
IndianSlimThanks but I'm not interested in having ops00:00
IndianSlimHello jacober!00:00
IndianSlimHow are you today?00:00
IndianSlimHow can we help??00:00
pfirsichI will try just installing windows and see what happens. thanks a lot jeremy31 , bprompt and d0tsun7 !00:00
jacoberwell, you?00:00
IndianSlimFantastic! 19.10 dropped so good times!!00:01
bpromptpfirsich:  right, that doesn't mean Windows was busted, it could just have been that the UUID had changed and Grub wasn't updated00:01
elIndianSlim: please stop.00:01
IndianSlimHello xamithan!00:01
d0tsun7pfirsich did you install ubuntu and then install windows? for me, i've installed windows and then ubuntu and it's worked good. maybe the other way around would cause issues.00:01
IndianSlimel please don't highlight me00:01
pfirsichinitially I did install ubuntu after windows. Now I will do it the other way around. But if that doesn't work I can (or have to) install ubuntu again, so it might work then00:02
IndianSlimpfirsich you know where to find us no worries! Best of luck!00:02
elIndianSlim: please don't be insulting to users here or you'll be removed.00:02
leftyfbpfirsich: installing Windows after Ubuntu will prevent Ubuntu from booting. Windows will not add an entry for Ubuntu to boot.00:02
bpromptpfirsich:  sounds to me you'll be installing both either way =)00:03
jacoberpfirsich windows wont install with another os on the UUID00:03
IndianSlimel No one has insulted anyone, please mind your own business and stop highlighting me please00:03
d0tsun7for the love of god IndianSlim just shutup00:03
IndianSlimd0tsun7 no need to be rude00:03
IndianSlimHello fuze!00:03
pfirsichthanks again! see you00:03
d0tsun7thank you el00:03
d0tsun7pfirsich: defiinitely fresh installs cure all. if you do a fresh install of windows and then install ubuntu right after, i think that order will work best00:04
rzuloi'm installing ubuntu server 18.04, and the default network setup didn't work.  does anyone know where i should get started with troubleshooting?00:05
d0tsun7pfirsich: bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi00:05
leftyfbrzulo: I've had issues with the live installer of 18.04 server and the networking. You should try the alternate installer instead if you don't mine reinstalling00:05
d0tsun7pfirsich: install windows 10 first. then install ubuntu. likely ubuntu will not be seen by the windows grub. launch into windows and open RUN and type bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi which will let the linux grub take over and allow you to boot into windows or ubuntu from there00:06
d0tsun7i've turned my join/quit messages off, hopefully he saw that.00:06
ryuod0tsun7: nope. they already bailed.00:07
jeremy31d0tsun7: they are gone00:07
d0tsun7dang....he really needed to see that last message. i was just searching for that RUN command the whole time00:07
d0tsun7oh well... he may be back00:07
jeremy31d0tsun7: if they read the links I posted, they have that info00:08
d0tsun7jeremy31: ok cool00:08
k0d3g3arupgraded my 16.04 to 18.04 and Network Manager OpenVPN fails.  Any attempt to connect to any VPN profile that is there does nothing.  No indication, no logs, etc.  Any suggestions?00:21
ZaliekWhen I did the upgrade I had to delete all of my profiles and set them up again00:24
k0d3g3arZaliek: yeh, I ended up deleting them and recreated because the TLS security thing required new certs from my server, so it was easier to do this by recreaction.  Funny thing is my laptop upgraded and worked perfectly.  Just not my desktop rig00:25
k0d3g3arBut also just no activity in the indicator icon at all.  Used to get something while it tried to connect, and then an indication when it did connect.  Now it is just dead - nothing going on up there at all00:25
ZaliekYep, experienced that too00:26
k0d3g3arnothing in journalctl or syslog either00:26
ZaliekLater versions of ubuntu desktop fixed the indicator issues00:26
k0d3g3arwhat version are you running now?00:27
k0d3g3ark  I'm tempted to take it to the next level then00:27
ZaliekI only run LTS releases on servers, desktop just changes too fast00:27
ZaliekAnd really the upgrades are usually pain free00:27
k0d3g3aryeh, I was going to wait until 20.04 LTS00:27
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ZaliekHowever the change from Unity to Gnome was surprisingly well done but there was a lot of gore00:28
k0d3g3arI'm running MATE   Do you think I'll hit the same issues00:28
ZaliekCan't say. But any official flavor will attempt to make version upgrades as pain free as possible00:29
ZaliekYou should always take a system image upgrading though00:29
k0d3g3ark, thanks for the info.  Helps me feel like I'm not losing my mind00:29
Zaliek*before upgrading00:29
k0d3g3arwell I'm tempted to throw caution to the wind.  My other option was a fresh install, and spend the week trying to put it all back on there again00:30
ZaliekBut yeah unless you're running desktop in a corporate environment or something embedded that isn't at all failure tolerant00:30
d0tsun7i def always dd my disk before upgrades00:31
d0tsun7helped me a lot00:31
ZaliekThen using LTS releases usually does a disservice to the desktop experience00:31
d0tsun7clonezilla is a decent tool00:31
k0d3g3arnah, just my home computer workstation.  I develop on it though, so it all all that stuff that is a pain to reinstall00:31
ZaliekBecause you're stuck with the same bugs for a long time00:31
ZaliekAnd a lot of new features you won't get00:31
k0d3g3ard0tsun7: I have a RAID 1 LVM here.  will that work?00:32
ZaliekIMO the ubuntu live cd/usb and using the disks program to image drives works well00:32
d0tsun7k0d3g3ar: i believe an LVM2 snapshot would definitely work as long as your snapshot partition doesn't fill up.00:33
k0d3g3ark thanks00:33
d0tsun7k0d3g3ar: i use LVM all the time, works wonders. i for some reason feel a little safer DDing an image to an external drive, but don't see any reason why LVM2 wouldn't work. LVM2 has definitely gotten me out of some sticky situations00:34
k0d3g3argot it.  thanks00:35
Zaliekk0d3g3ar, for illustrative purposes: I've been upgrading my laptop since 14.04. And I do dev work, VMs, all that jazz00:35
ZaliekI never experienced more than minor glitches from upgrading00:36
k0d3g3arZaliek: this is my first "upgrade".  I've always done fresh installs and gone through the upgrade week of hell each time.  Thought it as my right of passage or something.  Been doing that since 800:36
d0tsun7zaliek: i was not familiar that the ubuntu disk had that option. that's pretty cool.00:36
Zaliekd0tsun7, I really like using that because it's easy to mount those images and explore the files contained in the image00:37
ZaliekClonezilla makes images that I could never figure out how to access besides restoring to a drive00:38
d0tsun7zaliek: will it accept reads on any image or only images produced by that ubuntu disk program? -- that is pretty cool00:38
k0d3g3aris what you are referring to the "Create Disk Image" option in the "Disks" app in the menu?00:38
d0tsun7zaliek: true. clonezilla saves it in an odd way for sure00:38
leftyfbZaliek: it's a raw image. Using something like losetup to detect and setup loop devices for you to mount the separate partitions00:38
ZaliekYeah that's the option00:38
ZaliekIt pretty much works exactly the same as if you inserted a physical drive00:39
ZaliekUse the OS tools to decrypt and mount partitions, etc00:39
d0tsun7so if im in "Disks" where would isee that tool00:40
d0tsun7ah i see it.00:40
d0tsun7well that's nifty. learn something new every day.00:41
ZaliekYeah depends on the version of gnome you're running00:41
ZaliekThey like to change the UI00:41
d0tsun7so if you wanted to browse that image, which option would you select to view those files00:42
ZaliekAttach Disk Image00:43
d0tsun7within the Disks 3 dotted icon to reveal the menu00:43
d0tsun7ahh, nice.00:43
d0tsun7interesting no permissions conflict doing it that way.00:43
d0tsun7pretty cool.00:44
d0tsun7i always thought the file system being in use would stop a proper image being taken like that00:44
ZeZuWhy do I get a 'starting a job for /dev/disk-by/UUID' or similar that takes a minute an a half every boot?   I did 'dd' a previous partition to a new drive,  but then expanded the file system (ext4) and it's a clean mount I can't find any reason for this.00:45
ZaliekOh, I dunno if I'd take an image while the system is running00:45
ZaliekI boot the installer in live mode and take an image there00:46
d0tsun7zaliek: roger that.00:47
k0d3g3ari don't think it lets you take an image of it while it is running.  I'm getting "Error unmounting /dev/md0p2:  target is busy"00:50
d0tsun7k0d3g3ar good call00:50
k0d3g3arI think I have to do this off a livecd00:51
d0tsun7hey anyone know about dash to panel gnome extention in 19.10? i seem to have lost my task bar integrated into my top bar when i upgraded from 18.1000:52
d0tsun7i remember having to fenagle with it when i upgraded from 16.04 to 17.04. seemed to work through 18.04, buut now back to not working with 19.1000:53
Zaliekgnome extensions are very fragile00:54
ZaliekI'd consider it a miracle if they're still functioning on a new version of gnome00:54
d0tsun7yeah for sure...seems to have trouble00:54
=== DarthRadar3 is now known as DarthRadar
cluelessperson_d0tsun7, Zaliek   You can set the filesystem to read only and image it then.01:09
d0tsun7cluelessperson_ oh really01:10
cluelessperson_d0tsun7, as long as you're not running anything that requires writing01:13
fructoseleftyfb | d0tsun7: also, undo anything fructose told you. You should not need any special configs for CTRL+shift+C to work01:30
fructosed0tsun7: You wanted to yank from vim, right?01:31
ZeZueh it's starting to look like time to switch to another distro01:34
oerheks1ZeZu, one could perform a filecheck/smart report01:36
ZeZualready all done01:37
ZeZualso checked journalctl01:37
ZeZubut that's not the only reason i'm considering switching after over a decade,  it's been one problem after another01:37
ZeZuanyhow, with that particular problem I think it was timing out so i changed the timeout for persistent journal to 10s and it still goes for 90sec ..01:39
Bashing-omZeZu: duplicated the UUIDs -such that now they are no longer unique ?01:40
