[00:00] try to change it to 1492, if it doesnt help you can set it back [00:00] only other thing i notice is when i start up a file transfer on filezilla, the speed goes down at first to 1MiB/s and then back up to the cable's cap (laptop cable isn't gigabit unfortunately.) [00:00] alright [00:06] didn't work. :/ im about to just say heck with it. download is 25MB/s so idk. [00:06] thanks for the help btw [00:06] are you blocking icmp anywhere? [00:07] well not much help, but you are welcome [00:07] i validate for the attempt at least. [00:08] sarnold: maybe idk. ill look. [00:08] if i am, it'd be on the modem end [00:12] firewall is IDS Enabled and only thing blocked is http [00:16] how do I install gnu compiler collection 9.2 for ubuntu? [00:19] poxifide: " [00:19] poxifide: "IDS enabled"? [00:22] SomeT: if you're on ubuntu eoan or ubuntu's devel release focal, 9.2 is available https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-9 -- apt install gcc-9 ought to work [00:40] sarnold: wiki intrusion detection system is my only guess. [00:41] poxifide: hmm. it's common for "security" things to just block ICMP, which breaks path mtu detection [00:41] anyways i think im just going to accept it as-is. at least LAN isn't being capped. i don't really host stuff off my home network [00:41] I have my settings set to custom and ICMP is unchecked [00:42] *i don't host stuff for outside LAN usage that is. [00:43] @sarnold: I want the entire collection though not just gcc [00:43] I think [00:43] in windows I have this [00:43] https://nuwen.net/mingw.html [00:43] so I was looking for something similar in ubuntu [00:44] poxifide: you *could* try using socat's 'mss' option to try different sizes; comparing speeds of eg 512 bytes vs 1024 bytes vs 1492 bytes might be useful [00:46] SomeT: if you want the other language frontends you could also install g++-9 gccgo-9 gdc-9 gfortran-9 gnat-9 gobjc-9 gobjc++-9 [00:46] I think that's all of them [00:49] thanks [00:49] only other thing i can come up with is maybe comcast is doing some sort of DOS mitigation since it was getting hammered with ssh logins (grabbed a rogue aur package on arch arm... lazily ignored the golden rule of checking scripts `-` caught it tho and closed the port same night. figured since im reinstalling i might as well try armbian. tbh i don't like aur, tho i do like manjaro... sadly manjaro doesn't support odroid-xu4.) [00:51] im keeping armbian bionic as long as it works tho. id rather work with ubuntu on a server than arch [00:54] also sorry if i'm breaking a rule by trying to get support here... just figured since it identifies as Ubuntu and the packages are from ports.ubuntu.com that it's ubuntu pretty much [00:56] poxifide: no, that's perfectly fine :) it's just not an easy problem to debug, especially remotely.. [00:57] poxifide: if it were my problem, I'd try capturing tcpdumps of slow connections vs fast connections and try to see if I can spot a difference [00:57] poxifide: I might also try fiddling with MTU on interfaces, MSS to specific connections; maybe set up iperf3 responders on different cloud providers.. [01:00] Hmmm morning/afternoon. Had an issue installing ubuntu server 19.10. Getting a crash from the installer. I figured it was because I tried was trying to mount md0 as /home but I'm not sure. dumped the crash report - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ysw5fpxWBx/ | I'm assuming the issue is near line 899 - with I/O error, dev sda, sector 2458 op 0x1:(WRITE) [01:00] flags 0x0 phys_seg 16 prio class 0. Was wondering if there's a known issue with the installer/mdadm [01:01] poxifide: awww bummer. once upon a time there was an excellent android application, icsi netalyzr, but they've pulled it :( [01:02] sarnold: noted them all. tho i think i am done for the night with it. since LAN upload is fine and WAN/LAN download are also fine, those are my only real concerns. [01:03] Telendrith: I haven't heard any issues with mdraid in the installer; my guess is this is really busted hardware of some sort [01:04] Telendrith: though I'm accustomed to seeing a lot more noise in the logs when that happens [01:04] Telendrith: have you been able to recover the array? or replace the failed drive? [01:04] wow: mssstest: Normalisation of disease scores for patients with Multiple Sclerosis [01:04] never know what you'll find in the repos heh [01:05] hah [01:10] Is there a way to see when kernel patches will be included in the main updates? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1319457 [01:10] Launchpad bug 1319457 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "usb headset causes "retire_playback_urb ... callbacks suppressed" spam in dmesg" [Medium,Fix released] [01:11] It's been several kernel updates now and still the same problem persists [01:11] the spam in dmesg causes performance degrading that makes the system unusable, with the only solution being to reboot and pray it doesn't come back [01:13] nmide: that bug appears to be fixed; you should file a new bug, with ubuntu-bug linux, and describe what you're seeing [01:14] it says "fixed" in the header of the URL but the "fix" is some guy put a link to a version of kernel 3.x that has a patch in it [01:14] and it never got upstreamed [01:14] nmide: you can mention this bug number in the description, but since that bug was marked fixed four years ago, it's probably a different bug [01:14] it's the same bug [01:15] oh, you've got a new kernel built with that patch and it worked? cool cool, that'll *really* help getting the fix integrated back into the ubuntu SAUCE patches [01:16] be sure to point out in the new bug report what testing you did [01:16] Sigh @sarnold - you where right, issue with the disk or sas connector. [01:17] easy on the sarcasm there little buddy, maybe I'm not explaining - it looks like someone fixed the problem but the fix didn't get included in subsequent kernels [01:17] I can submit a bug report, one sec, haven't done that before may have to fire up the ol' google and see how to do it [01:17] Telendrith: let's hope it's just a connector that's not fully seated? [01:18] nmide: heh, no sarcasm, I thought you'd had success with that patch. sorry. [01:18] nmide: ubuntu-bug linux [01:18] I'm on kernel 5, the patch is kernel 3.something, I didn't try to apply it [01:18] Hmmm - I think it's the backplane :/ [01:18] maybe I should look at the guy's code and see if I can test it myself but I think the last time I compiled a kernel myself was 2.0 [01:19] nmide: heh, it's so much more frustrating these days. I'm so happy to run distro kernels exclusively these days [01:19] Telendrith: oh no :( [01:43] how do i get wifi working on a raspberry pi 4? from what i'm reading, the only way to enable wifi is to first use ethernet to download packages? really? [01:44] did ubuntu really release a pi image that couldn't use wifi out of the box? [01:44] upgrdman: some wifi chipsets might need a fully updated system [01:45] lotuspsychje, it's a pi image from ubuntu. why the fuck wouldn't it support the pi's wifi [01:45] upgrdman: there's no magic red button for every system/hardware to work 100% by default [01:45] it's an image SPECIFICALLY FOR THE PI [01:45] don't be stupid [01:45] and please mind your language in #ubuntu [01:45] nigger [01:45] .. [01:45] upgrdman: https://ubuntu.com/blog/updated-images-of-ubuntu-for-the-raspberry-pi-2-3-and-4 [01:45] ;) j/k, but seriously, how stupid is that. [01:49] Hello! [01:50] Does anyone know IPTables well or is this not a good channel for that? [02:16] YeehawItsJake, I know iptables well enough. [02:16] - [02:16] Ubuntu feels really slow on this machine, and I'm not sure why. [02:21] Hi, I'm having trouble installing Code::Blocks IDE on to my Ubuntu 12.04.5 32-bit system. When I try installing it through the software centre, it throws the following error: [02:23] The following packages have unmet depencies: codeblocks: Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1) but 1:4.6.3-1ubuntu5 is to be installed [02:24] !12.04 | Lynxxx [02:24] Lynxxx: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) was the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 28th 2017. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2017-April/003833.html for more information [02:24] oh right, [02:24] Lynxxx: The software repository no longer exists :( [02:25] sorry for wasting your time. Vim will have to do for know :/ !14.04 [02:25] !14.04 [02:25] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade [02:27] lynxis: Not a waste of our time if it helps you along the way :D === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:51] hello room [02:58] GoodTimesImmort: Welcome to ubuntu support - you have an issue ? [03:02] Hi, I have a Linode running Ubuntu 18.4 LTS. When I login I get a message about 8 packages needing an update. However, when I do "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" it only shows me 3 packages which "have been kept back" - linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, linux-image-generic. Could someone explain what this means? Many thanks. [03:04] grigora: how about an apt upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade? [03:04] (apt upgrade is probably the better tool to be using) [03:05] does anyone know how to have the grub menu in grub installed from ubuntu installation. grub always skips theboot menu and goes to splash screen. i set the option GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu but still get the splash directly [03:07] sarnold: I'll check it out - wasn't familiar with apt [03:08] sarnold: thanks, should I always be using dist-upgrade vs just upgrade> [03:08] grigora: apt-get dist-upgrade is necessary to bring in new package dependencies, but sadly will *remove* packages too. apt upgrade will bring in new dependencies but not delete old deps. so hooray. :) [03:08] grigora: apt upgrade is probably what you should be using [03:08] sarnold tk u [03:17] No issues, tinkering with irssi and using multiple windows but figured since I'm using ubuntu this would be a good room to keep open [03:21] GoodTimesImmort: +10 :D [03:32] Guess I do have a question. Favorite light rss or news tickers? [03:39] hi people! how do i see the last version of a package i had? [03:39] I am having this issue here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1196657/x2go-connection-failed-cannot-create-remote-file/1196707#1196707 [03:40] would like to downgrade x2gserver to try and see if it works then [03:40] mattfly: /var/log/dpkg.dpkg should include lines saying which version was upgraded over [03:40] i dont have that file [03:41] ubuntu 18.04 [03:41] you mean .log? [03:42] hah, yes, sorry. i'm apparently done thinking for the day :) [03:43] does it show a all time history or the last boot? [03:43] GoodTimesImmort: Check out sylpheed. [03:43] because i dont see nothing old [03:48] mattfly: well, x2goclient hasn't been updated often https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x2goclient [03:49] mattfly: same story with x2goserver https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x2goserver [03:50] I am trying to mount a ntfs drive on my ubuntu. For whatever reason, I want to set the permissions on the files so that other users don't have readwrite access. No matter how I mount it, it seems like the files are always mounted using default permissions. Can anyone help me set the permissions correctly? [03:51] well i think i was using a ppa... [03:51] i think i will remove it [03:52] h4r1: what are the permissions on the mountpoint? [03:52] I configured it to `/dev/sdc1 /media/life_drive ntfs-3g permissions,umask=0770` on fstab but when I run `mount`, it prints [03:53] `/dev/sdc1 on /media/life_drive type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096)` [03:54] I manually ran `chmod` to see if that would work. It runs but files don't get updated. [03:55] and ls -ld /media/life_drive? does it show eg 700 h4r1 h4r1? [03:56] When I don't mount, it shows 770 permissions. Once I mount, it switches to 777 [04:01] Bashing-om: Anything specific you like about it, if I may ask? [04:07] GoodTimesImmort: easy to configure, good docs and ....it works :P wait ! .. rss reader ! that for me is liferea . sylpheed is my mail client. [04:15] How can start another X session? this used to work on 16.04 and 14, but not anymore [04:15] i just get a black screen [04:15] with startx /usr/bin/i3 [04:15] on a new tty [05:04] Anyone know proper way to install Google-Earth? [05:09] RadSurfer__: Does Google-Earth have something that Google maps lack? I dont remember, such a long time since i used it. [05:09] found this: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-google-earth-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux [05:09] gut [05:13] anyone knows that how to compile ld.so for ubuntu 16.04? [05:21] Okay, that web site for Google-earth installation on Ubuntu 19.1 does WORK. === forkedjensh1 is now known as forkedjensh === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [07:41] 'morning [07:44] thank you room, will try and be back later [08:34] Is there any way to report a bug without creating an account? [08:49] rkta: not really, it needs to be tied to a user for requesting further information and trying to solve the problem [08:59] Good morning. Anyone here with some further mdadm knowledge? I ran into some problems with my raid and mdadm wont accept my calculated size-command === harm is now known as Guest23538 === leonardus_ is now known as leonardus === urdh_ is now known as urdh === Gnexally9 is now known as Gnexally === MrGeneral_ is now known as MrGeneral === DonRichie2 is now known as DonRichie === WaV_ is now known as WaV === Bambus6 is now known as Bambus === PonzoSporrigan is now known as ghost64 === davic_ is now known as davic === grimple_ is now known as grimple === genpaku_ is now known as genpaku === ace_me1 is now known as ace_me === apetresc_ is now known as apetresc === blacknred0_ is now known as blacknred0 === musician20003 is now known as musician2000 === dpb1_ is now known as dpb1 === Defcronyke` is now known as Defcronyke === StathisA_ is now known as StathisA === yena_ is now known as yena === dinosomething_ is now known as dinosomething === cydizen_ is now known as cydizen === ltrager_ is now known as ltrager === zamnedix_ is now known as zamnedix === slashd- is now known as slashd === naftulikay_ is now known as naftulikay === FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars === timeless_ is now known as timeless === dreamcat4__ is now known as