[10:51] Morning peoples, critters and everything else [17:13] nVidia drivers can be so frustrating. [17:15] All I want is to see the nVidia advanced settings but nvidia-settings refuses to show them to me. [18:46] omg. This issue is killing me. All I want is to use my 1920x1080 external monitor and it is like pulling teeth. [18:48] Ubuntu 19.10 doesn't support independent scaling of monitors out of box. I can enable the beta feature, but it doesn't work. I can try xrandr, but it still doesn't work. nVidia control panel refuses to show me hardware scaling settings, probably because I have a PRIME config and intel chip used for scaling. Scaling on intel is not implemented in Linux! [18:49] I tried setting hardware scaling using nvidia-settings, didn't work. I read Wayland handles this better. Why can't I select Wayland from login screen? Because it blacklists nVidia proprietary drivers. :-/ [18:58] I switched to Wayland and omg it works! It is not as nice as having video port scaling but some apps will resize on the external monitor.