels === dannf` is now known as dannf [14:13] manadart: can you take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10942? [14:14] achilleasa: Yep. [15:19] manadart: can you take a quick/first look into that to see whether I am going in the right direction? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10943/files Next step would be to add those to the import step as well [15:19] nammn_de: Looking. === Trefex is now known as Trefex_ === Trefex_ is now known as Trefex [15:46] while at it, I would put the export step into another PR after this one got through [15:47] the corresponding description PR https://github.com/juju/description/pull/66 [16:39] manadart: thanks! I incorporated your review. description and juju/juju should be ready to be reviewed for real