ZeZuno, the other partition is not on a connected device01:41
ZeZuOfc I googled and found out this seems to have been a common problem, and was solved by some changes to init scripts .. however the changes are already in place it was an older problem. I haven't been able to pin a reason down at all01:42
oerheks1vague, "init scipts" ..01:43
ZeZuindeed but I don't currently recall which tbh01:43
ZeZuthere are quite a few after all01:43
ZeZuif you want more fun,   video is still tearing in browser and vlc .. sometimes other things flicker through vlc,  all instances of chrome turn completely black after resuming from sleep,  libstdc++ is still 'broken' (imo why would it need another library to link to w. -fs suffix, yet the non -fs one contains filesystem it just doesn't work) and yeah I could keep going on like the energizer bunny but it's pointless.  I seem to have01:46
ZeZuexcellent luck lately with ubuntu01:46
energizerand going and going01:47
ZeZudidn't know i'd his someones handle lmao01:47
ZeZusystemd-journal-flush.service https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/442201:51
altendkylotuspsychje: welp, i just got back to this and also to a point with the external monitor working.  The two other issues we've dealt with are still present but hey, one by one.  https://github.com/altendky/issues/issues/1#issuecomment-56019733202:16
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altendkysince i am presently recreating https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1854177 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1854413 in Ubuntu 18.04 rather than the reported 19.10, should I report new bugs?  can I add other distribution versions to the same issue?02:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1854177 in linux (Ubuntu) "Black screen after resume from suspend on Lenovo ThinkPad P1 Gen 2" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1854413 in linux (Ubuntu) "Backlight adjustments shows OSD but does not change anything on Samsung OLED panel" [Medium,Confirmed]02:24
* rocky is there any reason here as a regular user i shouldn't be able to use the smartctl tool to check out my nvme drive? can't seem to get it working...02:31
altendkyrocky: is that a gen2?02:32
rockysudo works fine of course02:32
rockyatol-71: the laptop you mean? yes02:32
altendkyor just straight x1 extreme02:32
rockygen2 yeah02:33
rockytrying to monitor the temp of my nvme drives02:33
rockywithout sudo02:33
altendkyrocky: sorry to hijack, i don't know anything about those tools.  i'm forgetting if we had talked...  :|  i'm working on getting three things working at once on my p1 gen 2 (with oled).  resume, screen brightness, and hdmi.  (and i guess i'd like it to be kubuntu 19.10...)  i think i might be close to having resolutions for each but i'm curious, are they all working for you?02:35
leftyfbrocky: https://www.computing.zone/run-smartctl-without-password/02:36
leftyfbrocky: also, did you log out and back in after adding yourself to the disk group?02:37
akkI have a bug on launchpad and I've been asked to add an attachment. I click on "add attachment or patch", navigate to the file and click Open, add a comment for it and click "Post comment" ...02:38
rocky@leftyfb yeah,otherwise running "groups" didn't display the disk group that was in my paste... but i'll try the sudoers thing02:39
rockyaltendky: i haven't tried hdmi ... but resume (from suspend) and screen brightness work fine02:39
akk... and the "Add a comment or attachment" page reloads, with the filename gone, but if I go back to the bug page and reload, my attachment isn't there.02:39
leftyfbrocky: you'll still need to use sudo to run smartctl, it just won't ask for a password. But, if you're running this in any sort of automated way, you really should just be running it as root02:39
akkWhat am I doing wong, how can I attach files to a bug?02:39
altendkyrocky: what distro/release/kernel version, if you don't mind?  oled screen?02:39
rockyleftyfb: all i'm doing is trying to get the Freon gnome extension to display my nvme drive temps in the task bar02:40
rockyand i'm assuming it can't do sudo since it refreshes evrery 5 sec02:40
leftyfbrocky: use lmsensors?02:40
rockylmsensors doesn't do nvme02:40
rockyaltendky: ubuntu 19.10 with standard kernel02:41
rockyFreon has support for using nvme-cli and smarttools to monitor nvme temp apparently but it's not working for me :/02:41
altendkyrocky: alrighty, thanks.02:41
rockyaltendky: i should add that this was originally a 19.04 setup and i upgraded (without using the ubuntu live cd) to 19.1002:42
rockyaltendky: only thing not working for me (that i wish was working) is the fingerprint device02:43
altendkyrocky: best i know on that is that fprintd iirc is supposed to support it in v202:43
rockyyeah that's what i've seen as well02:43
rockyi have an external usb-based fingerprint device that i refuse to use lol02:43
altendkyrocky: though i didn't bother on my last laptop because only one auth mechanism (fingerprint or password) could be active at once.  so you had to fail the active one to use the other which just seemed silly.02:44
Bashing-omrocky: Add the nvme to /etc/hddtemp.db ? I had to for my SSD device: https://askubuntu.com/questions/474669/ssd-temperature-sensor-readout-with-hddtemp .02:44
rockyoh, i've never really used the fingerprint stuff in linux anyhow so i didnt know what to expect02:44
rockyBashing-om: hm, i have no /etc/hddtemp.db02:45
altendkyrocky: it may be different now.  that was a couple years ago maybe02:45
Bashing-omrocky: Got me - I donot recall if the installation of "lmsensors" creates the file. "sysop@x1804mini:~$ ls -al /etc/hddtemp.db02:47
Bashing-om>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6811 Sep 21 18:48 /etc/hddtemp.db"02:47
rockywell i mean this just seems to be a very weird perms problem to me... you can see it not working for my regular user when it clearly should (and working fine with sudo) here:  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/DzRK1y06/02:48
rockyobviously my current user, rocky, is in the disk group and the disk group has rw access to the device02:49
altendkyrocky: i'd expect it to go into /sys somewhere, not the device itself.  wouldn't that /dev/nvme1n1 be the actual on-disk data?02:50
rockyhm, you may have a valid point02:50
altendkyrocky: though i've got no *nvme* under there...  hmm02:50
altendkybah, on the first laptop i don't because, well, it doesn't have nvme.  plenty of hits on the laptop that does :]02:51
rockyyeah i installed a second nvme on this thinkpad so i have my 512gb for ubuntu and my 1tb for windows dual boot02:52
rockyalthough i run ubuntu about 95% and windows 5%02:52
rockyand i wasn't able to install a heat sink on my additional nvme drive which is why i'm trying to monitor temp lol02:53
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=== Leion1 is now known as Leion
denza242Hi, my audio doesn't seem to work unless I run alsactl restore every time i plug in my headphones03:31
sazawalI have this bug in my recently installed gnome-shell for Ubuntu 19.04, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1822846 . Someone has mentioned that "This bug was fixed in the package gnome-shell - 3.32.1-1ubuntu1~19.04.1". My question is how do I apply this fix, or how do I upgrade my gnome-shell to this version. My gnome-shell version is GNOME Shell 3.32.003:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1822846 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Eoan) "Icon disappears from favorites in gnome-shell 3.32 (upstream dock, not the ubuntu-dock)" [High,Fix released]03:46
Bashing-om!info gnome-shell disco03:53
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.32.2-2ubuntu1~ubuntu19.04.1 (disco), package size 657 kB, installed size 3288 kB03:53
Bashing-omsazawal: ^^ ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' .03:53
matsamanErikria: allo allo04:01
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sazawalBashing-om, Hi. it doesn't show any upgrades when I update it. I don't know if this particular Gnome 3.32.1-1 is a normal update or a fix04:02
Bashing-omsazawal: checking.04:03
Bashing-omsazawal: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-shell&searchon=names&suite=disco-updates&section=all suggest it is  a normal update.04:05
sazawalBashing-om, I see. How do I go about applying this update?04:06
Bashing-omsazawal: sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade ?04:07
sazawalBashing-om, it says that the system is up to date.04:07
Bashing-omsazawal: Hummm ... how about sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-shell ?04:08
sazawalBashing-om, Yes I also tried that, but ended up installing the same version.04:09
sazawalBy the way, when I go to Settings>Details, it says that my Gnome is 3.32.1. But on terminal, gnome-shell --version says that I have 3.32.004:10
Bashing-omsazawal: Pastebin ' apt policy gnome-shell ' - see what we can do to find out the why.04:13
sazawalBashing-om, Hi. Sorry I will be back later. I gotta go now.04:15
fooDownloaded ubuntu desktop ISO. I'm on OS X. I think I have to install the ISO to a USB thumb drive, correct? I have an 8GB thumb drive right here04:27
Bashing-omfoo: "copy" the .ISO to the USB thumb drive ( Mac has 'dd',no?).04:29
fooBashing-om: yes, I believe it's just a dd command to do the "copy" (I don't believe you mean to actually cp file.iso /Volumes/thumb-drive04:29
gry8GB thumb drive is good04:30
fooperhaps the better question is, in os x, how do I dd the ubuntu desktop ISO to the 8GB thumb drive? (I think that's what needs to happen, anyway)04:31
matsamanfoo: like what the device path will be?04:33
foomatsaman: so, I just downloaded ubuntu desktop. It downloads a 2GB ISO.04:33
fooahh, perfect... that's what I'm looking for04:33
foothank you matsaman  :)04:33
matsamanthere are apps if you'd rather, but04:34
Bashing-omfoo: I expect Mac to be similar to ubuntu's command. i.e 'sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync" .04:34
* foo a bit rusty, first time installing ubuntu desktop in over a decade04:34
matsamanusually confirming a particular device is the same size as what it should be is enough04:34
