[03:53] bloody hell: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Kubuntu-Laptop-Coming [03:55] @Sick_Rimmit [03:57] That's why this channel shouldn't be logged [03:59] there has been a press release I guess [03:59] so it's OK [03:59] too bad phoronix was first though [03:59] disagree about the logging, but we could have had a secret chan if needed [04:15] Transparency is good! [04:15] And Phoronix posts approximately 37 articles a day anyways, it's probably somewhat lost in the shuffle ;) [05:29] yep [07:39] Morning all [07:40] I've got the press pack, but it got me at 4am. I will be working on a draft post for the website today, and get a page up. [07:43] Super exciting article on Phoronix I am so delighted this is coming together. [09:22] Here are the key milestones. [09:22] Key Dates (all dates are 00:00 GMT) … 2019-12-18 Review units Ship. Announcement. Teasers are acceptable. … 2019-12-18 Unboxing videos or initial hand-on articles are welcome … 2020-01-15 We ask journalists not to publish full reviews until after this date … 2020-01-15 Pre-order site goes live with Promotional Video … 2020-02-01 General availability [15:50] https://twitter.com/kdecommunity/status/1207307298621808641 [20:33] I'm a bit worried that the guy behind the Kubuntu Focus is saying lies about battery life. [20:35] Fwd from KillYourFM: What the what??? So this just came in from the guy running the Kubuntu Focus campaign: … "Once we tuned for the graphics card, we found some surprising results. For example, battery life is better using the GPU! That makes hybrid and switchable graphics simply not worth the trouble and the system is far more stable." [20:35] Fwd from KillYourFM: There is more: … "For example, we found under some circumstances that the CPU ran far too hot and intel pstate was not working correctly, so we fixed that. And then we found the compositor was prone to crash, so we fixed that. Then sound wouldn't work, so we fixed that. The keyboard LED's needed to work. We needed a Kubuntu meta key. Battery life was initially poor so we found solutions to more than [20:35] double that. The browser needed to be optimized for GPU acceleration. And the list continues. Some issues were show stoppers, some were just polish." [20:35] That GPU claim is simply false and impossible. [20:35] Not 100% sure he means NVIDIA GPU but if he does then it's impossible. [20:41] that seemed a bit odd to me but I suppose the testers will probe that [20:42] No review units have been shipped yet [20:42] right [20:51] That's him saying it which is different then reviewers. [22:56] I also don't think he is handling the phoronix comments well. [23:09] who? [23:10] I guess I need to read those comments [23:10] sigh [23:12] Hi @Valoriez, I am just putting a post together for our website, not ready yet, but would you be able to look it over in a wee while, if I give a nudge when its ready [23:12] sure [23:16] life is too short to read phoronix comments [23:50] valorie: Truer words have perhaps never been spoken [23:52] Hi @Valoriez There are 2 posts in draft, Coming soon.. is the short intro for the front page, Kubuntu Focus is more indpeth, and is for the news section. [23:53] Once you've looked them over let me know, I will publish them, link the leading article to the indpeth news story [23:55] will look now [23:55] keithzg[m]: LOL [23:57] sick_rimmit I see no new drafts [23:58] did you save them? [23:58] Yes [23:58] hang on I will get links [23:59] https://kubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=4270&action=edit [23:59] https://kubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=4285&action=edit