[00:02] [20072.170126] audit: type=1400 audit(1575346582.716:107): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.gnome-calculator.gnome-calculator" name="/home/myname/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons/hicolor/24x24@2/apps/" pid=25774 comm="gnome-calculato" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=1000 [00:03] dude [00:03] snap doesn't even use its own files? [00:03] using flatpak? [00:05] the gnome libraries likely try to load personal configs from a handful of wellknown paths [00:09] i really am not liking snaps === pihahiroth1 is now known as spammy === zbenjamin is now known as Guest45621 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:46] Hi. I was looking for some extra effects for bass o guitar and I found the tubeAmp but I do not know how to intall it. Somebody could help me? this is the page I found https://github.com/olegkapitonov/Kapitonov-Plugins-Pack [02:50] heh, that README is a bit thin on details.. [02:52] how wedded are you to that one in particular? apt-cache search tube amp returns a few packages that look like they may do something similar; check out guitarix and zam-plugins [03:04] Thanks for answer [03:05] I just tried to go to the folder, enter in a terminal but when I type: make, console shows me an error [03:08] DirtyEar: first step, run sudo apt install build-essential [03:10] sarnold thanks for anwer, I am new with ubuntu. I have ubuntuStudio 19.10. What happen with that command? [03:11] it'll install the compiler and a bunch of related tools [03:12] sarnold Ok. I'll do [03:12] I have already installed the tools [03:17] DirtyEar: alright, then start up: sudo apt install libcairo2-dev libboost-dev libfftw3-dev [03:18] DirtyEar: oh sweet, faust looks like it's also packaged, sudo apt install faust [03:18] Hi. After Brave browsder crashed due to heavy load from multiple tabs, my OS touchpad and wireless mouse both stopped working. i tried reinstalling drivers for touchpad which did not helped. any idea how can I fix it? keyboard do not have any button to enable/disable touchpad. [03:19] did you try a reboot? [03:20] yes several times. [03:21] sarnold: Ok. What I have to do know? [03:22] DirtyEar: cool, now re-try whichever make command you were running [03:26] sarnold: Thanks, I just waiting for Faust to finish [03:26] I swear I saw a way to do this but I can't find it. I want to keep network interfaces up during shutdown so I can send a command to a UPS over the network to turn off the outlet groups the system is plugged in to. I distinctly remember being a relevant setting [03:26] seeing a relevant setting* [03:27] the machine is running 18.04 Server if it matters === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 [03:30] roothorick: alright, this is HUGE GUESS territory for me [03:30] roothorick: check out systemctl cat systemd-networkd.service [03:30] roothorick: notice that there's a: Conflicts=shutdown.target [03:31] roothorick: *try* to do the systemctl edit systemd-networkd.service -- try adding two lines, [Unit] and Conflicts= [03:31] roothorick: then systemctl daemon-reload, systemctl cat systemd-networkd.service and see if that Conflicts= line has been removed.. [03:34] I remember there being a much cleaner way than that [03:34] also the manpage says "Dynamic configuration applied by networkd may also optionally be left in place on shutdown." [03:36] oof. so it does: "When systemd-networkd exits, it generally leaves existing network devices and configuration intact." https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-networkd.html# [03:36] I missed that while skimming the manpage before suggesting this crazy thing :) [03:36] so, in theory, this should Just Work(TM) [03:47] Hello - i am looking for any ubuntu derivate where i can get the eoan base and i would like to install it without a gui on a i386 machine [03:47] i know ubuntu does no longer support i386 [03:48] however i found a lubuntu minimal install which was available for i386 for 18.10 [03:48] is there something similar for 19.10 ? [03:49] why not stick with 18.04 LTS, which will be supported on i386 for a while? [03:51] Has anyone used apache cloudstacks ? [03:51] sarnold because i unfortunatly need libc6 greater than 2.28 [03:58] thyriaen: oh weird, normally the problem is that the 32bit thing is *ancient* otherwise you'd just rebuild it.. [03:59] yea well : ( [03:59] do you have a suggestion which iso of what distro could get me there ? [04:00] thyriaen is this for wine? [04:00] hmm not offhand.. adelie embraces a wide variety of platforms including 32 bit x86 hardware, but uses musl instead of glibc [04:01] I don't know enough about fedora to know if they releases a >2.28 glibc on x86, and if they did, how much longer it'd be supported... [04:03] drama no [04:04] i want to run i3-gaps which needs libc6 > 2.28 [04:05] really?? that's surprising, it's just a WM, right? what features were added in the 2.28 abi that it needs? [04:05] sarnold yea i was really confused too [04:06] but i really struggle to find anything which does support libc6 AND is an iso for i386 :( [04:06] and i really like the ubuntu package manager so i dont really wanna go arch or something [04:08] https://github.com/Airblader/i3/blob/gaps-next/DEPENDS -- no mention of a minimum glibc version... [04:08] maybe they added a hard dep and forgot to update the table but .. I bet you can just rebuild this thing [04:09] thyriaen: all this effort just got a particular WM on i386? [04:11] thyriaen: you could maybe install 18.10, then upgrade to 19.04 and then 19.10. Again, a lot of effort for a specific WM and on i386. [04:11] thyriaen: I've got to run.. but my guess -- clone the i3-gaps repo, run autoreconf -fi, mkdir build && cd build && ../configure .... && make [04:11] thyriaen: I suggest trying it with 18.04 first, that'll be supported the longest [04:11] thyriaen: why i386? you know a $35 pi has better performance right? [04:11] im trying to run a service on each reboot - will the happen if i put a service file in the right directory and use `service enable ...