
powersjhi - would it be possible to get the logging bot re-added to #cloud-init? We seemed to have lost the log bot in October20:02
daxpowersj: you might want to try opping up and then doing /invite ubuntulog, that sometimes magically fixes it20:03
dax(it'll autojoin channels that are on its autojoin list if it falls out of them for some reason, so assuming you didn't get knocked off the list somehow...)20:03
powersjdax, thanks - I see ubot5 so maybe that did it20:07
daxubot5 is a different thing, the logging bot is specifically ubuntulog20:09
ubot5In #ubuntu-irc, dax said: ubot5 is a different thing, the logging bot is specifically ubuntulog20:09
daxubot5: hush20:09
powersjah ok20:10
daxanyways. if inviting it doesn't get it back in the channel, someone should put in a ticket to canonical infra at rt@ubuntu.com20:10
powersjthanks again!20:10

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