dreamcat4 === merpnderp_ is now known as merpnderp === sewaddle_ is now known as sewaddle === astra_ is now known as astra === ThothCastel_ is now known as ThothCastel === rkta_ is now known as rkta === rocky_ is now known as rocky === Nizumzen_ is now known as Nizumzen === steven- is now known as steven === c0san0stra_ is now known as c0san0stra === acheronuk is now known as RikMills [09:39] how to open port 42472 in ubuntu18.04 [09:41] Anyone here with some knowledge about the mdadm size-parameter? [09:46] nanthencodeneeth, if you have UFW enabled, sudo ufw allow 42472/tcp or udp [09:46] rrrr-really easy to find [09:49] my ufw is disabled [09:49] oerheks is there any other way [09:52] err, without ufw, why would you need to open a port? [09:52] no rules = open [09:52] my knowledge about ports is zero [09:53] oreheks thanks for helping me [09:53] not sure what application needs that, is the port closed? [09:54] then your router might be the issue, add a rule from that port to your pc ip [09:56] oerheks can you please tell me how toadd a rule from that port to your pc ip [09:56] my* [09:56] nanthencodeneeth, ubuntu has all ports open by defaul so unless you changed your fw-rules that port will be open [09:57] dunno, check the manual of the router? there are tons of different router menus [09:57] oerheks i am using a vps .So i dont have access to router [09:58] vps .. then that firewall rule i gave you should work? [09:58] in that case you shouldn't even run a VPS if you have trouble witht his sort of thing [10:00] but when i checked with sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN i couldnt find anything [10:01] that only means that no application is occupying that port [10:01] what application needs this port? [10:03] ahmyth [10:04] a rat? [10:04] dude you are so far out of your depth, besides it being illegal. Here is my prediction, you will get shafted left right and center at least once [10:04] if not twice [10:05] it is set as default there so what i understood from the discussion is that when i run ahmyth and check with sudo lsof -i -P -n|grep LISTEN i should be able to see .Am i correct [10:05] a good vps has ufw enabled, else it is not ubuntu? [10:05] I am actually wondering: if it is your vps, why don't you know the OS running? [10:06] so, " sudo ufw allow 42472/tcp" does not do the trick? restart that RAT after that? [10:06] sorry when i checked now it is active [10:06] :-) [10:06] have fun! [10:08] thanks oerheks === groks is now known as xorl [10:13] Iamnewhere it is ubuntu [10:14] ubuntu 18.04 [10:15] you were completely missing my point here === varesa_ is now known as varesa [10:25] has anyone seen a problem with incrond, on a base install of 19.10, I get loads of defunct processes as "[bash] ". currently have 1057 processes, I guess that is the limit of how many it creates === lemsip is now known as emilsp === peter-bittner1 is now known as peter-bittner [11:01] Hi! I had a pretty sweet dual boot set up with ubanto and win10. Everything worked like a charm. I now had to replace MOBO and the laptop boots directly to win10. What should I do to get grub back? [11:03] MapMan: i use this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [11:03] but you should ask for other opinion [11:03] MapMan: option 2 - a live USB stick with Ubuntu on it, click the 'repair' button, done - one step, no fuss. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [11:04] MapMan: Vital: you NEED to do this from a live boot. It will not work on mounted filesystems. [11:04] ok, sounds good. Will use boot-repair, I used it before for something else. [11:04] Thanks! [11:04] it's a great tool, saves a ton of effort and fixes the simple issues. [11:05] out of curiosity, why does it boot to win 10 instead of launching grub? Only mobo changed. [11:05] MapMan: Proabably a change from BIOS to EFI or EFI to UEFI [11:05] i see [11:06] MapMan: Or a 'windows has detected the hardware has changed! We will now (without telling you) totally nuke the boot sector for your ease of use!' thing :P [11:06] Windows loves to screw up multiboot [11:07] right [11:07] it most definitely did that :P [11:11] MapMan: you could search to see how to add ubuntu to the UEFI in windows [11:28] I've been struggling with a usb stick, trying to get it to be acessible to my user. According to ls -l, it is mine. But in Thunar and when I try to send files to it, it tells me that root is still the owner. Any clues? [11:29] I've tried gpart, I've tried chown, and I've tried chmod [11:31] Anyone smarter than me? I can't imagine anyone less intelligent than I am [11:34] Hi folks [11:34] Sbur3, what filesystem is that? [11:34] hi BluesKaj [11:34] hey oerheks [11:35] oerheks: fat32 [11:36] Sbur3, oh, that is not posix, so chown and chmod has no influence [11:36] if fat32 is writable as root only, i guess take a look at 'mount'.. is it read-only? [11:37] that would explain it: errors in the filesystem, only root can override that, do a filecheck? [11:37] oerheks: do you have a command line to do that? [11:37] you've created an fstab entry for it? [11:37] fsck.vfat -n /dev/sdXY [11:38] geirha, i guess for an usb stick one does no t add it to fstab [11:38] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting [11:38] right, but if you do, you get into permission problems like this [11:38] *you can get [11:38] oerheks: Ok, but does the thing need to be unmounted first before fsck//// [11:39] yes, always unmount before fsck [11:39] +1 [11:40] oerheks: Sorry for my ignorance, but to unmount sdd, what do I do, unless I do it via gpart [11:40] fsck.vfat -n /dev/sdd1 # i guess [11:41] sudo umount /dev/sdd1 [11:42] oerheks: What do I do if the response is 0x41 Dirty bit is set ...? [11:43] run fsck? [11:44] and it would give an option; remove dirty bit ? [11:44] oerheks: I did what you gave as command line and it came back that "dirty bit is set", "fats differ" etc [11:52] oerheks: Yes, it said first that it corrected it, but then told me that it left it unchanged [11:52] that usb might be broken, though [11:53] oerheks: What is a "dirty bit"? [11:53] an error somewhere? [11:54] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_bit [11:59] oerheks: "Partition(s) 1 on /dev/sdd have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use. As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use. You should reboot now before making further changes." [11:59] oerheks: WT....? [12:06] no clue there .. [12:34] how does one properly diagnose network issues? [12:35] I have a Thinkpad running Ubuntu 18.04 which is the only device in my wireless network which sometimes has no internet connection although the wifi is stable [12:37] pagnol: have you tried connecting to your smartphone, when its set to be used as a hotspot? [12:37] yes, then it works perfectly [12:37] pagnol: see https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2354328 [12:38] pagnol: https://askubuntu.com/questions/236119/how-do-i-troubleshoot-problems-with-my-wireless-connection [12:38] pagnol: then the laptop and cell phone work fine... [12:38] pagnol: your issue is with the in building infrastructure [12:38] pagnol: which has nothing to do with ubuntu specifically [12:39] I didn't blame Ubuntu, I just came to this channel because I know from past experience