
smoserblackboxsw: sorry. kind of confused by Odd_Bloke comments there.01:56
smoseroh. i see. you fixed.01:57
bugbuilderHi everyone! I'll be very glad if someone could give me an advise, about a weird issue that I having with a cloud-init and a packer template. When I boot the image the first time, using terraform provider openstack and libvirt for local, sometime the cloud-init doesnt start. I check the systemd and said tha the cloud-init is disable but this services was enabled in the image creation.02:08
bugbuilderThis happends randomly. Sometime the same temple provision the VM without problems.02:09
smoserbugbuilder: its probably related to ds-identify.02:09
smoserbut you should file a bug and attach cloud-init collect-logs output02:09
smoserideally inboth "good" and "bad" cases.02:10
bugbuilderyep I checked them and in the case when the cloud.init service is disable I dont have any log.02:10
bugbuilderI'm thinking to put the datasource for openstack to see if the identifier could fix it02:11
smoserrun cloud-init collect-logs02:11
smoseranad attach the output02:11
smoserit gets mroe than /var/log/cloud-init.log02:11
bugbuilderI looking on them.. Let me read them first and I coming back in a bit thank yoy smoser02:13
smosersure.then jsut file a bug. attach and you can ping me with a link here.02:13
bugbuilderI red dmesh and journal without luck.02:18
bugbuilderbut I found a problem about the DS as you said02:18
bugbuilder  datasource_list: [  ]02:19
bugbuilder  # reporting not found result. notfound=disabled.02:19
bugbuilderDo you think if I create thee datsource for openstack this problem could be disapper?02:20
smoseriits possible that if you put 'datasource_list: [OpenStack, None]' into /etc/cloud/some.cfg that it will fix the issue.02:21
bugbuilderalso which would be for local develoment02:21
smoserbut you can potentially fix the issue for other people "the right way" (tm)02:21
smoserer... help fix the issue02:21
smoserby filing a bug02:21
bugbuildersure, how I could do that.02:21
smoserby filing a bug with that info ;)02:22
bugbuilderyeah sure but I dindt know where02:22
smoseris it ubuntu ?02:22
bugbuilderlet me try the fix, I'll come with news and then I'll fill the report02:24
* smoser has to go afk02:24
smosernight night02:24
blackboxswthanks smoser. yeah I had force pushed the changes. I need to stop doing that so the PR more easily represents the fixes.03:29
smoseri think force-push to a pr is fine03:39
=== tds5 is now known as tds
mkrai_Hi I am trying to boot a baremetal server in OpenStack with two network, the provisioning is succesful but the node is not reachable. I saw that the instance folder in /var/lib/cloud was not created.07:28
mkrai_When i try to boot the same server with only network, provisioning is succesful and the node is reachable too. cloud-init does the network configuration properly.07:29
mkrai_Can someone please help me identify the problem with cloud-init or how to debug this issue?07:29
mkrai_It seems that the DataSourceConfigDrive is not known to cloud init07:33
mkrai_smoser, Hi08:02
mkrai_blackboxsw, portdirect Odd_Bloke rharper Hi, Can you please help?08:02
tribaalmkrai: most people on this chan are in US timezones. If you can prepare the following it would help them be efficient when they wake up:08:56
tribaalmkrai: run "cloud-init collect-logs" and upload the result of that command somewhere (this collects the logs as the name implies)08:56
mkraitribaal, Ok thanks I will do it now08:57
mkraitribaal, I get error when i run this command "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/log/cloud-init-output.log'"09:04
mkraiI have /var/log/cloud-init.log09:04
tribaalthat is interesting - perhaps cloud init is not actually run at boot for some reason09:14
mkraitribaal, http://paste.openstack.org/show/787707/09:38
tribaallooks like it works fine as far as I can tell09:42
tribaalI'm afraid you'll have to wait for somebody more knowledgeable than myself to come online09:43
mkrai_tribaal, np thanks for the help though :)09:43
mkrai_blackboxsw, portdirect Odd_Bloke rharper smoser Here are the logs http://paste.openstack.org/show/787707/09:44
smosermkrai__: i think you're hitting14:25