` . ? I'm trying to make sure cloudwatch is shipping logs to a remote location [04:11] i tried with 18.04 [04:11] jayjo: look into systemd units [04:12] roll your own deb distro fro i3-gaps and run WoW for fun === Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater [05:15] I'm still getting Ubuntu Server crashes on AMD (log -> https://pastebin.com/ygUDCPcN) ACPI Error: Could not allocate 15 bytes (20170831/nsnames-344) [05:15] I've updated the mbo to the latest BIOS but that doesn't seem to fix the issue [05:15] how bad is this? [05:15] /dev/sdb1 alignment is offset by 3584 bytes. [05:15] This may result in very poor performance, (re)-partitioning suggested. [05:47] hi. I'm on 19.10. I want to add a DNS server without editing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf. I can add a DNS to a particular network connection, but what file is that saved in? [05:59] makara , i found this : https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-set-dns-nameservers-in-ubuntu-server-18-04/ [05:59] The configuration files are found in /etc/netplan [06:07] I am wondering if "mount.ntfs-3g" is doing some journaling or other house keeping when the computer has been shut down for 6+ hours , i see the disk reads in the order of 2x 75MB on two NTFS partitions , one an ssd the other a harddisk [06:08] is this normal behaivoir ? [06:57] Hi! I've recently upgraded to 19.10 but I ran into a couple of booting issues: [06:57] 1. I get a fallback plymouth theme on boot (Text: "Ubuntu 19.10..."), shutting down shows the new cool bios-logo spinner [06:57] 2. I boot into a blank purple-screen (essentially the same color as the background of the plymouth text), I need to hit Ctrl+Alt+2 and then Ctrl+Alt+1 to have the login screen (GDM) show itself. [06:57] I've been searching online but could't find anyone with these problems, let alone someone who has fixed them. [06:57] For #1 I've been looking through plymouth logs but I wasn't able to decode if anything went wrong. With #2 I have no idea where I need to look. [06:57] Can anyone point me into the right direction? [06:58] Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise this client sends new messages for newlines >.< [06:59] it's at least nice formating to make it readable :) [07:00] i'm getting a "cmp: eof on /tmp/tmp.***** which is empty" doing dhclient from shell on bionic [07:00] file doesn't exist before nor after doing this, what gives? [07:04] Raqbit, could this be some sort of screensaver/sleep behaveoir ? like when you need to press escape to login after opening your laptop after closing it ? [07:04] i mean its weird it pops up after switching tty back and fort [07:11] Raqbit, maybe reinstalling the whole unity desktop stuff helps ? [07:15] Raqbit, like: https://askubuntu.com/questions/95458/how-do-i-reinstall-unity [07:16] Vuurdraak, I only get this when doing a cold boot. Standby resumes are fine. Also, this is Ubuntu 19.10 with Gnome, so I doubt reinstalling Unity will help :P [07:17] ah :') [07:17] reinstalling gnome then :) ? [07:18] as those things have something todo also with the login stuff [07:18] at least the screens [07:19] i had some login problems when messing with alternating to a different kernel line, and in the end had to reinstall unity to get my login screens properly working again in the gui [07:21] Yeah, Although because the fallback-text boot logo issue occurs early in the booting process I think it might be plymouth or graphics drivers to blame. I'm using the i915 driver for the Intel HD Graphics 620 in this particular laptop. === mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 [09:09] Hi, Is there any tool in linux that's like "App data usage" in android? I want to see the data consumed by a process, but not just the current usage.. I want it to be like overall data consumed over past 24 hrs or something like that. [09:10] ElectroXexual: internet usage? [09:11] EriC^^: Yes [09:11] ElectroXexual: try "nethogs" [09:12] nethogs, bmon, tons of them.. https://www.tecmint.com/linux-network-bandwidth-monitoring-tools/ [09:12] Isn't that just for realtime? I wanted something that'll show me a record of used overtime. [09:14] with logging if you like [09:16] ElectroXexual: i think it shows sent and received over time [09:16] ElectroXexual: i think you'd need to start it and let it record for 24hours then check back [09:17] as OerHeks said [09:19] Ok, I'll try it. [09:20] 'vnstat' looked like exactly what I want, but not sure it gives data by process.. [09:36] Thanks sarnold, will give that a try [09:39] i'm using debian 10.2 right now. when ubuntu 20.04 comes out. should i switch to ubuntu? [09:45] why are you using debian 10.2 right now? [09:49] Ubuntu 18.04, 18.10 and 19.04 ... when it goes into sleep mode. it corrupts my system. like it would make my firefox all messed up and mess up some of my files [09:51] since i got this laptop [09:51] it also says in the Ubuntu cerfication of laptops. that suspend would wake up too slow [10:02] Good day everyone === jelly-home is now known as jelly [10:02] We have a problem here: A new laptop HP spectre x360 with ubuntu 19.10. It doesn't recognize any external monitor (tried two different ones) over HDMI [10:02] xrandr keeps saying "disconnected" [10:03] and monitor keeps saying no signal [10:05] It has a intel/nvidia dual video card [10:05] tried both modes [10:11] Hello, i am on 16.04.6 and just installed updates. After updating, my firefox (currently 71.0+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) wont start anymore. Starting firefox directly results in the "Mozilla Crash Reporter" window and nothing else. I have now downgraded to "70.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1" and everything works again (I had to create a new profile). Is there a problem with the new version of firefox in the repo's? [10:19] Here is a crash-log of my firefox 71.0 crashing before the downgrade: https://crash-stats.mozilla.org/report/index/16d07755-ea2d-45f6-8090-2d0240191204 === the_ant1 is now known as the_ant [11:34] /autojoinem add === ravustaj1 is now known as ravustaja [12:25] i ran: apt remove --purge mariadb-server mysql-server default-mysql-server [12:25] it uninstalled mariadb-server [12:25] but it left several GB of junk in /var/lib/mysql [12:25] isn't --purge supposed to make sure such garbage is deleted? [12:26] (18.04) [12:28] (while the sql server itself was deleted, it did not delete the on-disk files containing the databases) [12:28] (located in /var/lib/mysql ) [12:32] hansh: kind of bad if it delete your personal db, if you had problems with the server? [12:33] hansh, so that is by design, not junk, just old db [12:33] i think purge only removes configs by definition [12:33] so stuff in /etc [12:34] yeah, else we get: if i remove , it removes me precious data [12:35] Hi. I want to record the download time of a page using curl, but as well as the value of field `x-cache` in its header. [12:36] How can I do that? [12:38] martiansoul, interesting question, read that before these days, homework? [12:38] this page maybe a help https://netbeez.net/blog/http-transaction-timing-breakdown-with-curl/ [12:40] martiansoul no not homework. Also, I also want to have the value of the field `x-cache` in the response header too. [12:41] Basically I want to record only the time when there is a cache hit and not a cache miss. that's the value contained in `x-cache` [12:41] I'm using Dell Precision M 