=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson [06:31] morning [07:33] PR snapd#7755 closed: cmd/snap-failure: fallback to snapd from core, extend tests [07:51] PR snapd#7769 opened: cmd/snap-failure: passthrough snapd logs, add informational logging === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [08:06] morning [08:17] pstolowski: hey [09:46] pstolowski: pekkari: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7769 ? super simple [09:46] pedronis: ^^ [09:46] PR #7769: cmd/snap-failure: passthrough snapd logs, add informational logging [09:46] a 2nd review of #7764 would be great, it's largely new tests [09:46] PR #7764: many: test various kinds of overriding for the snapd snap in Core 20 [09:47] pedronis: sure, will do === pedronis_ is now known as pedronis [10:21] hello [10:21] mborzecki: I have something that I wanted to show you [10:22] zyga: meet? [10:22] sure, hold on a moment [10:25] mborzecki: I have a question for you in 7762 [10:27] mborzecki: https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commits/wip/dont-reuse-mounts and https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commits/fix/lp-1852361 are the branches of interest [10:28] pedronis: we have some code that looks up devices based on structure definition, but it might not be exported atm, need to double check [10:29] mborzecki: ok, thx [10:30] mborzecki: can you join the standup meet please [10:34] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Bc19KaR2/ [10:40] mborzecki: google:ubuntu-18.04-64:tests/regression/lp-1852361 [10:47] PR snapd#7770 opened: testutil, many: make MockCommand() create prefix of absolute paths [10:53] i have a amd64 device running a UC18 image on which i'm trying to install the docker snap, however if fails with: [10:53] error: cannot perform the following tasks: [10:53] - Mount snap "docker" (423) (snap "docker" assumes unsupported features: snapd2.40 (try to refresh the core snap)) [10:54] did you try to refresh the core snap yet ? [10:55] according to snap list these are installed: [10:55] core 16-2.42.1 8039 stable canonicalโœ“ core [10:55] core18 20191030 1265 stable canonicalโœ“ base [10:56] and what does "snap version" output (all lines please) ? [10:57] hmm [10:57] $ snap version [10:57] snap 2.36.3 [10:57] snapd 2.36.3 [10:57] series 16 [10:57] kernel 4.15.0-70-generic [10:57] hmm, very interesting [10:58] PR snapd#7771 opened: o/hookstate/ctlcmd: snapctl is-connected command [10:58] if you are on core18 snapd comes from the snapd snap ... try refreshing that [10:58] (though it should totally auto-refresh... not sure how it can be so behind while the core snaps seem to be nicely up to date) [10:59] mborzecki: I pushed the comment changes again [10:59] mborzecki: to both branches [10:59] zyga: ok [10:59] mborzecki: I tg'd mvo to know about the situation [10:59] mborzecki: the most important comment is https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:wip/dont-reuse-mounts?expand=1#diff-6cdce42a784f927f710f0f5241a8c68dR418 [11:00] mborzecki: I also adjusted https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:wip/dont-reuse-mounts?expand=1#diff-6cdce42a784f927f710f0f5241a8c68dR493 as mentioned during the call [11:00] I'm wrapping up for today [11:00] good luck guys! [11:00] zyga: cool, thanks [11:02] running spread with both regression tests [11:03] snapd did indeed update, thanks for that hint - now indeed i wonder how it managed to be behind given a `sudo snap refresh` was run before [11:04] ondra: ^^^ [11:04] ondra: this is the stuff that fixes things blocking you [11:05] ondra: if you take the diff from https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:fix/lp-1852361?expand=1 [11:05] ondra: and build snapd with it [11:05] ondra: and confirm it works on your devices [11:05] ondra: that would be a useful data point [11:05] ondra: we need to discuss and properly package that for release (package as in do more code changes where this can safely land behind a feature flag) [11:06] ondra: but the essence is the same [11:18] PR snapd#7772 opened: wrappers: write and undo snapd services on core [11:47] zyga on it :) [11:50] * pstolowski lunch [12:13] PR snapd#7773 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: fix overlapping, nested writable mimic handling [12:14] zyga: pedronis: ^^ opened the branch, added some description to explain the problem, both spread tests are passing, i've looked the mount ns after the tests and things seemed fine [12:21] PR snapcraft#2817 opened: snapcraft/plugins: Add gomod plugin [12:28] PR snapd#7769 closed: cmd/snap-failure: passthrough snapd logs, add informational logging [12:34] pedronis: do you want to have a quick chat about 7769? [12:35] mborzecki: you mean 7773 ? [12:36] pedronis: right, 7773 [12:36] mborzecki: let's have a chat [12:37] mborzecki: I'm in the standup === ricab is now known as ricab|lunch [13:38] hi, with snappy-debug I see the following message from the sna maas snap: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X7pKKCqRCc/ is there a way to tell what's that mknod about? [13:51] PR snapcraft#2814 closed: Remove gsettings from comment in kde extension === ricab|lunch is now known as ricab [13:54] PR snapcraft#2802 closed: uprev devel python package requirements [13:57] PR snapcraft#2804 closed: conda plugin: simplify source url/checksum handling [14:09] PR snapcraft#2808 closed: repo: fix fetch_binary()'s return type for deb repo [14:09] ondra: did you manage to run zyga's branch? [14:09] mborzecki yep, just did it [14:09] mborzecki still failing [14:09] ondra: duh, logs? :) [14:10] ondra: are you sure you're using the right snapd? [14:10] mborzecki https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/TBgSJ8QPcN/ [14:11] mborzecki this is build I'm using