smoser https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/180136414:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1801364 in cloud-init "persisting OpenStack metadata fails" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:25
smoserso i would suggest trying https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cloud-init/el-testing/14:26
meenaGoneri: your branch is again out of synch?14:30
meenayou gotta rebase against tip14:31
GoneriI'm rebasing it14:32
Gonerithanks meena for the notice14:32
GoneriFor the record. I've tested the branch against FreeBSD-10, 11, and 12 yesterday on OpenStack. And it works just fine. I'm in the process to upload all the qcow2, if anyone wants to give them a try.14:43
Goneriit would be great if the branch could be merged. It has been here for a while, and it resolved several long standing problems.14:44
Gonerithe PR is here, https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/6114:59
meenai have tested this on hetzner, and i'm quite  happy with what it does, that is: exactly what it promises to do: it configures the network and renames the device. IPv4 only so far, but it's a start15:32
wolfiepresleyHello everyone, I have a few questions about a thing I am trying to do but due to my lack of knowledge I am struggling quite a bit. If you have 5-10 minutes it would help a lot maybe. Thank you15:39
smoserwolfiepresley: well, try to write your question15:42
smoserand if someone can answer,t hey will15:42
wolfiepresleySure :)15:43
wolfiepresleyBeen using Amazon Linux inside an AWS Workspaces.15:46
wolfiepresleycreate a bundle and assign that bundle to a new workspace.15:46
wolfiepresleyBut the whole idea is that the user should not be prompted to enter the password when he executes the command. So I had the idea to edit /etc/sudoers but when the image/workspace is being created it cleans it.15:47
wolfiepresleyWanted to add something like --  testuser ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/openvpn15:48
smoserwell, i dont knwo what is doing cleaning. but that is not somethign that cloud-init control.15:49
smosercloud-init's general goal is to not require cleaning15:49
smoseryou can absolutely use user-data to make cloud-init re-add the rules you want.15:49
wolfiepresleyI was thinking if  I can edit the cloud.cfg or cloud.cfg.d add a new file here where at the boot it adds that line to sudoers.d15:50
smoseror add systemd jobs that did it, or some other way.15:50
smoser /var/lib/cloud/per-instance/your-script.sh15:51
smoserchmod 755 that and it should get run once per instance.15:51
smoserbut if your cleaner deletes it, then there is nothing i can do.15:51
smoserbasically... you can't fight a cleaner that applies its own arbitrary rules.15:51
smoserit could just as well decide to delete things in /etc/cloud/15:52
wolfiepresleyHere is some info from AWS Workspaces custom bundle documentation15:53
wolfiepresleySeems contents from /var/lib/cloud are removed :(15:54
smoserwell, file a bug. they should not delete /var/lib/cloud/15:54
wolfiepresleyThing is this happens only when you create the image, if for e.g you have a workspace already built on top of that image/bundle it will not remove its contents.15:55
smoserall the files in that list have valid reasons to keep them.15:55
smoser /var/log/amazon/ssm15:56
smoserfunny my initials show up there.15:57
smoseranyway... you can absolutely work around their custom bundle stuff. and do whatever you want.15:57
smoserbut they can later decide to update their custom bundler and screw you15:57
smoserbut i do consider it a bug to delete15:58
smosera.) cloud-init should manage that correctly15:58
smoser (and does)15:58
smoserb.) there are interfaces with behaviors based on files in that path... so it shoudlnt get cleaned as that breaks cloud-init's promised interfaces.15:59
wolfiepresleyI am not experienced with this at all.. actually I started working on this last week and i've been reading through a lot of stuff but it's a whole mess in my head as you may have realised already. Appreciate you taking the time to write this.16:10
wolfiepresleyTo be honest i thought if I edit the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg16:11
wolfiepresleyopenvpn without the password.16:11
Odd_BlokeLooks like Travis is broken in master ATM because of tag issues.  I'm looking into it.16:15
Odd_BlokeOK, I think I've addressed it.16:18
