
mupPR snapcraft#2820 closed: uprev mypy to 0.740! (and address remaining errors) <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2820>00:31
mupBug #1853670 opened: snap always shows license as 'unset' after install <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1853670>01:29
cjwatsonackk: sshd runs a non-root process to do its pre-authentication network communication, so that any preauth bugs are limited in scope rather than being an instant root compromise01:44
cjwatson(non-root and also sandboxed with seccomp)01:45
ograjdstrand, seems one of the calls comes from https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_DHT/blob/master/source/Raspberry_Pi_2/pi_2_mmio.c02:17
sdhd-saschaIs there a way to apply patches inside of snapcraft.yaml build process ? e.g. if dlopen path is hardcoded11:01
sdhd-saschaor, only with override-build ?11:02
sdhd-saschaor override-pull...11:02
mupPR snapd#7780 opened: tests: cleanup most test snaps icons, they were anyway in the wrong place <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7780>12:17
mupPR snapd#7781 opened: seed: fix confusing pre snapd dates in tests <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7781>12:23
jdstrandogra: ack, so is the ask about not having it in hardware-observe?13:16
ograjdstrand, no, it seems HW observe doesnt allow this particular path13:23
* jdstrand looks at the path again13:24
ograhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z7PDBTCjkb/ was with connected hardware-observe13:24
ograprobably dues to being binary ? does that get handled differently in some way ?13:25
jdstrandit does not13:26
jdstrandogra: I just checked on a rp2 that has both of those binary paths and hardware-observe worked fine13:29
jdstrandogra: perhaps the interface wasn't connected? at this point, I need more info13:30
ograhmm, i'll dig a bit more what happened there ... the snap has multiple daemons, it might be that the particular one using the sensor didnt have hardware-observe in plugs13:31
ogra(would be really helpful if snap connections could show the consumers of a plug13:32
jdstrandah, maybe that is it13:41
zygajdstrand, ogra: working on Saturday?15:01
ogranaaah ... nevar !15:02
* zyga is upgrading his printer15:03
zygamessy business, especially the hot-end15:03
ogra(fixing my kodi setup (some new tv stations etc)15:17
ogramy printer recently ate a belt ... will need also a day of attention ... next month though15:18
ogra(the disadvantage of a delta printer)15:19

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