matsamancan't say I've ever dd'd from macOS04:34
matsamany'know, just don't get of= wrong =)04:34
altendkywhat's the upside of dd vs. cp for this?  i've just been doing cp kubuntu-... /dev/sdc04:41
foooh, I didn't think I could cp like that?04:41
fooI like that idea if that works04:41
fooaltendky: and you can boot from that?04:41
altendkyfoo: i didn't think so either but...  though i've been doing it in linux, not macos.  yes, done that several times recently working through some issues on my new laptop04:42
altendkybut like i asked, i don't know if there are reasons to use dd instead04:42
daxthere aren't04:44
leftyfbaltendky: cp isn't meant to do that. dd is also able to work with block devices in ways cp cannot. Like copying in different chunk sizes starting or ending at different by sectors04:45
oerheks1dd, sync04:45
leftyfbjust because something "works", doesn't mean it's the right tool for the job. I see no advantage of using cp over dd.04:45
altendkyleftyfb: other than intended usage of the commands, the difference in this case is that you might be able to get better performance if you pick the 'right' block size for dd?04:46
altendkyleftyfb: sure, i'm not arguing cp is better.04:46
daxthey do the same thing, and last time i benchmarked them cp wasn't any slower04:46
daxif you're used to one of them, just use that04:47
foohuh, good to know. thanks altendky for sharing that.04:49
fooMore for curiosity, I'll probably go with sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync04:49
fooAlthough not sure what the sync does04:49
foosync -- force completion of pending disk writes (flush cache)04:50
matsamanparticularly useful for usb storage04:51
matsamanwhich can frequently pretend it's done when it isn't04:51
foomatsaman: good to know04:51
matsamanusually because of the FSes preferred by USB, but still04:52
DarkTrick(A) Could someone confirm please? (1) Open "Show Applications" (2) Find an application who's name is too long to display (so "..." is shown) (3) hover over it. (4) There is no tooltip showing the full name of the application.04:57
matsamanDarkTrick: in what version?04:58
DarkTrick(A) matsaman, 19.1004:58
foosudo dd if=ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64-2.iso of=/dev/disk2s2 bs=4M status=progress && sync says dd: bs: illegal numeric value05:10
* foo investigates05:10
bayarHi, where I can get some help about conjure?05:10
bayarAnd MAAS.05:11
bayarI'm trying to setup open stack using conjure-up and I'm blocked with : ceph-mon/2 waiting for machine05:12
leftyfbbayar: try #maas05:12
bayarThanks leftyfb05:13
foo$ sudo dd if=ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64-2.iso of=/dev/disk2s2 bs=4m && sync05:15
foodd: /dev/disk2s2: Operation not permitted05:15
foobah. OS X.05:15
oerheks1use disk, not partition  /dev/disk205:16
djznwe used to have /etc/network/interfaces but now that file is gone. Where exactly do we have the file in which is all the networking interfaces listed in new Ubuntu?05:19
Bashing-om!netplan | djzn05:20
ubottudjzn: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/05:20
oerheks1djzn, on what ubuntu ?05:20
matsamanyaml, gross05:20
oerheks1you might have networkmanager takng care of that05:20
djznI cat'ed this file there is nothing on it05:21
oerheks1that is correct.05:21
djznRenderer: Network manager05:21
djznand where is the file NetworkManager is talking about the ifaces?05:21
lotuspsychjematsaman: lets keep general opinions out of the support channel please05:22
matsamansure, but if you don't want people to consider a thing, why put it into the factoid05:24
djznoerheks1, it says it should be /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections05:25
djzndir is empty! LOL05:25
lotuspsychjematsaman: the yaml file is essential to netplan05:26
matsamanlotuspsychje: uhuh, but not that it's yaml05:26
ColdKeyboardAnyone have a suggestion why a Ubuntu Server would stop responding to ssh after a while (hours or days)?06:04
ColdKeyboardI've built my NAS and it works perfectly most of the time but after I don't use it for hours or days, I try to SSH into it and it's not responding...06:04
ColdKeyboardI don't have a monitor or keyboard attached to it so I can only setup/diagnose it remotely06:04
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pi0how do i tell which driver version a usb device is running06:51
tatertotspi0: depends on the device...usb webcams common in laptops will using a kernel uvcvideo driver07:11
pi0trying to compile these drivers07:12
tatertotsif you're trying to do something with USB WLAN adapters there's a lot of people here that get a kick out of stuff like that...maybe jeremy is around07:12
EdFletcherT137pi0: you could diff the output of `lsmod` from before & after plugging in the device, that might tell you something. also, `dmesg` and `syslog`07:13
tatertotsif so let's be specific and actually state it's a USB wireless card instead of generically and vaguely saying "usb device"07:13
tatertotspi0: is it a USB wireless adapter?07:14
pi0EdFletcherT137: i will check that out07:14
pi0tatertots: yes07:14
pi0RTL8188ETV 0bda:017907:15
tatertots...why i had to force that out of you is beyond me lol07:15
pi0ah i should have used better wording, that is correct :D07:16
pi0my apologies07:16
pi0i noticed i had this cheap little usb adaptor that supports monitor mode07:16
pi0based on that github07:16
pi0EdFletcherT137: tatertots: i ran the make all, sudo make install07:19
pi0and thought that would install the drivers07:19
pi0after those commands did i need to use dkms add .07:19
pi0dkms build 8188eu/1.007:19
pi0dkms install 8188eu/1.007:19
tatertotspi0: your instructions tell you to reboot or unplug / replug the device?...if so did you follow the instructions to the letter?07:21
pi0it does not07:25
pi0there is a lot of assuming07:25
pi0in that instructions07:25
=== MrSheesh is now known as Mr_Sheesh
tatertotsducasse: hey this guy has a wlan adapter and wants to make it work07:27
pi0yes please07:27
LopeI've installed ubuntu via debootstrap, and then KDE plasma, so I've got a minimal system. I want to be able to print a document via a physical USB printer now08:34
LopeI've installed cups but I don't have a printer GUI and my printer doesn't show up when I try print a document08:34
rbasakSounds like you got yourself a _broken_ minimal system by using debootstrap instead of a supported installer.08:35
Lopepreviously when I had a full-fat Ubuntu install I used to be able to just plugin a USB printer, and there was a GTK/QT GUI in my program launcher that used to list all my printers08:35
rbasakSimplest solution: use a proper installer!08:35
Lopeand when I pressed print, it listed my printer, and I could print.08:35
LopeWhat is the gtk/qt printer GUI program called?08:35
LopeI'm not going to reinstall.08:36
LopeI want to know what components are needed for printing08:36
ducasseyou are looking for system-config-printer, maybe?08:38
ducassethat's the gnome thingy, though, no idea of the kde couterpart08:39
Lopeah yes, I just found and installed that08:41
ducasseyou could also use the cups web interface08:42
IndustrialHi. I'm on 19.10. I am not using GNOME but I am using XMonad. How do I connect to my Bluetooth Speaker from the command line?08:51
=== Leion1 is now known as Leion
melatoninaHello. I'm using Ubuntu 19.10. In the last few weeks, I need to press Control-C (or click on the "Copy" menu item) two or three times to actually copy something. This started with 19.04 and was not fixed when I upgraded to 19.10. It didn't use to be so. Do you know why?09:12
ice9how to enable RDP in remmina?09:18
gryask ##linux09:18
ice9when i access RDP of remote windows server i get "the display settings cannot be changed from a remote session" and i'm unable to change the resolution, any idea?09:33
ice9guys i really need help on this;  i tried rdesktop and remmina to access remote windows server but the resolution is too small and i'm unable to change it, any idea?09:56
nshannoying problem has manifested on a relatively fresh xubuntu 19 install where NetworkManager can't seem to store/access secrets for mobile broadband connection10:47
nsh(has no trouble with wifi secrets)10:47
nshanyone encountered this or have ideas on how to debug?10:47
nsh(gnome-keyring-daemon is running)10:48
nshi can enter the password in "edit connections" for the connection but it is lost immediately or not saved at all10:48
nsheven more annoyingly it's just "password" because 4g is derp10:49
nshso i can echo "password" | nmcli --ask con up <connection name>10:49
nshand it works fine, but obviously it'd be far preferable if nm-applet would do it properly10:49
Seveasnsh: is /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/$NAME_OF_CONNECTION writable?10:50
Seveasif it doesn't exist, make sure you've made the connection available to all users in the applet10:52
doublel93Hello, is keyserver.ubuntu.com down or something ? I see a internal server error like this one https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&options=mr&exact=on&search=0x7BF576066ADA65728FC7E70A8C47BE8E75BCA69410:53
Seveasdoublel93: looks like it10:54
nsh600 root.root Seveas (read/writable by root)10:54
nshsame as the wifi connections10:54
nshseems the integration with the secrets agent is broken somehow10:55
Seveasshould be good. Is the password in the file?10:55
nshno password field, just password-flags=110:56
Seveasyou could try manually adding it to the file and restarting. Don't know the name of the field though, it's been a while since I did 3g from the laptop :(10:57
Seveasah, the field name is password10:59
doublel93Seveas, do you know where I can find info/updates about it ? I can't install certbot :(10:59
nshin NM debug output when i save the connection in nm-applet there's: <debug> [1575284332.2868] Saving secrets for connection /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/6 (giffgaff Mobile Broadband)10:59
nshbut the file is untouched10:59
Seveasflag 0x0000001 the agent owns the secret11:00
Seveasso there's a setting you've ticked somewhere that makes it not store the password11:01
SeveasI have no clue which one that would be though. Still digging through code :)11:01
Seveashmm, that seems to be the default11:03