Odd_BlokeI believe the 19.4 tag was pointing at a commit in the proposed branch, which changed when it was squashed.16:19
Odd_BlokeAnd the tag needs to be signed, AFAICT, for read-version to be happy with it, so that took a couple of iterations too.16:19
powersjOdd_Bloke, good to know - is that something we should doc?16:20
chillysurferwhy would cloud-init.service have only an After directive on systemd-networkd-wait-online.service? shouldn't that be a requirement?16:40
smoserwell, systemd-networkd-wait-online.service is obnoxious16:41
smoserwhat cloud-init wants to wait for is "all configured networking to be up".16:42
chillysurfersmoser: but we have no hard requirement for an online network then right?16:42
smoserbut what systemd-networkd-wait-online.service provides is16:42
smoser "you have network connectivity".16:42
chillysurferotherwise what is the mechanism that says "dont do cloud-init things until we are connected"16:42
smoserthe difference is that if you intentionally have no network connectivity, or you have no network devices16:42
smoserthen you will not be online, but that is sufficient for cloud-init. it does not have a requirement that there be network.16:43
chillysurfersmoser: ok so this is basically by design then, not to have a hard requirement on network connectivity?16:43
chillysurferthat answers my question16:43
chillysurferis it a weird thing and un-cloud-init-like to make that a requirement?16:43
chillysurferi don't see _why_ that would be a bad thing to modify, but curious on second opinions16:44
smoserthe use case that I think is completely valid is16:44
smoser - take ubuntu cloud image16:44
smoser - add a data disk16:44
smoser - add a NoCloud datasource16:44
smoser - userdata says to do a bunch of stuff (compile maybe) and put output on datadisk16:45
smoserno network needed, nor desired.16:45
chillysurferyeah makes sense16:45
smoserif you change that to be "you  must have network connectivity", then it doesnt work.16:45
chillysurferbecause at the moment, for instance, cloud-init does *not* require systemd-networkd.service to be up and running16:45
smoseri really thikn that what cloud-init wants is what systemd-networkd-wait-online.service should provide16:46
chillysurferand i think i have a use-case where we absolutely need networking to be up and running before running cloud-init16:46
smoserwhat does "online" even mean?  (AOL sound-bite has played ? )16:46
chillysurfersmoser: able to make network requests..? i think16:46
smoseron one network interface ? on all of them ?16:47
smoseripv4 ipv6 ?16:47
smoserits not really straight forward16:47
chillysurferright i see where you're going with that16:47
chillysurferbasically i'm working on an issue right now where systemd-networkd.service isn't up and running, and therefore we're not able to contact the cloud fabric. that's an issue (i don't know when that wouldn't be an issue for azure at least..?)16:47
smoseri am remembering things kind of fuzzy....16:47
smoserbut what cloud-init *wants* is "All configured network interfaces are up."16:48
chillysurfersmoser: where do you see that *wants* directive?16:48
smoseroh. thats more of a goal.16:49
smosernot a reall 'Wants'16:49
chillysurferbut cloud-init will continue even if network interfaces aren't up, correct?16:49
smoseryou mean if they failed ?16:50
chillysurferno not even a failure. just never started16:50
chillysurferfor instance, cloud-init will continue on it's way even if systemd-networkd.service isn't started16:51
smosercloud-init.service should not run until networking is up.16:51
chillysurfersmoser: i don't see a directive in cloud-init.service that enforces that?16:51
smoserwell,. in ubuntu, cloud-init gets that to happen via netplan apply16:51
smoserat the local time frame i think16:51
smoserthis is kind of fuzzy, and probasbly isnt perfect16:51
smoserand i think that is why we have After=systemd-networkd-wait-online.service16:52
chillysurfersmoser: what runs netplan apply?16:52
chillysurfersmoser: yeah but After isn't a requirement, only timing16:52
smosercloudinit/net/netplan.py: will call netplan generate16:54
Orion]hi I have a question about cloud-init16:54
smosersorry... i have to go. i think i've probably not been terribly helpful16:54
chillysurfersmoser: you've definitely been very helpful! thanks for the assistance16:55