4700. I was able to install Ubuntu 19.10 using "safe graphics" mode, but after installing and rebooting into installed system, logging in was successful, but before showing my desktop, the screen continues showing violet or magenta (or whatever that color is), but it has some artifacts in it, and hard drive activity ceases, and nothing can be done except hold the power button until [12:41] the machine powers off. [12:41] How can I get "safe graphics" mode (from the live medium) in my installed environment? [12:44] lmat: not sure, i think that's only available for booting live [12:45] OerHeks [12:45] I want to record only the time when there is a cache hit and not a cache miss. that's the value contained in `x-cache` [12:46] martiansoul, the 2nd part with x-cache, i don't know [12:46] OerHeks, okay. [12:46] maybe the server channel has a clue/ [12:46] jack: okay. [12:46] #ubuntu-server [12:46] OerHeks, thanks [12:47] I've installed ubuntu UEFI; how do I add "nomodeset" to kernel boot parameters? [12:47] you can still try to find an util for your gfx-hw [12:48] is it nvidia or amd? [12:50] jack: Sorry, are you talking to me? I think I'm AMD. [12:50] chances are good then [12:51] lmat: did you try sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall? [12:51] EriC^^: nope. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-drivers; ? It did some "hardware configuration" during installation. [12:52] You know what's super? Everything works fine if I unplug the laptop charger. [12:55] EriC^^: I only see apt-get install ubuntu-drivers-common; (using auto complete) [12:55] and it's already installed. [12:59] Heh, even Dell talks about it! https://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/04/sln306327 [12:59] I use UEFI. How do I make it so that my system uses nomodeset on boot? [13:01] oh my...just now reading that ubuntu uses UEFI to run grub which then loads Linux. I think this is normal, but I have always had UEFI just start Linux directly. [13:03] press and hold shift to get to the GRUB menu? Didn't work that time...I'll try again. [13:04] Yeah, didn't work :( [13:04] lmat, if you can boot in the system, you can edit /etc/default/grub and comment the GRUB_TIMEOUT lines and run sudo update-grub [13:04] esc perhaps? [13:04] ioria: Will do! [13:05] lmat, but also try 'esc' [13:05] ioria: Yeah, I can boot into it if I unplug the charger :-/ [13:05] lmat, interesting [13:06] ioria: not update-grub2? ^_^ [13:08] ioria: I did as you said: update-grub, and it is apparent that my changes were regarded because the menu is now shown (GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu now instead of hidden). [13:09] lmat, i see : go to 'System Settings' -> 'power' and change the option below [13:09] Hmm, the system didn't boot properly. It's not exactly hung, but there is a blinging cursor in the upper left. When I type, the letters show up there (no prompt). [13:10] Maybe X couldn't start because of nomodeset? [13:10] JK! It's running! [13:10] I guess it took *way* longer because of no KMS [13:12] Hey folks [13:12] lmat, nomodeset is a temporary fix [13:13] I clicked "Settings" and I see the power settings. "and change the option below" which option? [13:15] lmat, i suggest to check 'On Battery Power' and 'When plugged in' [13:15] Um... doesn't say that. Let me get you a screnshot. [13:16] lmat, what extra parameters are in use atm ? cat /proc/cmdline [13:16] ioria: root=UUID=.... ro quiet splash nomodeset vt.handoff=7 [13:17] lmat, and why did you set nomodeset ? [13:17] ioria: So I could boot and interact with the machine. Without nomodeset, the machine stops responding shortly after boot. Sometimes I make it to the login screen and login (press enter) before the freeze happens, and the system becomes unresponsive. [13:18] lmat, what 's the spaces ? lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 9999 [13:18] *specs [13:18] ioria: Sure. It's a dell M4700. I'll get you specs. [13:19] https://termbin.com/lqf7 [13:25] ioria: by the way, here's my power options: https://imgur.com/a/wZBn2Kd [13:26] ioria: I seriously doubt any X settings will help this since KMS is in effect before X starts. (and X is running fine now that I successfully added nomodeset.) [13:26] Hello. I just have done updating Ubuntu-shipped ZFS packages in 19.10 , but I still can not import disk with newer OpenZFS pool feature, created with illumos/Openindiana, precisely com.delphix:log_spacemap [13:27] When is Ubuntu planning to update ZFS that it is shipping, to be compatible with com.delphix:log_spacemap , so i can use OpenZFS formatted pool? [13:29] lmat, also the charger problem has been solved with nomodeset ? [13:29] ioria: YES! The charger is plugged in, and the machine is responsive. [13:30] ioria: With KMS, I have to unplug the charger for the system to work. (I'm guessing it's a bug with the driver and my graphics card's power management states...or something.) [13:30] ioria: With nomodeset, the plug is in, and the system is *still* responsive \o/ [13:31] Anyone use apache cloudstack ? [13:31] nikolam: Maybe try archlinux? It's a big change from Ubuntu, but you can format the disks however you like. [13:31] lmat, yes, probably a video card power management issue [13:31] Keep getting `There is no secondary storage VM for secondary storage host nfs://` [13:31] ioria: Can u fix? giv me the codez [13:32] lmat, try radeon.dpm=1 instead of nomodeset [13:32] ioria: for you, anything. [13:32] lmat I don't think that is viable solution, when using Ubuntu, but thanks. [13:33] nikolam: no sweat. I hope you can use your openzfs formatted pool soon ^_^ [13:33] ioria: poweroff is a lot slower with modeset, too :-) [13:34] ioria: I also thought of trying amdgpu driver, but only glancingly considered it. [13:35] lmat, so you have com.delphix:log_spacemap feature in OpenZFS packages in Arch Linux? I wonder if it is even in ZOL [13:36] nikolam: I don't know. I just know that Archlinux keeps "newest" upstream versions, so if it's supported in upstream, it's probably supported in arch linux. [13:36] ioria: My system is stuck. I got the login screen, then after logging in, it hung. I'm going to restart and see if it hangs if I wait to log in. [13:36] luckilly, it is fresh created pool, I can created with older OpenZFS or just by selecting exact features when enabling, just wondering for info about Ubuntu [13:37] lmat, that is great, yet if it is not inside ZoL, then fat chances it is in Arch, too.. [13:37] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1848399 [13:37] Launchpad bug 1848399 in grub2 (Ubuntu Eoan) "update-grub fails if a pool fails to import" [Medium,In progress] [13:37] it will be in the next major release, not 0.8x https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/pull/8442#issuecomment-511918033 [13:37] Ubuntu maintain it's own OpenZFS, so question stands. [13:38] lmat, amdgpu ? your card is basically a Capo Verde HD 7700 so it should use 'radeon' [13:38] so, be patient [13:38] ioria: Okay. Thanks for the confirmation. [13:38] I have a file like this: https://pastebin.com/WJf2ULQL I want to know the fields corresponding to "time_total" and "x-cache" [13:38] How can I do this using shell script? [13:38] Any recommended free control panel for ubuntu? [13:39] lmat, if radeon.dpm=1 fails , try radeon.dpm=0 [13:39] martiansoul: grep -o 'time_total: [^ ]\+' ; and similar for the other field. [13:39] patrickk, control panel fo what exactly [13:39] ioria: Yeah, it failed. I'll try that. [13:41] ioria: My friend, it's working so far! [13:41] * lmat looks up this amazing codez [13:42] lmat, test it with something heavy [13:42] oh, dynamic power management. Wow, you hit right on it. [13:42] ioria: Oh, to stress power management? Hmm...I only use terminal ^_^ [13:42] lmat: it shows time_total: 24.571759, I just want to know the value 24.571759. Is there some way I can trim it? [13:42] lmat, ah, ok [13:43] martiansoul: Oh yeah, I always forget those codez... maybe grep -o 'time_total: \K[^ ]\+' ; [13:43] * lmat bows to ioria [13:44] martiansoul: The other can be grep -o 'x-cache: \K.*$' ; maybe [13:44] ioria: How do I stress it? Maybe load up a web page with webgl example? [13:44] OerHeks To manage the server/files/domains? like a cpanel alternative [13:45] lmat: grep -o 'time_total: \K[^ ]\+' this shows no output [13:45] ioria: There's some webgl pasta no problem. [13:45] lmat, yeah, try a 1080/720p video stream [13:45] martiansoul: change -o to -oP [13:45] ajenti, zpanel, pretty good comparison https://www.znetlive.com/blog/comparison-of-top-11-open-source-hosting-panels/ [13:45] patrickk: that's probably beyond the scope of this channel, but there's plesk. it's not free either like cpanel. [13:45] ioria: Ahh, okay. [13:45] Ah okay [13:46] ioria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU9qzXVlwCY coming right up. [13:46] ioria: Okay, there it goes. [13:47] lmat, good [13:47] lmat still nothing. it's showing usage options of grep. [13:47] ioria: very good. [13:47] martiansoul: lol; that's not good. Show me your command? And show the error message grep is giving. [13:48] grep -oP 'time_total: \K[^ ]\+' test :my command, lmat [13:48] martiansoul: I was trying to help you without reproducing on my end. I will try harder now. [13:49] \grep -oP 'time_total: \K[^ ]+' somefile [13:49] https://pastebin.com/Q0Y2aSbY this is the output that I get - which is just nothing. [13:49] martiansoul: You see my grep command above? Use that. [13:49] martiansoul: And this will get you x-cache: \grep -oP 'x-cache: \K.*$' somefile [13:50] ioria: Nice music still streaming from once-junk-heap laptop. [13:50] lmat file name is test. so I don't see a difference between the previous command that you wrote and this command. It still gives no output. [13:50] *my file name [13:50] lmat, here is the answer, list of features in master ZfsOnLInux, versus par-system impelemntations and releases. It is not in released version yet. http://build.zfsonlinux.org/zfs-features.html [13:51] lmat, better than mine [13:51] martiansoul: oh? It's different! I changed "\+" to "+"... [13:51] ioria: :( What's going on withy our laptop? [13:52] nikolam: Ah, there may yet be a way to get it in arch linux ^_^ Sometimes they offer pre-release versions. [13:52] lmat, just too old [13:52] lmat, oh sorry, didn't notice. But again, I copied and ran - no output [13:52] nikolam: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ZFS search for "zfs-linux-git" [13:52] martiansoul: Would you paste from your terminal including the command you ran and the output you got? [13:53] ioria: Sorry, my friend. If there's anything I can do for you to pay you back for your amazing dpm fix (short of replacing your laptop), please let me know. [13:53] lmat - this is the command that I ran - grep -oP 'time_total: \K[^ ]+' test [13:53] and this is the output - https://pastebin.com/Q0Y2aSbY [13:54] martiansoul: well crap... Let me try on ubuntu [13:54] lmat, it's is not yet included in upstream release. And I am targeting supported releases.One can always create ZFS pool with just the feature one wants, exactly. [13:55] martiansoul: Whoa, I can reproduce! It doesn't work on ubuntu :-o must have an old version of grep. [13:56] nikolam: cool. [13:56] lmat: oh okay. [13:56] nikolam, >> it will be in the next major release, not 0.8x https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/pull/8442#issuecomment-511918033 [14:00] martiansoul: Okay, try this: grep -oP 'time_total: \K.*$' test; [14:00] lmat: doesn't work. [14:03] martiansoul: Does sed work for x-cache, too? [14:05] lmat yes it works for x-cache too. [14:05] martiansoul: good. [14:06] lmat: thanks for your help [14:09] Hi, when I see here "depends" do these packages depend *on* qtdeclarative5-dev? or the other way around? (does `qtdeclarative5-dev` depend on them?) https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/qtdeclarative5-dev [14:17] I can't seem to enable nftables.service under Xenial: http://dpaste.com/2MTHSR0 [14:17] Any idea how to fix this? [14:21] I've tried to replace the service with: http://dpaste.com/37FGAY1 , but that still refuses to enable. [14:36] It seems I can just ignore the error, the service is enabled correctly [15:02] Hey guys !!! Plaese check out a game of clicks on gameofclicks . getenjoyment.net ..... It requires turning on Chrome Experimental features, if they aren't already turned on .. It is interacrive, best players get their names in top players list ! [15:03] Kristjan1291983, please don't spam, thanks, ubuntu support only [15:04] it is in Javascript [15:04] It is no spam [15:06] Kristjan1291983, wrong channel ... period [15:06] try #ubuntu-offtopic or put it on askubuntu [15:24] Hrrm... any suggestons on which ubuntu-19.10-variant (gnome, cinnmon, budgie ??) can give the best pretending-to-be-windows-10 theme impression available ?!?!? [15:26] windows 10 theme.. really? [15:27] look at the specs of that theme [15:27] OerHeks: hrrm i had a lot of succes with mac-os-x theme with somebody else ;p get them started in a linux relaly worked well [15:27] OerHeks: i'm now ... asking similar question [15:27] btw if linux looks like windows 10, we get sued [15:27] OerHeks: there seem to be a few, I was wondering if anybody had advice "what works already" ;p [15:27] hi does anyone know a tool for quickly labelling images eg. something where like if i have a picture of a family i can quickly draw lines and label "dad" "mom" "brother" "sister" "dog" "cat" etc [15:27] OerHeks: quite, lost may