there are some fine folks around here ;-) [12:40] pagnol: i know...i'm blaming your infrastructure since ubuntu wifi works "perfect" when using iphone as hotspot [12:41] ;) [12:42] pagnol: the link I posted to you has some very common troubleshooting techniques you can look over [12:44] pagnol: try the things in the links, remember it works perfectly when using the iphone as hotspot...that might save you some time and sanity when reading things to try === ztrawhcse is now known as elibrokeit [12:59] I'm so glad I found mtr [13:00] I have losses of 75% on average [13:01] hi [13:01] is there any equivalent for microsoft office on ubuntu? [13:02] enrio: do you know libreoffice? [13:02] enrio: Office 365 [13:03] pagnol: when using the iphone as hotspot? [13:04] pagnol: seems that's been the only thing you could "successfully" connect to in the first place [13:04] pagnol: right or wrong? === dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69 [13:06] no, when connecting to my tp-link access point at home initially it works and mtr shows 0% losses, but after about half a minute the losses start to increase [13:07] I tried setting the wifi powersaving setting to 2 or 1, but that doesn't seem to have any impact [13:07] when I connect to my Iphone, then there are no issues whatsoever [13:08] pagnol: oh okay...that's good to have additional details...the consistent part seems tp be using the iphone as hot spot works perfectly and using in home infrastructure is less than ideal/perfect [13:08] setting REGDOMAIN doesn't seem to have any impact either [13:08] pagnol: so you can concentrate your efforts on that "in home infrastructure" [13:09] pagnol: the hotspot doesn't need any fidgeting or mucking with stuff for the iphone as hot spot to work perfectly [13:10] pagnol: so i wouldn't expect REGDOMAIN to have any impact in your circumstance [13:11] pagnol: afterall..the iphone as hotspot doesn't need any additional mucking about in ubuntu to work perfectly [13:14] Hi, I installed anbox on ubuntu 19.10 and the lxc package was also installed as dependencies. The lxcbr0 interface was created automatically. I opened the network manager GUI and I removed the flag from "Automatic connection with priority" thinking that it was not connected at startup, but it was not so, then I found this guide on the internet but [13:14] it totally disables the lxc service " https://www.claudiokuenzler.com/blog/637/disable-autostart-lxcbr0-ubuntu-16.04-xenial ". So I tried in the file "/etc/lxc/default.conf" to modify the parameter "lxc.net.0.flags = up" in "lxc.net.0.flags = down" but it doesn't work! [13:31] Hi, I have not touched my Ubuntu 16.04 box, but /usr/sbin/sendmail seems to not be there anymore [13:32] Purging sendmail and then reinstalling does not seem to resolve. [13:39] did you reinstal sendmail, or 'mailutils'?? [13:40] which sendmail should give /usr/sbin/sendmail [13:47] aruns: were you even using sendmail to begin with? [14:23] Hi guys! I just installed Ubuntu Core 18 on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and I have some questions if anyone is available to answer? Cheers [14:25] Orcs53, fire away [14:26] waveform, Thanks for your speedy response! [14:27] Orcs53, heh - well, don't thank me yet - I'm not *that* up to speed on core 18 (yet) but it's something I'm working on [14:28] Shortly after installation the system rebooted twice in a row, about 5 minutes apart, I am not sure about the reason for the restart. Can you give any light? Also, could you point out how to view the system logs to perhaps identify system events prior to the reboot. [14:30] Orcs53, that's very likely snapd finding there's a newer kernel snap to install (which initiates a reboot) and possibly an upgraded core snap too [14:32] Orcs53, as to which logs to look ... this is where I'm not familiar enough with core; snap list and snap info will tell you what versions you've got now and which are available but there's probably something I'm missing regarding what to look at for installation history [14:32] Orcs53, ah - "snap changes" apparently [14:33] I did think this, and yes I have viewed snap changes, but with this information I can only account for one of the system restarts. [14:37] hmm, just a mo - I'll flash a card here and see what happens [14:37] Orcs53, oh, just out of interest - which arch did you install? armhf or arm64? [14:41] I flashed the image for linked for Raspberry Pi 3 on the following page https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi-2-3-core. It is the armhf image. [14:42] Orcs53, okay - I guessed it was probably that one - just booting it now [14:44] FYI here is output of "snap changes" and "uptime" https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T4fnVgs3ch/ [14:46] So, I see entry #3 refers to updates to "core18", "snapd", and "pi-kernel", so I assume these updates resulted in a reboot. [14:46] right, got the first reboot - looks like it's due to it upgrading the core18 snap from 1076 to 1291 - just waiting to see if there's a second reboot [14:46] ("sudo journalctl -f" seems to produce some useful output) [14:46] ah, there's the second reboot - that's due to the pi-kernel snap upgrading to 69 (from 45) [14:50] here's the journal output I managed to grab in between the boots: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pqhm7h8by4/ [14:50] Ok, so, you see the same behavior. The system appears stable now, uptime 1 hour and 5 minutes. [14:50] does seem like snap changes doesn't list much useful until after the core18 snap refreshes [14:51] but after that you can see the pi-kernel refresh [14:56] That's very helpful. So I assume it is what you suggested earlier, namely upgrading the kernel and core snaps which cause the restarts. [14:57] Hey everyone [14:59] Im having problems installing Ubuntu. I've done this dozens of times, but for some reason this time it's not working. I'm on my third attempt today, and they all result in the same outcome: the OS installs, I restart, log in, and it hangs there, without even loading the DE. Any insights what might be happening? [14:59] I tried first by just replacing the root partition, keeping /home there. And it didn't work. So I backed up and wiped the whole thing, but still nothing [15:00] ovrh, is the iso image corrupted? [15:01] coz_, I thoughts so too, but I verified the checksums and it was fine [15:01] ovrh, mm, and is it an hdd or ssd? [15:01] I used etcher to put it on the USB stick, twice, so I'm starting to doubt that [15:01] coz_, it's an nvme sad [15:01] *ssd [15:02] ovrh, last time I used etcher it didnt work, From which os have you created the install stick? [15:03] coz_, once from my old install of Ubuntu, and once from windows after I had erased that and it stopped working [15:04] waveform, I am also keen to install a firewall and alter the sshd_config. As for the firewall, I assume I can just install the ufw snap (shown here https://snapcraft.io/ufw). Do you know anything about changes the sshd settings? I've read the filesystem is immutable, and thus the typical, edit of /etc/ssh/sshd_config will not work in this case. [15:04] changing* [15:05] ovrh, from which system are you talking from now? [15:05] coz_, my android phone while I attempt my fourth installation [15:06] This time I'm wiping