Orion]I am using a VPS from a cloud provider on debian 10, and I found that the network configuration by default is /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg16:55
Orion]cloud init confuses me, I want to set up my networking to support multiple ips16:56
Orion]is it correct to think cloud init is not relevant to me, and I can remove it's configuration file and create my own16:56
meenaOdd_Bloke: i approved, but that still does nothing in github's eyes: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/120 also, your branch needs a rebase17:18
blackboxswmeena: that UI shows a nice grey ✅17:24
blackboxswthanks for the review there. I've updated the PR and waiting on CI to land17:24
wolfiepresleyIf I try to edit the cloud.cfg file and add under section -- users -- the following17:25
wolfiepresley  - name: myuser17:26
wolfiepresleysystem: false17:26
wolfiepresleyif some of those field are empty do they still need to be present?17:28
Odd_Blokepowersj: Yes, we should either doc the tagging requirement and/or adjust tooling.17:28
meenablackboxsw: it does, now at your review has landed17:28
Odd_Blokechillysurfer: AIUI, the only effect that A declaring a Requires on B has is that if A is included in boot, then B will be included as well.17:29
Odd_BlokeIf systemd-networkd-wait-online.service is relevant to cloud-init, then something else should already "Requires" it, so it's included in boot.17:30
Odd_BlokeIf nothing else in boot Requires systemd-networkd-wait-online.service then that _probably_ means that networkd isn't in use on the system, so cloud-init "Requires"ing it would be incorrect.17:30
Odd_BlokeThe Wants=systemd-networkd-wait-online.service is effectively saying "if systemd-networkd-wait-online.service is included in boot, then cloud-init should run after it", which I believe is correct.17:31
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: right exactly, but there is no Wants directive, it's `After=systemd-networkd-wait-online.service`17:32
chillysurferi would think adding in Wants=systemd-networkd-wait-online.service would be a possible fix to ensuring network is up and running for cloud-init17:32
Odd_Blokechillysurfer: Are you seeing that systemd-networkd-wait-online.service isn't running during boot?17:33
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: correct17:33
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: and i think making it a requirement might alleviate this issue17:33
chillysurferlike adding it as a Wants17:34
Odd_BlokeOK, right.17:34
Odd_BlokeI'm surprised that it isn't already included.17:34
Odd_Blokechillysurfer: What release are you looking at?17:34
chillysurferbut smoser did bring up a good point. there are cases where a network requirement is a bad thing17:35
blackboxswOrion]: depending on the cloud platform, cloud-init does support configuring multiple ip addresses and/or  multiple nics. It all depends on the metadata datasource used. Orion] if you are adding more nics on a platform that doesn't support configuring multiple IPs you could add additional nic configuration in /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-your-additional.cfg  or you can either describe your own network config in17:35
blackboxswentirty to cloud-init (and cloud-init will write it out) or you can disable cloud-init network configuration in general by adding a network: {config:disabled} in a file somewhere in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*.cfg per https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/network-config.html17:35
blackboxswhttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/120 landed thx meena17:37
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: i guess i could just add that Wants directive when i think it's necessary17:37
chillysurfermaybe not a bad idea17:37
Odd_Blokechillysurfer: Can you pastebin `systemctl status systemd-networkd-wait-online`, please?  I'm seeing it run in a lxd container locally, so I'm confused as to why it isn't running.17:39
blackboxswminor branch to validate CLA signing and fail CI with a message about reading hacking doc if the PR author hasn't already signed the CLA.17:40
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: i'll save the pastebin as it's easy to describe. it runs sometimes but takes a reboot for it to run17:41