be unofficial addons rather than ubuntu-provisioned [15:28] i am not aware of a windows 10 theme.. [15:28] url? [15:28] maybe like a gimp addon or or somethin [15:29] user01: If you have to draw lines manually to point to specific people, personally I'd use gimp though there are other tools. [15:29] OerHeks: http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/transform-your-ubuntu-into-windows-10-look-with-these-gtk-themes for exaple [15:29] I don't think you'll find a gimp plug-in that can identify dad vs. mom vs. sister. :) [15:29] gtk, so gnome3 [15:30] akk, yes but something where i can just drag and create a line then enter text . . . [15:30] user01: "convert" [15:30] user01: Choose the pen tool, click once for the beginning of the line, shift-click for the end; choose the text tool, click, enter text. [15:30] gimp manually without a plugin is a lot of manual steps [15:31] I'm not sure how you could reduce the steps more than that given that you need to specify the line endpoints, the text position and the label contents. [15:31] user01: though, you'll need to write a script that opens the picture and asks you to identify it, then it labels it once you close the picture [15:31] akk, the lines dont look great just doing that [15:31] user01: What's wrong with them? [15:31] enyc: http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/transform-your-ubuntu-into-windows-10-look-with-these-gtk-themes [15:32] user01: Maybe you need to specify exactly what you need for the lines. [15:33] akk, compared to a nice tikz output they dont look nice [15:33] user01: "convert" will do what you want. You'll need to spend some time and effort writing out the scripting to accomplish what you want [15:33] leftyfb, ok let me check out that app [15:33] user01: it's a commandline tool [15:34] user01: it's part of the imagemagick toolset [15:35] convert is going to require a lot of extra work to figure out the coordinates [15:35] akk: correct [15:35] and the lines will probably come out looking the same as gimp's. [15:35] MS Paint sure is nice. [15:35] osse: can we help you with something? [15:35] You really need to figure out what you need different about the lines; "not nice compared to tikz" (whatever that is) isn't specific enough to figure out what you're after. [15:37] Maybe if you had screenshots of one vs. the other. [15:37] leftyfb: coo, GTK themes there specifies explicitly mate, cinnamon, xfce, gnome [15:37] leftyfb: thankyou =) [15:37] enyc: I googled for "ubuntu windows 10 theme" [15:37] krita, pinta, mypaint are pretty easy for drawing and text in pics [15:38] (That convo might be better suited to #gimp-users on gimpnet than #ubuntu, though.) [15:38] draw - ctrl z to wipe - draw again [15:39] leftyfb: right yes, thouh i was interested in if anyody had $clue "what works, in practice" aspect [15:40] enyc: that is a question for #ubuntu-offtopic [15:40] sorry im a bit laggy i didnt think writing 5tb of 0's would use up so many resources [15:45] going to jump on another laptop brb -- they joys of "pv -tpreb /dev/zero | dd of=/dev/mapper/harddrive bs=128M" on a 5tb disk :( [16:09] leftyfb: I typed out something that was supposed to remain inside my head. [16:10] akk: tikz is essentially programmatic drawing inside latex. it's pretty useful, but not in this case I think. [16:17] any idea what service/process is broken/sending me this spam https://pastebin.com/uQM9Sfg2 ? [16:19] nothing relevant is in smartmontools configs either .. [16:24] Hello, how can I install meson 0.52 on ubuntu 18? [16:24] do I need to acquire some ppa? [16:26] !info meson bionic [16:26] https://launchpad.net/meson/+packages give 0.45 .. [16:26] meson (source: meson): high-productivity build system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.45.1-2ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 210 kB, installed size 1323 kB [16:26] this ppa gives 0.52 ... else use pip3 ? https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/meson?field.series_filter=bionic [16:26] https://mesonbuild.com/Getting-meson.html [16:27] i would upgrade to Eoan [16:27] amosbird, https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/meson [16:28] !yy.mm | amosbird [16:28] amosbird: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [16:33] Hi, How do I grant access only to a specific user to a particular directory ? [16:35] ramsub07: you could make him as the owner and group and set chmod to 770 [16:35] EriC^^: 770 is read write and execute? [16:35] sudo chown $USER: /path/to/dir && chmod 770 /path/to/dir [16:36] ramsub07: yeah [16:38] also how do i make directory accessible by a group? [16:38] maybe change owner of that directory from user -> group? [16:39] ramsub07: set the group to the group you want access to [16:40] set the user to "root" or something else [16:47] gio-2.0 not found [16:47] hmm, what package should I install for that? [16:57] amosbird: sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev [16:59] thanks [16:59] hmm, libfribidi ppa is required [16:59] where can I find ppa that provides libfribidi > 1? [17:03] on launchpad? [17:04] or go wild, libfribidi-dev ? [17:04] sudo apt-get install gnutls-bin [17:04] hmm [17:04] is there a gnutls-dev? [17:11] Hi. I am having issues with firefox on 19.10 and office365. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? This is a brand new firefox profile. https://imgur.com/mFbca9U [17:15] Aavar: that has nothing to do with Ubuntu [17:15] Aavar: Contact Microsoft for support [17:17] leftyfb: It is infact something with firefox on ubuntu :) I tried Chromium and it works great. Also firefox (same version) on windows. [17:18] not sure where i can get support for this. in a docker container i need linux-tools-`uname -r` which is 5.4.1-zen2-1-zen, but there is no apt-get package which matches. any idea how i can get linux tools for this kernel ? [17:18] Aavar: then perhaps you need to clear the FFox cache [17:19] hggdh: brand new profile unfortunately. [17:20] hmmm, what package should I install to fix this ERROR: Dependency "gobject-introspection-1.0" not found, tried pkgconfig [17:21] rayzorben: there is no kernel 5.4 released by Ubuntu on published versions [17:21] rayzorben: so you probably got this kernel somewhere else -- check there [17:22] hggdh: It looks like they're running ubuntu in a docker container on a VPS. [17:22] amosbird: I believe it is called gobject-introspection [17:23] how many containers can you fit in your container? [17:23] JonelethIrenicus: can we help you with something? [17:23] container inception [17:23] Aavar: it doesn't work [17:24] as it doesn't have -dev? [17:24] hggdh, I am running arch, ubuntu is the container. this is probably one of those weird situations that there isnt much I can do about