
xnoxi managed to trace some of them to Keybuk!00:58
xnoxand understand some other bits00:58
xnoxmany are still quite a puzzle00:58
vicamohi, anyone has some time to help upload https://launchpad.net/~vicamo/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-1855825 to focal?08:49
vicamothis contains fix for https://launchpad.net/bugs/1855825, current in -proposed kernel may cause all systems using backport-iwlwifi dkms to hang at connecting to WiFi base stations08:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1855825 in backport-iwlwifi-dkms (Ubuntu Focal) "When connecting to wifi with the proposed linux-oem kernel , the system hangs" [Critical,In progress]08:50
vicamothis is quite critical actually08:51
vicamohi, anyone has some time to help upload https://launchpad.net/~vicamo/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-1855825 to focal?11:23
cpaelzerrbalint: the patch that you asked only has 2 chunks left that we need for current master12:43
cpaelzerrbalint: submitted as https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/1432312:43
seb128vicamo, hey, I sponsored your iwl fix now, I just changed the priority back to normal since I don't think that change anything for Ubuntu uploads, also would probably be good to get it reviewed/merged upstream before doing the SRU12:52
vicamoseb128: thank you13:01
rbalintcpaelzer, thanks!13:48
cpaelzerif you have any eta on a 244 upload that would be great13:49
cpaelzernot like "please let it be asap" but like "I wonder when it would happen"13:49
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dokoseb128: I see you touched unity-gtk-module to port from py2 to py3 ... are you working on autopilot portage to python3?  asking because foundations thinks it should be just removed16:57
ahasenackrbasak: in debian one can file bugs against binary packages, right? What is the best form? In my case, the bug is in the "Depends" of a binary package, but that is of course fixed in the source's d/control17:25
ahasenackin other words, is filing bugs against binary packages just something to help beginners?17:25
rbasakNo filing bugs against binary packages is the norm in Debian17:27
rbasakIt's a little more granular17:27
rbasakI would file against the binary package that has the problem Depends line17:27
rbasakAnd usually I only file against a source package if there is no obvious binary package to file it against17:27
xnoxahasenack:  all my life i've been filing bugs against source packages only and nobody ever tried to reassign them from source to binary, and vice versa, or tell me off to file agains binary or source package17:28
xnoxapart from how bugs.debian.org renders things, it makes no difference for closing them, or operating them by mail =)17:28
ahasenackI prever against the source too, it always annoys me when searching for debian bugs that I have to remember and search for bugs against the binary packages17:29
xnoxwell, one can search against source package too, it then renders _all_ bugs for source and all of its binaries17:30
ahasenackdoesn't it just list the binary package names at the top and you have to click through them?17:31
cjwatsonNo if you go to e.g. bugs.debian.org/src:groff then it aggregates them all17:31
ahasenack"you might also want to look for bugs in ....." something like that17:31
xnoxie. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=boost1.6717:31
xnoxahasenack:  yes, that english can be misunderstood, it's subfiltered pages17:32
xnoxstrict subsets17:32
ahasenackah, I see17:32
ahasenackthanks, saves me some time and removes the annoyance :)17:32
seb128doko, no, I'm not, autopilot or autopilot-legacy?17:32
seb128doko, I didn't suggest removing because I'm not sure it's not used in the daily iso automated testing job/jenkins, should check with jibel before doing anything17:33
* xnox ponders to name next project i create one of: autopilot.io autopilot.ng autopilot autopilot-classic autopilot-legacy17:33
xnoxseb128:  ubiquity might still be using it!17:34
seb128xnox, could be yes :)17:34
* ahasenack hrms landscape used to have an autopilot17:35
xnoxseb128:  i see it is using python3-autopilot17:35
xnoxahasenack:  that's a different product, from us, also called autopilot17:35
xnoxthere is juju/openstack autopilot, there is landscape autopilot, and a11y testing framework autopilot17:35
