[00:00] 447448647582 was added by: 447448647582 [00:00] <447448647582> Hi! Are you having fun? === warren is now known as Guest78305 [02:16] Dertefter was added by: Dertefter [02:17] 👋 [02:17] Has anyone used Plank? [02:17] I need your help :) [02:17] What can I do for you? (I use Plank daily BTW) [02:18] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/RMDBXu7I/file_21047.jpg Why do i see the Plasma icon here? [02:19] Can i make it invisible? [02:19] Mmm, could you translate the text for me? [02:20] «Working environment Plasma» [02:20] @Schykle, workspace Plasma [02:22] if I understood correctly, this icon indicates that Plasma is working. But I already know that Plasma works. Can I hide this icon? [02:23] @Dertefter, Ah, right. It's possible that it might be seeing the plasma workspace as an actual X window :/ [02:23] Let me check on a way to blacklist that, one moment [02:32] =) :):P:D=D:P =D:D :> =) ;D:> :D :D:> =D ;D:D :>:D =D:) :):D :):D:)=D :> :>=D:) ;D =D :):> ;D :P :) ;D:P:):D:):) :>=) =D:>=) :D =) =):)=)=D;D:) =D :D:D =) :) =) =) :) [02:44] Via something like dconf-editor, you might be able to navigate into the Plank folder and change gsettings for entries there [02:45] Hmmmm [03:03] @Schykle [03:03] thanks for going above and beyond [03:03] plank isn't KDE software, so not really supported here [03:07] Oh, it's the least I can do. I know it's kinda an oddball considering it's pure GTK. (If it's necessary I can totally take the question in PM) [03:22] we do try to support kubuntu users here no matter what software they are running, so it's perfectly on-topic [03:28] Awesome! 😁 Much appreciated! [04:56] @user|37456, I had the same problem in Chromium. I had turned on "Use hardware acceleration when available" and it had the same effect making text unreadable. Chrome should have the same settting. See Settings —> Advanced (left menu) —> System —> "Use hardware acceleration when available". Make sure it is disabled. === Unit193 is now known as JackFrost [05:42] I did some UI changing and now my 4k monitor is not being seen. The other 1920x1080 monitor is trying to run as the 4k. Is there a config file that has that info in it? Is it possible to put it back to pre-me from the cli? I got in as single use root, but that's it. [07:29] @tatt2ed, You can try reseting the deskotp. See https://www.lifewire.com/kubuntu-p2-2202573 [08:54] Johnny Celi Qweccy was added by: Johnny Celi Qweccy [08:54] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aatYQSoeezk [08:56] @RikMills @ahoneybun @Valoriez === wolf is now known as Guest24105 [09:14] rikimaza was added by: rikimaza [09:19] @RikMills Update on the libre office theming issue: It happens not only on a minimal install, but also on a normal install. After installing vanilla Kubuntu 18.04.3, Libre Office looks fine. I change to breeze dark in the system settings. Then I add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports and ppa:libreoffice/ppa. I sudo apt update and then sudo apt upgrade. Still Libre office looks fine. Konsole tells me that 24 packages belonging [09:19] to libreoffice and one to ktorrent need upgrading. A new sudo apt upgrade leaves them untouched. Discover however upgrades them. After that Libreoffice looks like that: [09:20] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/vIZzLFg9/file_21051.jpg [09:20] This time breeze dark is at least recognized to be there. But it does not seem to be applied. [09:21] Out of curiosity, what is the exact package name you use when installing LibreOffice? [09:21] IIRC there are a few; `libreoffice` `libreoffice-kde` `libreoffice-gtk`, etc. [09:21] And Kate is still forgetting the theme I set after each reboot. [09:21] @Linuxophil, Oh O_O [09:22] @Schykle, I use the Libre office that is preinstalled in the full install of Kubuntu 18.04.3 . Just added the libreoffice ppa and updated and then upgraded. [09:23] One big difference to my other (well functioning) installs: I use the disk encryption that is offered in the installer of Kubuntu 18.04.3. [09:24] Which libreoffice ppa? [09:27] see above in my little writeup: "Then I add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports and ppa:libreoffice/ppa." [09:27] then sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade [09:27] and then one final upgrade via discover because it wants it. 😉 [09:27] And then it breaks. [09:28] The libreoffice version that is now running is: Version: [09:29] Because discover is removing libreoffice-kde4 package [09:29] Oh. [09:29] Why? [09:29] And how can I prevent it from doing this? [09:30] It needs to, but it should replace it with the qt5 one. That is a backport bug that should be reported to the PPA maintainers [09:30] @RikMills, I will gladly do that! [09:30] Any pointers on how to do it? [09:30] On github, I assume? [09:31] Why github? [09:32] I have never reported a bug. It is just an assumption. But now that I think about it, launchpad is more probable, right? [09:34] yes. not sure where though. let me ask [09:35] Thanks! And let me tell you again that I am really superhappy about all your work on and around Kubuntu! [09:36] I have just looked around a bit after upgrading the SSD in my laptop and installed loads of other distros. None even comes close to Kubuntu for me! [09:36] Great job all of you Kubuntu team! [09:36] @RikMills, I would assume the same. AFAIK it's kinda industry standard, right? [09:37] @Schykle, But it's a ppa and ppas are hosted on launchpad. So it would be an even more logical assumption to report is there. 