it [17:24] well, I'm not sure, but after installing it, it still errors [17:24] amosbird: what are you installing? in the first place. [17:24] rayzorben: so your Ubuntu container is running under the Arch kernel, correct? [17:25] Aavar: building libvte [17:26] btw, how can I list all the installed files of gobject-introspection? [17:26] Aavar: gobject-introspection provides /usr/share/gobject-introspection-1.0 [17:26] amosbird: dpkg -S gobject-introspection [17:27] ok [17:27] weird, it must somehow confuse meson [17:28] hggdh, correct [17:35] rayzorben: then yo need to look at the Arch repositories. The package will not exist in Ubuntu [17:37] Hello I have lost my phone and I'm stuck with my gf old iPhone [17:38] now I have troubles transferring files from ubuntu to the device [17:39] do I need some special library because online I've found information about http://www.libimobiledevice.org/ and it seems outdated [18:00] Hey guys, I am trying to accomplish two - somewhat conflicting - things at the same time: I need my files to have some metadata I can easily set and change (like "date when this invoice was sent/paid") and at the same time they should be easy to sync using unison. This usually breaks DMS solutions with databases in the background... [18:01] Does anyone know how to get this razor-thin layer of metadata, easily accessible and changeable from the file manager? [18:02] Maybe a file manager which allows adding custom attributes for ext4? [18:03] Not unison, but git-annex has its own sync features and supports metadata for annexed files [18:04] I believe it has some form of GUI - web based I think? [18:09] rbasak: Thanks, it's an interesting concept. [18:11] benergy, i don't know about unison, but can't you simply set the metadata with setfattr ? [18:11] hmm, what packages do I need to libXpm libjpeg libgif/libungif libtiff [18:13] Hey.. I have NVIDIA 970 on my laptop and when i try to start Total War II: Warhammer, i get this output: "Game crashed with signal 6. Vulkan device has no suitable graphics queue families. You may be able to relaunch the game to send the crash log automatically." .. Anybody knows how i can fix this? [18:13] is there a libtga? [18:14] ioria: Yeah, I found that command. If there was some file manager with this option, that'd be great... [18:16] Hi, I hope I'm not boreing y'all, I'm bring up my topic again about when my computer is idle for ~10 min or something, wehn I come back and log in all or most of my windows are all collapsed on eachother [18:16] iffraff: Collapsed how? [18:18] Of course, I could also start all my files with a date, but I'm sure there must be a better way... [18:19] Menzador|Work: so indtead of being placed where I placed them, they are all on top of eachother. It's a laptop but generally I have it hooked up to external screens [18:21] benergy, you can try Dolphin -> Details View Mode , you can add columns and stuff [18:21] ioria: Awesome, I'll try that right away! [18:21] iffraff, still using compiz on 18.04 ? [18:22] hello again. yes I went into compizconfig -> window management -> window placement and set it up as per the suggestions for your link, but no dice [18:23] iffraff, i didn't post a link .... [18:24] iffraff, but ok, so you are using Unity ? [18:24] Hey.. I have NVIDIA 970 on my laptop and when i try to start Total War II: Warhammer, i get this output: "Game crashed with signal 6. Vulkan device has no suitable graphics queue families. You may be able to relaunch the game to send the crash log automatically." .. Anybody knows how i can fix this? [18:24] well, then! I did not! :) Someone posted a SO link where someone explained how to correct the problem via those settings [18:24] yes. That is what comes with ubuntu 18.04 right? gnome3 I think? [18:25] ah you suggested I try a different window manager. I'm, a little hesitant to do that, as I'm not sure what I"ll be giving up. Or if I'll have to relearn a bunch of basic stuff [18:26] so, spreading windows over 2 or more monitors, and you wonder that they group on one screen, when the others are disabled? [18:27] a) I'm not wondering. I don't care. I just want it to stop. and b) they are all in one corner of the monitor. [18:27] ioria: Dolphin does give me more display options than nemo, to be sure. It doesn't allow me to edit these, however. Setfattr also fails, probably it's not set up correctly. === rubywarden is now known as rubenwardy [18:28] ioria: I'm afraid I will have to use a DMS instead, in spite of the overhead, and look for a way to sync it without breaking the database ... ;) [18:28] gnome-tweak-tool gives workspaces , standard 'dynamic', so change to static [18:29] that gives static 4 desktops, if you want to, and the windows stay spread over monitors > virtual desktop [18:29] !info gnome-tweak-tool [18:29] gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.34.0-2 (eoan), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB [18:30] OerHeks: interesting. Well, I did have it set to Dynamic so I've just changed it to static. This is one of those fun problems that to iterate on you must wait. So I'll see if this works later. [18:30] :-) [18:31] But I wonder, why this setting affects how the windows are set? [18:31] For contect, I don't really use other workspaces, I just use the one mostly [18:31] automatic suggested setting, what happens when one monitor disappears, it regroups [18:32] iffraff, nope, what comes with ubuntu 18.04 is gnome-shell (and it does not use compiz) [18:33] ioria: hmm, also interesting. I've installed compizconfig and I love it! just kidding, I don't know if it does anything. Now I'm guessing not. [18:33] iffraff, compiz simply does not affect gnome-shell [18:34] iffraff, it's like not having it at all [18:34] I figured. [18:36] so is there anyh gnome-shell specific reason/fixes that come to mind? [18:37] iffraff, if you installed compiz (without unity) i suggest you remove it [18:38] This may sound *really* weird - and no, I'm not new to either computing or Linux - but is there something like a "file filetype"? Meaning: a structured folder, to hold together multiple files in order, like a physical file? [18:38] I"ll do that now [18:39] If this existed, I could sync these "meta-files" and still have conversations, invoices, business processes structured inside... [18:39] Are there known issues with the us mirror? I'm trying to install npm on 19.10 and it explodes trying to install node_inherits with a checksum/filesize mismatch. [18:40] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GpyhrKW5qh/ [18:51] Hello, Why PPAs don't appear to provide changelogs through apt? [18:52] Juesto: PPAs are completely maintained by the PPA owner and are unsupported. Changelogs would be done by the PPA owner. [18:53] I