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: here's what i'm seeing.... 1) first boot, cloud-init tries to provision with no networking as systemd-networkd is not running 2) something reboots the machine 3) networking comes up, but provisioning is already completed with errors17:41
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: so during the 1 phase above, networking just isn't up, including systemd-networkd-wait-online. and it's causing issues17:42
Odd_Blokesystemd-networkd not running sounds like something is very broken, TBH.  I'm not sure that's a cloud-init issue.17:42
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: my thoughts to remedy this include making cloud-init have a hard requirement17:42
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: no doubt, i completely agree with you. this was simply a workaround to tell cloud-init that it shouldn't run if systemd-networkd.service isn't running17:42
chillysurferit's a workaround for a much larger issue, i agree17:42
Odd_Blokechillysurfer: I guess what I'm confused about is how you've ended up with a system with this behaviour.  Because I assume this isn't an issue in the default behaviour of bionic on Azure?17:44
chillysurferOdd_Bloke: correct. custom image17:44
rharperchillysurfer: at generator time, we can't know if systemd-networkd is present; and it won't be running;  cloud-init local runs *before* networking on purpose;  I don't understand the exact scenario;  why is there no networking (missing nics?, not connected?) and how would cloud-init know that there isn't any networking available?17:51
chillysurferrharper: why is there no networking? great question. that's the root of the problem, i wanted to add a unit directive as a workaround to the problem in the interim17:53
anankeI was wondering if any of you seed cloud-init configs with packer. the goal is to customize existing AMIs and automate their build process. I can't seem to find much in terms of examples of such workflow17:53
chillysurferrharper: for some reason, networking isn't up for the 2-3 minutes on first boot so provisioning has issues. and then _something_ reboots the vm (don't know what). and then when it comes back up, networking works but provisioning is already complete (with issues)17:54
rharperchillysurfer: having a journal would be helpful17:58
rharperchillysurfer: do you want cloud-init to run17:59
rharperand without knowing why networking isn't available, it's not easy to drop-in some logic to check for such a state and have cloud-init skip running this boot17:59
chillysurferrharper: totally understand. i've combed through it pretty thoroughly. nothing that really jumps out as to why networking doesn't come up for some time17:59
rharperchillysurfer: I'm happy to look at the journal if you can share18:00
chillysurferrharper: yep totally understand18:00
chillysurferrharper: i'll have to check with a few people before i could share it, thanks for the offer!18:00
rharpersure, understood18:00
chillysurferrharper: thanks for your willingness to help! super appreciated18:00
rharperchillysurfer: I suggest adding this to the image; it dumps way more debugging for networkd18:01
chillysurferrharper: oh wow that's super helpful actually18:01
chillysurferthank you18:01
blackboxswrharper: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/123 for ubuntu/devel so I can upload to focal today if possible18:21
blackboxswthe 19.4 release18:21
blackboxswalso Travis validation of CLA is passing CI in https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/124/files18:22
blackboxswthanks for the review on ubuntu/devel smoser. True on adding RbxCloud to templates18:36
Odd_Blokeblackboxsw: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/124 reviewed19:17
Odd_Bloke28 contributors from 29 domains?19:19
Odd_Blokepowersj: rharper: blackboxsw: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/125 is the first workflow automation piece; it will auto-close PRs after 21 days of inactivity (it first marks a PR as stale after 14 days).19:33
blackboxswaddressed 12419:34
Odd_Blokepowersj: blackboxsw: meena: I've responded to the comment that you either made or reacted on: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/125#issuecomment-56719023520:03