😊 [09:37] The guy I need to ask is not on IRC this morning. I will try to catch him later. It could well be that the bug needs fixing in Focal 20.04 libreoffice anyway. [09:38] @RikMills, Cool! Thanks so much! [09:38] @Linuxophil, I suppose if it's packaging-related, yeah that makes sense. [09:38] @Schykle, It's Ubuntu. Our bugtracker is on launchpad. [09:38] Yep, it IS packaging for this. [09:40] apt needs to know that you should replace the old kde/kde4 front end packages withe the -qt5 one [09:41] would have been cuaght when we start testing bionic -> focal upgrades but earier is better :) [09:41] Hurra! I contributed! (a little!) 😉 [09:43] @RikMills, And the issue of Kate forgetting the theme I set after each reboot? Can that be related to me using the encryption in the Kubuntu installer for the first time? [10:06] Can't see how it could be. Have you a pic of that? [10:10] Sure! However, I don't think in this case it would be helpful. It is really just "forgetting" me setting the theme to "breeze dark" after the reboot. [10:11] After a reboot: [10:11] (Photo, 770x611) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/7GOCWyiX/file_21052.jpg [10:12] after setting it to breeze dark: [10:12] (Photo, 770x611) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/rK0Sk096/file_21053.jpg [10:12] now rebooting... [10:13] After reboot: [10:13] (Photo, 770x611) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/D6i9Cp00/file_21054.jpg [10:14] The encryption is the only thing I can think of that is substancially different from my desktop. [10:16] And on the desktop as well as on the Kubuntu install on the same laptop (then without encrytion) everything works/worked fine. [10:17] Moana Kishor was added by: Moana Kishor [10:17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cznoZghf_64 [10:18] @RikMills SPAM above? [10:19] Oh, the internal theme [10:19] yes. keeps me from beeing blinded by the light. 😉 [10:24] Everything else would be inconsistent since I use breeze dark all over the system. === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [11:05] Hi Kubuntu team,I want to use DigiKam,so I open terminal and type"apt install digikam",But it says can't find this APP. why? how to get it? thanks team(I am using Kubuntu 20.04 LTS daily) [11:12] !info digikam [11:12] digikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.6.0-0ubuntu10 (bionic), package size 64 kB, installed size 1831 kB [11:12] it is in universe [11:14] I know it is in universe repo. I mean, when I am using older version Kubuntu(such as 19.10 18.04.3LTS),it can be installed. [11:14] But it might be deleted in Kubuntu 20.04?? [11:15] oh, 20.04 is in alfa/beta state [11:15] ask in #ubuntu+1, untill release [11:16] or install the snap? [11:24] I have downloaded digiKam AppImage from its official website.It works well. [11:25] @WZY, Tried the appimage? [11:26] Md Mehbub Mendoza Gómez was added by: Md Mehbub Mendoza Gómez [11:26] https://bit.ly/38WktOL [11:26] Md Mehbub Mendoza Gómez please do not spam on #freenode [11:26] creep [11:27] oh, wait, i block IrcsomeBot again, bye! [11:33] @RikMills Same spam again. [13:04] digikam was removed from focal as it failed to build with, and so blocked, new opencv [13:05] if the debian maintainer packages a compatible version, it will come back [13:49] Hi folks [15:37] Hi BluesKaj! === luca__ is now known as luc4 [16:10] Hey === aaron is now known as Guest62787 [17:34] test [19:19] Hello Ladies [19:19] Not so pseudo quasi anything am I? [19:27] @me Win was added by: @me Win [19:27] <@me Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HCr335VWuA [19:38] @@me Win, Lol deleted Account [21:01] Beric L'effet Kamto was added by: Beric L'effet Kamto [21:01] http://y2u.be/zrzLh2geQ4k [22:46] Hi everyone. I'm newbie [22:46] i just installed kubuntu. My touchpad click not functioning [22:47] ***** silence ****** [22:48] viewer|44: hmmmmm what machine type? I mean, must be drivers I'd assume, mind you that I have a working touchpad and don't care, mouse is far more flexible and accurate :) [22:49] is good to have it, but touchpad sensitivity can be a hassle, specially when it gets in the way when typing on the keyboard [22:54] dell inspiron 5567 [22:54] Probably one of those troublesome Elantech [22:55] kubuntu 18.04.3 lts [22:57] Hm, Shenzhen Goodix, apparently https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/201606-22425 [22:58] My lap shipped with ubuntu 16.04 LTS , So I hope no issue in hardware [22:59] hmmm [22:59] Was it a System76 machine? [23:00] viewer|44: I run kubuntu 16.04, but this one is an HP, touchpad works, I just have no use for it, I've always use a mouse [23:00] ( because System76 sometimes have their own special drivers aside from the regular ones for systems they sell ) [23:01] viewer|44: you can always try checking for new or even backport drivers for the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package [23:01] All are latest version [23:22] Ah, they left. Found https://launchpad.net/~system76-dev/+archive/ubuntu/stable