see, apparently most ppas dont use changelogs through apt :/ [18:53] thanks Eickmeyer [18:53] Juesto: It has nothing to do with apt, more to do with the packaging. [18:53] the package does include a changelog [18:53] synaptic and apt-changelog are unable to retreive them [18:54] Juesto: Then the PPA owner isn't doing it properly. [18:54] Juesto: what is this package you use a ppa for? [18:54] Essentially: every ppa owner [18:54] Does it matter? I only asked about PPA changelogs... lotuspsychje [18:55] this could filter changelogs, if the ppa owner gives them [18:55] https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/latest_logs [18:55] Juesto: we could try to suggest it the ubuntu way [18:55] Sure, there's just too many. [18:56] If you're adding a ton of PPAs, you're bound to run into problems. [18:56] most ppa owners do publish, like https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/meson/+packages [18:56] (changes file) [18:56] I am meaning PPAs external to ubuntu [18:56] say a distro such as elementaryos or ubuntu-x-swat [18:56] ppa is internal on launchpad, external repos you mean? [18:56] wait i'll check the last one [18:57] ppa.launchpad.net apparently is not a source with changelogs. [18:58] OerHeks: I am talking about the apt changelog retrieving facility [19:02] Juesto, apt-listchanges does what you want, but not/not always for ppa packages [19:16] OerHeks: that's what i am meaning and synaptic "get changelogs" button does the same thing, i do not like apt-listchanges because it pauses installation process most of the time. [19:37] help...the installer is hanging in a loop [19:37] Dec 4 20:37:44 caine kernel: [68888.798213] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_autowakeup: Error - Device failed to wakeup [19:37] Dec 4 20:37:46 caine kernel: [68890.793953] ieee80211 phy0: rt2500usb_set_device_state: Error - Device failed to enter state 3 (-16) [19:38] for hours already [19:38] how do i get out of that? just unplug all usb crap? [19:41] jack looks like it, some devices cannot be woken up apparently [19:45] odd. I want to simplify my terminal prompt down, and I've used `export PS1='\[\e[35m\]\w> '` to do so. This works fine. When I put this in ~/.bashrc, however, although some other things defined in .bashrc work, this doesn't. Why is that? [19:45] jack: probably removing the USB NIC would be enough [19:46] just removed 2 memory sticks and a cam [19:47] Hello, I am going to setup multiple websites on a vps with ubuntu 18.04. What is the best proceedure in terms of security for this? Should the php user be www-data or should I create a new user for each site? [19:47] but that "device failed to wakeup" keeps repeating :/ [19:48] kernel: [69530.303072] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_autowakeup: Error - Device failed to wakeup [19:48] patrickk classically you would have a group apache and the users share and you would make a directory in the users home-folder a doc-root [19:49] these days I would advocate containers though, e.g. Kubernetes, Docker-Swarm, etc. [19:49] wish i knew which crapdevice that is [19:50] jack: "ieee80211 phy0:" --> NIC [19:51] patrickk: depends; if all the websites are *you* and you don't care much, sure, one user is fine [19:51] patrickk: if all the websites are different people paying you to host websites, give everybody their own user id at a minimum; better is everyone gets their own VM. lxd instances if they're friendly to each other. [19:52] sarnold yeah but what I am concerned about it, if one website gets infected, will the others be too? [19:52] patrickk: yes, if they are all under one uid, that's a very real possibility. [19:54] sarnold, dang...so it's my usb hub itself? [19:54] this sucks [19:54] jack: maybe; if you can remove the hub and connect your NIC directly to your computer and it works fine, then yeah. but unplugging the NIC alone may be fine [19:55] :/ [19:55] and that user should be just a normal user and not a sudo user right? [19:57] Gigabitten, since .bashrc isn't run for login shells, people usually run it from .profile (or .bash_profile). If .bashrc isn't the last thing there, maybe PS1 gets reset in .profile/.bash_profile? [19:58] ah, okay [19:58] patrickk: right; whichever account runs code ought to have as few privileges as possible -- eg just to write to the database socket and write log files [19:58] jack, you maybe can just turn off the power management [19:59] patrickk: I strongly dislike the debian default of www-data owning the data *and* the processes. it feels so easy to do better.. [19:59] how/where? [19:59] jack, something like 'iwconfig wlan0 power off ' [20:00] sarnold That's what has happened in my vps now, one site got infected and it kinda spread to other sites... [20:00] thx! trying... [20:00] patrickk: of course even with user separation, if you're running all the sites on the same software, they might just be multiply compromised [20:03] er so what's the best way to make sure if one site gets infected, the others don't? [20:03] wlan0 is wlx0012bf5208cb in fact, but this looks promising :) [20:05] sarnold, many thanks! [20:07] patrickk: separation of privileges; you can confine processes used in serving web content with apparmor (selinux in rh-land), limit what privileges the user accounts running those processes can have; make sure your management processes don't rely upon potentially unsafe data [20:07] damn it I forgot to check to be sure nothing else was changing ps1 [20:07] thanks for the attempt at helping lol [20:13] Dec 4 21:06:39 caine systemd-resolved[2342]: Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation DVE-2018-0001, retrying transaction with reduced feature level UDP. [20:13] harmless, right? [20:14] jack: [20:15] This warning is logged by systemd-resolved, whenever a name can not be resolved by the DNS system (e.g. nslookup www.kjfoiqaefah34876asdf.com). This can be tolerated and is no reason to be alarmed. This is no error and nothing needs to be fixed. [20:16] mouses: i guessed. thx. [20:23] On some networks I'm getting errors in dmesg - sth. like this: "hung task .... blocked for more than 120 seconds" [20:24] Applications freeze - e.g. Chrome and kill -9 has no effect. [20:24] Upon sending kill -9 to the hung process the terminal freezes too.... [20:25] Rebooting does not work too. It will get stuck very early. [20:26] chaosfisch, what you mean exactly with 'On some networks' ? [20:26] some wifi / lan networks [20:27] I've previously seen that commands like sudo can be slow if DNS is not responding. [20:28] and in some way it looks like this is a bug in Network manager or the underlying stack. === Simon_NL is now known as SimonNL [20:28] chaosfisch, if the whole system freezes , might indicate an