Seveasdoublel93: unfortunately not. But you can grab keys from other servers. apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver url_of_other_keyserver_here key_id_here11:04
doublel93ok thanks11:05
nshty Seveas, will debug a bit more when i've had lunch :)11:08
scratchywhos guilty on this? :D11:10
lluadAnyone know off-hand where i'd start to debug xorg crashes in 19.10? Directions on building from upstream source and running it manually, say.11:12
tsarompyyour Xorg log id think?11:14
lluadYeah, I've got that and gdb backtraces of the crash. Now I probably need to start doing git bisect to see where the bug was introduced upstream, I think.11:15
solsTiCehi. I have an issue with the wifi on BCM43142. the connection is ok and then immediatly disconnect and loop like that. I can see in the log of the AP that my wifi interface is authenticated and associated. I amusing wl driver on 19.10.11:27
tsarompydo you have multiple things managing your card?11:28
tsarompyi had a similar issue using wicd when networkmanager was running11:28
jeremy31solsTiCe: in terminal do>  sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf && systemctl restart network-manager.service11:36
jeremy31That will disable wifi power management11:36
sveinseI'm having problems getting 19.10 up and running with multiple screens on my Lenovo P51 laptiop (using hybrid graphics). It just doesn't detect the external screens. Running the testet nvidia driver. The irony is that this is working on 18.04. Any ideas on how to proceed?11:49
sveinseGive up 19.10 and wait for 20.04?11:49
sveinseI've tested running discrete graphics only from BIOS. This hangs the 19.10 boot and I get no gdm login.11:51
sveinseRunning nouveau had no positive effect. Still only the built-in display and it won't detect the external screens11:55
solsTiCestill no wifi12:14
solsTiCeI even disable country reg set. no luck12:18
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neopsycheHi all.. im having some SMB issue.. the server shows .. but when clicking on it (ubuntu 18 share to ubuntu 16 machine) it just says ;timed out;12:44
neopsycheI am trying to share to kodi12:44
neopsycheFailed to retrieve share list from server: Connection timed out12:48
BluesKajHowdy folks12:57
neopsycheapologies, it was simple firewall issue12:58
neopsychekeep well all12:58
=== westor{off} is now known as westor
Lopeducasse, sorry for late reply thanks, you were right BTW13:37
ducasseabout system-config-printer? i had to install it manually myself, i have a similar situation13:39
giacohello. Sometimes the sdcard slot in my laptop stops working and I have to reboot the laptop to get it back agains. How can I troubleshoot this?14:36
Phruisgiaco, look at your logs with gnome log viewer14:46
Phruisgiaco, probably some module is crashing14:46
IndustrialHi. I'm on 19.10. How do I connect to my Bluetooth Speaker from the command line?14:50
ChunkyzHi there! how do I set "permissions" for a folder/user so that everyone can access the folder?14:53
ChunkyzI'm seeing only root can: drwxrwx--- 7 777 root 4096 Dec  1 21:59 /mnt/2TB/Downloads/config14:53
mousesChunkyz: You need to set the 'other' flags.  In this case, chmod directoryname o+rwx14:55
mousesChunkyz: add a -R if you want it to recursively set perms to any files/directories in that directory.14:55
mousesFar better to assign a group and use group access, however, setting full world read/write/exec like that can and often is a security hole14:56
Chunkyzsudo chown *ubuntuuser*:*ubuntuuser* /mnt/2TB/Downloads/config14:57
Chunkyzsorted I think, just rebooting.14:57
giacoPhruis: no hints from dmesg :-/15:01
OolChunkyz: what's FS do you have on your external device ?15:04
Ecko_If I added a new route to my routing table, is a network restart needed?15:06
Ecko_And if I indeed do a restart, what happens with the current connections?15:06
leftyfbEcko_: depends on how you added the route15:10
gradyHi, does somebody else have problem to play x265 videos wirh Nvidia drivers? It is slugish but in windows there isnt any problem.15:12
gradyIm one click away to buy 5700 xt, but does it fix the issue15:14
gradySearch engines dosnt find anything what fit to  my problem15:16
ioriagrady, i think it's a codec problem, not driver's15:17
gradyWhat you mean?15:17
gradyDo you have same issue15:18
adrian_1908grady: x265 works smoothly here on GTX970, proprietary drivers.15:18
gradyI have 960 gtx15:18
gradyWith 4gb ram15:18
adrian_1908Which player are you using?15:19
gradyAnd 440 drivers15:19
gradyVlc mpv...15:19
ioriagrady, ^ what player ?15:19
ioriagrady, mpv should work15:20
adrian_1908Using mpv here too, 390 drivers. Never had any issues in that regard in the past.15:20
gradyMy hevc videos has 100mb bitrate and 60fps15:20
lotuspsychjegrady: ubuntu version? computer specs?15:21
gradyVlc plays these same files in windows ok15:22
gradySo i think that the problem is in the drivers15:23
ioriagrady, easy to test; remove nvidia and try with nouveau15:23
gradyIt isnt what i want15:24
ZeZuare you even using a hardware decoder?15:24
gradyI still want to use my desktop15:24
ZeZuor what does this have to do with the video driver?15:24
SE7EN`do glxinfo | grep "client glx version string"15:25
ducasseis the vdpau driver installed?15:25
gradyMy cpu is that 2011v3 58xxK i715:26
grady4.2ghz oc15:26
gradyMem is 32gb ddr4 2400mhz15:27
adrian_1908grady: run what was suggested and report back15:28
gradyVdpau? I use nvidias ubuntu team drivers15:28
SE7EN`grady: those specs should have no problem with decoding as long as you have the right modules and such15:28
altendkyif i'm building master-next, what config should i use to be as it will be released?  just remove the file and then `yes '' | make oldconfig`?15:29
SE7EN`grady: Also check VLC -> Tools -> Preferences -> Input & Codec Settings, maybe try a different setting than "automatic"15:29
gradyI already tested all of them, no change15:30
SE7EN`grady: join #vlc and post glxinfo as well as current version of nvidia drivers15:31
SE7EN`grady: #videolan sorry15:31
gradyBut i need them working on video editors.. it isnt just vlc problem15:31
gradyI also use low latency kernel image15:32
gradyNot help15:32
SE7EN`without posting any info regarding your current packages it would be hard to troubleshoot. Hardware decoding can get sticky especially if not using stable tested nvidia packages15:33
SE7EN`and/or multiple GPUs15:33
gradyHevc dosnt work on any debian or ubuntu based distros, with or without ubuntus own nvidia drivers15:35
SE7EN`my thought process of joining the #videolan channel is that they have guys who mess around with decoding on the regular.15:35
SE7EN`grady: just post results of the command `glxinfo|egrep "OpenGL vendor|OpenGL renderer*"`  without the ``s15:36
gradyI do after i get to my computer. Im now on my phone...15:37
SE7EN`grady: Okay. Feel free to drop me PM I'm at work but on bouncer.15:37
ZeZuI guess at least mine works,  no vsync and other items flickers through but i'm just used to it15:38
SE7EN`another thing to try would to ensure PowerMizer is set to Performance in nvidia-settings15:38
ZeZuor just use the software decoder15:39
SE7EN`that too.15:39
ZeZuit has better quality anyhow15:39
SE7EN`i7 shouldn't have problems15:39
SE7EN`but I could be wrong15:39
ZeZuno the decoder wouldn't have an issue with that cpu unless he's trying to decode 8k files w. a bunch of background processes15:40
SE7EN`Yeah which is totally possible knowing this channel. Might be worth getting sysbench results too just to see the health state15:42
ZeZuindeed never know,  video could be on an ancient half dead hdd over usb2 trying to decode 4k+15:44
ZeZumixed with whatever random other things trying to use it15:44
SE7EN`-_- smh, *rides away on cybertruck with elon musk* :P15:44
gradyback to computer15:50
=== westor{off} is now known as westor
ioriagrady, the first thing i'd suggest is to install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:16
kantlivelongis there list of kernel command line options to disable security mitigation for recent cpu exploits?16:20
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: maybe the #ubuntu-kernel guys might know that one16:20
kantlivelongrighto will try there16:21
=== WaV_ is now known as WaV
d0tsun7mornin ubuntu dudes16:33
d0tsun7hope everyoens coffee is legit16:33
=== Phruis` is now known as Phruis
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
=== heidie-fr is now known as heidie-fr|idle
Dasunihello, who can help me with mozilla thunderbird?17:01
JonelethIrenicusDasuni, ask your question17:02
Dasuniwhen i send message from email, i get error 8000400517:03
JonelethIrenicusdid you try restarting thunderbird17:04
=== tucked is now known as disi
Dasunimany times restarted. The computer also17:05
JonelethIrenicusdisable lighting17:05
JonelethIrenicusthe addon17:05
JonelethIrenicusdoes that solve the problem/17:05
Dasuniok, i try17:06
Dasunino, it not helps17:07
ZeZuok,  deff journald that is broken17:08
ZeZuor not,  it's syslog17:12
JonelethIrenicusDasuni, sorry i do not know then17:12
Dasuniok, thx17:12
=== ndroftheline_ is now known as ndroftheline
geniiA 91G syslog sounds to me like something is screwy with your logrotate settings17:26
Volad_MalevichHi guys, help me to install drivers on Wifi on the laptop17:34
geniiVolad_Malevich: What adapter is it?17:37
Volad_MalevichRT3592 Wireless 802.11abgn 2T / 2R PCIe17:37
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
Volad_Malevichgenii RT3592 Wireless 802.11abgn 2T / 2R PCIe17:41
ioriaVolad_Malevich, can you paste lspci -nnk ?   ( lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 9999 )17:45
Volad_Malevichioria https://termbin.com/8kr617:47
ioriaVolad_Malevich, dmesg | grep rt2  | nc termbin.com 999917:47
Volad_Malevichioria empty output17:51
ioriaVolad_Malevich,   what's your kernel  ? uname -r17:52
Volad_Malevichioria 4.15.0-72-generic17:52
ioriaVolad_Malevich,   sudo modprobe -v rt2800pci17:55
geniiVolad_Malevich: Apologies on lag, work required me. But I see that you are being assisted now17:57
JonelethIrenicushow can i remove the snap folder in my home folder?18:09
leftyfbJonelethIrenicus: why do you need to?18:09
