[04:54] hi [05:12] @Guest_59 [ hi], Hello [05:42] hello gaes [05:42] when use htop on lxterminal [05:42] i cant quit [05:43] press q ? [05:43] F10 doesnt work [05:43] @lynorian [press q ?], wow thats work [05:43] for other button how i can use it ? [06:34] hi [07:37] Guest_59, if you have a Lubuntu support question, please ask it (try and keep to a single line & be patient). For non-support chat I suggest #lubuntu-offtopic [14:28] hello all... trying to joing #httpd chan. not sure if that is the best place... have problem with allowing to download file from apache server.... not sure where to join for this kinda problem. [14:28] file.pdf [14:28] any help gr8le apprec . :) [14:29] ubuntu LAMP 1804 [14:31] captSF: You could try #ubuntu-server for server related support. [14:32] thanks kc2bez ! ill give it a try [14:32] You are welcome, good luck. [21:39] Hi [21:40] @Chemex [ Hi], Hi. How can we help you? [21:41] I'm new to this thing and take first steps. This was my 'Hello world' so to speak [21:43] never mind [21:52] Well then "Hello Chemex!" [21:52] XD