
lordievaderGood morning08:41
gokhanihi folks, I accidentaly removed all my /usr/lib file. How can I restore my server ?11:19
rbasakgokhani: there isn't a reliable way to do that, apart from restoring from backup or reinstalling.11:22
gokhaniı have an apt archive but it doesn't contain apt itself11:27
gokhanirbasak, ^^11:27
gokhaniis it possible tol reinstall apt11:27
gokhanitol *to11:27
mgedminif you have a second server with the same ubuntu version and architecture and maybe roughly the same packages installed, you can copy /usr/lib from it, then use debsums to discover what files are missing and reinstall those packages with apt install --reinstall11:31
gokhanimgedmin, yes I have a second server with the same ubuntu version and architecture and same packages installed . ssh is broken so I am trying to find ways for copying files11:37
Aisonhello, i'm running a mail server (postfix) under ubuntu bionic12:26
Aisonbesides that I have a ubuntu server with eoan and another one with bionic12:27
Aisonssmtp on eoan is no longer working?!?12:28
Aisonbut ssmtp on the bionic server works. The config is the same12:28
Aisonmay the problem related to TLS?12:28
Aisonok, it is a TLS problem...12:47
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