leftyfbJonelethIrenicus: some applications are installed from snap by default now. So your settings for those applications will be in that directory. Deleting that will not go unpunished18:10
JonelethIrenicusleftyfb, it bothers me18:10
JonelethIrenicusleftyfb, shouldn't it be in a .snap folder then18:11
JonelethIrenicusi will never interact with it18:11
JonelethIrenicusso why is it in my home folder and not a dot file if it is in the home folder?18:11
leftyfbJonelethIrenicus: feel free to join #snappy and/or file a bug report if one doesn't already exist.18:11
leftyfbJonelethIrenicus: other than that, you should leave it18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575053 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Please move the "$HOME/snap" directory to a less obtrusive location" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:13
leftyfblooks like the devs aren't interested in changing it18:15
JonelethIrenicusmakes no sense18:16
JonelethIrenicustypical for canonical though i guess18:16
Volad_Malevichioria sudo modprobe -v rt2800pci tells empty18:21
pi0how can you determine which usb wireless adapter  driver is being used?18:23
pi0i recently compiled a driver and wanted to determine if it was being used18:23
=== car_ is now known as car
Volad_Malevichioria sudo lshw -C network shows next: https://termbin.com/6dhf18:25
ioriaVolad_Malevich,  again    lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999918:26
Volad_Malevichioria https://termbin.com/orgt18:28
ioriaVolad_Malevich,  the module now is loaded : paste   dmesg | tail | nc termbin.com 999918:29
pi0any proper way to trouble shooting18:30
ZeZugrr,  so i deleted the 92G syslog,  and now it's going 'somewhere' ... disk usage analyser cant even find it but it's used up another 92G and du isn't being helpful either18:30
Volad_Malevichioria I see... last time I sent you output of lspci -nnk I disabled it manually adding it to blacklist /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rt2800pci.conf18:31
Volad_Malevichthat's why this time driver enabled18:31
ducasseZeZu: something must have been holding the file open18:31
ioriaVolad_Malevich, yes ....18:31
ioriaVolad_Malevich, why did you blacklist it ?18:31
Volad_Malevichioria https://termbin.com/5ep218:32
* ZeZu sighs18:32
ioriaVolad_Malevich, is associated now; does it work ?18:32
Volad_Malevichioria tried to reinstall it earlier using forum manual18:33
ioriaVolad_Malevich, is associated now; does it work ?18:33
Volad_MalevichI see all networks, but when I trying to connect it fails18:33
SimonNLpi0: lspci -nnk  like ioria showed or  sudo lshw -C network like Volad_Malevich showed    lshw possibly needs installing18:34
ioriaVolad_Malevich, try to disconnect the other device (usb lan adapter wlx502b73a0010e)18:34
Volad_Malevichother time connecting, but when I open any site in browser wifi connection to router again disconnecting18:34
ZeZuI guess it wants another 2 minute reboot,   anyone know how I can pin down what is actually taking  systemd-journal-flush that long,  I think it's a timeout but i changed the timeout val in systemd-journal-flush.service and it doesn't change the 90second wait18:35
ZeZuas with everything else,  it only confuses things more for no reason18:35
ZeZujournalctl -u systemd-journal-flush -o short-monotonic -b  : runs w.o a hitch,  so i know the journal is being written,  can i just rearrange its boot order and put it after something further in ?18:36
Volad_Malevichioria wlx502b73a0010e helps me to reach my notebook. All action that I did with onboard wifi I did with wlx502b73a0010e disconnected18:36
ioriaVolad_Malevich, so you can connect , but the connection drops suddenly ?18:38
pi0SimonNL: what is the proper way to install drivers18:38
pi0i compied them18:38
Volad_Malevichyes... it drops or any wifi-networks not in list18:39
pi0SimonNL: tying to do this https://github.com/quickreflex/rtl8188eus18:39
SimonNLpi0: you'll have to wait for someone else to answer that18:39
Volad_Malevichioria can I send you DM?18:40
ioriaVolad_Malevich, DM ?18:40
Volad_Malevichdirect message18:40
ioriaVolad_Malevich, usually we work on  public , but if you relly need it, ok18:41
ZeZuto install drivers?  you just put them in the correct kernel modules directory18:41
ZeZumost should handle it in build18:42
ZeZusince they are versioned for the kernel you build for18:42
ZeZuthat one is dkms, it should deff. install itself18:43
Volad_Malevichioria I don't care, but it's more comfortablу18:43
ZeZu@ pi018:43
ducassepi0: just do the dkms steps and you should be set18:43
pi0after compile?18:43
ducasseno make install needed18:44
ZeZuit will do it for you18:44
ducassedkms does that18:44
pi0so just do make all18:44
pi0then dkms18:44
ZeZuread that url18:44
ducasseno make18:44
ZeZuyou don't need to make it yourself18:44
SimonNLOr with DKMS     didn't see that myself at first18:45
pi0hmm but its only src18:45
pi0from that github18:45
pi0not compiled drivers18:46
ducasseyes, dkms will build it for your kernel18:46
pi0i will read that18:46
pi0brb thank you18:46
pi0be right back18:46
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
croraf_Hi. I see here https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/kernel/linux-generic that 5.3.0-23 is latest, but my updater offers me 5.3.0-24. How come?19:17
ubottuUbuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) is the 31st release of Ubuntu, supported until July 2020. Release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EoanErmine/ReleaseNotes19:18
EriC^!info linux-generic eoan19:18
ZeZuI about give up,  fix one problem at two more popup ...  I found out what was holding up my boot,  but it holding it up was the only thing making gdm3 work ... which was the reason i had to reinstall a second time.    It's supposed to auto login,  it doesn't, i get login screen.. whatever:  login.. only it doesn't go to the desktop it just goes right back to login screen19:18
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (eoan), package size 1 kB, installed size 16 kB19:18
ZeZuwhatever... switch to lightdm in console, reboot .. lightdm works ... until pc goes to sleep then I have no mouse19:18
EriC^croraf_: 24 is the latest it seems19:18
ZeZuI swear every version gets worse :|19:19
croraf_I think 24 might be prerelease or something. Do you know where is that list that shows which kernel is prerelease?19:21
croraf_Because the link I gave you shows it at the version 5.3.0-2319:22
croraf_!info linux-hwe-edge bionic19:22
ubottuPackage linux-hwe-edge does not exist in bionic19:22
EriC^croraf_: i dont think so, the bot uses the standard repos, if you want do a apt-cache show or apt show linux-generic and see where the link is and whatnot19:23
leftyfbcroraf_: what is your issue exactly?19:23
croraf_I would like to know which is the latest stable kernel version for Eoan19:23
croraf_!info linux-hwe-edge bionic-updates19:24
ubottu'bionic-updates' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, focal, focal-backports, focal-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, x19:24
leftyfbcroraf_: why do you keep asking for info with bionic packages if you are running eoan?19:24
croraf_!info linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge bionic19:25
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge (source: linux-meta-hwe-edge): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x)19:25
croraf_hmmmmm, it says 24 is latest here also :OOOOO19:25
leftyfbcroraf_: please stop. What version of ubuntu are you running?19:25
croraf_Eoan, but I've been suggested to switch to LTS19:25
leftyfbcroraf_: there is no LTS released after Eoan as of yet19:26
leftyfbcroraf_: what does this tell you? cat /etc/issue19:26
croraf_There is bionic19:26
croraf_which is latest LTS19:26
leftyfbcroraf_: what does this tell you? cat /etc/issue19:26
EriC^croraf_: it's normal that the hwe will have the eoan one19:26
leftyfbcroraf_: ok, that is the latest Ubuntu release. There is no upgrading to anything else19:27
leftyfbcroraf_: ok, now pastebin the output of this: apt-cache policy linux-image-generic19:27
croraf_But I didnt know that both have v24. The guy was assuring me v23 is the latst one, and that I have the latest one19:27
croraf_And the package link i provided shows v2319:27
leftyfbcroraf_: pastebin the output of this: apt-cache policy linux-image-generic19:28
leftyfbcroraf_: 24 is the latest but you do not yet have it installed19:29
croraf_leftleg_: Why on the ubuntu packages it doesnt show the 24 but 2319:30
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
croraf_OK, v23 is on [bionic] and v24 is on [bionic-updates]19:32
hggdhcroraf_: yes, because -24 is an update to the delivered kernel19:33
leftyfbcroraf_: bionic latest -edge kernel is 2419:33
leftyfbcroraf_: can I ask, why do you care about any of this? What is your exact issue?19:33
croraf_I want to have the latest stable kernel, and one guy was assuring me that if I have 23 it is the latest.19:34
croraf_Giving me the link to the packages19:34
leftyfbcorrection, bionic latest -edge kernel available from the proposed repo is 24. -updates still has 2319:34
leftyfbcroraf_: just run your normal updates(you haven't) and you will be kept up to date19:34
Volad_Malevichhelp, guys. My laptop onboard wifi time to time becomes gray/don't show any networks/has weak signal with router/drops connection with router. How to solve problem. I can even open any site in browser.19:35
croraf_leftyfb: What does it mean " bionic latest -edge kernel available from the proposed repo is 24. -updates still has 23"?19:36
leftyfbcroraf_: in your case, nothing since you are not running bionic.19:36
croraf_OK, I plan to switch to bionic, because it is LTS, are you ok now19:36
leftyfbcroraf_: there is no downgrade path to bionic. You will need to reinstall from scratch.19:37
croraf_So I want to know, if I reinstall to bionic will I have 24 as the stable latest or 23?19:37
leftyfbcroraf_: neither. You will have a 5.0 kernel19:38
leftyfbcroraf_: why do you care so much about what kernel you are running? Do you have some hardware issue?19:38
croraf_I do19:38
croraf_If I reinstall 18.04 and change to hwe-edge, which one will I have?19:39
leftyfbcroraf_: ok, what hardware issue? Why do you think changing your kernel will help? Please detail your issues here.19:39
