[00:01] Fun test fix: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11014 [00:03] It doesn't look like the juju gui supports SAAS, and the UI crashes if you try to show relations on an application that is related to a SAAS application .. Is https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui the place to report a bug? [00:30] lucidone: yes, that would be the right place to start (although it might turn out to be a juju bug under the hood) [00:32] babbageclunk: Cheers, this bug in particular is a js error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'serviceName' of undefined", so I imagine it's in the gui code. Supporting SAAS in juju gui itself feels more like a feature request [00:33] lucidone: yeah, that makes sense [01:05] babbageclunk: state pr lgtm with a small fix to error processing [01:05] wallyworld: cool, thanks [01:17] Looked like there was more activity on github issues (and I was blocked by ubuntuone login not working on launchpad..) so I've posted to github https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/4023 [01:53] lucidone: oops, sorry for the bum steer there [01:54] babbageclunk: No worries! I did see a 2019 bug report there, so didn't appear to be totally defunct [02:29] is it possible to serve resources locally, or is the charm store required? [02:29] As in $ juju deploy /path/to/charm ? [02:30] lucidone: I am developing a charm that needs a resource [02:30] but I don't want to run "charm attach" yet to upload it to the charm store (it's not ready) [02:31] Ah right [02:31] * lucidone reads the docs for resources [02:32] it looks like I can use `juju attach-resource` [02:58] thumper: if you're around in about 30 minutes I should be free to catch up on that Cisco upgrade [02:58] disregard [03:03] timClicks: I'm late to the party but I think you can use deploy with --resource to attach the resource at deploy-time as well (rather than doing it after the fact) [03:04] babbageclunk: yeah you can :) [03:04] phew [07:58] Good Morning Juju! [09:25] ptal, small one: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11011 [09:25] *ptal, please? :D [09:26] stickupkid: morning, thats what i meant yesterday with forcing in init. Sadly we cannot use supercommand fields, thus no commonflags. https://github.com/juju/cmd/pull/71 [09:26] stickupkid: wanted to discuss that before adding more tests ect. [09:31] manadart, ping [09:32] stickupkid: Pong. [09:32] ho? [09:33] OMW. 2 secs. [09:36] stickupkid: hows that comment? https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/xq2ShFXnvY/ [09:36] nammn_de1, ok, that'll do [09:40] stickupkid: great, updated pr [09:50] stickupkid manadart rick_h: just realized as i was going through the branches test why they fail on 2.7. Do we want to backport this? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10796/ [09:51] nvm me, seems like they are.. [10:04] stickupkid: for the pr https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11011 i updated the comments+naming as you said, additionally i added the fix to make sure that there is no race condition for the acceptancetest test-branches [10:39] nammn_de1: Yes, back-port it. [10:44] manadart: apologies, i just realised this already has been the case. Lucky me [10:45] while at it, manadart stickupkid: ptal https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11011 ? [11:30] stickupkid: if you have time later we can talk/look at the init change here https://github.com/juju/cmd/pull/71 . Ping me up if you up for it [11:31] how do i enable all featureflags? [11:31] is it exporting `export JUJU_DEV_FEATURE_FLAGS="" `? [11:34] manadart: changed it, you will hate me, but i rebased as this change was more trivial, hope you don't mind: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11011/files [11:57] manadart, CR on this one please :D https://github.com/juju/description/pull/69 [11:59] ta [14:07] stickupkid: ping me if you are around for my python questions and/or the init cmd thingy [14:08] nammn_de1, do it now? [14:08] stickupkid sure, daily? [14:08] yeap [14:26] stickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11020. I am heading to HO. [15:26] stickupkid: what was the output of doing it in init again? How do we want to proceed? https://github.com/juju/cmd/pull/71 [15:45] rick_h: im a bit struggling to be able to connect to the allwatchersapi through python, any pointers for me? `WatchAllModels` returns an id of an allwatcher which iam supposed to use with something [15:45] just cant find something easiliy [15:58] nammn_de1: sec, otp for a bit can help look afterwards [16:03] rick_h: thanks! stickupkid: is there a way to set a context for a facade connection? [16:03] as it seems the watcher_id is taken from a context param, which i cannot give for the watcher.next() call [16:04] nammn_de1, have a look at what the go code, see how it uses it, that's generally what I'd do... [16:16] cr someone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11021 [16:59] stickupkid: they only api things we can call through python have to be behind facades, right? [16:59] yes [17:00] so this call https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/6ea20273f7c540d93b1075d77aafe39e70770b33/api/controller/controller.go#L186, which is returning the real watcher, is not directly possible and we might have a facade equivalent construct somewhere? [17:02] nammn_de1, not at all, each go client knows about it's facade it's going to use. It just abstracts that information away, the python code has no such idea. [17:02] stickupkid: thanks and dammnit [17:03] nammn_de1, see https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/6ea20273f7c540d93b1075d77aafe39e70770b33/api/controller/controller.go#L36 [17:03] stickupkid: doesnt this suck in this case? Would need to add a new facade for this to work in python, right? [17:04] ah [17:04] nammn_de1, nope, we export all facades for python to consume [17:04] stickupkid: i need to understand how the attributes are set in python [17:05] nammn_de1, there is a set of facades we don't export https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/blob/master/juju/client/facade.py#L21 [17:05] nammn_de1, maybe it's that one [17:28] stickupkid: this quick hack did it for me: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/sBskSH7QdQ/ [17:30] nammn_de1, just remove "ClientFacade" from this https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/blob/master/juju/client/facade.py#L21 and then follow this guide https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/python-libjuju/1553 [17:32] stickupkid: I will keep that in mind,ta [22:35] babbageclunk: ping, question in discourse for your perhaps? https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/application-level-data-questions/2447 [22:36] timClicks: thanks! I'll have a look in a bit