exhaustion of resources [20:29] blocked task would be kernel issues [20:29] top shows less than 5% usage [20:29] and processed like Chrome are marked as zombies [20:29] processes* [20:30] chaosfisch, if you think that the culprit is NM, set networkd as renderer and disable NM [20:31] ioria will give this a try. [20:31] ok [20:33] I'd open a bug report but I'm not sure which information is necessary. As a limitation: i cannot execute and commands which require root privileges as "sudo" will freeze the terminal. dmesg and accessing logfiles seems to be fine. [20:34] hi -- what package should i install for h.264 video support? i can't seem to play videos from my digital camera [20:35] or maybe there's a vlc package i should install or some broad video codec package? [20:35] dropbox isnt working in ubuntu, fresh install.. i tried from the package manager and downloading ti from dropbox.com [20:35] d0tsun7: just install vlc, in my opinion [20:35] chaosfisch: file the bug report against the linux source package, be sure the copy-paste the *first* giant stack trace from your dmesg; as much of the dmesg as possible [20:36] sarnold alright! will have a look. dmesg contained quite a long stacktrace :P [20:36] ulkesh - ok i'll give the vlc snap a shot [20:46] ok got it to work [20:46] had to apt install libatomic1 [20:46] dont remember doing that before for dropbox [20:48] Anyone else having problems running Chromium via snap on kali-rolling? getting a sandbox perms error, but the sandbox is a read-only filesystem so I can't update [20:51] Nomad_: the overlay filesystem things don't have good support for apparmor; it might be worth asking snap folks if there's any good options [20:53] is there a dd bottleneck on ubuntu 19.04? [20:53] before updating to 19.10 I was getting speeds of 99Mb/s [20:53] and now I'm on 183Mb/s [20:54] same disks same command [20:55] there's way too many variables to give an easy answer [20:56] I have an Ubuntu docker container. Any idea of how I change the time +1h for it? [20:57] sarnold: I just found it weird [20:58] dellhem: what's wrong with the current time? [20:58] sarnold: It's wrong. 1 hour slow. [20:59] Hey, so for some reason when I plug a 5120x1440 monitor in, I get logged out and can't log back in unless I use Wayland :( [21:00] dellhem: and chrony status or ntpd status? [21:01] sarnold: I don't have permission to change it with ntp. [21:01] As mentioned, it's a docker container. [21:06] sarnold: ntpdate [21:07] 4 Dec 21:06:27 ntpdate[4718]: Can't adjust the time of day: Operation not permitted [21:17] dellhem: sorry, I meant to make sure the *host* has the correct time [21:17] dellhem: I had short time, I had a meeting, so I just typed quick, too quick apparently, hehe [21:55] uh [21:55] it's specifically a synaptic issue actually [21:56] because the url appears wrong [21:56] or something like that [22:28] how do you install the opengl dev for gcc on ubuntu [22:28] what packages do you need [22:40] z1_, you might want to try asking in the #ubuntu-app-devel ... there might be more people familiar with installing development environments and libraries [22:41] ok === akem__ is now known as akem [23:13] anyone know if adobe photoshop cc 2020 or adobe photoshop premiere cc 2020 works on ubuntu yet? [23:17] d0tsun7, It's possible it may run using an WINE, you can check https://appdb.winehq.org/ to see what the support level currently is. Please understand that support for running applications with WINE is not supported here, as well as applications intended to run on another Operating system are also not supported here. [23:20] !winehq [23:20] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [23:22] d0tsun7: If you have a Windows license you could also try running it in a VM [23:22] roger that pragmaticenigma [23:23] ( probably will run slower than molasses though ) [23:23] definitely genii, i have a kvm vfio windows 10 guest running my editing software currently... i just hate sometimes i feel i get stuck in windows just cause ill be doing tasks that require me to have my editing software, when id much rather be in linux [23:23] or like ill play a game or something and then im just stuck in windows i feel like for a couple days [23:24] Hi. I have this message while running apt update on aeon (pi4): http://us.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan-backports/main 404 Not found [IP 80]. Same with eoan-security. [23:24] d0tsun7: https://community.adobe.com/t5/get-started/adobe-when-will-you-give-us-creative-cloud-on-ubuntu-linux/td-p/9710073 was started in Jan 2018 and last comment was 3 hours ago. So it looks like you're not alone. [23:24] awesome genii [23:25] ElijaxApps, it's possible the mirror is temporarily offline while it is updating it's repository. Try again in a couple hours [23:28] Hi I am having trouble with a new system, I partitioned the drives using sgdisk, the first partition has a type of BF01 .... but when I reboot the computer the BIOS says there is no bootable drive, but using F10 to get to the boot menu, and selecting a drive ... it boots fine.... any ideas on what to do? [23:30] pragmaticenigma: is there another mirror for raspi 4? I just need to apt update without errors. [23:30] Maybe try just archive.ubuntu.com [23:31] If the us mirror is updating, the original is probably already finished [23:34] Same error, ip :( [23:35] ElijaxApps, What version of Ubuntu are you running on the raspberry pi? [23:36] pragmaticenigma: aeon, ubuntu-desktop [23:38] uname -ar: Linux ubuntu 5.3.0-1012-raspi2 #14-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 11 10:06:55 UTC 2019 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux [23:39] ElijaxApps, There is no desktop support for Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi... Only IOT via the Ubuntu server image. Not sure how you got desktop enabled (or if you're attempting to add it) [23:40] pragmaticenigma tasksel did the job. I got a hd monitor plugged in... [23:44] pragmaticenigma within the download page there's a suggestion to execute tasksel :) [23:45] aeon? don't you mean eoan? [23:46] jack: yes sorry, eoan. I misread. [23:46] ElijaxApps, currently the us.ubuntu.com mirror is down for me. Typically it can take a couple hours to come back online. The best thing you can do right now is have patience and wait it out. [23:54] ElijaxApps: armhf and arm64 aren't on the main archive [23:54] ElijaxApps: you need to get those packages from http://ports.ubuntu.com/ instead [23:57] sarnold certainly, my sources.list corrupted when installing software-properties-gtk, because I was looking for another mirror, and decided to try GUI way. [23:59] ElijaxApps: here's what I've got on my rpi3b+ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H5QYXwkDjD/