croraf_I've bought the latest HP Omen on the market.19:39
croraf_I had big troubles installing Ubuntu. iretia here helped me for 1 day.19:39
croraf_And I had some luck also, we almost quit, and I alsmost switched to widnows19:40
croraf_Now I have issues with my microphone and headphoes.19:40
leftyfb!enter | croraf_19:40
ubottucroraf_: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:40
leftyfbcroraf_: to be honest, I doubt verymuch that a kernel change is going to make a difference with your headphones or microphone19:41
croraf_Also this is the bug that I reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1852636, I still have to disable wayland, and boot with "pci=nommconf".19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1852636 in linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot install any release on HP Omen 17-cb0013nm " [Undecided,Confirmed]19:41
leftyfbcroraf_: regardless, downgrading to Ubuntu 18.04(bionic) from 19.10(eoan) is not going to get you a newer kernel. And if running edge on bionic, it will be the same exact kernel on eoan.19:42
croraf_OK, can you just answer me the question, which one will be installed as latest if I switch to 18.0419:42
croraf_v23 or v24?19:42
leftyfbI already answered that. Neither, it will be a 5.0 kernel, not 5.3.19:43
croraf_If I switch to 18.04 and to hwe-edge?19:44
* leftyfb sigh19:44
leftyfbcroraf_: again, Running the -edge kernel, which will be on bionic (.24 if you enable the proposed repository) will be the SAME EXACT .23 kernel you are currently running(.24 if you just run your normal updates). And again, I do not believe any of these kernels is the solution to your problem.19:45
croraf_OK. I was just wondering if I switch to 18.04 hwe-edge will I get the same kernel as the one I'm able to get with current 19.10. If true (and it is), I will likely switch to the LTS version, as it is LTS, thus recommended.19:47
leftyfbcroraf_: LTS is recommended, running the -edge kernel is not unless it's required for you to run a piece of hardware.19:48
croraf_It is required, cause my wifi needs kernel 5.1.19:48
croraf_v23 is mapped to 5.3.7 mainline, v24 to 5.3.10. 3 patch versions :) so I might get lucky with at least some of my hardware issues :)19:50
leftyfbcroraf_: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/pHfJCtBMY6/19:52
croraf_What does the link tell me?19:54
leftyfbcroraf_: it tells you on Ubuntu 18.04(Bionic), the latest linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04-edge available from the default repos is If you enable the proposed repo, you will update to
croraf_Thx leftyfb . Why cannot i find for eoan here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/linux-generic?20:01
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leftyfbcroraf_: I do not know, nor does it matter in the case of ou getting your hardware working20:02
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leftyfbcroraf_: I do not know, nor does it matter in the case of you getting your hardware working20:02
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sarnoldleftyfb,croraf_, wrong source package, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta-hwe-edge20:02
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leftyfbsarnold: he's linking to the eoan kernel. Not the hwe from bionic20:03
croraf_dont think the one you linked is good, it doesnt even show eoan in there20:03
leftyfbcroraf_: again, in the grand scheme of things, the links don't matter. We have shown what is the latest and what is available. Regardless of what links are posted here.20:05
KINgGh0sTI was trying to install mysql-community-server but it failed, now I cannot purge it or try and fix it 'apt-get install -f'. Can anyone help me get rid of this package? Here is the pastebin of my attempted removal, https://pastebin.com/hQ0CxSfM20:06
sarnoldleftyfb,croraf_, ah not an LTS, then https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta20:07
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d0tsun7what happens when you purge it KINGGh0sT20:07
d0tsun7well i suppose first off, why did it fail20:08
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martiansoulI have a file in the end of which I have the following string - ;return true}service.succeeded=service();20:08
sarnoldd0tsun7: note lines 19 and following20:08
d0tsun7oh sorry didn't see his pastebin, just jumping into chat.20:08
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, no worries thanks for the reply20:08
sarnoldKINgGh0sT: I suggest making a new mysql.service systemd unit file that basically does nothing but run /bin/true20:09
KINgGh0sTsarnold, out of my league, could you walk me through that?20:09
martiansoulI have a file - https://pastebin.com/Qdcu7GBv I want to convert it to https://pastebin.com/xknGeBmn using sed. I'm unable to do that.20:10
d0tsun7you don't have the output of the intial sudo apt-get install mysql-community-server do ya, kinggh0st20:10
martiansoulCan someone please help.20:10
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, let me scroll up and find it if I can20:10
d0tsun7ok thanks20:10
martiansoulHi. it's a little urgent. I can't figure out how sed takes in the endlines and all.20:11
sarnoldKINgGh0sT: sure; try copy-pasting this example here into a file named /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service   https://www.linode.com/docs/quick-answers/linux/start-service-at-boot/   -- then running systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable mysql.service   -- then try the removal again20:11
martiansoulreiterating: I have a file - https://pastebin.com/Qdcu7GBv I want to convert it to https://pastebin.com/xknGeBmn using sed. I'm unable to do that.20:11
sarnoldmartiansoul: try this: sed -i  '/^;return true}$/;service.__moduleBase="https://ip/";return true;}' filename20:12
d0tsun7and how are you trying to do that with sed, maybe pastebin the command so we can see where the syntax error may be20:12
d0tsun7martiansoul ^^20:12
sarnoldmartiansoul: sigh no i'm an idiot, give me another momment20:13
martiansoulthere is no syntax error, it's just that nothing's getting converted.20:13
sarnoldmartiansoul: try this: sed -i  '/^;return true}$/;service.__moduleBase="https:\/\/ip\/";return true;}/' filename20:13
martiansoul@sarnold: it shows sed: 1: "/^;return true}$/;servi ...": invalid command code ;20:14
sarnoldmartiansoul: man can I go back to bed? :) I missed the 's'20:14
sarnoldmartiansoul: try this: sed -i  's/^;return true}$/;service.__moduleBase="https:\/\/ip\/";return true;}/' filename20:14
martiansoulsarnold: oh. yeah. sorry. Please just let me check one more time.20:15
KINgGh0sTsarnold, that gave error of Failed to enable unit: Too many levels of symbolic links20:15
martiansoulwith the desired output.20:15
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, no I cannot scroll that far. It's out of the buffer20:16
martiansoul@sarnold: seems like there's no difference.20:16
sarnoldKINgGh0sT: waaaat.. what's namei -l /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service look like?20:16
leonardusHow do I make this partition encrypted so you have to enter a password to boot it? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/WToFUiri/IMG_20191202_151604.jpg20:16
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matsamanleonardus: usually you actually encrypt filesystems, not partitions20:17
matsamanso that would be after partitioning20:17
d0tsun7kinggh0st dang ok20:17
matsamanthe Ubuntu installer will ask you at some point if you want encryption of you rentire FS20:18
KINgGh0sTsarnold, https://pastebin.com/nCZ012XA20:18
sarnoldmartiansoul: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mw6K4z4zjw/20:19
d0tsun7kinggh0st run sudo dpkg --configure -a and then try to apt-get purge mysql-community-server20:19
d0tsun7that will reconfigure the package database and potentially fix your problem.20:19
d0tsun7let me know20:20
sarnoldKINgGh0sT: man I'm confused :(20:20
martiansoul@sarnold: Oh. so, my file is actually different. It contains lots of text and then  https://pastebin.com/Qdcu7GBv is in the end of file.20:20
sarnoldKINgGh0sT: d0tsun7's advice sounds like it's worth a shot though :)20:20
martiansoulsarnold I apologize for not mentioning that before.20:21
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, no beuno. https://pastebin.com/g7zJvZGu I think the biggest issue is marianadb is messing with it20:21
leonardusmatsaman: it doesn't give me that option if I choose "install alongside Windows", only if I choose "erase the entire disk" which I don't want to do20:21
KINgGh0sTsarnold. shoot I cut off a section by accident. https://pastebin.com/xZFWHq6d20:21
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d0tsun7kinggh0st roger that, one moment20:22
sarnoldmartiansoul: it doesn't matter what comes before or what comes after, it just changes that one line regardless of where it is in the file, see? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K7McBYFWMR/20:22
matsamanleonardus: well if the installer doesn't support it, you'll have to do it manually20:22
sarnoldleonardus: oh ugh20:22
KINgGh0sTThis is what I get for installing following a debian guide by accident...20:22
matsamanleonardus: this is a laptop?20:22
leonardusNo it's a desktop20:22
matsamanleonardus: oh20:22
matsamanleonardus: for a desktop, I strongly recommend just buying another drive and putting it inside the tower20:22
martiansoulsarnold: since it's in the end of the file, that's why maybe it's not changing for me.20:23
matsamanit's very simple, and will make this problem disappear20:23
matsamanand many other problems!20:23
matsamanif you're going to dual boot with Windows, anyway20:23
sarnoldmartiansoul: try copy-pasting exactly what I put into 'foo' into a file named foo, running the sed script, and see what happens..20:23
d0tsun7kinggh0st have you tried sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-community-server20:23
d0tsun7both commands working in tandem20:24
matsamanGNU/Linux requires much less disk space, FWIW20:24
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, yeah. didn't work20:24