meenaOdd_Bloke: okay, fair.20:11
blackboxswOdd_Bloke: responded with an inline question/comment. I'm +1 regardless of your stance20:11
Odd_Blokeblackboxsw: Yes, I think we do, let me update.20:12
meenarharper: would you like to take a look at this again? https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/5320:13
Odd_Blokeblackboxsw: Updated.20:17
meenablackboxsw / Odd_Bloke: would you like to take a look at this…20:17
blackboxswapproved Odd_Bloke20:18
blackboxswlooking meena20:18
* blackboxsw will run through openstack once on that changeset meena, I'm +1 otherwise, but I don't think it'll actually trigger due to our current code structure in DatasourceOpenStack20:36
blackboxswit could possibly in Hetzner.20:36
meenablackboxsw: it does; that's how i test Goneri's changeset :P20:37
blackboxswhrm, then I'll have to get through that live test to to re-educate myself about how that'd work across reboots (without cloud-init clean)20:37
blackboxswcommunity notice: Upload to Ubuntu Focal (20.04) of cloud-init 19.4 complete  [ubuntu/focal-proposed] cloud-init 19.4-1-g8c96cbc1-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)20:39
Odd_Blokepowersj: This PR brought to you by having to read the cc_ssh docs repeatedly over the past few days: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/126 :p21:09
powersjOdd_Bloke, was this from a grep on 'ssh'?21:10
Odd_Blokepowersj: `ait -s '[^-_/.a-zA-Z]ssh[^-/_a-zA-Z]' cloudinit doc/rtd`21:21
Odd_Bloke(Where `ait` is `ag --ignore tests`.)21:21
meenai keep forgetting that hetzner is overriding my system_info/distro21:38
Odd_Blokemeena: Have you attempted to escalate that with them?21:44
GoneriI've rebuilt my FreeBSD images, they go from 10 to 12: e.g: https://virt-lightning.org/images/freebsd-11/disk.qcow221:49
GoneriOdd_Bloke, you made me reconsider a lot of things in my life.21:56
meenaOdd_Bloke: nah, i have considered overriding vendor-data, however ;)22:00
meenafor one: FreeBSD doesn't need a rng seed; cuz it's got an implementation that doesn't suck22:01
meena(sorry Linux folk)22:01
meenaHowever, i don't know how to do that!22:01
* meena blames powersj 22:01
meenahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1837530 not sure if my reading comprehension is enough to get anything out of this bug report22:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1837530 in cloud-init "cloud-config in vendordata overriden by user-data" [Undecided,Expired]22:04
powersjthe merging doc needs to be updated, but I'll be honestly I don't understand it all enough to do the updates22:04
powersjgenerally user data always wins versus vendor data is about all I can somewhat intelligently say22:05
meenaso, given my vendor-data: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1855170 maybe it's enough that I say: system_info: distro: freebsd ; and be done with it22:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1855170 in cloud-init "system_info can change the distro" [Undecided,Incomplete]22:05
Odd_Blokemeena: That's certainly worth a try.22:10
Odd_BlokeIf it doesn't work, then disabling all vendor data should do it.22:10
meenaOdd_Bloke: that's not documented EITHER!22:11
meenaoh my gosh, it's like a dream22:27
meenaruncmd: section seems to have been ignored tho :(22:30
Odd_Blokemeena: `alias man=grep -R` <-- fixed the docs problem22:33
meenaOdd_Bloke: lookit, my personal wisdom is, read the source, but STILL.22:35
meenaso, almost midnight, time to give up.22:35
meenaGoneri: found a "bug"22:35
meenaGoneri: https://gist.github.com/8fb0a17238b4264cfa8a37093017c7d1 can you find it too? ;)22:36
meenaso, bed time.22:37
meenaI've commented on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/61 with my experience report ;)22:41
meenanext up, finding out why runcmd doesn't work…22:41
meenaor, sleep???22:41
meenaanyway, i'm now paying hetzner double the money for the privilege of developing cloud-init22:44
meena(almost 6€)22:44
meenawhoa, y'all have useful reviews comments! (it's much easier to give those useful reviews when you know the codebase better i guess;)22:59
Gonerimeena, I suspect the ifconfig_vtnet0 line to come from the ephemeral dhcp call23:38
Gonerimeena, could you send me the cloud metadata?23:38

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