ahasenackI just still twitch when I read "autopilot" in an ubuntu channel17:37
juliankxnox: it's not just canonical, though, eh? - tesla also has one of these17:48
juliankI heard that even planes have those things17:49
rafaeldtinocoandersk: so18:29
rafaeldtinocoandersk: sorry18:29
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: lol18:29
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: so..18:29
rafaeldtinocoim doing a huge rebase now18:29
rafaeldtinocoive done the split and logical18:29
rafaeldtinocousing git-ubuntu18:29
rafaeldtinoconow im the debian merge phase18:29
ahasenackmerge onto new/debian, right?18:29
rafaeldtinocomy doubt is about doing all the initial merge without dropping the patches18:29
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: yep18:30
rafaeldtinocoi think finishing the rebase18:30
rafaeldtinocoand revisiting each patch from series18:30
ahasenackI find it easier to finish the rebase, and taking notes while doing it (in the commit messages even)18:30
rafaeldtinocomight be easier18:30
ahasenackand then revisiting things and reorganizing18:30
rafaeldtinocothen you drop18:30
rafaeldtinocoif neede18:30
rafaeldtinococorrect ?18:30
rafaeldtinocosounds good, let me try18:30
rafaeldtinocou said u take notes18:30
ahasenackif it needs changing, then I do that during the rebase, ther eis no other way I think18:30
rafaeldtinocoi see18:31
rafaeldtinocoand then you do a quilt push -af18:31
rafaeldtinocoand check failures18:31
rafaeldtinocoand go rebasing18:31
rafaeldtinocoone by one18:31
rafaeldtinocoi was doing the same18:31
rafaeldtinocobut i was afraid there was something faster18:31
rafaeldtinocowhich is not the case18:31
ahasenackmy largest rebase had I think 47 commits18:31
ahasenackand each one was conflicting18:31
rafaeldtinocoim glad you had snmp before18:31
ahasenackI almost lost my hair18:31
rafaeldtinocou had lots of commits already18:31
rafaeldtinocoi had to rebase only the last fixes18:32
rafaeldtinocobut upstream dropped a bunch of your stuff18:32
rafaeldtinococause it went upstream18:32
ahasenackeven better18:32
rafaeldtinoconow ill find those18:32
rafaeldtinococool tks!18:32
ahasenackmore work to find them, but less changes in the end18:32
rafaeldtinocobut sometimes they dont give author18:32
rafaeldtinocoto the merge in debian :P18:32
rafaeldtinocoyou have to track them down18:32
rafaeldtinocoI saw some of your pushes losing author in another package18:33
rafaeldtinocotsc tsc18:33
rafaeldtinocotks a lot18:33
ahasenackgood luck18:34
kanashiromwhudson, re runc test failure: I just added a comment to the bug I filled, when you have some time could you please check it out and see if it rings a bell for you?21:05
kanashirobtw I tried to rebuild it in eoan and faced the same problem21:06
mwhudsonkanashiro: oh you are running the autopkgtest in the lxd backend?21:07
mwhudsonnot completely surprised that doesn't work, i guess21:08
kanashiromwhudson, yes21:08
mwhudsontime for some isolation-machine in debian/tests/control maybe21:08
kanashiroright, let me try to run it in a vm to check if they pass21:09
kanashiromwhudson, you're right, it works fine in a vm and probably in a privileged container. Should I submit a MP for you adding this restriction?21:44
mwhudsonkanashiro: yes please22:02
kanashiromwhudson, I just figured out the the basic-smoke test it has already have isolation-machine restriction, the one which runs the unit tests is generated by Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-go via autodep822:13
kanashiroI am not sure if there is a way to add a restriction to auto generated tests22:13
mwhudsonkanashiro: ah hm22:32
mwhudsonkanashiro: i think the deal with autodep8 tests is that if the automatically generated one doesn't work you should just write it by hand22:32
mwhudsonkanashiro: but i might be wrong about that!22:32
kanashiromwhudson, as reference: https://sources.debian.org/src/autodep8/0.21/support/go/generate/ and https://sources.debian.org/src/dh-golang/1.43/script/dh_golang_autopkgtest/23:08
kanashirowe can depend on dh-golang and run dh_golang_autopkgtest as they do and just add isolation-machine restriction23:10
mwhudsonkanashiro: +123:10
kanashiromwhudson, should I let the target in d/changelog as UNRELEASED? or do you want to upload it with just this change?23:20
mwhudsonkanashiro: leave it UNRELEASED for now23:21

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