https://code.launchpad.net/~ondrak/+snap/snapd-fix-lp-1852361 [14:11] ondra: ha, that's a new thing then, before it failed with EBUSY when trying to roll back some mount changes [14:11] zyga: ^^ [14:11] mborzecki yep, error is different [14:11] mborzecki and i can confirm snap 2.42.2+git1279.g9c608d9 [14:12] mborzecki which is commit from that branch I used for build [14:12] PR snapcraft#2806 closed: cli: address type errors for mypy uprev [14:12] mborzecki happy to test more fixes :) [14:19] ondra: can you set SNAPD_DEBUG in snapd, restart snapd and try to install the snap again? [14:19] mborzecki you mean refresh? [14:19] ondra: yes [14:22] ondra: you can drop an ovverride in /etc/systemd/system/snap.service.d/local.conf with [Service]\nEnvironment=SNAPD_DEBUG=1\n [14:23] mborzecki it's fine I updated snapd.service file [14:25] mborzecki https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/YKKKKjV32G/ [14:29] PR snapd#7764 closed: many: test various kinds of overriding for the snapd snap in Core 20 [14:30] PR snapcraft#2807 closed: meta: address errors from mypy uprev [14:45] ondra: interesting, is this the same device that failed the refresh before? was it restarted since then? [14:57] mborzecki yeah same devce [14:57] device [14:57] mborzecki before test I first tested with stable snapd to make sure it's still broken [14:58] mborzecki BTW when I manually stop services I was able to refresh ( without need to reboot) [14:58] ondra: ok, can you try this, stop whatever service is there, /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns ; start the service, refresh the snap [14:59] ondra: services from that snap ofc [15:01] mborzecki I cannot restart services they are failing with "cannot update snap namespace: permission denied" [15:02] ondra: you should be able to stop them [15:02] ondra: as in snap stop or via systemctl [15:02] mborzecki I stopped them and discarded ns [15:02] but I cannot restart them anymore [15:03] mborzecki and I know refresh worked before when services are stopped [15:03] so running refresh with stopped services will not not help much [15:04] ondra: i suspected that the previous version of snap-update-ns left the mount ns in some half assed state, so the new one would fail but differently [15:13] ondra: can you add SNAPD_DEBUG=1 to the service environment in the unit file? (or via an override) [15:17] * cachio lunch [15:21] PR snapd#7774 opened: seed: proper support for optional snaps for Core 20 models [15:33] * zyga acks the results from ondra, asked follow up questions in private and resumes off-work activity [15:42] PR snapcraft#2818 opened: project: pivot `info` from ProjectInfo to Snap [16:15] hi, does anyone know if it's possible to run sshd in a confined snap? [16:15] I get this error when trying to ssh in: "fatal: permanently_set_uid: was able to restore old [e]gid [preauth]" [16:53] ackk, during build ? [16:53] ogra, no, when I try to ssh [16:53] ah, sorry ... i'm blinf [16:53] *blind [16:53] ogra, I have ssh running (with some LD_PRELOAD) but I can't log in [16:53] i think your prob isnt ssh but login/pam [16:54] when trying to spawn a terminal for you [16:55] have you tried something like "ssh uptime" (that doesnt spawn a shell but directly execs the command) [16:58] theoretically all you shoudl need for snapping ssh is network and network-bind plugs ... but there is more to a full login than just ssh ... === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [17:09] Not sure you can coherently say that the problem is login/pam when the error message above comes from sshd [17:10] Probably need to LD_PRELOAD somewhat harder to do a better job of mimicking the uid swap (i.e. it needs to be impossible to swap back) [17:32] PR snapd#7775 opened: seed: support extra snaps on top of Core 20 dangerous models [18:12] PR snapcraft#2805 closed: plugins: address type errors for mypy uprev [18:12] PR snapcraft#2811 closed: extractors: address errors from mypy uprev [18:18] PR snapcraft#2812 closed: store: address errors from mypy uprev [18:21] cjwatson: LD_PRELOAD hard. no harder! [18:32] * cachio afk [18:58] ogra, yeah I tried a non-interactive command, same error [18:59] cjwatson, ah, I see [19:03] cjwatson, although, why does it try to change uid if I try to login as root? [19:03] PR snapd#7776 opened: interfaces: add login-session-observe for who, {fail,last}log and loginctl [19:07] PR snapcraft#2819 opened: isort: automatic formatting/sorting of imports [19:07] * ijohnson unbroke all his snaps (including irccloud) yay [19:12] PR pc-amd64-gadget#11 closed: Add mmx64.efi (MokManager) to support mokutil [19:22] PR snapcraft#2813 closed: pluginhandler: address errors from mypy uprev [19:27] PR snapd#7777 opened: snap-confine: suppress noisy classic snap file_inherit denials [19:46] PR snapcraft#2810 closed: build-providers: address errors from mypy uprev [19:49] PR snapd#7778 opened: seccomp: also allow 'chown snap_daemon:root' [19:54] ogra: hey, I have a note to add this: /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/system/linux,revision and /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/soc/ranges read access to hardware-observe (needs investigating; these are binary) [19:55] ogra: but reads on /sys/firmware/** is already allowed via hardware-observe back in 78505e088b79e5ee68e01f23ba5d954dac97c520 (2016). do you recall what this is about? [20:04] PR snapd#7779 opened: interfaces: misc updates for u2f-devices, browser-support, hardware-observe, et al [20:25] PR snapcraft#2816 closed: assorted: address errors from mypy uprev [20:28] PR snapcraft#2809 closed: project-loader: address errors from mypy uprev [20:49] PR snapcraft#2820 opened: uprev mypy to 0.740! (and address remaining errors) [21:33] jdstrand, various adafruit libs that are shipped with HW sensors try to access it for whatever reason