the whole disk and recreating even the swap partition from scratch [15:07] ovrh, ok lets see how that goes [15:09] I'm also trying a full install this time instead of minimal. Though I doubt that would have been the problem [15:11] Orcs53, /etc/ssh does appear to be mounted from the writeable partition so I'd guess it's editable and persistent [15:12] waveform How I inspect what is writable and what is not? [15:12] do* [15:12] Orcs53, I just ran "mount" and noted that /etc/ssh is from the second partition (which is the writeable ext4 part) [15:13] (also, not sure if related or not, but the live USB hangs every time I try to restart after the installation finishes. And I have to force shut the laptop with the physical button) [15:14] Orcs53, it's not quite as simple as "mount" makes out though - the actual partition is mounted on /writable and sub-trees from it are mounted all over the place (like /etc/ssh) [15:15] Installation finished, same outcome once again :/ [15:15] ovrh, the live usb hung again? [15:15] On the restart, yes [15:16] coz_, I'm gonna try Lili from windows this time, and ditch etcher [15:16] ovrh, this has happd to me before, let me try to remenber what I did hold on [15:16] coz_, at least I'm not alone, that's sort of comforting to know [15:19] ovrh, did you try another usb stck? [15:20] coz_, not yet actually [15:20] ovrh, I dont think that is the issue ,cant hurt to test it. Although that is not the solution as I recall [15:21] ovrh, that would be my first test nonetheless [15:21] coz_, I already made the live stick with Lili. I'm gonna test that this time and then try a different USB stick [15:23] ovrh, sounds reasonable [15:26] waveform The information from mount is useful, I'll have to look further into how the filesystem works though. FYI editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restarting the ssh service works as expected. Now I will try configure the firewall. [15:28] coz_, it hanged on restart again. [15:29] ovrh: maybe it's a graphics driver issue [15:29] what kind of card do you have and drive [15:29] *driver [15:30] I have a GeForce 1060. I tried the installation both by checking the "install third party software for WiFi etc" option, and without it, but the outcome has been the same. [15:31] BTW, same outcome: froze right after login on a black/orangeish screen with only the cursor visible [15:33] ovrh: did you try recovery mode/nomodeset? [15:34] EriC^^, I didn't, but that kinda rings a bell. I don't remember how to do it though [15:34] @waveform FYI, I installed and configured ufw and it works as expected. [15:34] Orcs53, good to hear [15:35] ovrh: press "e" in grub over ubuntu, inthe linux /boot/vmlinuz line remove "quiet splash" and put "nomodeset" and press f10 [15:35] I have a Dell XPS13 with 18.04 which keeps dropping out wifi at home, requiring me to restart before it'll work again. Wifi seems to work fine at the office. My other Dell XPS13 has 16.04 and doesn't drop out wifi anywhere. How should I fix the 18.04 one? === bynarie_ is now known as bynarie [15:37] @waveform Can you suggest any web-based system management tools, such as Landscape or Cockpit. Also noting, I'd prefer to be able to manage many devices within the web interface. [15:37] multifractal, I am not sure, but from what you described, could it be a setting in yor home router? [15:37] multifractal: Are they the same wifi chip? Some newer xps13 have a special broadcom-derived wifi chip that apparently doesn't work well with linux. [15:38] EriC^^, it worked! It didn't hang on login this time! What did that do exactly? [15:38] (and how do I make the change permanent?) [15:38] ovrh, excellent news %) [15:39] Orcs53, landscape (currently) has no support for core / snaps so that's not going to be much use (unless you prefer the classic distro) - cockpit I'm not familiar with but it looks like it's typically apt installed (which isn't going to work on core), so again it might not be that useful [15:39] ovrh: it means the problem is with the graphics, you need to see which one is recommended for your graphics card and install it [15:39] ovrh: what does "dpkg -l | grep nvidia; sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" give? [15:42] EriC^^, four lines that start with "driver" (among others), and the one recommended is "nvidia-driver-435 - distro non-free recommended" [15:42] ovrh: can you paste it in a pastebin? [15:43] EriC^^, give me a second to move to hexchat, I am typing from android atm. Brb [15:47] EriC^^, Here it is: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X8m23cT2sn/ [15:48] ovrh: try sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-435 [15:48] brb [15:50] EriC^^, installation finished. [15:52] EriC^^, out of curiosity: shouldn't the system have defaulted to using the built in intel graphics card on first install? [15:57] ovrh, EriC^^ stepped away for a bit [15:57] coz_, yes, i just wrote it there so that I don't forget. I'm not in a hurry :) === codedmart_ is now known as codedmart [15:58] ovrh, okie dokie %) [15:59] Is there a place to get debug (with symbols) versions of ubuntu packages? I have a problem with emacs dumping core, would like to get a useful stack trace. [15:59] akk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages [16:01] Thanks rbasak! [16:07] I'm having another problems now: when I try to add a ppa it times out with this error "retrieving gpg key timed out.". And the store doesn't load any app, neither in the homepage, nor by searching [16:12] That page suggests using find-dbgsym-packages after adding the debug repos and keys, but find-dbgsym-packages isn't working: ""eu-unstrip" failed to start: "No such file or directory" at /usr/bin/find-dbgsym-packages line 218." [16:15] The attached list-symbols-packages-v2.1.sh doesn't work either, "../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/pselect.c: No such file or directory." [16:15] Any other place to search to see if there are symbols available for emacs? I tried aptitude search emacs | grep -i dbg but it didn't find anything. [16:17] akk: look up the source package name, then look that up at Launchpad eg. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs -> View full publishing history -> the version -> Builds -> your architecture [16:17] You can see there all binary packages resulting for the build for that version [16:17] eg. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs/1:26.3+1-1ubuntu1/+build/17805042 [16:18] I see ddebs which should be published in the debug symbol repository from that wiki page [16:19] Nice! But I see emacs-gtk-dbgsym 1:26.3+1-1ubuntu1 ... why isn't that showing up in the aptitude search? [16:20] It's a ddeb [16:20] Did you add the ddeb repository? [16:21] Oh, I see the likely problem, I have the wrong version in the ddebs.list, user error. [16:22] Yep! Got it now. Thanks. [16:23] anyone know the deal with this and how to upgrade this package, is there two? if so how do I resolve? https://gyazo.com/63659c8881a67c184349865292833601 [16:23] find-dbgsym-packages still doesn't work, but the apt-search finds the emacs debug packages. [16:24] not sure what you mean by emacs? [16:29] ovrh, all good now? [16:31] co_not sure, I installed the drivers and I'm about to restart now. I'll try logging without the nomodeset and see what happens (unless the change was permanent) [16:33] coz_, Logged in without problems. Which means either the graphics work now, or the nomodeset change was permanent [16:34] The store still doesn't work though, and adding ppas keeps timing out, which I've never seen before [16:35] ovrh, probably the driver, but excellent news ") [16:37] coz_, Yups, that's good new. I'm gonna debug this other problem now xD [16:37] ov cool [16:37] ovrh, cool === tommy`` is now known as tr3nton === tr3nton is now known as tommy`` === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [16:46] s [16:47] Good morning all, not sure if this is the right place to ask but does anyone know if Ubuntu supports the Nvidia GRID vGPU drivers? === Moyst_ is now known as Moyst === epoll is now known as syr [17:04] S4ren: this seems to indicate yes - https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/916338/linux/nvidia-grid-1-vgpu-driver-for-ubuntu-guest-os/ [17:04] I've read that the timeout when adding ppas can be caused by port 11371 being closed on the firewall, but I'm not using a firewall. I'm running out of ideas [17:12] waveform, Can you detail how to add a user account to Ubuntu Core? I ran the command "sudo adduser name", but, I get back "groupadd: cannot lock /etc/group; try again later." blah, blah, "returned error code 10. Exiting.". Any ideas? [17:16] Thank you ducasse [17:17] Orcs53: some other program has /etc/group open, maybe sudo lsof /etc/group might show it [17:18] EriC^^, I am running Ubuntu Core 18, I just ran the suggested command, and it output "lsof: command not found". [17:19] Orcs53: oh wow, try 'ps aux | grep "/etc/group"' maybe [17:19] Orcs53: any other shells open with commands you ran earlier? [17:20] I just discovered that if I try to go to keyserver.ubuntu.com it simply doesn't load. Is that only a problem for me or is anybody else experiencing this? [17:23] EriC^^ Output: "me 2004 0.0 0.0 3860 536 pts/0 S+ 17:20 0:00 grep --color=auto /etc/group" [17:24] EriC^^ No I don't believe I have any other shells open. [17:25] Orcs53: what does "ls -l /etc/group" give? [17:26] EriC^^ Output: "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 707 Nov 26 18:46 /etc/group" [17:26] Orcs53: is the current filesystem mounted read-write? try creating something in /etc or maybe 'touch /etc/group' [17:27] EriC^^ The Core filesystem is rather different to Ubuntu Desktop/Server, some parts are immutable, some parts are writable. [17:28] Orcs53, then : attr /etc/passwd and attr /etc/shadow (probably immutable '-i') [17:28] Orcs53: i see, what's "touch /etc/group" give? [17:29] also lsattr /etc/group [17:29] Orcs53, lsattr is better [17:31] Output: "lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on /etc/group" [17:32] Orcs53: what does "mount | nc termbin.com 9999" give? [17:33] Pinging keyserver.ubuntu.com also doesn't work. But I checked with one of those services for verifying the status of website, and it says it's up. [17:34] ovrh, your isp maybe [17:34] ovrh: do other sites work? ping -c1 google.com [17:35] ioria, I'm starting to think that. Why would my isp block that though? And is there a way to verify that? [17:35] EriC^^, Yep, everything works, just that website apparently [17:35] ovrh, not sure (it has its reason) : http://www.portchecktool.com/ [17:36] ovrh, you can manually import the key, btw [17:36] ioria, Which port should I check? [17:36] 11371 [17:36] "Problem! I could not see your service on IP_ADDRESS on port (11371)." [17:36] Says it timed out [17:38] Orcs53, I'm not sure I'm afraid (about adding users to core); my general impression is that would be an odd thing to do on the platform though: Core on the pi is more of a deployment platform for applications [17:40] ovrh, if http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/ does not load in firefox , try with a freeproxy [17:40] ioria, It doesn't load in firefox and it doesn't work when I add ppas [17:41] I just changed my dns to opennic ones, but still nothing (and that usually even unlock torrent websites :|) [17:41] ovrh, try with a freeproxy : https://www.free-proxy.com/ [17:42] ioria, It loaded [17:42] ovrh, your ISP [17:43] ovrh, maybe it's temporary [17:43] ioria, And how do I work around that? I thought changing DNSes was the way to go in those cases [17:44] ovrh, as i said you can manually import the key [17:44] Hello! I have ubuntu server 18.04 running in virtual box and have created a netplan config to set up a static IP for the machine: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YwC3psxSg5/ For some reason, this results in my losing access to the internet on the guest machine - any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks :) [17:44] ovrh, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1118175/ppas-are-completely-broken-in-18-04-1-any-possible-solutions [17:44] ioria, Sure, but that won't fix the Software Centre, and I'll have to do it every time I add a ppa :/ [17:45] ovrh, software center ? [17:45] ioria, Yeah you know, gnome-software [17:45] ovrh, yes, what's the problem ? [17:46] Not sure what's the official name to be honest, it's just called "Software" in the apps list. [17:46] ioria, That doesn't work either. Doesn't load anything in homepage and doesn't find anything when I run a search [17:46] ovrh, killall gnome-software and reopen [17:47] ioria, Tried that already, same thing [17:48] ovrh, killall gnome-software and sudo apt install --reinstall software-center [17:48] ioria, Looks like this: https://imgur.com/0glWCKg [17:49] ioria, "E: Package 'software-center' has no installation candidate" There doesn't seem to be a package with that name [17:49] ovrh, killall gnome-software and sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-software [17:49] sy [17:50] ioria, Oh, tried the reinstall as well. Update the icon, but still didn't work. Just reinstalled again by copy-pasting your command, same thing [17:50] ovrh, is it a fresh install ? [17:51] ioria, Yups [17:51] ovrh, is it running atm in background ? ps -A | grep gnome-soft [17:52] ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZfkJcTQn9V/ [17:52] ovrh, killall gnome-software [17:53] ioria, now the ps is empty [17:53] ovrh, sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/gnome-software [17:53] ioria, done [17:53] ovrh, sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-software [17:55] ioria, Now open it? [17:56] ovrh, sure [17:56] ioria, Same deal :/ [17:57] ovrh, cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:57] ioria, Do you happen to know what server the store uses? So I can try to open it in firefox and see if they block that too :| [17:57] ioria, That doesn't return anything [17:58] ovrh, nope sorry .... you should have an url there [17:59] ovrh, i mean termbin.com should return an url [18:00] ubuntu arm. added /usr/lib/erlang/bin to path. erl works now. but still getting errors when running Elixir: http://ix.io/24I7 [18:00] ioria, Ah wait, I don't have that installed. 