d0tsun7kinggh0st sudo apt-get autoremove may do the trick as well potentialy20:24
d0tsun7sudo apt-get clean20:24
martiansoulsarnold: works for me too.20:24
d0tsun7sudo dpkg --configure -a20:25
d0tsun7sudo apt-get autoremove20:25
d0tsun7in that order.20:25
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d0tsun7sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-community-server20:26
d0tsun7in that order, rather :)20:26
martiansoul@sarnold: not sure why, but it isn't working for this file - https://pastebin.com/Eiq6PxgC This is my actual file that I want to change. Please note that the string to be replaced is in its end.20:26
d0tsun7kinggh0st if all else fails, try sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq mysql-community-server and then update your system with sudo apt-get update20:27
_Trullowhat's the best way to transfer files from a windows machine to ubuntu?20:27
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, this got a new error... https://pastebin.com/WVddWP7120:28
ioriamartiansoul, you know you can prepend the line number to sed ?20:28
martiansoulioria: oh, didn't know that.20:29
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ioriamartiansoul, sed -e '<my_line>s/;return true}/;service.__moduleBase="https:\/\/ip\/";return true;}/' my file20:29
d0tsun7kinggh0st what does systemctl status mysql.service say20:30
martiansoul@ioria: thanks. it works.20:30
sarnoldmartiansoul: I suspect you need to modify your text editor or similar :) none of your lines begin with ;return true;}  -- http://paste.debian.net/1119107/20:31
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, https://pastebin.com/DrKDAtQw20:32
Volad_Malevichhow to increase wifi signal on notebook?20:35
OerHeksVolad_Malevich, not i guess20:36
matsamanVolad_Malevich: go closer to signal20:37
Volad_Malevichthe same laptop works on Win7 and has a very good signal20:37
matsamanreduce obstructions20:37
matsamanget cantenna20:37
matsamanVolad_Malevich: ...in the same position in the building it has?20:37
OerHekssome wireless drivers are just as is, no help from vendor, bcm is such a trouble chipset20:37
OerHeksso, windows/max drivers are better supported by the vendor, than our creation without help20:38
OerHeksintel wireless is pretty good.20:38
Volad_Malevich RT3592 Wireless 802.11abgn 2T/2R PCIe [1814:3592]20:40
Volad_Malevichmatsaman on the same table, but different is only OS (Linux/Win7)20:41
matsamanVolad_Malevich: and what driver are you using?20:42
d0tsun7before we run down that rabbit hole kinggh0st20:42
d0tsun7does sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq mysql-community-server work for you20:42
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, sadly nope. https://pastebin.com/hXeRNBTY20:43
matsamanVolad_Malevich: should probably be using rt2800pci20:45
Volad_Malevichmatsaman Kernel driver in use: rt2800pci20:45
d0tsun7PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq mysql-community-server20:45
d0tsun7kinggh0st ^^20:45
Volad_Malevich24:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Ralink corp. RT3592 Wireless 802.11abgn 2T/2R PCIe [1814:3592]20:46
indoorcatmy firfox browser is loading really slow and my pakage update is gwtting an error20:47
indoorcatubuntu 18.0420:47
matsamanVolad_Malevich: can you pastebin your lsmod output somewhere?20:47
Volad_Malevichmatsaman https://termbin.com/h14l20:48
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, sorry man... https://pastebin.com/SC6k1KRP20:48
d0tsun7no worries20:50
d0tsun7what does sudo service mysql status return20:50
d0tsun7we have to clear this mariadb issue up in order to move past this it appears20:51
d0tsun7sudo service mariadb status20:52
KINgGh0sTexact same20:53
matsamanVolad_Malevich: do you have /proc/config.gz ? could you pastebin the zcat output of that file?20:53
matsamanit's your kernel config, potentially (if it's there)20:53
d0tsun7lets see if you have a mysql running already20:54
d0tsun7service --status-all20:54
Volad_Malevichmatsaman do not have such file20:55
Volad_Malevichi'm on Linux Mint20:56
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, it's not20:56
d0tsun7what about mariadb20:56
Volad_Malevich))) I'll be honest20:57
indoorcatmy bowser is bugged20:57
matsamanVolad_Malevich: well, apparently the module rt2800pci has several suboptions that are not individually exposed20:57
indoorcator something20:57
indoorcatthis is bullcrap420:57
matsamanVolad_Malevich: you should probably find out if your kernel was built with the rt35xx support in particular, and you might want to purposefully disable some other options20:57
indoorcati think google did it20:57
indoorcatmy chrome browser runs fine20:58
indoorcatmy ubuntu updater is giving errors too20:58
matsamanVolad_Malevich: there may also be a proprietary driver you can acquire from the ralink website and compile20:58
d0tsun7one moment20:58
Volad_Malevichrt2800pci is universal driver for many adapters20:59
Volad_Malevichif i could find rt3592 driver and compile it(((21:00
indoorcatwhat other options for browsers do i have using ubuntu?21:00
indoorcati dont want to use chrome anymore21:00
indoorcatbut i keep going back to it21:00
OerHekschromium ( as snap) and firefox, maybe more ..21:01
matsamanindoorcat: well there's chromium21:01
indoorcattheres gnome browser witch is crap21:01
indoorcatwhat other options do i have?21:01
matsamanchromium on GNU/Linux is much better than chrome21:01
OerHeksstop using that language please, keep this channel family friendly, thanks21:01
matsamanall the other options will have considerable code/library overlap with what firefox and chromium use21:01
indoorcati got all my passwords synched on chrome so its a difficult transition for me21:01
matsamanall the other popular ones, anyway21:01
matsamanindoorcat: should be able to do that with chromium also21:02
matsamanalso I'm not a fan of storing passwords, so I'd probably not do that =)21:02
indoorcatwhat is the safest way to store passwords?21:03
OerHekspen and paper21:03
d0tsun7probably lastpass21:03
d0tsun7kinggh0st i would give a system reboot and try to uninstall again really quick dude. your system may be under the impression it has mysql and mariadb going from the failed installation but i'm unsure what happened there since it was out of your buffer.21:04
d0tsun7it's stating that mariadb is having issues but it's not actually running as a service on your system. reboot and get that cleared out.21:05
indoorcati got to reboot, firefox is running slow21:05
KINgGh0sTAlright. I'll give that a go21:05
indoorcatand my package manager is getting an error21:05
indoorcatwhen i update21:05
d0tsun7indoorcat have you tried lastpass21:05
OerHekssolve that first? pastebin the errors on paste.ubuntu.com21:06
indoorcatnot yet21:06
d0tsun7lastpass is probably the most popular. 1password and keepass are also very popular, but definitely lastpass is good. that's what i use.21:06
OerHeksmaybe the browser issue is connected to no updates...21:07
indoorcatyou don't synch passwords? firefox and google have the synch option21:07
Volad_Malevichmatsaman at this moment there is no way to get ralink/mediatek driver on manufacturer site21:08
indoorcati need another browser21:08
indoorcati want to ditch google21:08
d0tsun7that option definitely works too21:08
OerHeksfix your update first..21:08
Ben64indoorcat: chromium?21:08
d0tsun7firefox is where its at :) just my preference21:08
indoorcatbut i use firefox to have more privacy21:08
matsamanyeah I prefer Firefox, but they don't make it easy to continue to21:08
OerHeksso you don't want to fix updates?21:08
matsamanwhen I abandon it it won't be for chromium, though21:09
matsamanbut Firefox with a different frontend21:09
indoorcati gotta go to work21:09
indoorcatill be back to troubleshoot my updates problems21:09
OerHeksoh, run away for solutions...21:09
matsamannaw, you could always be a bum21:09
indoorcatbut im having issues with firfox21:09
croraf_leftyfb: this is the bug that affects me, I hoped it will be solved with this patch. But I'll have to wait for another day it seems21:09
indoorcatit isnt running smoothly anymore21:09
OerHeksseen you before ..21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508522 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Mic is not available with A2DP Bluetooth profile" [High,Confirmed]21:09
croraf_wait, it's from 2010 :/21:10
BlendphysHi all. Share Wifi Internet Over Ethernet does not work in 18.04? 2 PCs, 2 new 18.04 installs, it does simply not work. However, if one PC is still on 16.04, then everything is perfect. Any idea?21:10
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, exact same outcome21:11
KINgGh0sTI am about to reinsall the whole os in a second...losing my mind21:11
d0tsun7kinggh0st ok real quick, service mysql status and service mariadb status21:18
seereKINgGh0sT: remove the offending call in the script in /var/lib/dpkg/info/. The hard way would be to add an "exit 0" just after the shebang line.21:18
d0tsun7let me see if i can get you a viable path to go in terms of finding out why mariadb is throwing that error. if not, if this is business related or work related, if you don't have time to continue on this path reinstalling may be an option to clear this up.21:19
d0tsun7i wish i could see the install error, sometimes losing buffers like that is really unfortunate21:19
seered0tsun7: Should be in https://pastebin.com/hQ0CxSfM21:20
d0tsun7seere it's missing the initial sudo apt-get install mysql-community-server. it has the sudo apt-get install -f as the beginning line21:21
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, both running21:22
seered0tsun7: should not matter when trying to remove a non Ubuntu package. The best way I can see is to tweak the .prerm script and remove the 3rd party package.21:22
d0tsun7kinggh0st both mysql and mariadb are running successfully?21:23
d0tsun7try to execute mysql in your terminal and see if it works21:23
d0tsun7mysql -u root -p21:23
d0tsun7password should be blank or root21:23
KINgGh0sTwell, service isn't working.. I don't know why. so I used ps -a | grep mysql21:23
KINgGh0sTERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)21:24
* seere thinks that wouldn't fix the apt problem?21:24
