=== tds5 is now known as tds [02:38] @meena This is error and cloud-config I have for disk_setup and fs_setup [02:38] https://pastebin.com/Ajt3QpyC [08:45] parallel21: which version of cloud-init are you running? [09:00] parallel21: according to the code, https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/635fec38d173a047cad471e20d17b85c30c5a486/cloudinit/config/cc_disk_setup.py that is not the error you sound be getting [09:01] you have a label, and it's not none, and you have an fs_type, so it's all very bizarre and makes me wonder which version you're on [12:15] we need more IPv6 examples: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/network-config.html [12:28] all our Renderer classes are called renderer too, aren't they? just like all our distro classes…