1 sec [18:00] ovrh, it's not a program [18:01] ioria, Right, I'm stupid. Doesn't return anything tho :/ [18:01] ovrh, please again : cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999 === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [18:02] ioria, If you spam it about 8 times in a row it works :| https://termbin.com/5tjy [18:07] ovrh, try to install pastebinit then; sudo apt install pastebinit [18:09] ovrh, you can paste here : cat /proc/cmdline [18:11] sounds like some internet/isp issue [18:11] ioria, You want the output of cat /proc/cmdline? [18:11] yes ... [18:11] it's in the paste [18:11] root=UUID=6b1cbe51-defe-425b-9523-645fb8386223 ro nomodeset vt.handoff=1 [18:12] ovrh: did you not reboot after installing nvidia driver yet? [18:12] ovrh, copy and paste [18:12] ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PzMrv4vsNW/ [18:13] EriC^^, I did a couple times [18:13] oh ok, the syslog paste must be cut off [18:13] ovrh, looks ok [18:14] ovrh, let's try a : sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade [18:15] ioria, I'm gonna remove the ppa that didn't work and try again because it returned a number of errors due to that missing key [18:16] ovrh, ok [18:17] ioria, alright, done. Got several warnings though [18:20] ovrh, can we see them ? [18:21] ioria, Of course: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nytQcpg3d5/ [18:22] ovrh, paste /etc/apt/sources.list [18:23] ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7NzVrDcV3p/ [18:25] ovrh, comment lines from 53 to 57 and apt update [18:27] ioria, Done, still warnings: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rpFTxrrST4/ [18:29] ovrh, paste /etc/apt/sources.list again [18:30] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RRrnK4zPM6/ ioria === nano11bravo is now known as SE7EN` [18:31] ovrh, comment line 52 [18:31] ioria, No warnings this time [18:32] ovrh, sudo apt autoclean [18:32] ioria, Done [18:32] ovrh, sudo apt clean [18:33] ioria, Also done, but no output returned [18:33] ovrh, killall gnome-software [18:33] ioria, also done [18:33] ovrh, sudo apt-get update [18:34] ioria, done as well [18:34] ovrh, start gnome-software [18:35] ioria, I really don't want to disappoint, but same stuff. Looks like this: https://imgur.com/0glWCKg [18:36] ovrh, close it , killall again and start it from terminal [18:37] ioria, I get this in the terminal: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MRT69nz7tt/ [18:37] (still doesn't work of course) [18:38] (one more line: "18:37:30:0571 Gs failed to get featured apps: no apps to show" [18:40] ovrh, ps -A | grep snap [18:40] ovrh, you can paste here [18:40] 7384 ? 00:00:30 snapd [18:41] Killall 7384? [18:41] nopr [18:41] ovrh, dpkg -l | grep gnome-software | pastebinit [18:42] ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8MQBgP5NYM/ [18:46] ovrh, sudo appstreamcli refresh --force [18:46] ioria, "AppStream cache update completed successfully." [18:46] ovrh, killall gnome-software ; gnome-software --verbose [18:47] Wow that's a lot of output [18:48] yeah [18:48] ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/d6c5Sw4kd7/ [18:49] Keeps coming of course, if you want me to wait a minute and send it again let me know [18:50] ovrh, no, you can ctrl+c it [18:50] ioria, gotcha [18:51] ovrh, killall gnome-software ; sudo rm -r /var/cache/app-info [18:51] ioria, done [18:51] ovrh, sudo appstreamcli refresh --force --verbose [18:52] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SyXSdfFw5T/ ioria [18:52] ovrh, start it from the Launcher (not from terminal) [18:52] ovrh, start gnome-software i mean [18:53] ioria, still blank [18:55] ovrh, might be a language support issue.... in what lang did yo uinstall [18:55] ? [18:56] ioria, English as a language, with italian keyboard [18:56] ovrh, it's ok [18:58] ioria, This is what it looks like in the settings https://imgur.com/Dm5XiA2 [19:01] ioria, Something happened. Killed it again and reopened it from the launcher and now the "featured applications" section is showing something [19:01] Just that tho [19:01] ovrh, a bug probably === lepusfelix is now known as luckybunny [19:04] ioria, Yeah maybe. Search still doesn't work. I guess it's a lost cause [19:05] ovrh, can yo uretry to load the ubuntu-keyserver webpage ? [19:06] keyserver.ubuntu.com [19:07] ioria, Still nothing, loads for a while and then times out. I opened a ticket with my ISP telling them that it's not acceptable. They said they'll contact me back. [19:07] I wonder if a VPN would work around this [19:08] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1563155 [19:08] Launchpad bug 1563155 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "No Application Data Found" [High,Confirmed] [19:09] ovrh, you know synaptic ? [19:10] ioria, the alternative gui software thingy? [19:10] ovrh, yes [19:10] ioria, Yups, I know as much as the next person [19:11] ovrh, you can use it in alternative [19:12] ioria, so you think this one isn't an issue with an unreachable server blocked bu isp? [19:14] ovrh, i think you have some network issue; but not sure related to gnome-software; the lastr thing we can try is to backup /usr/share/app-info/xmls/org.gnome.Software.Featured.xml [19:14] ovrh, cd /usr/share/app-info/xmls/ [19:15] ovrh, and sudo mv org.gnome.Software.Featured.xml org.gnome.Software.Featured.xml.back [19:17] ovrh, then remove .cache/gnome-software [19:18] ioria, .cache is in ~? [19:18] ovrh, yes, remove .local/share/gnome-software too [19:19] ioria, done [19:19] ovrh, killall gnome-software [19:19] ioria, done [19:19] ovrh, sudo apt purge gnome-software [19:20] ioria, also done [19:20] ovrh, sudo apt autoremove --purge [19:21] ioria, "dpkg: warning: while removing gnome-software-common, directory '/usr/share/app-info/xmls' not empty so not removed" [19:21] ok [19:21] ovrh, sudo apt install gnome-software [19:22] ioria, I'm getting errors [19:22] And now paste.ubuntu.com doesn't work as well :| [19:22] ovrh, what errors ? [19:23] ioria, trying to find a pastebin to send thme to you [19:25] ioria, I think something is going wrong. Can't open any website in firefox now, but my connection is fine :| [19:25] And it doesn't seem like it's disconnecting me from hexchat [19:26] ovrh, copy and paste the error in a text file and pipe to termbin.com : cat error.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:28] ioria, lol, I'm getting this: nc: getaddrinfo for host "termbin.com" port 9999: Name or service not known [19:28] On my phone internet works, on my gf laptop everything works. It's just my laptop o.o [19:30] ovrh, paste here the last line of the output you got before [19:30] ioria, working again! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vjrMzV4Gqk/ I'm genuinely going insane [19:31] ovrh, swtch your repos to 'us' [19:31] *switch [19:31] ioria, in the software & updates? [19:31] yes [19:31] ioria, It was on main server [19:32] i know [19:32] ioria, should have switched now [19:32] ovrh, sudo apt update [19:33] ioria, done [19:33] ovrh, sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-software [19:33] ioria, done [19:33] ovrh, no errors ? [19:34] ioria, nope, seems all good [19:34] ovrh, open gnome-software [19:34] ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tfdhBj2Zcf/ [19:34] ioria, Still blank as in the screenshot [19:35] ovrh, you know what; shutdown; reset the router and restart [19:35] ioria, lol, sounds like a plan xD [19:36] good luck [19:36] ioria, I need to go get some food first, before the place closes, sorry about it. I'll be back after dinner, in case your still around [19:36] no problem [19:36] In the meantime, thank you very much for your help. Really appreciated <3 [19:36] And coz_, EriC^^, thank you guys a lot as well <3 [19:37] you're welcm [19:44] hello [19:44] anyone around who can help me with missing wifi on a hp 840 g3? [19:44] after upgrade of ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 i have lost wifi === seere_ is now known as seere [19:46] hkais: is this an Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 [8086:24f3] ? [19:46] yes [19:46] moment let me check pciid [19:46] yes [19:47] tomreyn: can you share me your lsmod output? [19:48] hkais: mine? won't help you, i don't have this computer. this should tell you which drivers are available and were loaded: lspci -knn -d 8086:24f3 [19:50] https://pastebin.com/xmjUbSpv [19:50] looks no driver is loaded [19:50] and none was considered to match either, that's unusual. [19:51] unless you missed "k" [19:51] does lsmod list iwlwifi? [19:52] does rfkill list anything as blocked? [19:53] can I somehow limit the resources for programs like browser or so? so that not all the memoray and cpu power is taken by it? [19:53] hkais: what does modinfo -n iwlwifi report? [19:54] module not found [19:54] hkais: you'r enot running ubuntu [19:54] hehe ;-) [19:54] cat /etc/issue [19:54] Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS \n \l [19:55] and you kernel is? [19:55] please post the url returned by nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL) [19:56] cariveri: yes, but not easily; starting firefox via 'nice firefox' will cause it to use less cpu, which is easy enough; but limiting memory requires using rlimits (which only apply per-process, so aren't very useful for massively threaded things like browsers) or cgroups (which are difficult to use) -- and NOTHING handles memory allocation failures well, so you may get crazy results when it hits the limits [19:56] uname -a [19:56] Linux ntb-dp 5.0.0-37-generic #40~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 14 12:06:39 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [19:59] sarnold: let me try. :) [19:59] hkais: looks like an 18.04 LTSE kernel image. then i guess the module is just blackisted or not loaded. [19:59] what is the recommended kernel version on 18.04? [19:59] i can isntall a different one [19:59] and what kernel modules need to be instaleld on the box to have wifi? [20:00] hkais: iwlwifi should come from a corresponding linux-modules-extra-* package. [20:01] seere: no package is installed with modules-extra [20:01] funny [20:01] moment let me install it [20:01] is there a transitive package, which always install the latest version of it? [20:02] hkais: should be linux-modules-extra-5.0.0-37-generic according to your kernel version. [20:03] hkais: you must be missing package linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 - i need to leave for now, good luck. looks like seere put you on the right track. [20:03] https://pastebin.com/c8GNH0KK [20:04] getting now a error about the ehaders [20:05] hkais: install linux-headers-generic-hwe-18.04, that will pull in the correct headers as dependency [20:06] installed the headers and headers-generic => rebooting, will be back shortly [20:12] sarnold: seems to work. thanks! [20:12] cariveri: what'd you wind up doing? === seednode_ is now known as seednode [21:22] sarnold: wine + browser (video) = two useful screens ;) === gurmble is now known as grumble [21:48] Hi. Does anyone use the Dell XPS 15" laptop here with ubuntu 18.04? I'm unable to reduce the brightness. I tried the solutions on SO and askubuntu. nothing seem to work for me [21:49] any hint how to simulate a middle mouse button with the hp 840 ? (which has only two buttons)? [21:49] hkais: press both at the same time [21:49] hkais: press both together? [21:50] seere: tried it does not work [21:50] hkais: there is an option you can set in xorg.conf, but it should be on by default iirc [21:53] hkais: get a mouse with a middle button :) [21:57] bprompt: sadly i have to use the hp, before i had a thinkpad. [21:57] could not imagine that vendors are not building 3 button mouses on laptops [22:00] hkais: https://askubuntu.com/questions/53856/third-mouse-button-emulation === fructose0 is now known as fructose [22:17] Hi. Does anyone use the Dell XPS 15" laptop here with ubuntu 18.04? I'm unable to reduce the brightness. [22:18] ramsub07: does it have Intel video or hybrid graphics with Intel and Nvidia/AMD? [22:22] cariveri: aha :) [22:23] ioria, I just thought about giving a shot to using my phone's mobile data as the connection for my laptop, and guess what? The damn gnome-software works now :| it's definitely the ISP. [22:23] Any idea what urls/ips the gnome-software calls in order to work? So maybe I can open a ticket to hope and get those unlocked as well. [22:28] hkais: yeah i wish vendors would add a third button [22:28] ovrh: If you have wifi, connect the phone to wifi and see if you can use USB tether and see what happens [22:28] ovrh: iirc gnome-software shows information from apt, appstream, snapd, and (maybe?) flatpak things -- you may do better to test each of those underlying things individually to find what's not working [22:29] ovrh: eg apt update and make sure you can download OS pacakges; then snap search foo to see if you can do snap searches [22:29] ovrh: I don't know how to check appstream stuff nor flatpak stuff but surely there's ways to query those things without using the gui [22:30] jeremy31, It's what I'm using right now. With the tethering from my phone (using my phone's mobile data), the laptop works fine, keyserver.ubuntu.com works, and the store as well. PPAs work no problem. With my "landline" connection instead, all those things either don't work or have problems. [22:31] sarnold, apt update seems to work, I can install regular packages from universe apparently without problems. snapcraft.io I tested and worked, though I didn't try to install a snap (I did remove one though and it worked). Flatpack I need to test, thanks for pointing out. [22:32] ovrh: I was wondering about the phone connected by wifi to your ISP, if you just have wired access, I don't know [22:33] jeremy31, Oh. Sure I can test that. I did try to access keyserver.ubuntu.com from the phone on wifi though, and it didn't work (didn't work on my gf's laptop either). I'll give it a try, I have nothing to lose [22:49] Hi, I'm on ubuntu, and i use KDE, but I also use mysql workbench, and it doesn't save passwrod. [22:50] I forgot what package I need that's like a gtk package with security that enabled saving password in keyring/vault or gnome or something [22:50] thank you [22:52] Nyle, do you have gnome-keyring installed? [22:52] ahh that's the one [22:52] thanks [22:52] no problem [23:28] is appimage like snaps [23:28] and are there more things like snaps and appimage [23:29] yes and yes [23:30] I think appimage is more like apt's lists; but with icons, too [23:30] what are these things claled [23:30] if you were to categorize snaps, app images [23:30] self-contained program technologies? [23:31] Sandboxed apps? [23:33] the other one i was misremembering: flatpak [23:35] There's also brew (which I know nothing about, but it came up in a similar discussion on another channel).