d0tsun7seere: you're right but im just trying to see how broken the package is. it seems to be running but not running properly due to whatever happened with the install21:24
seered0tsun7: so just let him remove the 3rd party package, clean up and install the Ubuntu one?21:25
KINgGh0sTThat's what I want to do. I want rid of the mysql repository one21:26
d0tsun7kinggh0st definitely set up an LVM2 partition on your next rig so you can do a sudo lvcreate -L 5GB -n root-snapshot -s ubuntu-vg/root to create a snapshot and then do a lvconvert --merge ubuntu-vg/root-snapshot to restore. so you can always do this before you do things that may potentially be risky and save your butt21:29
d0tsun7seere: yeah -- seems his system is having a hickup when trying to remove the mysql-community-server package. it says mariadb is throwing an error and won't let the uninstall proceed.21:29
KINgGh0sTd0tsun7, damn. Didn't ever know that was a thing. Definitely doing that from on21:30
seered0tsun7: thatswhy I suggested to hack (or just remove) the failing mysql-community-server.prerm script, remove the package and start over afterwards.21:31
d0tsun7seere: oh okay that may work yeah. kinggh0st did you feel out that potential fix?21:31
d0tsun7kinggh0st: totally. it takes a tiny bit of getting used to syntax wise, but it's saved my butt 100%.21:32
seered0tsun7: should be the easiest road to try from what I read so far.21:32
KINgGh0sTseere, can you walk me through it?21:33
seereKINgGh0sT: there should be a /var/lib/dpkg/info/<packagename>.prerm script, right?21:35
* seere is jumping over various Linux/non-Linux-but-UNIX hosts to reach this channel. Sadly none of them is Ubunut currently.21:36
KINgGh0sTseere, correct21:37
matsamanseere: you can fix that I'm sure21:38
seereKINgGh0sT: *I* would just look into what this script is doing and fix the error. But I think thats way beyond your knowledge?21:38
KINgGh0sTyeah. I hadn't used *nix in a while, so I am very rusty21:39
seereKINgGh0sT: add a line like "exit 0" just afetr the shebang ("#!.."). Or jsut try to rename it to *.prerm.sorf21:40
* seere thinks he needs a better keyboard...21:41
KINgGh0sTseere... well that worked21:43
seereKINgGh0sT: now try to uninstall the package.21:43
KINgGh0sTIt worked21:43
KINgGh0sTthen mariadb installed correctly21:43
seereKINgGh0sT: high five!21:44
KINgGh0sTThank you seere and d0tsun721:44
KINgGh0sTyou guys are awesome21:44
seereKINgGh0sT: you're welcome21:46
d0tsun7so awesome godo job seere21:46
d0tsun7good job*21:46
seered0tsun7: thx, just have some decades of experience to share *g*21:51
d0tsun7that's awesome. i've only been in the space since 16.0421:53
d0tsun7really happy i came over to the linux world21:53
d0tsun7i mean, like really using linux. i've done web development adjustments for LAMP stacks on nix boxes since around 2007, but i never really used nix as a daily driver til 16.0421:54
d0tsun7a lot more fun than windows, that's for sure21:54
TikityTikhow can i tell what installed a package on my system?21:55
TikityTiki don't know if i compiled and installed it, used snap, or apt, or what21:55
bpromptTikityTik:  you can always just run "synaptic" to check, do a quick search there21:56
seered0tsun7: I came around during the early SLS and Slackware releases. Yes, that was in the last century ;)21:57
bpromptTikityTik:  you can also try with -> dpkg -l | grep -i PACKAGENAMEHERE, if the first column on the output is "ii", then is installed21:57
d0tsun7seere: haha, that's awesome man. respect.21:58
bpromptseere:   ran win98 and Mandrake7.2, yes it was in 98 =P, ran slackware but mainly from a bootable floppy in CLI21:59
d0tsun7win98se was my fav21:59
d0tsun7win 2k was a flop for drivers. continued to run 98se til xp. good os.21:59
bpromptalso ran winXP and SuSE9.2, at some point I was triple-booting with XP SuSE9.2 and RedHat22:00
d0tsun7i wish i was running linux as a dual boot during those days22:01
* seere thinks it's going offtopic. And my nurse insists I have to go to bed now ;)22:02
matsamanmandrake, heh22:02
d0tsun7just a dab of OT seere22:02
d0tsun7is there an official ot or social ubuntu channel22:03
TikityTiki installed rust via curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh i think22:05
TikityTikand i am unable to install it22:05
matsamanTikityTik: you'll have to download that installer and find out what it writes22:06
matsamanthen reverse it22:06
matsamanalternatively you could replace your Ubuntu system files utterly22:06
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matsamanand ...22:07
matsamanthere might be a way to ask dpkg/apt about files it doesn't recognize/know about22:07
matsamanyou can do that with some package managers on some distros22:07
matsamanunknown files are either (1) your own personal files you would recognize, or (2) these types of random installer files, that can be trashed22:07
matsamanall other files should be recognized by a package manager, ideally22:07
TikityTiki think i got it now, thanks22:07
bpromptTikityTik:   why the tracking of the package manager/method anyway? is the package not running? buggy? are you just trying to find some libs from it?22:08
TikityTikubuntu doesn't have a package for alacritty and the one from snap is too old22:09
bpromptmatsaman:   mandrake was da bomb!!  got it from a 4CD set, came with repository of stuff, lots of apps :P22:09
adrian_1908minimalist terminal emulator22:11
bprompta terminal emulator?  shoot, there are so many, why bother with a specific one =)22:11
VlanXHello... any kind suggestion on how to change the DNS on ubuntu server 18.04 since writing to /etc/resolv.conf is not allowed?22:11
rivaldevypbprompt: konsole is a good one22:12
bpromptTikityTik:   are you just needing any terminal emulator?  I mean, there's xterm, mrvt and others22:12
ryuoVlanX: you can replace resolv.conf still, but resolved is the official way to handle it now.22:12
bpromptrivaldevyp:  is what I use =)22:12
adrian_1908VlanX: edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and set `DNS=`22:12
rivaldevypbprompt: ey, nice22:12
TikityTikbprompt: using Nord for tmux which has font issues with my default emulator22:12
shibbolethfor some reason the verbose boot text, desktop, picture on the screen is "more grey" (dunno how to put it) wheen booting kernel 5.3 vs 4.1522:13
shibbolethno such issue in 5.022:13
rivaldevypis yaru theme available w/ 18.04?22:14
bpromptTikityTik:   tried Konsole yet?  I've tried many minimal TTY CLI apps, and Konsole is very well featured, mind you that I'm on Kubuntu and Konsole uses KDE libs, but Konsole is very well featured22:14
shibbolethin short, my displays look at lot cheaper when booting 5.3 :)22:14
TikityTiki'll give it a try22:14
rivaldevyp+1 for konsole22:15
shibbolethdisplays connected by displayport, intel skylake graphics22:15
rivaldevypvery nice on Arch22:15
shibbolethimagine looking at a cheap-ass LCD vs a decent one at best buy. one has excellent black, the other will be tainted by a grey hue22:16
TikityTikbprompt: konsole doesn't work either22:16
bpromptTikityTik:   doesn't work, meaning?22:16
TikityTikit has font issues with my nord plugin for tmux22:18
VlanXryuo, adrian_1908  thank you but unfortunately this doesnt seem to work. With systemd-resolve --status I see another DNS set :(22:19
ryuoVlanX: did you restart resolved?22:19
TikityTikthis is what is broken for those other emulators: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-tmux22:19
TikityTikanyhow thanks for the help, have to go22:20
adrian_1908TikityTik: It doesn't render the right glyphs (e.g. arrows), or what's the issue?22:20
ryuoTranslation: "Uh oh. Exit, stage left!"22:20
bpromptTikityTik:   change the font maybe? in Konsole, you can just press ctrl-shift-m to show/hide the top-menu and go to settings, or just right-click on the screen and pick "Edit Profile", go to the [Appearance] tab and choose another font maybe, doesn't seem is the terminal per se, so much as the fonttype in used22:20
ryuohe already left.22:20
bpromptjust saw it :|22:21
VlanXryuo: I've restarted the whole vm22:21
ryuoVlanX: do you rely on external DNS only?22:21
ryuoVlanX: ultimately.22:21
ryuothe main thing resolved offers is caching.22:21
ryuosomething i think nscd provides as well22:22
ryuoVlanX: i mean, how do you get your DNS settings currently?22:23
adrian_1908VlanX: does your VM have one network interface, or multiple? If the latter, do they all use the wrong DNS?22:25
adrian_1908I mean, does `systemd-resolve --status` report them as using the wrong one?22:26
VlanXryuo: adrian_1908:  the new DNS is another VM in the same network, the current one is the gateway and I remember to have set is with an oneliner command via CLI but I cannot remember it22:33
adrian_1908VlanX: does systemd-resolved report the wrong DNS in its global and per-interface setting? Maybe you're accidentally overriding the global setting per-interface?22:34
VlanXadrian_1908: sorry, how do I check the per-interface setting?22:44
VlanXbtw the server only has a single interface22:44
adrian_1908VlanX: I meant since you said you ran `systemd-resolve --status` where it shows if the interface has a different DNS than the global default.22:45
adrian_1908VlanX: You can also look in `/etc/netplan/{FILENAME}.conf` if your eth has a nameserver assigned there. That could be overwriting what's in resolved.conf22:46
adrian_1908If that's not the case, then I'm out of idea. Btw, actual VM or container?22:47
VlanXadrian_1908: yes, actual VM22:49
adrian_1908VlanX: and though which technology? Maybe there's a config there that overrides anything DNS related in the guest?22:50
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MJ6666hello!  I am having sound problems (no sound) with a Dreamcast emulator called "Redream".  I just updated from ubuntu 19.04 to 19.10.  The update caused the issue.  It worked fine in ubuntu 19.04.  Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be?23:57
matsamanMJ6666: kernel, pulseaudio, alsa, redream itself23:59
matsamanany of those and more could've changed in an undesired way23:59
sarnoldMJ6666: fire up pavucontrol while redream is running and see if there's anything interesting there?23:59

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