
xavpaicethumper, are you aware of the 'situation' we have at Cisco with the failed juju upgrade there?00:39
thumperxavpaice: a saw an email from elmo00:48
thumperand that there is a situation00:48
thumperdid you want to discuss?00:48
xavpaicejust realised in the wrong channel, but yes00:48
timClicks_wallyworld: what do you think of moving example/poc charms from ~juju to an account like ~example-charms?01:19
timClicks_cs:~juju/mariadb-k8s looks like it's a charm that's officially supported/endorsed01:19
timClicks_because it's so closely linked to the official account01:20
wallyworldtimClicks_: i can see merit in that. once we move to the new charm store it will be a flat namsapce so it sort of becomes moot. given that's happening this cycle not sure it's worth the effort to move stuff right now?01:35
bayarHi Everyone02:15
bayarPlease someone help me with this error :02:16
bayarceph-osd/0*               blocked No block devices detected using current configuration02:16
bayarWhen I ssh to the cephalopods-odd/0 server02:18
bayarubuntu@s3:~$ lsblk02:18
bayarNAME              MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT02:18
bayarsda                 8:0    0 136.1G  0 disk02:18
bayar└─sda1              8:1    0 136.1G  0 part02:18
bayar  └─vgroot-lvroot 253:0    0 136.1G  0 lvm  /02:18
bayarsr0                11:0    1  1024M  0 rom02:18
timClicks_wallyworld: it won't be moot, because the charm's webpage is more important that its url slug02:42
timClicks_it will still look like they're official charms published by juju02:42
timClicks_bayar: what does the output of "juju config ceph-osd osd-devices" say?02:44
lucidonetimClicks_, wallyworld: for what it's worth, my impression as a new member to the community was that mariadb-k8s was an officially supported charm, not just a example / poc03:40
wallyworldgood to know, ty03:40
wallyworldmostly, just in people's namespaces (eg ~juju) tends not to be "official" but there are excpetions so it's confusing03:41
wallyworld*stuff in03:41
lucidoneAhh, right cs:maria-k8s vs cs:~juju/maria-k8s03:42
lucidoneI see "By juju" and "Stable" and jump to conclusions03:42
lucidoneBut thinking more on it; it's on jaas.ai/u/juju, and I got to the charm through google - not the charm store. So really, most of that confusion is probably on me03:52
anastasiamacwallyworld: PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1099505:25
anastasiamacwallyworld: PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10997 :)06:21
achilleasamanadart: small PR for fixing network-health-check https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1100012:03
manadartachilleasa: Looking.12:05
nammn_de1manadart: up for a small review? https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/30516:02
nammn_de1reason: be able to use `generations and branches` as featureflags16:03
manadartnammn_de1: There shouldn't be 2 flags for that. I think someone has made an incomplete change.16:11
manadartnammn_de1: In any case, the patch looks OK, but let's get CI what it needs to run the checks and add a PR description.16:11
nammn_de1manadart: Right now, as you have pointed out, we 2.7 and develop, are different initially I wanted to make both to be the same. Then I was talking to rick_h and he suggested that we want to use branches and generations as featureflags .16:13
nammn_de1yea i will update them16:13
nammn_de1manadart: ci cannot run the checks, as grumpig is missing a lot of deps (we using a lot of processcalls). Locally they run just fine16:25
nammn_de1manadart: should i just go onto grumpig and install those?16:25
babbageclunkquick and easy review for someone? https://github.com/juju/names/pull/10022:03
wallyworldthumper: you ok to merge the 2.7 forward port? finished the review?23:04
hpidcockbabbageclunk: LGTM23:54

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