
alkisgHi, is it possible to install chromium-browser without snap in 20.04? I'm guessing "no", but shouldn't at least the debian package be offered in universe?06:29
daxnot from ubuntu repositories, i have no idea whether it's a PPA somewhere (and wouldn't recommend it if it were)06:34
alkisgThank you dax; I'll search where I can file a bug report for it; I don't see any reason to block a specific debian package from reaching ubuntu users, unless it's just to force snap...06:34
daxit's deliberate behavior, and filing a bug report seems like a waste of time06:35
alkisgThe official excuse is "we don't have resources to provide security updates", but that isn't valid for packages in universe, afaik06:36
alkisgI'm not asking them to put it in main, so I think that specific concern hasn't been voiced06:36
lotuspsychjesince 19.10 chromium is a snap right?06:37
alkisgMaybe; I'm not really following non-LTS releases06:37
alkisg(heya lotuspsychje btw :))06:37
alkisgFound it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium/+bug/185559406:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1855594 in chromium (Ubuntu) "Sync chromium 78.0.3904.108-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]06:38
tarzeaudax: i'm building my own .debs of it for ubuntu meanwhile06:39
alkisgtarzeau: if you have them in a PPA, we'd prefer them to google's chrome, until this ubuntu mess gets properly resolved :)06:40
tarzeaudax: it's causing problems for computers that run the browser for days, weeks, months (with it's updates breaking running versions in memory)06:40
tarzeaualkisg: i've been reporting that since 19.04 when they started the shit06:40
alkisgI think this ^ issue is the way to go06:41
tarzeaualkisg: we use reprepro with our own webserver, so no PPA sorry06:41
lotuspsychjethere IS a 20.04 opinion going on recently, maybe we should mass vote chromium back into the repos?06:41
alkisgI've been thinking about that for months too, but today I though this solution, and someone else had thought it before me...06:41
tarzeaulotuspsychje: it's a company, they don't care06:41
alkisglotuspsychje: I certainly will; I have the voting tab open :)06:41
alkisgtarzeau: companies of course care about both users and contributors06:41
tarzeaui've been thinking to migrate our workstations back to debian because of that reason06:41
alkisgE.g. I produce a lot of software and make sure its runs fine on ubuntu; if ubuntu stops caring, then I'll stop caring too06:42
tarzeauubuntu hardly produces a lot of software, they copy packaged software from debian and rebuild it06:42
lotuspsychjealkisg: i also understand tarzeau chromium going snap for his users, isnt very convient (auto-updates)06:43
alkisgWhy would the debian package auto-update?06:43
lotuspsychjethe snap auto updates06:43
alkisgDidn't tarzeau say that he's not using the snap version?06:43
alkisgAlso, if a sysadmin installs the snap, then it autoupdates for each user separately?! 06:44
lotuspsychjeyeah i mean before it was going snap, he used the repo one for his users06:44
tarzeauwe remove snap and netplan, and gnome-software06:44
tarzeauand patch gnome-control-center06:44
alkisgYeah same here; except, using mate, so no gnome* at all06:44
alkisgI think that bug above is the correct place to focus our concern; I'll tell my users to comment there06:46
lotuspsychjegood idea06:46
tarzeaualkisg: liked (also affects me, and 1000+ users)06:47
lotuspsychjeim really a big fan of leaving the users the choice06:48
tarzeaui'm a fan of consistency, stability, and the tools one needs to get work done06:50
* alkisg sees no point in having 2 package managers06:50
alkisgIf .deb has something wrong, then work to resolve that or completely replace that06:50
tarzeaualkisg: i agree06:51
alkisgAlso I don't like the snap design, I think the deb design is a lot superior06:51
lotuspsychjei think the main goal with snaps, is they want easy maintain their software, and it doesnt react the same way as the deb ones06:52
lotuspsychjethe you get the mass complaints06:52
tarzeaui wouldn't mind if they replaced snap with spack 06:52
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* alkisg just answered the survey, noting this issue as well as others07:46
tarzeauwhat were your other issues?07:48
tarzeaualkisg: so will you stop making ltsp ppa, and only do everything with official packages? https://ltsp.org/docs/ppa/07:50
alkisgtarzeau: heh, for example another of the issues I reported was "make it easier for upstream/motu to provide backports", which is basically what I'm solving with the ppa07:50
tarzeauah it's just backports, not the recommend pkg (it's clear for debian, not so much for ubuntu)07:51
alkisgNo, the ppa won't go away, as the ltsp nature is sensitive to other package upgrades, and it needs frequent updates07:51
tarzeaubut suppose i have 20.04 (unreleased) i can go with the official package i guess07:51
alkisgOf course, and in debian bullseye too07:51
alkisgYou won't get ltsp-binaries, but you'll only lose memtest that way, nothing important07:51
alkisgExample, a systemd/netplan update made clients not work a few months ago; an ltsp update in the ppa fixed that07:52
alkisgWithout the ppa, you'd just be stuck with unbootable clients07:52
alkisg(that was for ltsp5)07:52
alkisgI might stop the ltsp ppa and switch back to only using the greek schools ppa though in the distant future, we'll see07:53
alkisg(greek schools ppa = ubuntu only, while ltsp ppa = debian too)07:53
tarzeauwhen there's no more ldm, what does it look like by default?07:53
alkisgLike normal ubuntu, e.g. gdm, lightdm...07:54
tarzeau(i haven't set up 19 yet, our apprenticeship will do with 20.04)07:54
tarzeauand rdp is also still supported and kiosk mode (autologin)?07:54
alkisgMaybe we should be talking in #ltsp about these...07:54
alkisgAutologin, yes. No screen scripts anymore; they're to be replaced by user sessions07:55
alkisgSo you can define /usr/share/xsession/something.desktop that does whatever you like07:55
tarzeauah i see, ok that's great07:55
tarzeaualkisg: are annoyed by https://popcon.ubuntu.com/ not being up to date/wrong?07:58
alkisgNah, this is opt-in, its results aren't accurate anyway07:58
alkisgI'd love to see the server stats though07:58
alkisgE.g. "how many downloads of the xxx.deb package on each update?"07:59
tarzeauit should have a big fat red blinking warning: this data is outdated, there's certainly not more i386 ubuntu users than amd6407:59
alkisgIn greece we have 10000 i386 PCs and 1000 amd64 :P08:00
alkisgE.g. school labs with ltsp and nine 64bit clients, and one 32bit, use i386 arch...08:00
tarzeauand that's debian based?09:00
tarzeauor ubuntu? (asking because of the i386 bit)09:00
alkisgMost are ubuntu so far, so up to 18.0409:01
alkisgMany schools got new computers, so for 20.04 we'll probably switch to amd6409:01
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